2,259 research outputs found

    Why does low intensity, long-day lighting promote growth in Petunia, Impatiens, and tomato?

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    Numerous reports demonstrate that low intensity, long-day (LD) lighting treatments can promote growth. However, there are conflicting suggestions as to the mechanisms involved. This study examines the responses of Petunia, Impatiens, and tomato to LD lighting treatments and concludes that no single mechanism can explain the growth promotion observed in each case. Petunia showed the most dramatic response to photoperiod; up to a doubling in dry weight (DW) as a result of increasing daylength from 8 h d–1 to 16 h d–1.This could be explained by an increase in specific leaf area (SLA) comparable to that seen with shading. At low photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD), the increased leaf area more than compensated for any loss in photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area. In Petunia, the response may, in part, have also been due to changes in growth habit. Impatiens and tomato showed less dramatic increases in DW as a result of LD lighting, but no consistent effects on SLA or growth habit were observed. In tomato, increased growth was accompanied by increased chlorophyll content, but this had no significant effect on photosynthesis. In both species, increased growth may have been due to a direct effect of LD lighting on photosynthesis. This is contrary to the generally held view that light of approx. 3 – 4 μmol m–2 s–1 is unlikely to have any significant impact on net photosynthesis. Nevertheless, we show that the relationship between PPFD and net photosynthesis is non-linear at low light levels, and therefore low intensity LD lighting can offset respiration very efficiently. Furthermore, a small increase in photosynthesis will have a greater impact when ambient light levels are low

    Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries

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    In response to significant changes in the Indigenous information landscape, the State Library of New South Wales and Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology, Sydney, hosted a Colloquium, Libraries and Indigenous Knowledge, in December 2004. The two-day Colloquium brought together professionals, practitioners and academics to discuss future directions in relation to Indigenous knowledge and library services. An expert and inspiring group of speakers and more than 90 active participants ensured that lively discussions did, indeed, take place.Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning State Library of NSW University of Technology, Sydne

    Microstructural Changes in Wheat Starch Dispersions During Heating and Cooling

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    Microstructural changes in 8-11% wheat starch dispersions during heating, cooling and cold storage have been evaluated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Heat treatment of wheat starch dispersions gives rise to two stages of swelling and solubilization. During the first phase of swelling, solubilized amylose was observed ln the centre of the granules and, to some extent, outside the granules. Further swelling deformed the granules and more amylose was released. When the temperature treatment took place under shear, the outer layer of the swo llen granules fra ctured at 94°C and above, and amylopectin fragments were dispersed into the cont inuous amylose phase. Fragmentation of amylopectin was not observed when samples were heated with a minimum of mechanical action. There were also differences in the final gel structure between samples due to the mechanical treatment during preparation. Aggregation of amylose took place on cooling and could be observed as irregularities in the gel structure. When the amount of released amylose was limited during the initial phase of swelling and below the critical concentration for gel formation, cooling resulted in deposition of amylose at the surface of the granules. This was expected to have an impact on the behaviour of the granules on further processing

    A novel tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 mutation reveals a common molecular phenotype in sorsby's fundus dystrophy

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    Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy (SFD) is a dominantly inherited degenerative disease of the retina that leads to loss of vision in middle age. It has been shown to be caused by mutations in the gene for tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP-3). Five different mutations have previously been identified, all introducing an extra cysteine residue into exon 5 (which forms part of the C-terminal domain) of the TIMP-3 molecule; however, the significance of these mutations to the disease phenotype was unknown. In this report, we describe the expression of several of these mutated genes, together with a previously unreported novel TIMP-3 mutation from a family with SFD that results in truncation of most of the C-terminal domain of the molecule. Despite these differences, all of these molecules are expressed and exhibit characteristics of the normal protein, including inhibition of metalloproteinases and binding to the extracellular matrix. However, unlike wild-type TIMP-3, they all form dimers. These observations, together with the recent finding that expression of TIMP-3 is increased, rather than decreased, in eyes from patients with SFD, provides compelling evidence that dimerized TIMP-3 plays an active role in the disease process by accumulating in the eye. Increased expression of TIMP-3 is also observed in other degenerative retinal diseases, including the more severe forms of agerelated macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in the elderly in developed countries. We hypothesize that overexpression of TIMP-3 may prove to be a critical step in the progression of a variety of degenerative retinopathies

