8,991 research outputs found

    Top physic results from ATLAS and CMS

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    In this paper a summary of some of the latest and most precise measurements in the top quark physics field performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments are presented. These include the most precise measurements for t¯t and single top cross-section as well as for the top mass, but also various measurements of top production and decay. Higgs and New Physics searches in the top quark Sector are not reported here

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome Management in Delivery Room

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    The proper management of respiratory distress syndrome in the delivery room is a crucial step in the transition to extrauterine life, especially for preterm infants. In fact, it has been widely established that the optimization of the cardiovascular and the respiratory changes, which normally happen as soon as a term healthy baby is delivered, can have long-term effects. For this reason, every clinician approaching the delivery room should be aware of the consequences an inappropriate management could lead to and should know how to perform a proper resuscitation, using, where available, the most recent techniques. Regardless of the level of care provided by the hospital, there are some key interventions, which can be applied easily in every setting and are of crucial importance. In this chapter, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the most relevant measures to manage respiratory distress syndrome from the delivery room, starting from an explanation of the disease and moving toward the most recent evidence, from the basic concepts to the most advanced techniques to monitor fetal-neonatal transition

    The role of the single interchains disulfide bond in tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins and the development of antitetanus and antibotulism drugs

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    A large number of bacterial toxins consist of active and cell binding protomers linked by an interchain disulfide bridge. The largest family of such disulfide-bridged exotoxins is that of the clostridial neurotoxins that consist of two chains and comprise the tetanus neurotoxins causing tetanus and the botulinum neurotoxins causing botulism. Reduction of the interchain disulfide abolishes toxicity, and we discuss the experiments that revealed the role of this structural element in neuronal intoxication. The redox couple thioredoxin reductase-thioredoxin (TrxR-Trx) was identified as the responsible for reduction of this disulfide occurring on the cytosolic surface of synaptic vesicles. We then discuss the very relevant finding that drugs that inhibit TrxR-Trx also prevent botulism. On this basis, we propose that ebselen and PX-12, two TrxR-Trx specific drugs previously used in clinical trials in humans, satisfy all the requirements for clinical tests aiming at evaluating their capacity to effectively counteract human and animal botulism arising from intestinal toxaemias such as infant botulism

    Nowhere and everywhere: Navigating gendered urban spaces in Haruki Murakami’s After Dark

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    Nowhere and everywhere: Navigating gendered urban spaces in Haruki Murakami’s After DarkUrban space has been one of the most underexplored elements analyzed in literary works. However, as urban space gradually emerges as a culturally influencing element, a casual perusal of any text that employs urban space might result in an oversimplified analysis. This study examines the urban space of After Dark (2004), authored by Japanese writer Haruki Murakami (b. 1949). Accounting for the ways urban space is interwoven with the socio-cultural context, this study establishes a spatial reading of Murakami’s After Dark through the description of the city. With a poststructuralist approach, this study discusses how urban space is utilized and how it serves as an important part of the text instead of a mere backdrop; it reinforces the possibilities of setting as a thematic approach to major issues such as self-identity and the marginalization of women. As it is concluded, the urban space the novel presents have succeeded to show that they form, to some extent, women’s behaviours both directly and indirectly. Hence, the setting may present the main theme further analysed.Keywords: urban space, spatiality, women, self-identity, marginalizationTak di sana dan di mana pun: Menavigasi ruang kota bergender pada novel After Dark karya Haruki MurakamiSelama ini ruang urban masih menjadi unsur yang paling kurang digali dalam menganalisis karya sastra. Namun demikian, seiring dengan kenyataan bahwa ruang urban lambat-laun hadir sebagai unsur yang secara kultural berpengaruh, kajian kasual mengenai suatu teks yang memanfaatkan ruang urban mungkin justru menghasilkan analisis yang terlalu sederhana. Kajian ini menelisik ruang urban After Dark (2004), hasil karya pengarang Jepang, Haruki Murakami (lahir 1949). Dengan berpusat pada cara-cara ruang urban berjalin berkelindan dengan kontek sosio-budaya, kajian ini menghadirkan pembacaan ruang terhadap karya Murakami yang berjudul After Dark melalui deskripsi tentang kota yang digunakan sebagai latar. Dengan pendekatan pascastruktural, kajian ini membahas bagaimana ruang urban dimanfaatkan serta bagaimana hal tersebut menjadi bagian penting dari teks dan bukan hanya sekadar latar belakang; hal ini mendorong hadirnya kemungkinan latar sebagai subjek tematik untuk membahas isu-isu besar seperti identitas diri dan marjinalisasi perempuan. Sebagaimana yang diperoleh di kesimpulan, ruang urban yang ditampilkan dalam novel ini telah berhasil menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk membentuk perilaku tokoh-tokoh wanitanya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dengan demikian, latar tempat dapat menunjukkan tema utama sebuah karya yang layak diteliti lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: ruang urban, spatialitas, perempuan, identitas-diri, marjinalisas

