324 research outputs found

    Effects of temperature and pH on the oxygen consumption Rate of sudanonautes (Convexonautes aubryi) floweri (de man) (crustacea: decapoda)

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    The oxygen consumption rate of a freshwatersub-terrestrial crab, Sudanonautes floweri in relation to different temperatures and pHwas investigated. The average temperatureand pH of the crab\'s peaty stream habitat were 29.50C and 7.5 respectively. The lethal temperatures at pH 7.0 recorded for the species were 14.50C and 34.50C respectively. The oxygen consumption rate (Q) within the temperature range of 210C – 310C increased with temperature but decreased in the zones of temperature stress (≤ 160C and ≥ 310C). There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between weight specific oxygen consumption (QW-1) of the male and female crabs. The oxygen consumption rate was positively correlated with the body weight of the crabs (r = 1.0); but was inversely related to the unit weight of the crab per hour (r = -0.95). The average oxygen consumption of the animal at 30 0C and pH 7.0 was 53.1 μg O2 g-1 h-1. Keywords: Temperature, pH, Oxygen consumption, Sudanonautes floweri Animal Research International Vol. 1 (1) 2004: pp. 16-2

    Heavy-Meson Masses in the Framework of Trigonometric Rosen-Morse Potential Using the Generalized Fractional Derivative

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    Trigonometric Rosen-Morse Potential is employed as a mesonic potential interaction. The extended Nikiforov-Uvarov method is used to solve the N-radial Fractional Schrodinger equation analytically. Using the generalized fractional derivative, the energy eigenvalues are obtained in the fractional form. The current findings are used to calculate the masses of mesons such as charmonium, bottomonium, and heavy-light mesons. The current findings are superior to those of other recent studies and show good agreement with experimental data as a result, the fractional parameter is crucial in optimizing meson masses.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 4 Table

    The Fractional Schrodinger Equation with the Generalized Woods-Saxon Potential

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    The bound state energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the generalized Woods-Saxon potential reported in [Phys. Rev. C 72, 027001 (2005)] is extended to the fractional forms using the generalized fractional derivative and the fractional Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) technique. Analytical solutions of bound states of the Schrodinger equation for the present potential are obtained in the terms of fractional Jacobi polynomials. It is demonstrated that the classical results are a special case of the present results at Elfa=Beta=1 Therefore, the present results play important role in molecular chemistry and nuclear physics.Comment: 10 pages and 1 figur

    Quality Control Tests on Andrographis paniculata Nees (Family: Acanthaceae) – an Indian ‘Wonder’ Plant Grown in Nigeria

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    Purpose: To characterize the aerial parts of Andrographis paniculata, a bitter Indian herb grown in Nigeria, for the purpose of quality control.Methods: The determination of bitterness value and of various physicochemical characteristics; tests for key phytochemicals; and thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the air-dried herb, were carried out as prescribed in standard texts. Results: The mean bitterness value of the herb for both men and women was 2.86 ± 1.74 x 103 unitsper g. The male value (2.07 ± 1.42 x 103) appeared to be lower than the female’s (3.52 ± 1.82 x 103) but the difference was not statistically significant. The results (% w/w) of loss on drying (10.64 ± 0.36), totalash (14.10 ± 4.49), water extractive value (30.37 ± 2.63) and acid insoluble ash (1.00 ± 0.06) were similar to those reported for the Asian plant. The phytochemical tests revealed the presence of glycosides, saponins, tannins and alkaloids, but not of anthraquinones. Normal phase TLC of the drug yielded 5 spots as against 6 spots yielded by reverse TLC. Conclusion: The results provide useful quantitative and descriptive data that are essential for identifying and characterizing the Nigerian grown herb for the purpose of quality control; and confirm keysimilarities between the Nigerian and the Asian plant.Keywords:  Andrographis paniculata, Quality control, Bitterness value, Physicochemical, Phytochemical, Chromatography

    Macrobenthic Fauna Of A Humid Tropical Water Reservoir, Abia State, Nigeria

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    The macrobenthic fauna of a humid tropical zone water reservoir was investigated from January to December 2002. Benthos was obtained using an improvised Surber Stream Bottom Sampler. Threephyla of macrobenthos (Arthropoda, Mollusca and Annelida) prevail in the reservoir, with quantitative variations. A total of 1,279 macrobenthic animals were recorded. The Arthropoda was represented by larvae of ve genera of insects, wth a total of 644 (50.4 %), while Molusca was represented by two genera with a total o 165 (12.9 %), and Annelida by three genera, with a total of 470 (367 %) of the benthos. There was significant dfference (

    The Physico-Chemical Parameters Of An African Arid Zone Man Made Lake

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    Physico-chemical studies were conducted in lake Alau, a large reservoir in the northeast arid zone of Nigeria, between October, 2001 and September, 2002. Five stations were selected to determine the physico-chemical characteristics. The results showed that water temperature values ranged from 23 oC to 27 oC, depth varied from 2.85 m to 7.23m, water current was between 19.62 cm/sec and 26.71 cm/sec, Secchi disc transparency ranged from 0.26 m to 0.42 m, pH varied from 6.59 to 7.29, conductivity was between 118.41 homs/cm and 131.45 homs/cm, free CO2 ranged from 2.55 mg/l to 3.06 mg/l, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was between 4.30 mg/l and 5.31 mg/l and nitrate-nitrogen concentration was between 30.30 mg/l and 47.0 mg/l. There were significant differences (P < 0.05) between these parameters in relation to stations. Generally, the physico-chemical characteristics of lake Alau fall within the productive values for aquatic systems, and strongly indicate that the lake is unpolluted. Keywords: vAnimal Research International Vol. 1 (2) 2004 pp. 113-11