    Cast Stone Oxidation Front Evaluation: Preliminary Results For Samples Exposed To Moist Air

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    The rate of oxidation is important to the long-term performance of reducing salt waste forms because the solubility of some contaminants, e.g., technetium, is a function of oxidation state. TcO{sub 4}{sup −} in the salt solution is reduced to Tc(IV) and has been shown to react with ingredients in the waste form to precipitate low solubility sulfide and/or oxide phases. Upon exposure to oxygen, the compounds containing Tc(IV) oxidize to the pertechnetate ion, Tc(VII)O{sub 4}{sup −}, which is very soluble. Consequently the rate of technetium oxidation front advancement into a monolith and the technetium leaching profile as a function of depth from an exposed surface are important to waste form performance and ground water concentration predictions. An approach for measuring contaminant oxidation rate (effective contaminant specific oxidation rate) based on leaching of select contaminants of concern is described in this report. In addition, the relationship between reduction capacity and contaminant oxidation is addressed. Chromate (Cr(VI) was used as a non-radioactive surrogate for pertechnetate, Tc(VII), in Cast Stone samples prepared with 5 M Simulant. Cast Stone spiked with pertechnetate was also prepared and tested. Depth discrete subsamples spiked with Cr were cut from Cast Stone exposed to Savannah River Site (SRS) outdoor ambient temperature fluctuations and moist air. Depth discrete subsamples spiked with Tc-99 were cut from Cast Stone exposed to laboratory ambient temperature fluctuations and moist air. Similar conditions are expected to be encountered in the Cast Stone curing container. The leachability of Cr and Tc-99 and the reduction capacities, measured by the Angus-Glasser method, were determined for each subsample as a function of depth from the exposed surface. The results obtained to date were focused on continued method development and are preliminary and apply to the sample composition and curing / exposure conditions described in this report. The Cr oxidation front (depth to which soluble Cr was detected) for the Cast Stone sample exposed for 68 days to ambient outdoor temperatures and humid air (total age of sample was 131 days) was determined to be about 35 mm below the top sample surface exposed. The Tc oxidation front, depth at which Tc was insoluble, was not determined. Interpretation of the results indicates that the oxidation front is at least 38 mm below the exposed surface. The sample used for this measurement was exposed to ambient laboratory conditions and humid air for 50 days. The total age of the sample was 98 days. Technetium appears to be more easily oxidized than Cr in the Cast Stone matrix. The oxidized forms of Tc and Cr are soluble and therefore leachable. Longer exposure times are required for both the Cr and Tc spiked samples to better interpret the rate of oxidation. Tc spiked subsamples need to be taken further from the exposed surface to better define and interpret the leachable Tc profile. Finally Tc(VII) reduction to Tc(IV) appears to occur relatively fast. Results demonstrated that about 95 percent of the Tc(VII) was reduced to Tc(IV) during the setting and very early stage setting for a Cast Stone sample cured 10 days. Additional testing at longer curing times is required to determine whether additional time is required to reduce 100 % of the Tc(VII) in Cast Stone or whether the Tc loading exceeded the ability of the waste form to reduce 100 % of the Tc(VII). Additional testing is required for samples cured for longer times. Depth discrete subsampling in a nitrogen glove box is also required to determine whether the 5 percent Tc extracted from the subsamples was the result of the sampling process which took place in air. Reduction capacity measurements (per the Angus-Glasser method) performed on depth discrete samples could not be correlated with the amount of chromium or technetium leached from the depth discrete subsamples or with the oxidation front inferred from soluble chromium and technetium (i.e., effective Cr and Tc oxidation fronts). Residual reduction capacity in the oxidized region of the test samples indicates that the remaining reduction capacity is not effective in re-reducing Cr(VI) or Tc(VII) in the presence of oxygen. Depth discrete sampling and leaching is a useful for evaluating Cast Stone and other chemically reducing waste forms containing ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) or other reduction / sequestration reagents to control redox sensitive contaminant chemistry and leachability in the near surface disposal environment. Based on results presented in this report, reduction capacity measured by the Angus-Glasser Ce(IV) method is not an appropriate or meaningful parameter for determining or predicting Tc and Cr oxidation / retentions, speciation, or solubilities in cementitious materials such as Cast Stone. A model for predicting Tc(IV) oxidation to soluble Tc(VII) should consider the waste form porosity (pathway for oxygen ingress), oxygen source, and the contaminant specific oxidation rates and oxidation fronts. Depth discrete sampling of materials exposed to realistic conditions in combination with short term leaching of crushed samples has potential for advancing the understanding of factors influencing performance. This information can be used to support conceptual model development