    Recent developments in particle-based method for simulation of explosive blast

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    To support simulations of blast loading from explosives using the Material Point Method (MPM), preliminary studies of gas expansion in MPM using the recently developed Convected Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI) integrator, as well as established integrators based on the Generalized Interpolation Material Point (GIMP) method, show that prevailing algorithms for updating the deformation gradient produce results that are often grossly inconsistent with the update of the particle positions. Mapping of velocity to boundary background nodes is analyzed and demonstrated to induce large errors in problems involving large velocities and rapidly changing velocity gradients (common in blast and penetration applications). The error in the velocity cascades to ultimately corrupt other variables, especially the velocity gradient and stress on which it depends. A well-respected code verification process (the method of manufactured solutions) is used to quantify the errors in the update of variables in the MPM using the CPDI interpolator. Different methods based on linear extrapolation were tested for their potential to improve the mapping of the large-deformation velocity fields in blast and penetration, but with only isolated successes in some cases that often worsened results in other cases

    Building granite characterisation, construction phases, mason’s marks and glyptography of Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe Church, Mouçós e Lamares, Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion

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    The Romanesque church of Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe of Mouçós e Lamares is located in Vila Real (North of Portugal). The exterior part of its nave is preserved almost unaltered. Most of the granite ashlars and corbels that make up this church have a mason’s mark in the centre of their faces. The building granites (Sanguinhedo and Vale das Gatas) have been identified and characterised petrographically and petrophysically. The mason’s marks have been as well identified; all the ashlars with visible mason’s marks have been mapped, and a glyptographic study has been carried out. In addition, the surface roughness of ashlars was measured. All these analyses have made it possible to locate the main historical quarry, to calculate the number of stonemasons who worked in the construction of the church, and to determine its construction phases. There are eight main types of mason’s marks on the nave façades. The quarrymen extracted the main building granite (Sanguinhedo granite) from the same quarry, or from nearby quarries. Although the most experienced stonemason has been identified, most stonemasons worked as a team during all construction phases of the church. Techniques such as petrography, ultrasonic P wave velocity, colourimetry, roughness and the determination of hydric properties will guarantee the quality and durability of the heritage stone for restorations. In addition, the glyptographic analysis revealed important historical and ethnographic findings that will be very useful for the appreciation of the monument. Therefore, the knowledge of built heritage, such as mason’s marks contribute to the conservation of historical quarries and traditions, as well as help understand the close cultural association societies have had with heritage stones. In this way, the scientific corpus of historical-cultural heritage can face for the development of tourism in Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion in a long-lasting sustainable way.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A CXCR4 receptor agonist strongly stimulates axonal regeneration after damage

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    Objective: To test whether the signaling axis CXCL12\u3b1-CXCR4 is activated upon crush/cut of the sciatic nerve and to test the activity of NUCC-390, a new CXCR4 agonist, in promoting nerve recovery from damage. Methods: The sciatic nerve was either crushed or cut. Expression and localization of CXCL12\u3b1 and CXCR4 were evaluated by imaging with specific antibodies. Their functional involvement in nerve regeneration was determined by antibody-neutralization of CXCL12\u3b1, and by the CXCR4 specific antagonist AMD3100, using as quantitative read-out the compound muscle action potential (CMAP). NUCC-390 activity on nerve regeneration was determined by imaging and CMAP recordings. Results: CXCR4 is expressed at the injury site within the axonal compartment, whilst its ligand CXCL12\u3b1 is expressed in Schwann cells. The CXCL12\u3b1-CXCR4 axis is involved in the recovery of neurotransmission of the injured nerve. More importantly, the small molecule NUCC-390 is a strong promoter of the functional and anatomical recovery of the nerve, by acting very similarly to CXCL12\u3b1. This pharmacological action is due to the capability of NUCC-390 to foster elongation of motor neuron axons both in vitro and in vivo. Interpretation: Imaging and electrophysiological data provide novel and compelling evidence that the CXCL12\u3b1-CXCR4 axis is involved in sciatic nerve repair after crush/cut. This makes NUCC-390 a strong candidate molecule to stimulate nerve repair by promoting axonal elongation. We propose this molecule to be tested in other models of neuronal damage, to lay the basis for clinical trials on the efficacy of NUCC-390 in peripheral nerve repair in humans

    Impact of Physical Exercise on Melanoma Hallmarks: Current Status of Preclinical and Clinical Research

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    In recent years, accumulating evidence from preclinical and clinical studies consistently indicated that physical activity/exercise plays a crucial role in reducing the incidence and recurrence of various malignancies, by exerting a beneficial modulation of cancer hallmarks. moreover, physical activity is suggested to attenuate certain adverse effects of anticancer therapy, including the reduction of cardiovascular toxicity and symptoms related to depression and anxiety, among others, while preserving muscular strength. In the case of melanoma, the relationship with physical activity has been critically debated. historically, several cohort studies and meta-analyses reported a positive association between physical activity/exercise and melanoma risk. this association was primarily attributed to outdoor activities that may expose the skin to UV radiation, a well-known risk factor for melanocyte transformation. However, more recent evidence does not support such association and recognizes physical activity/exercise role in both melanoma prevention and progression. nevertheless, sun protection is recommended during outdoor training to minimize UV radiation exposure. this narrative review summarizes preclinical and clinical data about physical activity effects on melanoma hallmarks. Specifically, experimental evidence is reported concerning (i) invasion and metastasis, (ii) reprogramming of energy metabolism, (iii) angiogenesis, (iv) resistance to cell death, (v) evasion from immune destruction, and (vi) tumor-promoting inflammation