1,625 research outputs found

    The promise of anti-angiogenic cancer therapy

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    Handling and analysis of ices in cryostats and glove boxes in view of cometary samples

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    Comet nucleus sample return mission and other return missions from planets and satellites need equipment for handling and analysis of icy samples at low temperatures under vacuum or protective gas. Two methods are reported which were developed for analysis of small icy samples and which are modified for larger samples in cometary matter simulation experiments (KOSI). A conventional optical cryostat system was modified to allow for transport of samples at 5 K, ion beam irradiation, and measurement in an off-line optical spectrophotometer. The new system consists of a removable window plug containing nozzles for condensation of water and volatiles onto a cold finger. This plug can be removed in a vacuum system, changed against another plug (e.g., with other windows (IR, VIS, VUV) or other nozzles). While open, the samples can be treated under vacuum with cooling by manipulators (cut, removal, sample taking, irradiation with light, photons, or ions). After bringing the plug back, the samples can be moved to another site of analysis. For handling the 30 cm diameter mineral-ice samples from the KOSI experiments an 80x80x80 cm glove box made out of plexiglass was used. The samples were kept in a liquid nitrogen bath, which was filled from the outside. A stream a dry N2 and evaporating gas from the bath purified the glove box from impurity gases and, in particular, H2O, which otherwise would condense onto the samples

    Sensitivity to the KARMEN Timing Anomaly at MiniBooNE

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    We present sensitivities for the MiniBooNE experiment to a rare exotic pion decay producing a massive particle, Q^0. This type of decay represents one possible explanation for the timing anomaly reported by the KARMEN collaboration. MiniBooNE will be able to explore an area of the KARMEN signal that has not yet been investigated

    Picosecond diode-pumped 1.5 μm Er,Yb:glass lasers operating at10-100 GHz repetition rate

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    Stable ultrafast laser sources at multi-GHz repetition rates are important for various application areas, such as optical sampling, frequency comb metrology, or advanced high-speed return-to-zero telecom systems. We review SESAM-mode-locked Er,Yb:glass lasers operating in the 1.5μm spectral region at multi-GHz repetition rates, discussing the key improvements that have enabled increasing the repetition rate up to 100GHz. We also present further improved results with shorter pulse durations from a 100GHz Er,Yb:glass laser. With an improved SESAM design we achieved 1.1ps pulses with up to 30mW average output power. Moreover, we discuss for the first time the importance of beam quality deteriorations arising from frequency-degenerate higher order spatial modes in such laser

    Composition and luminescence studies of InGaN epilayers grown at different hydrogen flow rates

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    Indium gallium nitride (In(x)Ga(1-x)N) is a technologically important material for many optoelectronic devices, including LEDs and solar cells, but it remains a challenge to incorporate high levels of InN into the alloy while maintaining sample quality. A series of InGaN epilayers was grown with different hydrogen flow rates (0-200 sccm) and growth temperatures (680-750 °C) to obtain various InN fractions and bright emission in the range 390-480 nm. These 160-nm thick epilayers were characterized through several compositional techniques (wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry) and cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging. The compositional analysis with the different techniques shows good agreement when taking into account compositional gradients evidenced in these layers. The addition of small amounts of hydrogen to the gas flow at lower growth temperatures is shown to maintain a high surface quality and luminescence homogeneity. This allowed InN fractions of up to ~16% to be incorporated with minimal peak energy variations over a mapped area while keeping a high material quality

    Diversification in the Archean Biosphere: Insight from NanoSIMS of Microstructures in the Farrel Quartzite of Australia

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    The nature of early life on Earth is difficult to assess because potential Early Archean biosignatures are commonly poorly preserved. Interpretations of such materials have been contested, and abiotic or epigenetic derivations have been proposed (summarized in [1]). Yet, an understanding of Archean life is of astrobiological importance, as knowledge of early evolutionary processes on Earth could provide insight to development of life on other planets. A recently-discovered assemblage of organic microstructures in approx.3 Ga charts of the Farrel Quartzite (FQ) of Australia [2-4] includes unusual spindle-like forms and a variety of spheroids. If biogenicity and syngeneity of these forms could be substantiated, the FQ assemblage would provide a new view of Archean life. Our work uses NanoSIMS to further assess the biogenicity and syngeneity of FQ microstructures. In prior NanoSIMS studies [5-6], we gained an understanding of nano-scale elemental distributions in undisputed microfossils from the Neoproterozoic Bitter Springs Formation of Australia. Those results provide a new tool with which to evaluate poorly preserved materials that we might find in Archean sediments and possibly in extraterrestrial materials. We have applied this tool to the FQ forms

    Layered Sediments, Rampart Craters, and Potential Fluvio-Lacustrine Activity in S.W. Arabia Terra, Mars: Support for a History of Aqueous Conditions

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    Arabia Terra is a unique area on Mars in that it is the only major, equatorial region characterized by high abundances of near-surface water (as measured by gamma ray and neutron spectroscopy). Vernal Crater is a 55 km-diameter structure in southwest Arabia Terra, centered at 6 N, 355.5 E. The crater includes layered sediments, potential remnants of fluvio-lacustrine activity, and indications of aeolian processes. Regional considerations, along with new THEMIS and MOC data, are being assessed to gain insight into the significance of the geomorphic units within Vernal Crater and the geologic history of SW Arabia Terra

    "Nano" Scale Biosignatures and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

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    A critical step in the search for remnants of potential life forms on other planets lies in our ability to recognize indigenous fragments of ancient microbes preserved in some of Earth's oldest rocks. To this end, we are building a database of nano-scale chemical and morphological characteristics of some of Earth's oldest organic microfossils. We are primarily using the new technology of Nano-Secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) which provides in-situ, nano-scale elemental analysis of trace quantities of organic residues. The initial step was to characterize element composition of well-preserved, organic microfossils from the late Proterozoic (0.8 Ga) Bitter Springs Formation of Australia. Results from that work provide morphologic detail and nitrogen/carbon ratios that appear to reflect the well-established biological origin of these 0.8 Ga fossils

    Antibody-based immunotherapy for ovarian cancer: where are we at?

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    Cytoreductive surgery and chemotherapy continue to be the mainstay of ovarian cancer treatment. However, as mortality from advanced ovarian cancer remains very high, novel therapies are required to be integrated into existing treatment regimens. Immunotherapy represents an alternative and rational therapeutic approach for ovarian cancer based on a body of evidence supporting a protective role of the immune system against these cancers, and on the clinical success of immunotherapy in other malignancies. Whether or not immunotherapy will have a role in the future management of ovarian cancer is too early to tell, but research in this field is active. This review will discuss recent clinical developments of selected immunotherapies for ovarian cancer which fulfil the following criteria: (i) they are antibody-based, (ii) target a distinct immunological pathway, and (iii) have reached the clinical trial stage. Specifically, the focus is on Catumaxomab (anti-EpCAM × anti-CD3), Abagovomab, Oregovomab (anti-CA125), Daclizumab (anti-CD25), Ipilimumab (anti-CTLA-4), and MXD-1105 (anti-PD-L1). Catumaxomab has reached phase III clinical trials and exhibits promise with reports, showing that it can cause a significant and sustained reduction in ascites. Phase I-III clinical trials continue to be conducted on the other antibodies, some of which have had encouraging reports. We will also provide our perspective on the future of immunotherapy for ovarian cancer, and how it may be best employed in treatment regimen

    The vascular bone marrow niche influences outcome in chronic myeloid leukemia via the E-selectin - SCL/TAL1-CD44 axis.

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    The endosteal bone marrow niche and vascular endothelial cells provide sanctuaries for leukemic cells. In murine chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) CD44 on leukemia cells and E-selectin on bone marrow endothelium are essential mediators for the engraftment of leukemic stem cells. We hypothesized that non-adhesion of CML-initiating cells to E-selectin on the bone marrow endothelium may lead to superior eradication of leukemic stem cells in CML after treatment with imatinib than imatinib alone. Indeed, here we show that treatment with the E-selectin inhibitor GMI-1271 in combination with imatinib prolongs survival of mice with CML via decreased contact time of leukemia cells with bone marrow endothelium. Non-adhesion of BCR-ABL1(+) cells leads to an increase of cell cycle progression and an increase of expression of the hematopoietic transcription factor and proto-oncogene Scl/Tal1 in leukemia-initiating cells. We implicate SCL/TAL1 as an indirect phosphorylation target of BCR-ABL1 and as a negative transcriptional regulator of CD44 expression. We show that increased SCL/TAL1 expression is associated with improved outcome in human CML. These data demonstrate the BCR-ABL1-specific, cell-intrinsic pathways leading to altered interactions with the vascular niche via the modulation of adhesion molecules - which could be exploited therapeutically in the future