194 research outputs found

    Phytochemical Composition and Antimicrobial Properties of the Seeds of Khaya senegalensis (Desc.) A. Juss.

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    The antimicrobial and phytochemical properties of the aqueous and ethanol extracts of the seed of Khaya senegalensis were determined. The test organisms, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcous aureus, Candida albicans, Penicillum notatum and Aspergillus niger were found to be sensitive to both extracts. However, the bacteria isolates were generally more sensitive than the fungal isolates. E. coli was the most sensitive isolate with a Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of 6.0 mm. Standard phytochemical analysis was carried out to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the micro and macro elements. Phytochemical test revealed the presence of oxalate, phytate, saponin, alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, lead, manganese and chromium. The study showed that aqueous and ethanol extracts of the seed of K. senegalensis can be used as antimicrobial agents and considered safe within the administered doses

    Nature of ergastic substances in some Poaceae seeds

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    Seeds of 48 species of Poaceae were examined for the presence of alkaloid, protein, fats and oil, inulin, starch and tannins. All taxa investigated indicated the presence of starch, fats and oils and protein and were devoid of tannins and inulin. Only 12 seed samples indicated the presence of alkaloids. The Positively indicated taxa are suggested for further investigation.Key words: Poaceae, starch, fats and oils, alkaloid, protein, tannins, inulin

    Implications of seed ergastic substance–based diversity in some polygonaceae taxa

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    The importance plant ergastic products have predispose seeds as major food, medicinal and industrial resources and ultimately have made plant seeds target of researches on different platforms. Seeds of 27 Polygonaceae species of five genera were analyzed for ergastic substances deposits as well as to ascertain the degree of diversity within the family using rescaled Euclidean distance cluster analysis. High degree of similarity (77%) and less than 30% diversity was observed amongst the study population, which points out the inter-specific difference within the family and thus the abundance of related and novel traits for improvement of important species. Starch, fats and oils, inulin and proteins were recorded in all the species, 10 species (37%) excluding members of the Fallopia, Polygonum and some Rumex recorded tannins. Starch characteristics were cereal-like; round, polygonal with a small percentage of irregular shaped granules. Granule size were similar to regular cereal granule size (9.9μm) and 34% B-type size starch granules (<9.9μm). The interest in Polygonaceae starch is connected with the species as important pseudocereals coupled with the fats, oils, proteins, inulin and tannins contents; the plants species constitute a considerable potentials as major non-wood forest products (NWFPs) that will improve rural livelihoods, household food security and nutrition, as well as represent authentic complimen

    Genetic Diversity, Domestication and Conservation Implications of Fruit Morphometric data Analyses for Dacryodes edulis in Southern Nigeria

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    Dacryodes edulis - African Pear is of socio-economic importance in the Southern region of Nigeria where it is a major auxiliary revenue source for farmers. Cluster and Principal Component analyses of the fruit data showed three distinct groupings: small-sized fruit, large-sized fruit and an intermediary group of mixed fruit types. These reflect the cadre of genetic diversity inherent in the taxon and constitute a possible veritable tool for its improvement. Notwithstanding, the diversity, the prevailing spread pattern of the taxon across the region threatens to erode a section of the species genetic richness; the small-sized fruit types - var. parvicarpa, as well as undermine the genetic integrity of large-sized fruit - var. edulis population. The trend is driven by a vendor/farmer preference for the large-sized fruit type across the region, and except there is delibrate In situ and Ex situ conservation efforts, these intraspecific diversities of the species may be lost altogether

    Documentation on Medicinal Plants Sold in Markets in Abeokuta, Nigeria

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    Purpose: To document the medicinal values, local names, method of preparation, dosage forms and parts of common medicinal plants sold in some markets in Abeokuta, Nigeria.Methods: Ethnobotanical data were collected by oral interview and with the aid of a structured questionnaire administered to men, women and young girls. The data from respondents from the five local markets surveyed were documented.Results: The results show that a total of 60 medicinal plant species are commonly used by the people of Abeokuta in their traditional health care system. Most of the plant materials were in dried form and sold singly or in combination with other plants and are used in the treatment of various ailments such as malaria, hypertension, typhoid, jaundice, hyperthermia, skin irritations, dysentery, anaemia, gonorrhea, cough, measles and fibroid. A majority of the plants were trees. The respondents were women (64.3 %), young girls (28.5 %) and men (7.14 %).Conclusion: The findings support the need to encourage domestication and cultivation of medicinal plants as well as put in place conservation measures to ensure sustainable source of medicinal plants.Keywords: Ethnomedicine; Medicinal plants cultivation; Documentation; Traditional medicin

    Ethnobotanical Uses of Plants Among the Binis in the Treatment of Ophthalmic and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Ailments

