956 research outputs found

    Chemical Abundances of the Outer Halo Stars in the Milky Way

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    We present chemical abundances of 57 metal-poor stars that are likely constituents of the outer stellar halo in the Milky Way. Almost all of the sample stars have an orbit reaching a maximum vertical distance (Z_max) of >5 kpc above and below the Galactic plane. High-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra for the sample stars obtained with Subaru/HDS are used to derive chemical abundances of Na, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Y and Ba with an LTE abundance analysis code. The resulting abundance data are combined with those presented in literature that mostly targeted at smaller Z_max stars, and both data are used to investigate any systematic trends in detailed abundance patterns depending on their kinematics. It is shown that, in the metallicity range of -25 kpc are systematically lower (~0.1 dex) than those with smaller Z_max. This result of the lower [alpha/Fe] for the assumed outer halo stars is consistent with previous studies that found a signature of lower [alpha/Fe] ratios for stars with extreme kinematics. A distribution of the [Mg/Fe] ratios for the outer halo stars partly overlaps with that for stars belonging to the Milky Way dwarf satellites in the metallicity interval of -2<[Fe/H]<-1 and spans a range intermediate between the distributions for the inner halo stars and the stars belonging to the satellites. Our results confirm inhomogeneous nature of chemical abundances within the Milky Way stellar halo depending on kinematic properties of constituent stars as suggested by earlier studies. Possible implications for the formation of the Milky Way halo and its relevance to the suggested dual nature of the halo are discussed.Comment: 68 pages with 23 figures, Accepted for publication in PAS

    Chemical Abundances of the Milky Way Thick Disk and Stellar Halo I.: Implications of [alpha/Fe] for Star Formation Histories in Their Progenitors

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    We present the abundance analysis of 97 nearby metal-poor (-3.3<[Fe/H]<-0.5) stars having kinematics characteristics of the Milky Way (MW) thick disk, inner, and outer stellar halos. The high-resolution, high-signal-to-noise optical spectra for the sample stars have been obtained with the High Dispersion Spectrograph mounted on the Subaru Telescope. Abundances of Fe, Mg, Si, Ca and Ti have been derived using a one-dimensional LTE abundance analysis code with Kurucz NEWODF model atmospheres. By assigning membership of the sample stars to the thick disk, inner or outer halo components based on their orbital parameters, we examine abundance ratios as a function of [Fe/H] and kinematics for the three subsamples in wide metallicity and orbital parameter ranges. We show that, in the metallicity range of -1.5<[Fe/H]<= -0.5, the thick disk stars show constantly high mean [Mg/Fe] and [Si/Fe] ratios with small scatter. In contrast, the inner, and the outer halo stars show lower mean values of these abundance ratios with larger scatter. The [Mg/Fe], [Si/Fe] and [Ca/Fe] for the inner and the outer halo stars also show weak decreasing trends with [Fe/H] in the range [Fe/H]>2>-2. These results favor the scenarios that the MW thick disk formed through rapid chemical enrichment primarily through Type II supernovae of massive stars, while the stellar halo has formed at least in part via accretion of progenitor stellar systems having been chemically enriched with different timescales.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Evaluation of scanning earth sensor mechanism on engineering test satellite 4

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    The results of the analysis and the evaluation of flight data obtained from the horizon sensor test project are described. The rotary mechanism of the scanning earth sensor composed of direct drive motor and bearings using solid lubricant is operated satisfactorily. The transmitted flight data from Engineering Test Satellite IV was evaluated in comparison with the design value

    Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of Passive Spiral Galaxies

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    Passive spiral galaxies, despite their spiral morphological appearance, do not have any emission lines indicative of ongoing star formation in their optical spectra. Previous studies have suggested that passive spiral galaxies preferentially exist in infall regions of galaxy clusters, suggesting that the cluster environment is likely to be responsible for creating these galaxies. By carrying out spatially resolved long-slit spectroscopy on four nearby passive spiral galaxies with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5-m telescope, we investigated the stellar populations of passive spiral galaxies separately for their inner and outer regions. In the two unambiguously passive spiral galaxies among the four observed galaxies, Hδ\delta absorption lines are more prominent in the outer regions of the galaxies, whereas the 4000-{\AA} breaks (D4000_{4000}) are strongest in the inner regions of the galaxies. A comparison with a simple stellar population model for the two passive spiral galaxies indicates that the outer regions of the galaxies tend to harbour younger populations of stars. The strong Hδ\delta absorption observed in the outer regions of the sample galaxies is consistent with that of galaxies whose star formation ceased a few Gyrs ago. Because of the large uncertainty in the absorption indices in our samples, further observations are needed in order to place constraints on the mechanisms that quench star formation in passive spiral galaxies.Comment: MNRAS,382,27

    Chandra survey in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Field. I. X-ray data, point-like source catalog, sensitivity maps, and number counts

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    We present data products from the 300 ks Chandra survey in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) deep field. This field has a unique set of 9-band infrared photometry covering 2-24 micron from the AKARI Infrared Camera, including mid-infrared (MIR) bands not covered by Spitzer. The survey is one of the deepest ever achieved at ~15 micron, and is by far the widest among those with similar depths in the MIR. This makes this field unique for the MIR-selection of AGN at z~1. We design a source detection procedure, which performs joint Maximum Likelihood PSF fits on all of our 15 mosaicked Chandra pointings covering an area of 0.34 square degree. The procedure has been highly optimized and tested by simulations. We provide a point source catalog with photometry and Bayesian-based 90 per cent confidence upper limits in the 0.5-7, 0.5-2, 2-7, 2-4, and 4-7 keV bands. The catalog contains 457 X-ray sources and the spurious fraction is estimated to be ~1.7 per cent. Sensitivity and 90 per cent confidence upper flux limits maps in all bands are provided as well. We search for optical MIR counterparts in the central 0.25 square degree, where deep Subaru Suprime-Cam multiband images exist. Among the 377 X-ray sources detected there, ~80 per cent have optical counterparts and ~60 per cent also have AKARI mid-IR counterparts. We cross-match our X-ray sources with MIR-selected AGN from Hanami et al. (2012). Around 30 per cent of all AGN that have MID-IR SEDs purely explainable by AGN activity are strong Compton-thick AGN candidates.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures; catalogs, sensitivity maps, and upper limit flux maps are available from the VizieR Servic

    Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Fluctuations and Anomalous Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in UCoGe Revealed by Co-NMR and NQR Studies

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    Co nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies were performed in the recently discovered UCoGe, in which the ferromagnetic and superconducting (SC) transitions were reported to occur at TCurie3T_{\rm Curie} \sim 3 K and TS0.8T_S \sim 0.8 K (N. T. Huy {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 99} (2007) 067006), in order to investigate the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity as well as the normal-state and SC properties from a microscopic point of view. From the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 and Knight-shift measurements, we confirmed that ferromagnetic fluctuations which possess a quantum critical character are present above TCurieT_{\rm Curie} and the occurrence of ferromagnetic transition at 2.5 K in our polycrystalline sample. The magnetic fluctuations in the normal state show that UCoGe is an itinerant ferromagnet similar to ZrZn2_2 and YCo2_2. The onset SC transition was identified at TS0.7T_S \sim 0.7 K, below which 1/T11/T_1 of 30 % of the volume fraction starts to decrease due to the opening of the SC gap. This component of 1/T11/T_1, which follows a T3T^3 dependence in the temperature range of - 0.1 K, coexists with the magnetic components of 1/T11/T_1 showing a T\sqrt{T} dependence below TST_S. From the NQR measurements in the SC state, we suggest that the self-induced vortex state is realized in UCoGe.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp