26 research outputs found

    The TNFR Wengen regulates the FGF pathway by an unconventional mechanism

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    Unveiling the molecular mechanisms of receptor activation has led to much understanding of development as well as the identification of important drug targets. We use the Drosophila tracheal system to study the activity of two families of widely used and conserved receptors, the TNFRs and the RTK-FGFRs. Breathless, an FGFR, controls the program of differentiation of the tracheal terminal cells in response to ligand activation. Here we identify a role for Wengen, a TNFR, in repressing the terminal cell program by regulating the MAPK pathway downstream of Breathless. We find that Wengen acts independently of both its canonical ligand and downstream pathway genes. Wengen does not stably localise at the membrane and is instead internalised-a trafficking that seems essential for activity. We show that Breathless and Wengen colocalise in intracellular vesicles and form a complex. Furthermore, Wengen regulates Breathless accumulation, possibly regulating Breathless trafficking and degradation. We propose that, in the tracheal context, Wengen interacts with Breathless to regulate its activity, and suggest that such unconventional mechanism, involving binding by TNFRs to unrelated proteins, may be a general strategy of TNFRs.© 2023. Springer Nature Limited

    Structure of the N-terminal domain of the protein Expansion: an 'Expansion' to the Smad MH2 fold

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    Gene-expression changes observed in Drosophila embryos after inducing the transcription factor Tramtrack led to the identification of the protein Expansion. Expansion contains an N-terminal domain similar in sequence to the MH2 domain characteristic of Smad proteins, which are the central mediators of the effects of the TGF- signalling pathway. Apart from Smads and Expansion, no other type of protein belonging to the known kingdoms of life contains MH2 domains. To compare the Expansion and Smad MH2 domains, the crystal structure of the Expansion domain was determined at 1.6 A˚ resolution, the first structure of a non-Smad MH2 domain to be characterized to date. The structure displays the main features of the canonical MH2 fold with two main differences: the addition of an -helical region and the remodelling of a protein-interaction site that is conserved in the MH2 domain of Smads. Owing to these differences, to the new domain was referred to as N-MH2. Despite the presence of the N-MH2 domain, Expansion does not participate in TGF- signalling; instead, it is required for other activities specific to the protostome phyla. Based on the structural similarities to the MH2 fold, it is proposed that the N-MH2 domain should be classified as a new member of the Smad/FHA superfamily. 1

    A Systematic Screen for Tube Morphogenesis and Branching Genes in the Drosophila Tracheal System

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    Many signaling proteins and transcription factors that induce and pattern organs have been identified, but relatively few of the downstream effectors that execute morphogenesis programs. Because such morphogenesis genes may function in many organs and developmental processes, mutations in them are expected to be pleiotropic and hence ignored or discarded in most standard genetic screens. Here we describe a systematic screen designed to identify all Drosophila third chromosome genes (∼40% of the genome) that function in development of the tracheal system, a tubular respiratory organ that provides a paradigm for branching morphogenesis. To identify potentially pleiotropic morphogenesis genes, the screen included analysis of marked clones of homozygous mutant tracheal cells in heterozygous animals, plus a secondary screen to exclude mutations in general “house-keeping” genes. From a collection including more than 5,000 lethal mutations, we identified 133 mutations representing ∼70 or more genes that subdivide the tracheal terminal branching program into six genetically separable steps, a previously established cell specification step plus five major morphogenesis and maturation steps: branching, growth, tubulogenesis, gas-filling, and maintenance. Molecular identification of 14 of the 70 genes demonstrates that they include six previously known tracheal genes, each with a novel function revealed by clonal analysis, and two well-known growth suppressors that establish an integral role for cell growth control in branching morphogenesis. The rest are new tracheal genes that function in morphogenesis and maturation, many through cytoskeletal and secretory pathways. The results suggest systematic genetic screens that include clonal analysis can elucidate the full organogenesis program and that over 200 patterning and morphogenesis genes are required to build even a relatively simple organ such as the Drosophila tracheal system

    A dynamic interplay between chitin synthase and the proteins Expansion/Rebuf reveals that chitin polymerisation and translocation are uncoupled in Drosophila.

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    Chitin is a highly abundant polymer in nature and a principal component of apical extracellular matrices in insects. In addition, chitin has proved to be an excellent biomaterial with multiple applications. In spite of its importance, the molecular mechanisms of chitin biosynthesis and chitin structural diversity are not fully elucidated yet. To investigate these issues, we use Drosophila as a model. We previously showed that chitin deposition in ectodermal tissues requires the concomitant activities of the chitin synthase enzyme Kkv and the functionally interchangeable proteins Exp and Reb. Exp/Reb are conserved proteins, but their mechanism of activity during chitin deposition has not been elucidated yet. Here, we carry out a cellular and molecular analysis of chitin deposition, and we show that chitin polymerisation and chitin translocation to the extracellular space are uncoupled. We find that Kkv activity in chitin translocation, but not in polymerisation, requires the activity of Exp/Reb, and in particular of its conserved Nα-MH2 domain. The activity of Kkv in chitin polymerisation and translocation correlate with Kkv subcellular localisation, and in absence of Kkv-mediated extracellular chitin deposition, chitin accumulates intracellularly as membrane-less punctae. Unexpectedly, we find that although Kkv and Exp/Reb display largely complementary patterns at the apical domain, Exp/Reb activity nonetheless regulates the topological distribution of Kkv at the apical membrane. We propose a model in which Exp/Reb regulate the organisation of Kkv complexes at the apical membrane, which, in turn, regulates the function of Kkv in extracellular chitin translocation

    The emergence of shape: notions from the study of the Drosophila tracheal system

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    The generation of bodies and body parts with specific shapes and sizes has been a longstanding issue in biology. Morphogenesis in general and organogenesis in particular are complex events that involve global changes in cell populations in terms of their proliferation, migration, differentiation and shape. Recent studies have begun to address how these synchronized changes are controlled by the genes that specify cell fate and by the ability of cells to respond to extracellular cues. In particular, a notable shift in this research has occurred owing to the ability to address these issues in the context of the whole organism. For such studies, the Drosophila tracheal system has proven to be a particularly appropriate model. Here, my aim is to highlight some ideas that have arisen through our studies, and those from other groups, of Drosophila tracheal development. Rather than providing an objective review of the features of tracheal development, I intend to discuss some selected notions that I think are relevant to the question of shape generation