244 research outputs found

    Peruskouluikäisten oppilaiden vieraan kielen oppimisen tukeminen lukivaikeudesta johtuvissa haasteissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvailla vieraiden kielten oppimisen haasteita peruskouluikäisillä oppilailla lukivaikeudesta johtuen. Lisäksi tutkielmassa selvitetään, millaisilla tukikeinoilla voidaan tukea oppilaita, joilla on lukivaikeudesta johtuvia vieraiden kielten oppimisen haasteita. Tämä tutkielma on tehty kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka on toteutettu kirjallisuuden ja tutkimustiedon pohjalta. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1. Mitä haasteita lukivaikeus voi tuoda peruskouluikäisten oppilaiden vieraiden kielten oppimiseen? Keskeistä tässä tutkimuskysymyksen käsittelyssä on lukivaikeuden vaikutukset vieraan kielen oppimisen eri osa-alueisiin. 2. Miten oppilaita voidaan tukea lukivaikeudesta johtuvissa vieraiden kielten oppimisen haasteissa? Keskeistä tämän tutkimuskysymyksen käsittelyssä on kuvailla tukikeinoja, joiden avulla opettajat voivat tukea oppilaita vieraan kielen oppimisen eri osa-alueilla. Tuen järjestämisessä huomioidaan myös perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet ja tätä aihetta koskeva Suomen lainsäädäntö. Vieraiden kielten oppimisen haasteiden taustalla nähdään olevan samoja piirteitä kuin lukivaikeudessa. Haasteet pohjautuvat fonologisen tietoisuuden, työmuistin ja nopean sarjallisen nimeämisen puutteisiin. Nämä tuovat ongelmia muun muassa vieraan kielen kirjain-äännevastaavuuden hahmottamiseen, joka puolestaan vaikuttaa muihin kielen osa-alueisiin. Oppilaiden haasteita vieraiden kielten oppimisessa voidaan tukea monella eri tavalla. Tukemisessa voidaan hyödyntää oppimisen erilaisia apuvälineitä ja opetuskeinoja, joiden avulla oppilaiden tukemisesta saadaan yksilöllistä ja oppilaan tuen tarpeita vastaavaa. Tätä tutkielmaa voi mahdollisesti käyttää opettajien tietopakettina, jota he voivat hyödyntää työssään. Tutkielmassa esiin tuotuja tukikeinoja voi hyödyntää myös sellaisten oppilaiden opetuksessa, joilla ei ole oppimisvaikeuksia. Tutkielman aluksi käsitellään tutkielman taustaan liittyviä tekijöitä, jonka jälkeen tarkastellaan tutkielmaan liittyvää teoreettista viitekehystä. Näiden jälkeen tutkielmassa vastataan tutkimuskysymyksiin järjestyksessä. Johtopäätöksissä peilataan tutkimuskysymyksien tuloksia teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Tutkielman lopuksi pohditaan tutkimuksen luotettavuutta ja nostetaan esiin mahdollisia jatkotutkimusehdotuksia.Supporting primary school pupils in learning difficulties in foreign languages due to dyslexia. Abstract. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe the challenges primary school pupils’ have in learning foreign language due to dyslexia. In addition, the thesis explores what kind of means of support can be used to support pupils with learning difficulties in foreign languages due to dyslexia. This thesis has been prepared as a descriptive literature review based on literature and research data. The research questions of this bachelor’s thesis are: 1.What challenges can dyslexia bring for the primary school pupils foreign languages learning? Essential to addressing this research question are the effects of dyslexia on different areas of foreign language learning. 2.How pupils with dyslexia can be supported with challenges associated with foreign language learning? Essential to addressing this research question is to describe the ways that teachers can support pupils in different areas of learning a foreign language. When organizing the support, the basics of the curriculum of the primary education and the relevant part of the Finnish legislation are taken into account. The same characteristics as in dyslexia are behind the challenges of learning foreign languages. The challenges are based on the lack of phonological consciousness, working memory and rapid automatized naming. These cause problems, for example, in perceiving the letter-sound correspondence of the foreign language, which in turn affects other areas of the language. There are many ways to support pupils’ challenges in learning a foreign language. The support can be based on a variety of teaching aids and teaching methods with the help of which the support can be individualized and modified to correspond to the pupils’ needs. This bachelor’s thesis can potentially be used as the teachers’ information pack which they can utilise in their work. The support methods highlighted in the thesis can also be utilised in the education of pupils with no learning difficulties. The thesis begins with a discussion about the factors behind the thesis and then continues with the theoretical framework related to the thesis is examined. Following the thesis answers the research questions in order. In the conclusions the results of the research questions are mirrored to the theoretical framework. Finally, the thesis discusses the reliability of the study and the potential follow up research proposals are highlighted

