191 research outputs found

    Investigating the balance between goal-directed and habitual control in experimental and real-life settings

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    Do people differ in their propensity to form habits? The current study related individual differences in habitual performance on the slips-of-action task to habit formation in real life. To this end, we developed a novel key-cover procedure that controls for the amount of repetition and motivation within a naturalistic setting. Participants received a key cover for the key to their home, which after several weeks was switched with a key cover that was previously attached to a dummy key. Participants recorded effort, time, attention, and mistakes in the key-selection process. Results were in line with established properties of habits, as attention decreased in the learning phase, yet effort, time, and mistakes increased after the key-cover switch. Performance on the slips-of-action task correlated negatively with changes in attention in the real-life key-cover task. This negative correlation may reflect that flexible behavioral adjustment requires more attention in people with a relatively weak goal-directed system

    Pitfalls in the diagnostic evaluation of subacute combined degeneration

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    We report a case of a 43-year-old man presenting with a 2-week history of painless ascending sensory disturbances, suspected to be suffering from acute inflammatory polyneuropathy. On clinical examination, deep tendon reflexes were preserved and muscle strength was 5/5 everywhere. Gait was ataxic with positive Romberg test. Lumbar puncture was normal and electroneurography demonstrated demyelination. With spinal cord involvement centred on the posterior tracts on MRI, differential diagnosis focused on cobalamin deficiency. Initial laboratory work up showed nearly normal holotranscobalamin (43 pmol/L, normal>50) suggesting no vitamin B12 deficiency. Surprisingly, further testing including methylmalonic acid (3732 nmol/L, normal<271) and homocysteine (48.5 µmol/L, normal<10) showed an impairment of vitamin B12-dependent metabolism leading to the diagnosis of subacute combined degeneration. Only after repeated history taking did the patient remember having taken tablets containing cobalamin for 3 days before hospitalisation. In case of B12 deficiency, holotranscobalamin can rapidly normalise during supplementation, whereas methylmalonic acid and homocysteine might help to detect B12 deficiency in patients who recently started supplementation

    The presence of oligoclonal IgG bands in human CSF during the course of neurological diseases

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    The analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an important tool for the diagnosis of neurological diseases. However, there is limited knowledge about the representativity of a single oligoclonal band (OCB) analysis for a neurological disease during its clinical course. In this study, we analyzed the presence of OCB in the CSF of patients who underwent lumbar puncture more than once. We retrospectively analyzed anonymized data from serial 17,002 CSF analyses done in the CSF laboratory of the Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich. We included cases with documented diagnosis in whom OCB were determined more than once. We included 144 patients. The median time span between the first and second OCB analysis was 274days (range, 1-3,533days). The result of the second OCB analysis was identical in 109 cases, and different in 35 (24%). Twenty-five patients acquired and ten patients lost OCB over time. Three of 24 MS patients did not show OCB at the first CSF analysis, but in the second. In the entire group, newly occurring OCB were often associated with new symptoms or occurred after the acute phase of CNS infectious diseases, supposedly as a consequence of the immune reaction. A loss of OCB was often associated with remissions from diseases, e.g., during effective treatment. In patients with neurological diseases, both initially positive and negative OCB results may change over time, which often parallels the clinical condition. Such variability must be taken into account for the interpretation of OCB results

    Determinants of the essential one-carbon metabolism metabolites, homocysteine, S-adenosylmethionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine and folate, in cerebrospinal fluid

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    Background: Disturbances in the levels of one-carbon (1C) metabolism metabolites have been associated with a wide variety of neuropsychiatric diseases. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of homocysteine (Hcy) and the other 1C metabolites, nor their interrelatedness and putative determinants, have been studied extensively in a healthy population. Methods: Plasma and CSF samples from 100 individuals free from neuropsychiatric diseases were analyzed (55 male, 45 female; age 50±17 years). In blood, we measured plasma Hcy, serum folate and serum vitamin B12. In CSF, we measured total Hcy, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methylTHF). Highly selective analytical methods like liquid chromatography combined with either mass spectrometry or fluorescence detection were used. Results: CSF Hcy was inversely correlated with CSF 5-methylTHF and positively with plasma Hcy, independent of serum folate status. CSF SAH correlated with age, lower CSF 5-methylTHF and higher CSF Hcy. CSF 5-methylTHF showed independent negative correlations with age and positive correlations with serum folate. CSF SAM did not correlate with any of the 1C metabolites. Conclusions: Aging is characterized by a reduction in CSF 5-methylTHF levels and increased CSF levels of the potentially neurotoxic transmethylation inhibitor SAH. CSF 5-methylTHF, which is itself determined in part by systemic folate status, is a powerful independent determinant of CSF levels of Hcy and SA