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    An enthnobotanical survey of plants used in the treatment of Ophthalmic and ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) ailments in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria was conducted. The information was obtained through administered questionnaire and personal interviews of local healers in the study area. The investigation revealed that 24 plant species belonging to 18 families and 22 genera are commonly in use in the treatment of eye and ENT; of these, 16 plant species are used for the treatment of eye ailment, 5 for ear, 3 for nose while 5 are used for throat ailment. The documented medicinal plants were mostly used to cure ear ache, sore throat, nasal bleeding and eye ailment. The ethnobotanical survey shows that among the plants studied some plant species like Allium cepa, Newbouldia laevis, Euphorbia hirta and Spondias mombin are used for the treatment of more than one ailment

    Effects Of Different Sterilization Regimes & Growth Regulators On Micropropagation Of Female Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    The success of in vitro culture techniques is always hampered by microbial contamination. The present study was carried out to develop an efficient protocol for date palm explants sterilization for successful somatic embryos induction and plantlets formation of some date palm varieties. The shoot tips were treated with different sterilizing agents at different concentrations and durations of exposure. The use of ethanol (70%), sodium hypochlorite (3.5% &amp; 70%) and mercuric chloride (0.2%) with or without addition of Tween-20 had different effects on decontamination of the date palm explants. The percentage of explants contaminated with bacteria for sterilants 1, 2 and 4 was 18.8%, 6.3% and 6.3% respectively while 25%, 37.5%, 31.25% and 6.25% were contaminated with fungi for sterilants 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Under the conditions used, a combination of antioxidants (Citric and Ascorbic acids at 100mg/l), 0.2% mercuric chloride and 3.5% sodium hypochlorite solution with 3 drops/100ml of Tween-20 helped in the reduction of chlorosis, contamination and die-back in the shoot tip explants. The explants were further cultured in appropriate media for callus initiation and subsequent somatic embryo induction. Optimal embryogenic callus was obtained from the shoot explant of sterilant number 4 which had the minimal contamination and die-back of all the cultures. After 3 subcultures, the somatic embryos formed were multiplied for shoot development. From this study, we established that the use of appropriate surface sterilant at suitable concentration and duration of exposure of date palm explant to it is indispensable for maximum responses of in vitro cultures. Keywords: Date palm, Microbial contamination, Sterilizing agents, in vitro, Somatic embryo

    Lipid ratios in adriamycin-induced pre-eclamptic Wistar rats exposed to methanolic plant extracts

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    The study accessed the lipid ratios in preeclamptic Wistar rats exposed to methanolic leaf extracts of Jatropha cacus, Alchonnea cordifolia, and Secamone afzelii. Plant samples (leaves) were washed severally with distilled water, air-dried, and crushed to powder and were filtered, then soaked in 200ml of methanol for 12 hours. The LD50 was determined to ascertain the safety of the plant extracts for use. Female Wistar rats, aged 3 days apart, used in the study, were acclimatized for one week. Peeclampsia was induced used the Adriamycin Model. Results showed that there was elevation of blood pressure (bp) due to preeclampsia. At 3rd trimester, systolic bp (177 mmHg) was higher than at postpartum (160 mmHg). The administration of plant extracts caused a significant reduction in systolic (127 – 150 mmHg) and diastolic (86 – 103 mmHg) bp during the 3rd trimester.&nbsp; Proteinuria was reduced to trace levels when Alchonnea cordifolia was used. Total cholesterol levels were higher in the third trimester (71.6 mg/dl) and postpartum (74.3 mg/dl), respectively. Preeclampsia was linked to similar increases in triglycerides, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol; with a reduction in high density lipoprotein cholesterol. The treatment with the various plant extracts lowered the incidence of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular events during preeclampsia. Although the extracts had a negative effect on systolic blood pressure and proteinuria during the third trimester, indicating that they were beneficial in reducing preeclampsia outcomes, there was no effect on blood pressure or proteinuria during the postpartum period

    Morphological and Anatomical Studies of the Leaf and Stem of Some Medicinal Plants: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl. and S. cayennensis (L.C.Rich) Schau.

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    A comparative study of the morphological and anatomical features of the leaves and stems of Stachytarphetajamaicensis and S. cayennensis was undertaken; both species have been widely reported in several herbal medicines. The presence of angular stem and pubescent leaves in the latter distinguishes it morphologically from the former, which is characterized by smooth circular stem and glabrous leaves. The use of a light microscope revealed the presence of trichomes in the leaf of S. caynnensis but absent in S. jamaicensis. Differences in epidermal structure and stomata arrangements were also prominent features for separating between these species

    Ethnobotanical Plants Used for Oral Healthcare Among the Esan Tribe of Edo State, Nigeria.

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    Ethnobotanical survey of plants used as chewing sticks for oral healthcare was conducted in Esan region, of Edo State Nigeria. In the course of this survey, 32 plant species belonging to 31 genera and 23 families was documented. It was observed that plants used by the locals are carefully selected for properties such as hardness, or bitterness and certain species were more popular than others. Some of these species had medicinal properties used for the treatment of malaria, stomach troubles, cough, diarrhea, dysentery, and tuberculosis. The oral health status of the locals, especially the youths and the middle aged are indications of the potential dental recipe, contained in some of these plant species. Key words: Ethnobotanical, Oral Healthcare, Esan Tribe, Nigeria
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