2,028 research outputs found

    Classification of Heart Disease using Artificial Neural Network and Feature Subset Selection

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    Now a day2019;s artificial neural network (ANN) has been widely used as a tool for solving many decision modeling problems. A multilayer perception is a feed forward ANN model that is used extensively for the solution of a no. of different problems. An ANN is the simulation of the human brain. It is a supervised learning technique used for non linear classification Coronary heart disease is major epidemic in India and Andhra Pradesh is in risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Clinical diagnosis is done mostly by doctor2019;s expertise and patients were asked to take no. of diagnosis tests. But all the tests will not contribute towards effective diagnosis of disease. Feature subset selection is a preprocessing step used to reduce dimensionality, remove irrelevant data. In this paper we introduce a classification approach which uses ANN and feature subset selection for the classification of heart disease. PCA is used for preprocessing and to reduce no. Of attributes which indirectly reduces the no. of diagnosis tests which are needed to be taken by a patient. We applied our approach on Andhra Pradesh heart disease data base. Our experimental results show that accuracy improved over traditional classification techniques. This system is feasible and faster and more accurate for diagnosis of heart disease

    Creation of new administrative district for tamil speaking people in Ampra : Acritical analsis

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    Administrative decentralization is a strategy for addressing a number of critical governmental needs. Foremost among these are strengthening governance, increasing transparency and accountability, and more effective and efficient production and delivery of public goods and services. Administrative decentralization seeks to redistribute authority, responsibility and financial resources for providing public services among different levels of government This is a research paper based on the study carried out under the objective of looking at the context and considering the possibilities of creating a new administrative district in the coastal areas of the Amparai district, covering Sammmanthurai, Kalmunai, and Pottuvil electorates as administrative benefits for Tamil speaking people. This demand for creating a separate coastal district has emerged among the Tamil speaking people ever since the creation o f Amparai district in 1961, by separating the southern part o f the Batticaloa distric

    On Locally S-prime and Locally S-Primary Submodules

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     Throughout this article, we present locally prime, locally primary and locally S-semiprime submodules, as generalizations of prime, primary and semiprime submodules respectively. We investigate some properties and characterizations of these modules. For a multiplication module, the concepts of locally primary and locally primary are equivalent. Finally, we give the following result, if  is multiplication module, then  is locally primary submodule, if there exists a locally primary ideal of  such that  and . We provided that, every locally semiprime submodule of multiplication module is the intersection of some locally prime submodule

    Studies of Thermal Stability of Polymers by Thermal Volatilisation Analysis

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    A great deal of work has been carried out on the degradation of polystyrene in order to elucidate the mechanism of the reactions involved. Most of the workers have assumed that transfer reactions are taking place and included them as a factor in the theoretical treatments of the kinetics of degradation. Other workers have shown, by indirect experimental work, that transfer reactions to take part in the degradation process of this polymer. However, this work is a direct attempt to show that intermolecular transfer is a major factor taking part in the degradation process. The technique used was the TVA where the small pressure which exists in a continously evacuated system between a hot sample, decomposing to volatile products, and a cold trap placed some distance away is recorded continuously as the temperature of the sample is increased in a linear manner. The TVA curve indicates the variation of rate of volatilization of the sample with temperature. The degradation method used was that of comparing the thermal stability of very thin films of polymer with that of the thicker films. Degradation was carried out under conditions of temperature rise of 10 C/min. or at isothermal temperatures. Thin films of polystyrene were observed to be thermally more stable than the bulk material. The molecular weight dropped more sharply in the case of thick films when compared with thin films of the same sample weight. More styrene monomer was produced from degraded thin films than from the thicker films. Also, the shape of the curve of the rate of volatilization against percentage conversion in thin films resembled that of poly (a- methyl styrene) where the zip length is much greater than the chain length. This behaviour was considered to be due to the reduction of intermolecular transfer reactions in thin films of polystyrene. Polymers where transfer reactions are well established such as polypropylene, poly (isobutene) and some elastomers were also examined and showed an effect of thin film stability similar to that observed in polystyrene. Poly (methyl methacrylate) was also examined in the form of thin and thick films and in powder form. The results suggested that transfer reactions of the secondary hydrogen atoms might be taking place to some extent. Poly (methyl acrylate) which contains a tertiary hydrogen atom showed an effect similar to that observed in polystyrene; while there was no change in thermal stability of thin and thick films of poly (tert. butyl methacrylate). Very few useful conclusions could be drawn from results obtained from the degradation of thin and thick films of PVC, PVA and poly (vinyl alcohol)