    Yksilöllisten opintojärjestelyiden toteutuminen Oulun yliopistossa

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    Tiivistelmä. Yliopistoilla on lakiperustainen velvollisuus taata opiskelijoille yhdenvertainen kohtelu. Saavutettava ja inklusiivinen korkeakoulu tukee opiskelijoita heidän tarpeidensa mukaan. Koska opiskelija-aines on yliopistossa yhä monimuotoisempaa, täytyy opiskelijoille tarjottavien tukipalveluiden olla toimivia ja ajantasaisia. Opiskelijoiden tuen tarpeiden laajuus on huomioitava, jotta jokainen opiskelija saa juuri ne yksilölliset opintojärjestelyt, joita he tarvitsevat. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää millaiset asiat ovat toteutuneet hyvin yksilöllisissä opintojärjestelyissä ja minkälaisia puutteita opiskelijat ovat niissä kohdanneet Oulun yliopistossa. Tämän lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, miten opiskelijat kehittäisivät yksilöllisiä opintojärjestelyjä. Tämä tutkielma on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena, johon on yhdistetty määrällisiä elementtejä. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty kyselylomakkeella sellaisilta opiskelijoilta, joille opintopsykologit ovat tehneet suosituksen yksilöllisistä opintojärjestelyistä. Analyysi on toteutettu aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä ja määrällisesti prosenttijakaumilla. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsitellään inkluusiota, yhdenvertaisuutta ja saavutettavuutta korkeakoulun näkökulmasta. Tämän jälkeen esitellään yliopisto-opiskelijoiden monimuotoisuutta ja syitä erityisjärjestelyihin aineistomme perusteella. Kappaleessa määritellään oppimisvaikeudet, lukivaikeus sekä aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriöt aikuisiällä. Tämän lisäksi kerrotaan lyhyesti muista syistä yksilöllisille opintojärjestelyille, joita ovat autismikirjon häiriöt aikuisiällä sekä korkeakouluopiskelijoiden kokema masennus ja ahdistuneisuus. Lopuksi perehdytään yliopiston tukikeinoihin ja tukipalveluihin keskittyen viimeisessä osassa Oulun yliopiston näkökulmaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksista nousi esiin opiskelijoiden vaihtelevat kokemukset yksilöllisten opintojärjestelyiden toteutumisesta. Onnistuneita asioita olivat erityisesti erityisjärjestelyiden toteutuminen painottuen lisäajan saamiseen. Opiskelijat olivat melko tyytyväisiä tuen järjestymiseen, mutta tuessa esiintyi myös puutteita. Erityisesti puutteita nostettiin esille opintojärjestelysuositusten toteutumisessa sekä henkilökunnan suhtautumisessa. Opiskelijoiden kehitysehdotuksissa korostuivat yksilöllisten opintojärjestelysuositusten toteutuksen parantaminen ja erityisjärjestelyiden monipuolistaminen. Myös tukijärjestelmän kehitystä toivottiin useassa vastauksessa. Tutkielma antaa tietoa Oulun yliopiston yksilöllisten opetusjärjestelyiden toteutumisesta ja antaa suosituksia tukijärjestelmien kehittämiseksi. Yliopiston tarjoaman tukimuotojen kehittäminen on tarpeellista, jotta jokainen opiskelija saa tarvitsemansa tuen.The realisation of the individual study arrangements at the University of Oulu. Abstract. The universities are legally obliged to ensure the students equal treatment. Accessible and inclusive university supports the students according to their needs. Since the student-base at the universities is getting increasingly diverse, the support services need to be functional and up-to-date. The extent of students’ need for support needs to be taken into account to ensure that every student gets the individual study arrangements which they need. The goal of this thesis is to examine what actions have been executed well in the individual study arrangements, and what kind of deficiencies the students have faced in them at the University of Oulu. Additionally, the goal is to find out how the students would improve the individual study arrangements. This thesis has been carried out as qualitative research with combination of quantitative elements. The research material has been compiled through a questionnaire for students to whom the study psychologists have given a recommendation of individual study arrangements. The analysis has been executed through a study material-based content analysis and quantitative percentage distributions. The theoretical framework addresses inclusivity, equality, and accessibility from the university’s viewpoint. This is followed by a representation of the diversity of the university students and the reasons for special arrangements based on our study material. In the section, the learning difficulties and dyslexia are defined as well as the activity and attention disorders. Additionally, the other reasons for individual studying arrangements, which are the adult age disorders within the autism spectrum and the depression and anxiety experienced by the university students, are explained. Finally, the means of support and support services of universities are examined, and in the last part of chapter the focus is on the perspective of University of Oulu. The students’ varying experiences of how the individual study arrangements are executed stand out from the results of the thesis. Especially the special arrangements related to getting additional time have been successful. The students are rather satisfied in how the support has been organized but there are also deficiencies. Especially the deficiencies in how the study arrangement recommendations have been met and the attitudes of the personnel. The improvement of meeting the individual study arrangement suggestions and the diversification of special arrangements were highlighted by the responders. Additionally, the improvements of the support system were desired in several responses. This thesis offers information about how the individual study arrangements have been organized at the University of Oulu and provides recommendations for improving the support systems. The development of the forms of support provided by the university is necessary to ensure that every student gets the support they need

    Self-consistent Overhauser model for the pair distribution function of an electron gas in dimensionalities D=3 and D=2

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    We present self-consistent calculations of the spin-averaged pair distribution function g(r)g(r) for a homogeneous electron gas in the paramagnetic state in both three and two dimensions, based on an extension of a model that was originally proposed by A. W. Overhauser [Can. J. Phys. {\bf 73}, 683 (1995)] and further evaluated by P. Gori-Giorgi and J. P. Perdew [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 64}, 155102 (2001)]. The model involves the solution of a two-electron scattering problem via an effective Coulombic potential, that we determine within a self-consistent Hartree approximation. We find numerical results for g(r)g(r) that are in excellent agreement with Quantum Monte Carlo data at low and intermediate coupling strength rsr_s, extending up to rs10r_s\approx 10 in dimensionality D=3. However, the Hartree approximation does not properly account for the emergence of a first-neighbor peak at stronger coupling, such as at rs=5r_s=5 in D=2, and has limited accuracy in regard to the spin-resolved components g(r)g_{\uparrow\uparrow}(r) and g(r)g_{\uparrow\downarrow}(r). We also report calculations of the electron-electron s-wave scattering length, to test an analytical expression proposed by Overhauser in D=3 and to present new results in D=2 at moderate coupling strength. Finally, we indicate how this approach can be extended to evaluate the pair distribution functions in inhomogeneous electron systems and hence to obtain improved exchange-correlation energy functionals.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figuers, to apear in Physical Review

    Analytic theory of ground-state properties of a three-dimensional electron gas at varying spin polarization

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    We present an analytic theory of the spin-resolved pair distribution functions gσσ(r)g_{\sigma\sigma'}(r) and the ground-state energy of an electron gas with an arbitrary degree of spin polarization. We first use the Hohenberg-Kohn variational principle and the von Weizs\"{a}cker-Herring ideal kinetic energy functional to derive a zero-energy scattering Schr\"{o}dinger equation for gσσ(r)\sqrt{g_{\sigma\sigma'}(r)}. The solution of this equation is implemented within a Fermi-hypernetted-chain approximation which embodies the Hartree-Fock limit and is shown to satisfy an important set of sum rules. We present numerical results for the ground-state energy at selected values of the spin polarization and for gσσ(r)g_{\sigma\sigma'}(r) in both a paramagnetic and a fully spin-polarized electron gas, in comparison with the available data from Quantum Monte Carlo studies over a wide range of electron density.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The 2-D electron gas at arbitrary spin polarizations and arbitrary coupling strengths: Exchange-correlation energies, distribution functions and spin-polarized phases

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    We use a recent approach [Phys. Rev. Letters, {\bf 84}, 959 (2000)] for including Coulomb interactions in quantum systems via a classical mapping of the pair-distribution functions (PDFs) for a study of the 2-D electron gas. As in the 3-D case, the ``quantum temperature'' T_q of a classical 2-D Coulomb fluid which has the same correlation energy as the quantum fluid is determined as a function of the density parameter r_s. Spin-dependent exchange-correlation energies are reported. Comparisons of the spin-dependent pair-distributions and other calculated properties with any available 2-D quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) results show excellent agreement, strongly favouring more recent QMC data. The interesting novel physics brought to light by this study are: (a) the independently determined quantum-temperatures for 3-D and 2-D are found to be approximately the same, (i.e, universal) function of the classical coupling constant Gamma. (b) the coupling constant Gamma increases rapidly with r_s in 2-D, making it comparatively more coupled than in 3-D; the stronger coupling in 2-D requires bridge corrections to the hyper- netted-chain method which is adequate in 3-D; (c) the Helmholtz free energy of spin-polarized and unpolarized phases have been calculated. The existence of a spin-polarized 2-D liquid near r_s = 30, is found to be a marginal possibility. These results pertain to clean uniform 2-D electron systems.Comment: This paper replaces the cond-mat/0109228 submision; the new version include s more accurate numerical evaluation of the Helmholtz energies of the para- and ferromagentic 2D fluides at finite temperatures. (Paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Centralized repeated resectability assessment of patients with colorectalliver metastases during first-line treatment : prospective study

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    Y Background: Metastasectomy is probably underused in metastatic colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of centralized repeated assessment on resectability rate of liver metastases. Methods: The prospective RAXO study was a nationwide study in Finland. Patients with treatable metastatic colorectal cancer at any site were eligible. This planned substudy included patients with baseline liver metastases between 2012 and 2018. Resectability was reassessed by the multidisciplinary team at Helsinki tertiary referral centre upfront and twice during first-line systemic therapy. Outcomes were resectability rates, management changes, and survival. Results: Of 812 patients included, 301 (37.1 per cent) had liver-only metastases. Of these, tumours were categorized as upfront resectable in 161 (53.5 per cent), and became amenable to surgery during systemic treatment in 63 (20.9 per cent). Some 207 patients (68.7 per cent) eventually underwent liver resection or ablation. At baseline, a discrepancy in resectability between central and local judgement was noted for 102 patients (33.9 per cent). Median disease-free survival (DFS) after first resection was 20 months and overall survival (OS) 79 months. Median OS after diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer was 80, 32, and 21 months in R0-1 resection, R2/ablation, and non-resected groups, and 5-year OS rates were 68, 37, and 9 per cent, respectively. Liver and extrahepatic metastases were present in 511 patients. Of these, tumours in 72 patients (14.1 per cent) were categorized as upfront resectable, and 53 patients (10.4 per cent) became eligible for surgery. Eventually 110 patients (21.5 per cent) underwent liver resection or ablation. At baseline, a discrepancy between local and central resectability was noted for 116 patients (22.7 per cent). Median DFS from first resection was 7 months and median OS 55 months. Median OS after diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer was 79, 42, and 17 months in R0-1 resection, R2/ablation, and non-resected groups, with 5-year OS rates of 65, 39, and 2 per cent, respectively. Conclusion: Repeated centralized resectability assessment in patients with colorectal liver metastases improved resection and survival rates.Peer reviewe

