855 research outputs found

    Finite states in four dimensional quantized gravity

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    This is the first in a series of papers outlining an algorithm to explicitly construct finite quantum states of the full theory of gravity in Ashtekar variables. The algorithm is based upon extending some properties of a special state, the Kodama state for pure gravity with cosmological term, to matter-coupled models. We then illustrate a presciption for nonperturbatively constructing the generalized Kodama states, in preparation for subsequent works in this series. We also introduce the concept of the semiclassical-quantum correspondence (SQC). We express the quantum constraints of the full theory as a system of equations to be solved for the constituents of the `phase' of the wavefunction. Additionally, we provide a variety of representations of the generalized Kodama states including a generalization of the topological instanton term to include matter fields, for which we present arguments for the field-theoretical analogue of cohomology on infinite dimensional spaces. We demonstrate that the Dirac, reduced phase space and geometric quantization procedures are all equivalent for these generalized Kodama states as a natural consequence of the SQC. We relegate the method of the solution to the constraints and other associated ramifications of the generalized Kodama states to separate works.Comment: 42 pages: Accepted for publication by Class. Quantum Grav. journa

    Remarks on Topological SUSY in sixdimensional TQFTs

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    We establish the existence of the topological vector supersymmetry in the six dimensional topological field theory for two-form fields introduced by Baulieu and West. We investigate the relation of these symmetries to the twist operation for the (2,0) supersymmetry and comment on their resemblance to the analogous symmetries in topological Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 12 pages, to be published in JHEP 11(1999)03

    Ladies of the Country House: Irish Aristocratic Women, 1870-1918

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    Far from being an insignificant sub-group, aristocratic women played important roles within their country homes and in wider society. This research, which focuses on the period of great social, political and economic change, 1870-1918, examines the role of women in relation to their feminine duties, how aspects of their social lives including marriage arrangements and leisure activities changed over the period, and the diversity of roles they assumed during the Great War. The role of aristocratic women and the Irish country house has been an overlooked aspect of Irish history with the result that few published works exist on the topic. By means of a case study, aristocratic women step forth from the dusty letters and diaries of family archives lending their words to provide a more nuanced understanding of their roles and experiences in a staunchly patriarchal society

    Raffinose extract from navy beans decreases fermentation time and enhances overall quality of yogurt.

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    The consumption of pulses is gaining popularity in recent times due to the awareness of health benefits associated with this food group. Despite this awareness, pulses are still not being used. In order to increase utilization, and consumption of this product, different applications are considered. In this research, extracts prepared from navy beans were used to fortify yogurt. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Navy bean extract on the quality of yogurt. Navy bean extracts were prepared using water extraction procedure. Extract was added to 2% reduced fat milk (2.5% -10%). 2% milk and bean extract mixture was pasteurized at 90oC for 10 mins, cooled to 42oC, inoculated with yogurt culture (Danisco YO-MIX 883 LYO 500 DCU), and fermented for 4 - 8 hours at 42oF. Physico-chemical analysis, microbiology, shelf-life study and quantification of raffinose in extracts were determined using standard procedures. The results obtained showed raffinose concentration of up to 2.65g/l in the bean extract. Fortified samples reached the desired pH of 4.6 in 4 hours; there was a significant increase in acidity and decrease in pH 21-day period. A decrease in Total Soluble Solids (TSS) was observed with the addition of extract, however no effect was observed on the viscosity of yogurt. Microbiology results showed a slight increase in mean values for samples fortified with extract compared to control but this increase was not statistically significant over time (P>0.05). Yogurt fortified with navy bean extract was shown to reduce fermentation time. Increase in acidification and decrease in pH levels shows increased probiotic activity thus, overall quality of yogurt was enhanced with respect to acidification and pH levels. Further studies should incorporate different probiotic strains and optimize extract concentrations

    Self Presentation Dalam Kehidupan Virtual

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    : The Sims 4 is a life simulation digital game, wherein the player can create and manage their virtual world. This research aims to reveal the players\u27 ideas in constructing their virtual world in this game. It is a qualitative research, using indepth interview to collect the data. Based on Ervin Goffman\u27s dramaturgy theory, “The presentation of self in everyday life”, this research concludes that The Sims 4 is played like a “real” life to create the expected self-image in the real world

    Analisis Potensi Ekspor Hasil-hasil Pertanian di Kabupaten Karo

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    This research aims to analyze export potency of agricultural products and their demand in Karo. This research uses secondary data in time series that is the number of agricultural commodity production Karo, the volume and value of exports of agricultural commodities Karo 2002-2010. It is analyzed by Location Quotient (LQ) method, Typology Klassen, Shift Share Analysis and descriptive analysis. Results of Location Quotient (LQ), Typology Klassen, and Shift Share Analysis shows that commodities that have export potential, bases, forward and grow rapidly are cabbage, carrots, onions and orange. Commodities with the highest level of demand each year is the cabbage and potatoes respectively 48929.59 and 27227.28 tons tons in 2009

    Implementasi Kebijakan Perencanaan Penataan Toko Modern Berjaringan Nasional di Kabupaten Sleman dalam Studi Ekonomi Politik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi implementasi kebijakan perencanaan penataan toko modern berjaringan nasional di Kabupaten Sleman; (2) mengetahui peran pemerintahan lokal dalam implementasi kebijakan tersebut; (3) merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan agar implementasi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, studi kasus dan analisis kebijakan digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi, menganalisis dan melakukan intepretasi data-data penelitian. Analisis Environment Value and Resources (EVR) congruence, teori pilihan publik dan pilihan rasional, kebijakan rasional elit (top down) dan deliberatif (bottom up). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) implementasi Kebijakan Perencanaan Penataan Toko Modern Berjaringan Nasional kurang berjalan dengan baik disebabkan kurangnya sinergi EVR akibat implementasi yang bersifat pilihan rasional dan top down; (2) peran pemerintah dapat dikatakan sebagai regulator (pembuat aturan saja) yang ditunjukkan dengan formulasi dan implementasi yang kurang melibatkan partisipasi kelompok kepentingan seperti LSM dan masyarakat akhirnya kebijakan menjadi kurang pro poor dan pro public (3) rekomendasi implementasi kebijakan agar berjalan dengan baik yaitu dengan mensinergikan EVR, implementasi yang bersifat bottom up dan deliberatif, mereposisi peran pemerintah sebagai pelayan masyarakat, partisipasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kelompok untuk mengawal dan advokasi kebijakan sehingga kebijakan pro poor dan pro publi


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    Mbecek is a culture that has been integrated with society. Mbecek is a culture that has developed and continues to be preserved by the people of Bandung Village to this day. This tradition is routinely carried out by the people of Bandung when they hold a big event involving the local community as a sign that they have a big intention. The results of the study explain that the Mbecek Tradition carried out by the people of Bandung Village has several benefits including the Value of Solidarity, namely by carrying out this tradition the social ties of the community unite from various groups. The theological value is that they are grateful by carrying out the Mbecek Tradition as a form of expression of gratitude by maintaining good relations with God.
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