7,217 research outputs found

    Two-directional-flow, axial-motion-joint flow liner

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    Flow liner eliminates high-cycle fatigue in ducts carrying cryogenic fluids. It is capable of handling two-directional, high-velocity cryogenic liquid flow with a 3-inch axial motion without binding within a 25-inch length

    Energy spectra of 3He-rich solar energetic particles associated with coronal waves

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    In addition to their anomalous abundances, 3He-rich solar energetic particles (SEPs) show puzzling energy spectral shapes varying from rounded forms to power laws where the later are characteristics of shock acceleration. Solar sources of these particles have been often associated with jets and narrow CMEs, which are the signatures of magnetic reconnection involving open field. Recent reports on new associations with large-scale EUV waves bring new insights on acceleration and transport of 3He-rich SEPs in the corona. We examined energy spectra for 32 3He-rich SEP events observed by ACE at L1 near solar minimum in 2007-2010 and compared the spectral shapes with solar flare signatures obtained from STEREO EUV images. We found the events with jets or brightenings tend to be associated with rounded spectra and the events with coronal waves with power laws. This suggests that coronal waves may be related to the unknown second stage mechanism commonly used to interpret spectral forms of 3He-rich SEPs.Comment: Presented at 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference "The Science of Ed Stone". Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Association of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles with Large-Scale Coronal Waves

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    Small 3He-rich solar energetic particle (SEP) events have been commonly associated with extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) jets and narrow coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which are believed to be the signatures of magnetic reconnection involving field lines open to interplanetary space. The elemental and isotopic fractionation in these events are thought to be caused by processes confined to the flare sites. In this study we identify 32 3He-rich SEP events observed by the Advanced Composition Explorer near the Earth during the solar minimum period 2007-2010 and examine their solar sources with the high resolution Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) EUV images. Leading the Earth, STEREO-A provided for the first time a direct view on 3He-rich flares, which are generally located on the Sun's western hemisphere. Surprisingly, we find that about half of the 3He-rich SEP events in this survey are associated with large-scale EUV coronal waves. An examination of the wave front propagation, the source-flare distribution and the coronal magnetic field connections suggests that the EUV waves may affect the injection of 3He-rich SEPs into interplanetary space.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Case studies of multi-day 3He-rich solar energetic particle periods

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    Context. Impulsive solar energetic particle events in the inner heliosphere show the long-lasting enrichment of 3He. Aims. We study the source regions of long-lasting 3He-rich solar energetic particle (SEP) events Methods. We located the responsible open magnetic field regions, we combined potential field source surface extrapolations (PFSS) with the Parker spiral, and compared the magnetic field of the identified source regions with in situ magnetic fields. The candidate open field regions are active region plages. The activity was examined by using extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and STEREO together with radio observations from STEREO and WIND. Results. Multi-day periods of 3He-rich SEP events are associated with ion production in single active region. Small flares or coronal jets are their responsible solar sources. We also find that the 3He enrichment may depend on the occurrence rate of coronal jets.Comment: 7page, 4 figure

    Secondary Rayleigh-Taylor type Instabilities in the Reconnection Exhaust Jet as a Mechanism for Supra-Arcade Downflows

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    Supra-arcade downflows (hereafter referred to as SADs) are low-emission, elongated, finger-like features usually observed in active-region coronae above post-eruption flare arcades. Observations exhibit downward moving SADs intertwined with bright upward moving spikes. Whereas SADs are dark voids, spikes are brighter, denser structures. Although SADs have been observed for decades, the mechanism of formation of SADs remains an open issue. In our three-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we demonstrate that secondary Rayleigh-Taylor type instabilities develop in the downstream region of a reconnecting current sheet. The instability results in the formation of low-density coherent structures that resemble SADs, and high-density structures that appear to be spike-like. Comparison between the simulation results and observations suggests that secondary Rayleigh-Taylor type instabilities in the exhaust of reconnecting current sheets provide a plausible mechanism for observed SADs and spikes

    Justice or Pleasure?

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    Dr. Robert Ford confides to Dolores that his father would not agree with his creation of robots for the enjoyment of humans. My father told me to be satisfied with my lot in life. That the world owed me nothing. And so, I make my own world ( Contrapasso ). This tells us at once that Dr. Ford\u27s father had a Platonic notion of justice

    The Dynamics of Radiative Shock Waves: Linear and Nonlinear Evolution

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    The stability properties of one-dimensional radiative shocks with a power-law cooling function of the form Λρ2Tα\Lambda \propto \rho^2T^\alpha are the main subject of this work. The linear analysis originally presented by Chevalier & Imamura, is thoroughfully reviewed for several values of the cooling index α\alpha and higher overtone modes. Consistently with previous results, it is shown that the spectrum of the linear operator consists in a series of modes with increasing oscillation frequency. For each mode a critical value of the cooling index, αc\alpha_\textrm{c}, can be defined so that modes with α<αc\alpha < \alpha_\textrm{c} are unstable, while modes with α>αc\alpha > \alpha_\textrm{c} are stable. The perturbative analysis is complemented by several numerical simulations to follow the time-dependent evolution of the system for different values of α\alpha. Particular attention is given to the comparison between numerical and analytical results (during the early phases of the evolution) and to the role played by different boundary conditions. It is shown that an appropriate treatment of the lower boundary yields results that closely follow the predicted linear behavior. During the nonlinear regime, the shock oscillations saturate at a finite amplitude and tend to a quasi-periodic cycle. The modes of oscillations during this phase do not necessarily coincide with those predicted by linear theory, but may be accounted for by mode-mode coupling.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journa