    A database system for promotional literature for publishers

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    The aim of this thesis is to design a database system which could easily be used by a publishing company to store data concerning the products it publishes and to enable such data to be used in the regular processes of the production of lists of books and periodicals of certain promotional requirements. In our approach we have used a relational model which is based on the mathematical theory of relations. This has certain advantages over systems designed using tree or plex structures for as the database grows it will avoid causing upheaval with the logical representation of data and application programs and provides a basis for a high level retrieval language. The query language is designed to answer quickly all enquiries to the database and is based on principles and techniques developed from menu construction. The requirements of the promotional information produced by a typical publishing house are analysed and a model set up which tests the theories we have developed. In addition, the security aspect of the database has been studied and checks incorporated into the systems to ensure the authority of the personnel using the system and to provide a permanent record of all legal and illegal entries for management information

    Introducing new public management techniques in public sectors of Sri Lanka: problems and challenges a case of Ampara district - Navithanveli divisional secretariat

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    In the last quarter century there has been a significant shift within the field of Public Administration. Traditional values and norms have been undermined in a number of ways. One aspect of this trend has been the emergence of a concept which has come to be known as the New Public Management (NPM). At the most basic level this concept promotes the public sector use of private sector management techniques. Due to a number of pressures, NPM has spread across the. world influencing a wide range of states. However, there are reservations over the general applicability of NPM, especially in the developing world. This paper outlines the rise of NPM in the context of Sri Lanka. And further addresses the issues in introducing NPM techniques in Divisional Secretariats of Sri Lanka, with reference to Navithanveli Divisional Secretariat which has established in the war-torn area of Ampara district This study is a critical one based on interpretative analysis which has used quantitative and qualitative data. The stated purpose is examined by studying both primary and secondary materials. The primary data has been collected through key informants interviews and focus group discussion. Four persons have been interviewed as key informants and five focus groups have been discussed. The Secondary data has been collected from books, official documents, reports, and journals. The major finding of the study is that, the above institution has been challenged in implementing the NPM techniques owing to various reasons including lack of knowledge, lack of staff capacity of the institution, et

    Local government and good governance in Sri Lanka: a comparative study of Batticaloa and Kalmunai municipal councils

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    Good Governance is a precondition for sustainable development. There is also the prerequisites mat legal, institutional and policy framework as well as competencies of the local governance enable a transparent, participative, effective and efficient governance process. Unfortunatnately in East Sri Lanka as well as in many other parts of the country, this assumption is only partly met, and socio-economic progress is directly influenced by this fact On this backdrop, the research focuses on comparative view of role of Kalmunai and Batticaloa Municipal Councils in installing good governance. The prime objective of mis study is to identify the achievements of bom councils in their good governance process, and to study the barriers that are inhibiting the both council in establishing good governance. Further this research provides some recommendation to uplift this situation. This study is based on comparative method in which has been used qualitative and quantitative data. Both primary and secondary materials have been used. The major findings of this study is that level of Kalmunai Municipal Council good governance process is very low compare to Batticoloa Municipal council, and both have many challenges in establishing good governance in their governance process

    Issues in public service delivery : a case study of Addalaichenai divisional secretariat in the Eastern Sri Lanka

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    This study examines the major issues in public service delivery in the Addalaichenai divisional secretariat area of Eastern Sri Lanka. The government has the obligation to deliver the services to its citizens. Normally, the action of government which provides the services to the citizens is called as public service delivery. The objective of this study is to identify the empirical major issues in public service delivery in Addalaichenai divisional secretariat. This research is built on qualitative research methodology and it is explored by using both primary and secondary materials. In the primary source, the qualitative interviews and focus group discussion are used where necessary. In the secondary source such as books, magazines, internet articles are used. This paper finds out that two types of issues are in service delivery in Addalaichenai divisional secretariat faced by people and administrators such as unawareness of people, discrimination, delay, lack of modern facilities, political influence. These issues are the challenges to the day to day life of the people and they have to be solved to achieve the enhancement of the citizens

    Citizen’s perspective on public service delivery: with special reference to Akkaraipattu municipal council area

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    Economics of Property Crime Rate in Punjab

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    This study intends to ascertain the impact of socio-economic, demographic and deterrent variables and the effect of technical criminal know-how and past criminal experience on property crime rate. The property crime equation comprises of the following independent variables: population density, unemployment rate, literacy rate, police strength and number of police proclaimed offenders in a society. The property crime equation has been estimated by using a time-series data set for Punjab from 1978 to 2012. We have applied Johansen cointegration approach to test the long run relationship among the variables. Empirical findings suggest that police strength has a deterrent effect while past criminal experience enhances property crime rate in Punjab. The study finds population density has a significant positive relationship while education has a significant negative relationship with property crime rate. Further we also find a negative relationship between unemployment and property crime which is supported by the concept of ‘consensus of doubt’ in the discipline of crime and economics. JEL Classification: D