36 research outputs found

    Decoupling between Lovelace’s checker server and main server

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    Abstract. Thesis provides an introduction to online learning environment Lovelace, defnes its coupling issues, and narrates the process of decoupling those issues. The tools that are used in the Lovelace system’s components main features and their role in the system are described and the term decoupling is explained to the reader. The system has a coupling issue between the main server and checker service; checker service has read and write access to the main server’s database and that needs to be revoked. In addition, Lovelace system utilizes network fle system to share fles between the checker service and the main server. For decoupling the system, a solution is designed and implemented that revokes those read and write rights and also strips the need for the network fle system. Solution for the issue has a three-step design where iterations are in order of importance. Iterations of the design are: revoking the write access; revoking the read access; and lastly the consideration regarding the use of network fle system. Implementation of the solution consist of creation of the development platform and each iteration of the implementation design. Evaluation is structured in a similar manner as the implementation. Each iteration of the implementation is evaluated as its own and evaluation is also given to the development platform. The evaluation itself consists of discussion and observations that are made from the implementations and its outcomes.Lovelacen tarkastinpalvelimen ja pÀÀpalvelimen irtikytkentĂ€. TiivistelmĂ€. Tutkielma esittelee verkko-oppimisympĂ€ristö Lovelacen, mÀÀrittelee oppimisympĂ€ristön kytkentĂ€ongelmat sekĂ€ kuvailee irtikytkennĂ€n vaiheet, ettĂ€ nĂ€iden vaiheiden ongelmat. Lovelace-jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n komponentit ja niiden olennaisimmat ominaisuudet, sekĂ€ rooli jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n toiminnassa on selitetty, ja termi irtikytkentĂ€ selitetÀÀn lukijalle. JĂ€rjestelmĂ€ssĂ€ on kytkentĂ€ongelma pÀÀpalvelimen sekĂ€ tarkistuspalvelimen vĂ€lillĂ€. Tarkistuspalvelimella on sekĂ€ luku- ettĂ€ kirjoitusoikeudet jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n pÀÀpalvelimen tietokantaan, jotka tĂ€ytyy kumota. JĂ€rjestelmĂ€ jakaa myös tiedostoja lĂ€hiverkon yli palvelimelta toiselle, joka on osa palvelimien tiedonvaihtoa. IrtikytkentÀÀ varten suunnitellaan sekĂ€ toteutetaan ratkaisu, jolla tarkistinpalvelimen luku- ja kirjoitusoikeus pÀÀpalvelimen tietokantaan evĂ€tÀÀn ja tiedostojen jaon tarve verkon yli lopetetaan. Toteutuksen ratkaisumalli on kolmeportainen, tĂ€rkeysjĂ€rjestykseen listattuna. Ratkaisumallin vaiheet ovat: tarkistuspalvelimen kirjoitusoikeuden kumoaminen, tarkistuspalvelimen tietokannan lukuoikeuden kumoaminen sekĂ€ tiedostojen verkon yli jakamisen tarpeellisuuden arviointi. Projektin toteutus koostuu kehitysympĂ€ristön rakentamisesta, sekĂ€ ratkaisumallin jokaisesta vaiheesta. Toteutuksen arviointi on jĂ€sennelty alkuperĂ€istĂ€ ratkaisumallia vastaavasti, arviointi tapahtuu erikseen jokaiselle vaiheelle sekĂ€ kehitysympĂ€ristö arvioidaan. Arviointi koostuu keskustelusta sekĂ€ havainnoista, joita toteutuksesta havaitaan

    Circulating sex steroids during pregnancy and maternal risk of non-epithelial ovarian cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: Sex steroid hormones have been proposed to play a role in the development of non-epithelial ovarian cancers (NEOC) but so far no direct epidemiological data are available.METHODS: A case-control study was nested within the Finnish Maternity Cohort, the world's largest bio-repository of serum specimens from pregnant women. Study subjects were selected among women who donated a blood sample during a singleton pregnancy that led to the birth of their last child preceding diagnosis of NEOC. Case subjects were 41 women with sex-cord stromal tumors (SCST) and 21 with germ cell tumors (GCT). Three controls, matching the index case for age, parity at the index pregnancy, and date at blood donation were selected (n=171). Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) associated with concentrations of testosterone, androstenedione, 17-OH-progesterone, progesterone, estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were estimated through conditional logistic regression.RESULTS: For SCST, doubling of testosterone, androstenedione and 17-OH-progesterone concentrations were associated with about 2-fold higher risk of SCST [ORs and 95% CI of 2.16 (1.25-3.74), 2.16 (1.20-3.87), and 2.62 (1.27-5.38), respectively]. These associations remained largely unchanged after excluding women within 2, 4 or 6 years lag-time between blood donation and cancer diagnosis. Sex steroid hormones concentrations were not related to maternal risk of GCT.CONCLUSIONS: This is the first prospective study providing initial evidence that elevated androgens play a role in the pathogenesis of SCST. Impact: Our study may note a particular need for larger confirmatory investigations on sex steroids and NEOC

