53 research outputs found

    Low expression of bcl-2 in Brca1-associated breast cancers

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    Little data are available concerning the molecular mechanisms of action of Brca1 and Brca2 in breast oncogenesis. Recent experimental results suggest that Brca1 plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis. In order to determine whether the analysis of human tumours would provide data supporting this hypothesis, we have assessed the expression of the antiapoptotic bcl-2 and of the proapoptotic p53 genes in Brca1- and Brca2-associated breast carcinomas. The levels of expression of these genes were compared to those observed in controls and to the mitotic and the apoptotic indexes. Our series were composed of 16 cases of breast carcinoma in women with a germline Brca1 gene mutation, and of four cases with Brca2 mutation. A group of 39 patients aged under 36 years and for whom the search for Brca1 gene mutations was negative, and a group of 36 cases of sporadic cancers without data on their Brca status were used as controls. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect p53 and bcl-2 gene products. Mitotic and apoptotic indexes were higher in Brca1-associated tumours than in controls. No significant difference in p53 immunostaining was observed between the four groups of patients. In contrast, the rate of bcl-2-positive tumours was lower (31%) in Brca1-carcinomas than in carcinomas without Brca1 mutation (90%) (P< 10–3). A strong Bcl-2 expression was found in the four cases of Brca2-associated carcinomas. No significant correlation was observed between p53 and Bcl-2 immunostainings, either in cases or in controls. The association between Brca1 status and Bcl-2 expression remained significant after adjustment for the oestrogen receptor status. Our study shows that a low expression of bcl-2 characterises most Brca1-associated breast carcinomas, a biological trait which seems not to be shared by Brca2-associated tumours nor to be related to oestrogen receptor and/or p53 status.bcl-2 might thus be one of the target genes involved in the oncogenesis related to Brca1 and its down-regulation may account for the increased apoptosis and the high proliferative rate observed in Brca1-associated carcinomas. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Detection of codon 12 K- ras mutations in non-neoplastic mucosa from bronchial carina in patients with lung adenocarcinomas

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    K- ras activation by point mutation in codon 12 has been reported in lung adenocarcinomas in various models of experimental lung tumours induced by chemical carcinogens. The hypothesis of the presence of cells containing K- ras mutation in non neoplastic bronchial carina, the main site of impaction of airborne contaminants, was investigated by evaluating concurrent lung tumour and non-neoplastic proximal bronchial carinae from 19 patients with lung adenocarcinomas. The restriction fragment length polymorphism enriched PCR method used can detect one mutant allele among 103normal alleles. A mutation was detected in 42% of lung adenocarcinoma samples. No mutation was detected in either tumour or bronchial carinae in nine patients (47%). K- ras mutation was detected in the lung tumour but not in bronchial carinae in four patients (21%), in both the lung tumour and bronchial carinae in four other patients (21%). In two patients (11%), K- ras mutation was detected in at least one bronchial carina, but not in the lung tumour. Mutations of codon 12, confirmed by sequencing analysis of ten samples, were G to T transversion, mostly TGT and GTT in bronchial carinae and lung tumours. Our data show that activated K- ras by point mutation can be present in non-neoplastic bronchial carina mucosa even when no mutation is detected in tumour samples. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Temporal artery biopsy for diagnosing giant cell arteritis: the longer, the better?

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relation between temporal artery biopsy (TAB) length and diagnostic sensitivity for giant cell arteritis. METHODS: Histological TAB reports generated from four hospital pathology departments were reviewed for demographics, histological findings, and formalin fixed TAB lengths. A biopsy was considered positive for giant cell arteritis if there was a mononuclear cell infiltrate predominating at the media–intima junction or in the media. RESULTS: Among 1821 TAB reports reviewed, 287 (15.8%) were excluded because of missing data, sampling errors, or age <50 years. Mean TAB length of the 1520 datasets finally analysed (67.2% women; mean (SD) age, 73.1 (10.0) years) was 1.33 (0.73) cm. Histological evidence of giant cell arteritis was found in 223 specimens (14.7%), among which 164 (73.5%) contained giant cells. Statistical analyses, including piecewise logistic regression, identified 0.5 cm as the TAB length change point for diagnostic sensitivity. Compared with TAB length of <0.5 cm, the respective odds ratios for positive TAB without and with multinucleated giant cells in samples ⩾0.5 cm long were 5.7 (95% confidence interval, 1.4 to 23.6) and 4.0 (0.97 to 16.5). CONCLUSIONS: A fixed TAB length of at least 0.5 cm could be sufficient to make a histological diagnosis of giant cell arteritis
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