234 research outputs found

    Vegetation and process of the Kootenai National Forest

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    Mapping of Forest Alliances and Associations Using Fuzzy Systems and Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

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    The study and management of biological communities depends on systems of classification and mapping for the organization and communication of resource information. Recent advances in remote sensing technology may enable the mapping forest plant associations using image classification techniques. But few areas outside Europe have alliances and associations described in detail sufficient to support remote sensing-based modeling. Northwestern Montana has one of the few plant association treatments in the United States compliant with the recently established National Vegetation Classification system. This project examined the feasibility of mapping forest plant associations using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper data and advanced remote sensing technology and image classification techniques. Suitable reference data were selected from an extensive regional database of plot records. Fifteen percent of the plot samples were reserved for validation of map products, the remainder of plots designated as training data for map modeling. Key differentia for image classification were identified from a suite of spectral and biophysical variables. Fuzzy rules were formulated for partitioning physiognomic classes in the upper levels of our image classification hierarchy. Nearest neighbor classifiers were developed for classification of lower levels, the alliances and associations, where spectral and biophysical contrasts are less distinct. Maps were produced to reflect nine forest alliances and 24 associations across the study area. Error matrices were constructed for each map based on stratified random selections of map validation samples. Accuracy for the alliance map was estimated at 60%. Association classifiers provide between 54 and 86% accuracy within their respective alliances. Alternative techniques are proposed for aggregating classes and enhancing decision tree classifiers to model alliances and associations for interior forest types

    Developing reading-writing connections; the impact of explicit instruction of literary devices on the quality of children's narrative writing

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    The purpose of this collaborative schools-university study was to investigate how the explicit instruction of literary devices during designated literacy sessions could improve the quality of children's narrative writing. A guiding question for the study was: Can children's writing can be enhanced by teachers drawing attention to the literary devices used by professional writers or “mentor authors”? The study was conducted with 18 teachers, working as research partners in nine elementary schools over one school year. The research group explored ways of developing children as reflective authors, able to draft and redraft writing in response to peer and teacher feedback. Daily literacy sessions were complemented by weekly writing workshops where students engaged in authorial activity and experienced writers' perspectives and readers' demands (Harwayne, 1992; May, 2004). Methods for data collection included video recording of peer-peer and teacher-led group discussions and audio recording of teacher-child conferences. Samples of children's narrative writing were collected and a comparison was made between the quality of their independent writing at the beginning and end of the research period. The research group documented the importance of peer-peer and teacher-student discourse in the development of children's metalanguage and awareness of audience. The study suggests that reading, discussing, and evaluating mentor texts can have a positive impact on the quality of children's independent writing

    Contribuição das universidades na revisão da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde

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    Resumo Em 2014, a Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde passou por um processo participativo de revisão, que teve como colaboradores gestores públicos, participantes de movimentos sociais, professores e pesquisadores de universidades. Nesse processo, foi necessário conhecer e analisar como se deram as contribuições dos diferentes atores envolvidos e como elas foram incorporadas à nova versão da Política. O objetivo deste estudo é discutir a contribuição das universidades na revisão da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde. Utilizando-se a técnica Delphi, questionários foram enviados, por correio eletrônico, a líderes de grupos de pesquisa das universidades brasileiras; o envio foi organizado em duas rodadas, tendo a última sido realizada somente após a análise dos consensos e dissensos da primeira. A partir da análise dos formulários, concluiu-se que as contribuições das universidades à nova Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde estão relacionadas à sua estrutura, princípios e valores, objetivos, temas prioritários e eixos operacionais

    A 'Multiple Lenses' Approach to Policy Change: the Case of Tobacco Policy in the UK

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    This article examines a period of rapid policy change following decades of stability in UK tobacco. It seeks to account for such a long period of policy stability, to analyse and qualify the extent of change, and to explain change using a 'multiple lenses' approach. It compares the explanatory value of policy network models such as punctuated equilibrium and the advocacy coalition framework, with models stressing change from 'above and below' such as multi-level governance and policy transfer. A key finding is that the value of these models varies according to the narrative of policy change that we select. The article challenges researchers to be careful about assuming the nature of policy change before embarking on explanation. While the findings of the case study may vary with other policy areas in British politics, the call for clarity and lessons from multiple approaches are widely applicable
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