    Effects of ethanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Bryophyllum pinnatum on haematological parameters of normal and streptozotocin–induced diabetic rats

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    The effect of the oral administration of both ethanolic and aqueous leaf extracts from Bryophyllum pinnatum (BP) on haematological parameters of normal and streptozotocin - induced (STZ) diabetic rat was investigated. Twenty-five male Wister rats were used and divided into five groups of five rats each. They were designated as (Normal Control – NC, Diabetic Control – DC, Diabetic Ethanolic Extract – DEE, Diabetic Aqueous Extract – DAE, and Normal Aqueous Extract – NAE). Groups NC and DC served as ‘control’ animals receiving food and water only. Groups DC, DEE and DAE were injected intraperitoneally with 65mg/kg body weight streptozotocin. Induction of diabetes mellitus was confirmed after 48 hours using glucose test strips. The test rats were all treated with 100mg/kgbwt ethanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Bryophyllum pinnatum for 28days. At the end of the 28days, the rats were sacrificed and whole blood collected for Haematological assay. Results obtained showed a significant difference(P&lt;0.05) in White Blood Cell (WBC), Red Blood Cell (RBC), Platelet (PLT), Haemoglobin (HBG), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Mean Cell Volume (MCV), Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH), Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and Lymphocytes (LYM) in treated rats with BP leaf extracts when compared to the diabetic and normal control groups

    Evaluation of the Potency of Commercial and Locally Prepared Antibiotic Discs on Clinical Bacterial Isolates in Calabar, Nigeria

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    Antibiotic susceptibility discs are used for vitro susceptibility testing of antimicrobial agents to fast growing bacteria and fastidious species by agar diffusion method. It is a semi quantitative method. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of commercial antibiotic discs over in-house prepared discs. Identified clinical isolates were obtained in house in the Department of Medical Microbiology/Parasitology, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 7553) and Escherichia Coli (ATCC 25922) were obtained and used as controls. The antibiotics tested includes; Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Gentamicin, Zinacef. These were obtained commercially from Pharmacy shops. The local antibiotic dics were prepared with Whatman filter paper number 3. The antibiotic susceptibility testing was done using Kirby-Bauer method. Out of the 40 clinical isolates tested, 15(37.5%) were Staphylococcus aureus while 10(12.5%) each were Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa respectively. Only 5 isolates of Proteus vulgaris were used. The susceptibility profile of isolates to the commonly used local antibiotic discs ranged between 66.7% to 100%, while the range for commercial discs was 53.3% to 86.7%. Locally prepared discs were found to be more effective than commercial discs. The high resistance rates (0.0% to 33.3%) of clinical isolates to the commercial discs may be attributed to prolong exposure to environmental factors such as heat, moisture, sunlight as well as humidity when transported to retailers and the final users. There is need for constant monitoring and quality controls of susceptibility testing in our laboratories for the production of quality results and efficient patient care. Antibiotic susceptibility discs can be prepared locally for routine laboratory use; this may indirectly reduce importation of commercial discs and the burden on foreign exchange

    Nodular Fasciitis

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135180/1/jum2014334565.pd

    A preliminary radiotracking study of movements, activity patterns and habitat use of free-ranging Gaboon vipers, Bitis gabonica

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    Radiotelemetry was employed to study daily movements, activity patterns, macrohabitat use, and substratum selection of four Gaboon vipers (Bitis gabonica), two adult males and two adult females. The study was carried out during the dry season (1st-20th of March, 1998) in south-eastern Nigeria. Transmitters, weighing approximately 4 g, were internally implanted. Gaboon vipers spent considerable time inactive below-ground. There was considerable nocturnal activity in the open in three of four specimens. and considerable above-ground activity during the early moming hours in ali the four radiotracked specimens . These vipers showed a significant preference for the clearings inside dryland rainforest patches, and avoided cultivated lands. Males used a wider spectrum of macrohabitats than females, these latter being confined almost exclusively to dry forest clearings. Home-ranges, calculated by minimum convex polygon method, averaged 1 .6 ha in the males and 0.8 ha in the females. Average daily distances moved were significantly higher in males than in females. ln both sexes, average daily distances moved were significantly higher during night hours than during daylight hours. Courtships, matings, and sexual combats between males were sometimes observed during the study period. These vipers used sometimes the termite nests as sheltersLes mouvements diurnes, les patrons d'activité, l'utilisation des macrohabitats et la sélection des substrats ont été étudiés par radiotélémétrie chez quatre vipères du Gabon (Bitis gabonica) adultes, deux mâles et deux femelles. L'étude a été conduite durant la saison sèche (suivi par radiopistage du 1er au 20 mars 1998) dans le sud-est du Nigéria. Les émetteurs, pesant environ 4 g. ont été implantés dans l'animal. Les vipères radio-équipées restèrent longtemps inactives sous terre. Trois d'entre-elles ont montré une grande activité nocturne en milieu ouvert. Les quatre ont été très actives durant les premières heures du jour. Ces vipères ont évité les terres cultivées et ont affiché une préférence significative pour les chablis dans les parcelles de forêt sêche. Les domaines vitaux moyens, calculés par la méthode du polygone convexe minimum, furent de 1.6 ha pour les mâles et de 0.8 ha pour les femelles. Les distances moyennes parcourues chaque jour furent significativement plus grandes chez les mâles que chez les femelles. Pour les deux sexes, les distances moyennes parcourues quotidiennement furent significativement plus fortes de nuit que de jour. Des parades nuptiales, des accouplements et des affrontements sexuels entre mâles furent parfois observés durant la période d'étude. Les vipères ont parfois utilisé des termitières comme abris
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