    Many-body aspects of positron annihilation in the electron gas

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    We investigate positron annihilation in electron liquid as a case study for many-body theory, in particular the optimized Fermi Hypernetted Chain (FHNC-EL) method. We examine several approximation schemes and show that one has to go up to the most sophisticated implementation of the theory available at the moment in order to get annihilation rates that agree reasonably well with experimental data. Even though there is basically just one number to look at, the electron-positron pair distribution function at zero distance, it is exactly this number that dictates how the full pair distribution behaves: In most cases, it falls off monotonously towards unity as the distance increases. Cases where the electron-positron pair distribution exhibits a dip are precursors to the formation of bound electron--positron pairs. The formation of electron-positron pairs is indicated by a divergence of the FHNC-EL equations, from this we can estimate the density regime where positrons must be localized. This occurs in our calculations in the range 9.4 <= r_s <=10, where r_s is the dimensionless density parameter of the electron liquid.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B (2003

    Treatment response of colorectal cancer liver metastases to neoadjuvant or conversion therapy : a prospective multicentre follow-up study using MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging and H-1-MR spectroscopy compared with histology (subgroup in the RAXO trial)

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    Background: Colorectal cancer liver metastases respond to chemotherapy and targeted agents not only by shrinking, but also by morphologic and metabolic changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods in predicting treatment response and survival. Patients and methods: We investigated contrast-enhanced MRI, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in diffusionweighted imaging and H-1-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in detecting early morphologic and metabolic changes in borderline or resectable liver metastases, as a response to first-line neoadjuvant or conversion therapy in a prospective substudy of the RAXO trial (NCT01531621, EudraCT2011-003158-24). MRI findings were compared with histology of resected liver metastases and KaplaneMeier estimates of overall survival (OS). Results: In 2012-2018, 52 patients at four Finnish university hospitals were recruited. Forty-seven patients received neoadjuvant or conversion chemotherapy and 40 liver resections were carried out. Low ADC values (below median) of the representative liver metastases, at baseline and after systemic therapy, were associated with partial response according to RECIST criteria, but not with morphologic MRI changes or histology. Decreasing ADC values following systemic therapy were associated with improved OS compared to unchanged or increasing ADC, both in the liver resected subgroup (5-year OS rate 100% and 34%, respectively, P = 0.022) and systemic therapy subgroup (5-year OS rate 62% and 23%, P = 0.049). H-1-MRS revealed steatohepatosis induced by systemic therapy. Conclusions: Low ADC values at baseline or during systemic therapy were associated with treatment response by RECIST but not with histology, morphologic or detectable metabolic changes. A decreasing ADC during systemic therapy is associated with improved OS both in all patients receiving systemic therapy and in the resected subgroup.Peer reviewe

    Treatment response of colorectal cancer liver metastases to neoadjuvant or conversion therapy : a prospective multicentre follow-up study using MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging and H-1-MR spectroscopy compared with histology (subgroup in the RAXO trial)

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    Background: Colorectal cancer liver metastases respond to chemotherapy and targeted agents not only by shrinking, but also by morphologic and metabolic changes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods in predicting treatment response and survival. Patients and methods: We investigated contrast-enhanced MRI, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in diffusionweighted imaging and H-1-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in detecting early morphologic and metabolic changes in borderline or resectable liver metastases, as a response to first-line neoadjuvant or conversion therapy in a prospective substudy of the RAXO trial (NCT01531621, EudraCT2011-003158-24). MRI findings were compared with histology of resected liver metastases and KaplaneMeier estimates of overall survival (OS). Results: In 2012-2018, 52 patients at four Finnish university hospitals were recruited. Forty-seven patients received neoadjuvant or conversion chemotherapy and 40 liver resections were carried out. Low ADC values (below median) of the representative liver metastases, at baseline and after systemic therapy, were associated with partial response according to RECIST criteria, but not with morphologic MRI changes or histology. Decreasing ADC values following systemic therapy were associated with improved OS compared to unchanged or increasing ADC, both in the liver resected subgroup (5-year OS rate 100% and 34%, respectively, P = 0.022) and systemic therapy subgroup (5-year OS rate 62% and 23%, P = 0.049). H-1-MRS revealed steatohepatosis induced by systemic therapy. Conclusions: Low ADC values at baseline or during systemic therapy were associated with treatment response by RECIST but not with histology, morphologic or detectable metabolic changes. A decreasing ADC during systemic therapy is associated with improved OS both in all patients receiving systemic therapy and in the resected subgroup.Peer reviewe