    Methionine Adenosyltransferase I/III Deficiency in Portugal: High Frequency of a Dominantly Inherited Form in a Small Area of Douro High Lands

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    Methionine adenosyltransferase deficienc(MAT I/III deficiency) is an inborn error of metabolism resulting in isolated hypermethioninemia, and usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, although a dominant form has been reported in several families. During the last 6 years, approximately 520,000 newborns were screened in the Portuguese Newborn Screening Laboratory by MS/MS, and 21 cases of persistent hypermethioninemia were found. One case was confirmed to be a deficiency of cystathionine b-synthase and 20 cases were confirmed by MAT1A gene analysis to have an elevation of methionine due to MAT I/III deficiency, which indicates an incidence for this condition of 1/26,000. Twelve of the MAT I/III deficient newborns, belonging to 11 families, were identified in the northern region of Portugal and sent to the same treatment center, where they are under follow-up. Clinical, biochemical, and genetic characteristics of individuals from these 11 families are presented. Plasma methionine and homocysteine concentrations were found to be moderately increased in all newborns, and molecular analysis revealed that they all were heterozygous for R264H mutation. Normal growth,development, and neurological examination were observed in all cases, and cerebral MRI performed in six cases revealed myelination abnormalities in one case. Plasma methionine concentration for all 12 cases was always below 300 mM, and they are all on a normal diet for their age

    Vascular presentation of cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency in adulthood

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    Several recent studies describing a solely vascular presentation of cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) deficiency in adulthood prompted us to analyze the frequency of patients manifesting with vascular complications in the Czech Republic. Between 1980 and 2009, a total of 20 Czech patients with CBS deficiency have been diagnosed yielding an incidence of 1:311,000. These patients were divided into three groups based on symptoms leading to diagnosis: those with vascular complications, with connective tissue manifestation and with neurological presentation. A vascular event such as a clinical feature leading to diagnosis of homocystinuria was present in five patients, while two of them had no other symptoms typical for CBS deficiency at the time of diagnosis. All patients with the vascular manifestation were diagnosed only during the past decade. The median age of diagnosis was 29 years in the vascular, 11.5 years in the connective tissue and 4.5 years in the neurological group. The ratio of pyridoxine responsive to nonresponsive patients was higher in the vascular (4 of 5 patients) and connective tissue groups (6 of 7 patients) than in the neurological group (2 of 8 patients). Mutation c.833T>C (p.I278T) was frequent in patients with vascular (6/10 alleles) and connective tissue presentation (8/14 alleles), while it was not present in patients with neurological involvement (0/16 alleles). During the last decade, we have observed patients with homocystinuria diagnosed solely due to vascular events; this milder form of homocystinuria usually manifests at greater ages, has a high ratio of pyridoxine responsiveness/nonresponsiveness, and the mutation c.833T>C (p.I278T) is often present

    Isolation of Endogenous TGF-β1 from Root Canals for Pulp Tissue Engineering: A Translational Study

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    Cell homing for dental pulp tissue engineering has been advocated as a feasible approach to regenerate dental pulp in a clinical setting. In order to develop a translational protocol for clinical application, we wanted to determine the effects of disinfectants on the availability of growth factors from the root canal, the amount that can be obtained in this context, and whether they can be processed for use in tissue engineering procedures. The extraction of growth factors should also be confirmed in a clinical setting. Root canals were prepared in 36 extracted mature teeth, and the amount of TGF-β1 in solution was quantified after different irrigation protocols (sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine) and after intracanal medication (calcium hydroxide). Centrifugal filters with a cut-off of 10,000 Da and 3000 Da were used for efficient concentration, and volumes and amounts of retained TGF-β1 were measured at different time points. During conventional endodontic treatment, ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution was collected after ultrasonic activation from the root canals of mature teeth of 38 patients, and growth factor content was quantified via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite reduced TGF-β1 release into EDTA. This effect was partially reversed by canal enlargement after the use of sodium hypochlorite and by subsequent use of calcium hydroxide. A few minutes of centrifugation with a cut-off of 10,000 Da reduced the initial volume of the irrigant by 90% and led to a continuous increase in concentration to the same extent. Furthermore, TGF-β1 was obtained from root canals of mature teeth during endodontic treatment in quantities that have been shown to elicit desirable cellular responses in a subsequent clinical application. A mixture with a suitable scaffold material and injection into the root canal has the potential to promote dental pulp regeneration
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