9,455 research outputs found

    Faculty Perceptions of Interactions Between Students and Registered Nurses in the Clinical Learning Envirorunent

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    Perceptions of the relationships between nurses and staff were evaluated from a faculty perspective to uncover the ways that the faculty react, respond, and help to support students. During interviews with faculty, access to practice and clinical unit atmosphere emerged as themes. Faculty described nurses granting access to practice by mentoring students and involving them in the entire care of the patient, or nurses who limited students\u27 access to practice through unprofessional behavior, or cutting corners. Unit atmosphere influenced learning both positively and negatively depending on inclusion of students, morale, and welcoming behaviors of staff. Faculty acted as guides and assisted students with conflicts between theory and practice.·Faculty reported enhanced relationships with nursing staff and experiences for students if employed at facility of if placement in facility was over an extended period. Implications for practice include improving communication between students, staff, and management, preparing students for the placement, and recognizing the staff nurse\u27s role in the education of students both verbally and in writing

    Suicide Prevention & Response: A Comprehensive Resource Guide for Indiana Schools 2018

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    Document created for the Indiana Department of Education for Suicide Prevention and Response

    The ADA and Collective Bargaining Issues

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    This brochure on collective bargaining and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of a series on human resources practices and workplace accommodations for persons with disabilities edited by Susanne M. Bruyère, Ph.D., CRC, SPHR, Director, Program on Employment and Disability, School of Industrial and Labor Relations – Extension Division, Cornell University

    The New State Preemption, The Future of Home Rule, and The Illinois Experience

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    This article examines the rise of new forms of state preemption of local government legal authority in states across the nation, a trend that is prompting scholars, advocates, and officials to re-examine the underlying nature of home rule. The article lays out core components of a new approach to home rule that might remedy contemporary shortcomings in the doctrine, then reflects on lessons for reforming home rule from the Illinois experience

    North by Northwest : Information literacy at Yukon College and Lakehead University

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    In Northern communities, isolation is a fact of life and common southern "realities" like high-speed internet, libraries (both public and academic) within driving distance and f2f instruction are not the norm. Due to these factors, online instruction is a core component in northern academic institutions and as such requires a little bit more preparation. As well, another key factor to consider is the diverse student population: First Nations, mature, part-time, first generation university students, and professionals upgrading their credentials. The diverse academic backgrounds of these students makes designing the standard library tutorial a challenge; one size does not fit all in the north. At the same time, this might be the only way that students interact with a librarian so the online environment becomes significant to these students' academic studies (and hopefully success). So how does an academic library with such a variety of students a) reach these students? b) design online tutorials targeting a variety of learning styles? and c) assess whether any of this is working? This session will show you how to take a generic one hour information literacy class and turn it into an online session that will meet the needs of a diverse student population. The presenters will discuss effective pedagogical approaches to online instruction, how to teach specific e-resources and finally how to ensure that the students are actually finding the Library's e-resources and using them effectively and efficiently. This presentation won't focus as much on software, although we will be discussing what we use, it's more about how to use the software to teach InfoLit online effectively. We will conclude with a discussion on how to beta-test your new online approach to Information Literacy Instruction before launching it live for the students. So, come to this session and see how two northern (Ontario and Yukon) librarians are devising new and alternative methods of reaching out to students via a variety of methods and assessing their efforts. How, in fact, we have to examine "every angle" such as mode of delivery, type of student, pedagogical theory, etc. to ensure that we are serving our diverse populations well and contributing to the retention and success of these students

    Tributes & Remembrances

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    From a memorial service held in memory of Charles Price, Professor Emeritus of Art History, at Harkness Chapel, Connecticut College, April 13, 2004. With tributes written by Barbara Zabel, Christopher London, Brian Rogers, Cynthia Willauer, Maureen McCabe and John H. B. Knowlton. Illustrations by Charles Price

    We thought it might encourage participation.” Using lottery incentives to improve LibQUAL+(TM) response rates among students

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    Libraries deploying the LibQUAL+™ survey can offer a lottery incentive and many do in the hope of increasing response rates. Other libraries may be prohibited from offering one because of Institutional Review Board restrictions, as is the case at [institution name]. We wanted to discover why libraries offer lottery incentives and what kinds and if they believe these incentives have a positive impact on their response rates. The responding libraries hold a general belief that lottery incentives are effective but base this on feeling rather than research. We examine what the literature says about lottery incentives and student populations

    Sexual Minority Women and Alcohol: Intersections between drinking, relational contexts, stress, and coping

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    Few studies explore sexual-minority women\u27s experiences and perceptions of alcohol. Qualitative interviews were conducted with six sexual-minority women who reported having sought help for alcohol problems in the past and six who did not. Themes emerged in two broad areas: (1) stressors that contributed to heavy or problem drinking and (2) factors that enhanced coping and reduced both stress and problem use. Alcohol use across groups was framed in terms of social context (e.g., bar patronage), stress management, and addiction. The findings of the study underscore the importance of considering the role of alcohol in managing stress as well as coping factors that may inform social service interventions

    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in \u3cem\u3eTetrahymena thermophila\u3c/em\u3e

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    The only well-characterized study of gene expression in Tetrahymena thermophila (1) demonstrates that the temperature dependent expression of the Ser H3 gene is regulated at the level of mRNA stability. A run-on transcription assay was developed to determine if regulation of RNA stability was a major mechanism regulating gene expression in Tetrahymena or if transcriptional regulation dominates. The relative transcriptional activities of 14 Tetrahymena genes were determined in different physiological/developmental states (growing, starved and conjugating) in which many of the genes showed striking differences in RNA abundance. In every case except Ser H3, changes in transcription accompanied changes in RNA abundance. Thus differential transcription, not differential RNA degradation, is the major mechanism regulating RNA abundance in Tetrahymena
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