    Fixed mindset as a challenge in teaching practice:a pre-service teacher’s experiences of received feedback

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    Abstract Teaching practice is a critical component in teacher education, and better understanding of how pre-service teachers experience and interpret the feedback received in this setting is needed to understand teacher development in initial teacher education. Arguably, the mindset theory can help explain pre-service teachers’ responses to and reception of feedback. This narrative study examines one pre-service mathematics and science teacher’s experiences of received feedback from her supervisors during teaching practice and discusses the impact of her mindset on her reception of feedback. Esteri displayed a so-called fixed mindset regarding her qualities as a teacher and towards the feedback received, which greatly hindered her reception of the feedback. Interestingly, we observed characteristics of fixed mindset also in the feedback given by her supervisors. We discuss the challenges that fixed mindset poses for feedback practices, and what narrated experiences of feedback can teach us about supporting teacher development of future teachers in teaching practice

    Students experiences of peer-support during a master’s thesis process

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    Abstract Working as an expert in health care requires peer-support skills. The aim of the study is to describe students’ (n = 8) experiences of peer-support from other students during their Master’s thesis process. This study was a qualitative and the data (n = 29) was collected from the students through a number of repeated open questions during one year. The data were analysed by a qualitative content analysis. The results show that students both received and gave individual and mental peer-support during their Master’s thesis process. The results also show that students need to be active in peer-support group such as to share ideas, to discuss openly and to read peers thesis. The peer-support helped the students to formulate research plan and think more critically based on others students’ feedback. Peer-support received in a group can help increase opportunities for learning working life skills for Master’s thesis students, but further research is needed. More widely in health care, it is important to be aware of the existence of peer-support and discuss how it can be promoted

    Medical students’ experience of emotions and success in neurological studies:what do they tell us?

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    Abstract Background: There is a need to develop effective educational experience in neurology to improve the students’ skills in diagnosing and managing patients with neurological symptoms or disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the medical students’ attitudes and emotions towards neurology before and after the four week clinical course at two Finnish Universities in order to find elements to improve effective learning by decreasing the emotional stress in medical studies. Methods: In this two-stage study, 58 medical students participated in an internet survey with open-ended questions after completing a clinical neurology course. In the content analysis of this survey 20 students (35%) were identified with negative anticipation towards neurology before undertaking the clinical neurology course. In the second phase of the study, the narrative analysis method was used to analyse the face-to-face interviews. Two of these interviews are described in this paper and represent cases who expressed negative emotions in both online survey and narrative interview. Results: According to the content analysis, the principal emotions that were experienced at the beginning of the clinical neurology course were insecurity about personal performance (𝑛 = 19, 95%) anxiety (𝑛 = 9, 45%) and fear (𝑛 = 6, 30%). During the course the combined negative emotions (insecurity, anxiety, and fear) decreased in 80% of students (16/20 cases), remained unchanged in 15% (3/20) and could not be evaluated in 1 (5%) case. The main reasons for the observed negative anticipation were the complexity of neurology and challenges in the interpretation of clinical findings. Based on content analysis and narratives, elements that were evaluated as the most significant contributors in reducing this included small group teaching with real patients, teachersÊŒ expertise and the increase in self-confidence. Conclusion: Teaching with appropriate didactic methodology and feedback, and plenty of practical training can improve effective learning in neurology. We suggest that the pedagogic competence of the clinical teacher influences a student’s motivation and proficiency and reduce stress in neurology-related learning tasks

    How does Mind–Body Bridging support professional identity development?

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    Abstract This narrative case study is an exploration of Mind–Body Bridging (MBB), an emerging mindfulness-based approach, and its impact on university students’ professional identities. MBB was used as content and an intervention tool in a psychology course. The study provides an in-depth analysis of two students’ narratives to illustrate and discuss the usefulness of MBB in the university setting. The findings demonstrate that MBB helped students develop their professional identity with regard to self-confidence, self-awareness, social relationships, and professional future. Moreover, the link between the development of students’ professional identities and their abilities to cope with work-related stress is found