207 research outputs found


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    This research has been conducted in East Kupang District, Kupang Regency with the aim of knowing the superior staple food crop commodities and analyzing the zone dynamics of staple food crops as a result of changes in residential areas (housing and infrastructure) in 2013 and 2018 using the Geographical Information System (GIS). . The results showed that rice and green beans were the main staple crops in East Kupang District with an average LQ coefficient of 2.36 for rice and 1.29 for green beans, assuming there was no change in technology. The dynamics of the land zone for staple food crop commodities in East Kupang Subdistrict in the period 2013 and 2018, showed changes in residential land use covering an area of ​​1,104.37 hectares or the growth rate for settlements increased by 0.084% while the rate of decline in agricultural land for staple food crops was 0.0095% which means the rate of settlement increase is faster than the rate of decline in agricultural land for staple food crops


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    This research was conducted in Pape Village, Bajawa Sub District, Ngada Regency in April 2019. The objectives of this study were: To determine the income of green mustard (Brassica Juncea L)  farming in Pape Village, Bajawa Sub District, Ngada Regency, determine the relative advantages of green mustard farming in Pape Village. Bajawa Sub District, Ngada Regency: knowing the BEP Production and BEP Prices for green mustard farming in Pape Village, Bajawa District, Ngada Regency.The method used in this research is the census method. because the population is small, namely 60 vegetable farmers. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data.The results showed that: 1) The average area of ​​land ownership for vegetable farming was 17 acres. The labor used is labor in the family, the average cost of the mustard farmers is Rp. 5,540,228.The average income of the respondents was Rp. 29,632,689, with an R / C Ratio of Rp. 6,34, while the BEP of mustard farming production in Pape Village is 788.08 kg, and BEP Price is Rp. 1108,04


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    This research was conducted in the Central Malaka district, namely in Wehali village and Kletek village from January to May 2020. This research aims to determine the amount of female agricultural labor force in the production of lowland rice farming, the factors that affect the outpouring of female workers in lowland rice farming. , as well as a large influence on the production of lowland rice farming. The location of the study was determined deliberately by as many as 84 female rice farmers using the Slovin formula. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively to determine the first objective, and using multiple linear regression analysis to determine the second objective.            The results showed that: (1) The total outpouring of female agricultural labor in the production of lowland rice farming in the Central Malaka district was 2,400.57 HKO/planting season of the total area of ​​land cultivated of 6,310 acres, with an average share of female labor amounting 57.95 HKO/planting season. (2) Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the factor of land area and lowland rice farming income has a significant effect on the outpouring of female agricultural labor. Meanwhile, the factors of the number of family members, the level of education of female farmers, and the age of female farmers do not have a significant effect on the outpouring of female farm labor in the production of lowland rice farming in Central Malaka district, Malaka regency

    Antibacterial Activity of Malaleuca Leucadendron Linn Essential Oil from North Central Timor Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococus Aureus

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    The eucalyptus plant (Melaleuca leucadendron Linn) is one of the essential oil production plants in the world. The plant has been widely used as an antiseptic and also for relieving colds, sore throat, and infections. This study aims to identify the whole essential oil compounds of this plant using GC-MS and test the antibacterial activity of the essential oil using the disc diffusion method. Based on the results of the GC-MS analysis of the essential oil content obtained by steam distillation and antibacterial test using discs diffusion method to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, yielded 81 compound peaks with antibacterial activity analysis results classified as relatively very strong at 5 different concentrations. The results of the best antibacterial activity test were indicated by the diameter of the inhibition zone 26.42 ± 0.97 mm for Escherichia coli while Staphylococcus aureus 23.43 ± 2.09 mm at a concentration of 100%. The study of antibacterial compounds based on the 81-peak GC-MS analysis found that 8 compounds have been reported as antibacterial. These compounds belong to the terpenes group with total percentages of eucalyptol 20.97 %, terpineol 11.74 %, β-pinene 6.24%, 3-carene 1.95%, caryophyllene 4.96 %, (z)-geraniol 0.10%, farnesol 0.10%, and eugenol 0.18% respectivel

    Antibacterial Activity of Malaleuca Leucadendron Linn Essential Oil from North Central Timor Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococus Aureus

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    The eucalyptus plant (Melaleuca leucadendron Linn) is one of the essential oil production plants in the world. The plant has been widely used as an antiseptic and also for relieving colds, sore throat, and infections. This study aims to identify the whole essential oil compounds of this plant using GC-MS and test the antibacterial activity of the essential oil using the disc diffusion method. Based on the results of the GC-MS analysis of the essential oil content obtained by steam distillation and antibacterial test using discs diffusion method to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, yielded 81 compound peaks with antibacterial activity analysis results classified as relatively very strong at 5 different concentrations. The results of the best antibacterial activity test were indicated by the diameter of the inhibition zone 26.42 ± 0.97 mm for Escherichia coli while Staphylococcus aureus 23.43 ± 2.09 mm at a concentration of 100%. The study of antibacterial compounds based on the 81-peak GC-MS analysis found that 8 compounds have been reported as antibacterial. These compounds belong to the terpenes group with total percentages of eucalyptol 20.97 %, terpineol 11.74 %, β-pinene 6.24%, 3-carene 1.95%, caryophyllene 4.96 %, (z)-geraniol 0.10%, farnesol 0.10%, and eugenol 0.18% respectivel

    The copy-number tree mixture deconvolution problem and applications to multi-sample bulk sequencing tumor data

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    Cancer is an evolutionary process driven by somatic mutation. This process can be represented as a phylogenetic tree. Constructing such a phylogenetic tree from genome sequencing data is a challenging task due to the mutational complexity of cancer and the fact that nearly all cancer sequencing is of bulk tissue, measuring a super-position of somatic mutations present in different cells. We study the problem of reconstructing tumor phylogenies from copy number aberrations (CNAs) measured in bulk-sequencing data. We introduce the Copy-Number Tree Mixture Deconvolution (CNTMD) problem, which aims to find the phylogenetic tree with the fewest number of CNAs that explain the copy number data from multiple samples of a tumor. CNTMD generalizes two approaches that have been researched intensively in recent years: deconvolution/factorization algorithms that aim to infer the number and proportions of clones in a mixed tumor sample; and phylogenetic models of copy number evolution that model the dependencies between copy number events that affect the same genomic loci. We design an algorithm for solving the CNTMD problem and apply the algorithm to both simulated and real data. On simulated data, we find that our algorithm outperforms existing approaches that perform either deconvolution or phylogenetic tree construction under the assumption of a single tumor clone per sample. On real data, we analyze multiple samples from a prostate cancer patient, identifying clones within these samples and a phylogenetic tree that relates these clones and their differing proportions across samples. This phylogenetic tree provides a higher-resolution view of copy number evolution of this cancer than published analyses

    Peningkatan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IX SMPN 5 Kupang Pada Materi Fungsi Kuadrat Melalui Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik Berbantuan GeoGebra

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    Topik fungsi kuadrat dimulai dari menggambar grafik, menganalisis bentuk grafik serta penentuan sumbu simetri dan nilai optimum. Ketiga materi ini dalam praktiknya memiliki masalah terkait pemahaman dan motivasi siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan menerapkan pendekatan saintifik dengan GeoGebra untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 32 siswa pada kelas IX C SMPN 5 Kupang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yakni soal tes hasil belajar tiap siklus, dan lembar observasi motivasi siswa. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Indikator keberhasilan dalam penelitian ini adalah jika secara individu siswa telah mencapai nilai KKM 70 dan secara klasikal 75% siswa mencapai nilai KKM tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada siklus I, 73,73% siswa memiliki motivasi yang baik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dan meningkat menjadi 80,93% pada siklus II. Lebih lanjut, hasil belajar pada siklus I dikategorikan memenuhi indikator ketuntasan karena lebih dari 70% siswa tuntas secara klasikal. Presentasi ini meningkat menjadi 78,125% pada siklus II. Peningkatan ini menunjukan penerapan pendekatan saintifik dengan media GeoGebra memberi dampak yang postif terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti merekomendasikan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik dengan GeoGebra dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran fungsi kuadra

    Integrated pathway modules using time-course metabolic profiles and EST data from Milnesium tardigradum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tardigrades are multicellular organisms, resistant to extreme environmental changes such as heat, drought, radiation and freezing. They outlast these conditions in an inactive form (tun) to escape damage to cellular structures and cell death. Tardigrades are apparently able to prevent or repair such damage and are therefore a crucial model organism for stress tolerance. Cultures of the tardigrade <it>Milnesium tardigradum</it> were dehydrated by removing the surrounding water to induce tun formation. During this process and the subsequent rehydration, metabolites were measured in a time series by GC-MS. Additionally expressed sequence tags are available, especially libraries generated from the active and inactive state. The aim of this integrated analysis is to trace changes in tardigrade metabolism and identify pathways responsible for their extreme resistance against physical stress.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we propose a novel integrative approach for the analysis of metabolic networks to identify modules of joint shifts on the transcriptomic and metabolic levels. We derive a tardigrade-specific metabolic network represented as an undirected graph with 3,658 nodes (metabolites) and 4,378 edges (reactions). Time course metabolite profiles are used to score the network nodes showing a significant change over time. The edges are scored according to information on enzymes from the EST data. Using this combined information, we identify a key subnetwork (functional module) of concerted changes in metabolic pathways, specific for de- and rehydration. The module is enriched in reactions showing significant changes in metabolite levels and enzyme abundance during the transition. It resembles the cessation of a measurable metabolism (e.g. glycolysis and amino acid anabolism) during the tun formation, the production of storage metabolites and bioprotectants, such as DNA stabilizers, and the generation of amino acids and cellular components from monosaccharides as carbon and energy source during rehydration.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The functional module identifies relationships among changed metabolites (e.g. spermidine) and reactions and provides first insights into important altered metabolic pathways. With sparse and diverse data available, the presented integrated metabolite network approach is suitable to integrate all existing data and analyse it in a combined manner.</p

    Double Exponential Instability of Triangular Arbitrage Systems

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    If financial markets displayed the informational efficiency postulated in the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH), arbitrage operations would be self-extinguishing. The present paper considers arbitrage sequences in foreign exchange (FX) markets, in which trading platforms and information are fragmented. In Kozyakin et al. (2010) and Cross et al. (2012) it was shown that sequences of triangular arbitrage operations in FX markets containing 4 currencies and trader-arbitrageurs tend to display periodicity or grow exponentially rather than being self-extinguishing. This paper extends the analysis to 5 or higher-order currency worlds. The key findings are that in a 5-currency world arbitrage sequences may also follow an exponential law as well as display periodicity, but that in higher-order currency worlds a double exponential law may additionally apply. There is an "inheritance of instability" in the higher-order currency worlds. Profitable arbitrage operations are thus endemic rather that displaying the self-extinguishing properties implied by the EMH.Comment: 22 pages, 22 bibliography references, expanded Introduction and Conclusion, added bibliohraphy reference