13 research outputs found

    Strong Authenticity with Leakage under Weak and Falsifiable Physical Assumptions

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    Authenticity can be compromised by information leaked via side-channels (e.g., power consumption). Examples of attacks include direct key recoveries and attacks against the tag verification which may lead to forgeries. At FSE 2018, Berti et al. described two authenticated encryption schemes which provide authenticity assuming a “leak-free implementation” of a Tweakable Block Cipher (TBC). Precisely, security is guaranteed even if all the intermediate computations of the target implementation are leaked in full but the TBC long-term key. Yet, while a leak-free implementation reasonably models strongly protected implementations of a TBC, it remains an idealized physical assumption that may be too demanding in many cases, in particular, if hardware engineers mitigate the leakage to a good extent but (due to performance constraints) do not reach leak-freeness. In this paper, we get rid of this important limitation by introducing the notion of “Strong Unpredictability with Leakage” for BC\u27s and TBC\u27s. It captures the hardness for an adversary to provide a fresh and valid input/output pair for a (T)BC, even having oracle access to the (T)BC, its inverse and their leakages. This definition is game-based and may be verified/falsified by laboratories. Based on it, we then provide two Message Authentication Codes (MAC) which are secure if the (T)BC on which they rely are implemented in a way that maintains a sufficient unpredictability. Thus, we improve the theoretical foundations of leakage-resilient MAC and extend them towards engineering constraints that are easier to achieve in practice

    Tight Private Circuits: Achieving Probing Security with the Least Refreshing

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    Masking is a common countermeasure to secure implementations against side-channel attacks. In 2003, Ishai, Sahai, and Wagner introduced a formal security model, named t-probing model, which is now widely used to theoretically reason on the security of masked implementations. While many works have provided security proofs for small masked components, called gadgets, within this model, no formal method allowed to securely compose gadgets with a tight number of shares (namely, t + 1) until recently. In 2016, Barthe et al. filled this gap with maskComp, a tool checking the security of masking schemes composed of several gadgets. This tool can achieve provable security with tight number of shares by inserting mask-refreshing gadgets at carefully selected locations. However the method is not tight in the sense that there exists some compositions of gadgets for which it cannot exhibit a flaw nor prove the security. As a result, it is overconservative and might insert more refresh gadgets than actually needed to ensure t-probing security. In this paper, we exhibit the first tool, referred to as tightPROVE, able to clearly state whether a shared circuit composed of standard gadgets (addition, multiplication, and refresh) is t-probing secure or not. Given such a composition, our tool either produces a probing-security proof (valid at any order) or exhibits a security flaw that directly implies a probing attack at a given order. Compared to maskComp, tightPROVE can drastically reduce the number of required refresh gadgets to get a probing security proof, and thus the randomness requirement for some secure shared circuits. We apply our method to a recent AES implementation secured with higher-order masking in bitslice and we show that we can save all the refresh gadgets involved in the s-box layer, which results in an significant performance gain

    Secure Multiplication for Bitslice Higher-Order Masking: Optimisation and Comparison

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    In this paper, we optimize the performances and compare several recent masking schemes in bitslice on 32-bit arm devices, with a focus on multiplication. Our main conclusion is that efficiency (or randomness) gains always come at a cost, either in terms of composability or in terms of resistance against horizontal attacks. Our evaluations should therefore allow a designer to select a masking scheme based on implementation constraints and security requirements. They also highlight the increasing feasibility of (very) high-order masking that are offered by increasingly powerful embedded devices, with new opportunities of high-security devices in various contexts

    Very High Order Masking: Efficient Implementation and Security Evaluation

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    In this paper, we study the performances and security of recent masking algorithms specialized to parallel implementations in a 32-bit embedded software platform, for the standard AES Rijndael and the bitslice cipher Fantomas. By exploiting the excellent features of these algorithms for bitslice implementations, we first extend the recent speed records of Goudarzi and Rivain (presented at Eurocrypt 2017) and report realistic timings for masked implementations with 32 shares. We then observe that the security level provided by such implementations is uneasy to quantify with current evaluation tools. We therefore propose a new ``multi-model evaluation methodology which takes advantage of different (more or less abstract) security models introduced in the literature. This methodology allows us to both bound the security level of our implementations in a principled manner and to assess the risks of overstated security based on well understood parameters. Concretely, it leads us to conclude that these implementations withstand worst-case adversaries with >2^64 measurements under falsifiable assumptions

    Tornado: Automatic Generation of Probing-Secure Masked Bitsliced Implementations

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    International audienceCryptographic implementations deployed in real world devices often aim at (provable) security against the powerful class of side-channel attacks while keeping reasonable performances. Last year at Asiacrypt, a new formal verification tool named tightPROVE was put forward to exactly determine whether a masked implementation is secure in the well-deployed probing security model for any given security order t. Also recently, a compiler named Usuba was proposed to automatically generate bitsliced implementations of cryptographic primitives.This paper goes one step further in the security and performances achievements with a new automatic tool named Tornado. In a nutshell, from the high-level description of a cryptographic primitive, Tornado produces a functionally equivalent bitsliced masked implementation at any desired order proven secure in the probing model, but additionally in the so-called register probing model which much better fits the reality of software implementations. This framework is obtained by the integration of Usuba with tightPROVE+, which extends tightPROVE with the ability to verify the security of implementations in the register probing model and to fix them with inserting refresh gadgets at carefully chosen locations accordingly.We demonstrate Tornado on the lightweight cryptographic primitives selected to the second round of the NIST competition and which somehow claimed to be masking friendly. It advantageously displays performances of the resulting masked implementations for several masking orders and prove their security in the register probing model

    Masking Proofs are Tight (and How to Exploit it in Security Evaluations)

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    Evaluating the security level of a leaking implementation against side-channel attacks is a challenging task. This is especially true when countermeasures such as masking are implemented since in this case: (i) the amount of measurements to perform a key recovery may become prohibitive for certification laboratories, and (ii) applying optimal (multivariate) attacks may be computationally intensive and technically challenging. In this paper, we show that by taking advantage of the tightness of masking security proofs, we can significantly simplify this evaluation task in a very general manner. More precisely, we show that the evaluation of a masked implementation can essentially be reduced to the one of an unprotected implementation. In addition, we show that despite optimal attacks against masking schemes are computationally intensive for large number of shares, heuristic (soft analytical side-channel) attacks can approach optimality very efficiently. As part of this second contribution, we also improve over the recent multivariate (aka horizontal) side-channel attacks proposed at CHES 2016 by Battistello et al

    Trade-Offs for S-Boxes: Cryptographic Properties and Side-Channel Resilience

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    International audienceWhen discussing how to improve side-channel resilience of a cipher, an obvious direction is to use various masking or hiding countermeasures. However, such schemes come with a cost, e.g. an increase in the area and/or reduction of the speed. When considering lightweight cryptography and various constrained environments, the situation becomes even more difficult due to numerous implementation restrictions. However, some options are possible like using S-boxes that are easier to mask or (more on a fundamental level), using S-boxes that possess higher inherent side-channel resilience. In this paper we investigate what properties should an S-box possess in order to be more resilient against side-channel attacks. Moreover, we find certain connections between those properties and cryptographic properties like nonlinearity and differential uniformity. Finally, to strengthen our theoretical findings, we give an extensive experimental validation of our results