    Parametric ordering of complex systems

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    Cellular automata (CA) dynamics are ordered in terms of two global parameters, computable {\sl a priori} from the description of rules. While one of them (activity) has been used before, the second one is new; it estimates the average sensitivity of rules to small configurational changes. For two well-known families of rules, the Wolfram complexity Classes cluster satisfactorily. The observed simultaneous occurrence of sharp and smooth transitions from ordered to disordered dynamics in CA can be explained with the two-parameter diagram

    Looking back at the stare-in-the-crowd effect: Staring eyes do not capture attention in visual search

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    The stare-in-the crowd effect refers to the finding that a visual search for a target of staring eyes among averted- eyesdistractersismoreefficientthanthesearchforan averted-eyes target among staring distracters. This finding could indicate that staring eyes are prioritized in the processing of the search array so that attention is more likely to be directed to their location than to any other. However, visual search is a complex process, which not only depends upon the properties of the target, but also the similarity between the target of the search and the distractor items and between the distractor items themselves. Across five experiments, we show that the search asymmetry diagnostic of the stare- in-the-crowd effect is more likely to be the result of a failure to control for the similarity among distracting items between the two critical search conditions rather than any special attention-grabbing property of staring gazes. Our results suggest that, contrary to results reported in the literature, staring gazes are not prioritized by attention in visual search

    Universal Cellular Automata and Class 4

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    Wolfram has provided a qualitative classification of cellular automata(CA) rules according to which, there exits a class of CA rules (called Class 4) which exhibit complex pattern formation and long-lived dynamical activity (long transients). These properties of Class 4 CA's has led to the conjecture that Class 4 rules are Universal Turing machines i.e. they are bases for computational universality. We describe an embedding of a ``small'' universal Turing machine due to Minsky, into a cellular automaton rule-table. This produces a collection of (k=18,r=1)(k=18,r=1) cellular automata, all of which are computationally universal. However, we observe that these rules are distributed amongst the various Wolfram classes. More precisely, we show that the identification of the Wolfram class depends crucially on the set of initial conditions used to simulate the given CA. This work, among others, indicates that a description of complex systems and information dynamics may need a new framework for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 5 figures uuencode

    Factors Contributing to the Conservation of \u3ci\u3ePhacelia submutica\u3c/i\u3e (Boraginaceae), a Threatened Species in Western Colorado: Reproductive Biology and Seed Ecology

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    Conservation and recovery plans for rare species require biological and ecological information to discern how they may be susceptible to human disturbances. Phacelia submutica is a threatened annual species in western Colorado. Human activities including energy development, recreation, and livestock grazing are occurring within the species’ range. To provide conservation practitioners with a scientific basis for management, this research aimed to elucidate elements of the species’ ecology. Chapter 2 describes the reproductive biology of P. submutica. Potential insect pollinators were not observed during two years of observations. Floral traits and development ensure self-pollination and reduce the likelihood that insects would be effective pollinators. Hand pollination experiments using varying pollen sources did not result in significant differences in seed number and mean mature seed weight per fruit, two metrics of reproductive success. These results indicate that the species is habitually autogamous. Conservation of this species will not require the protection of pollinators and their habitat, but should consider the potential impacts of autogamy on the species’ genetic diversity. Chapter 3 examines aspects of P. submutica’s seed ecology as they relate to the development and maintenance of the seed bank. Observations suggest seeds are limited in their long-range dispersal capacity. Average seed bank density was low (74 seeds per m2) and seeds were highly aggregated within sites. Based on three years of seed burial data, the species forms a long-term persistent seed bank that maintains high proportions of viability in drought years, but germinates prolifically in favorable years. Projections of seed depletion rates from this dataset predicted longevity to be between four and six years. Finally, seeds were generally unresponsive to germination trials involving varying degrees of cold-moist stratification, incubation temperatures, and scarification. P. submutica shows adaptations that promote its persistence in an arid environment characterized by climatic variability. Appropriate management of this species will require protection of the seed bank and the dynamics involved in its replenishment and maintenance. Chapter 4 presents implications of the two major studies and provides conservation practitioners with an integrated assessment of the results and how they relate to management
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