76 research outputs found

    Rydberg hydrogen atom in the presence of uniform magnetic and quadrupolar electric fields. A quantum mechanical, classical and semiclassical approach

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    We present a quantum mechanical, classical and semiclassical study of the energy spectrum of a Rydberg hydrogen atom in the presence of uniform magnetic and quadrupolar electric fields. Here we study the case that the z-component P of the canonical angular momentum is zero. In this sense, the dynamics depends on a dimensionless parameter representing the relative strengths of both fields. We consider that both external fields act like perturbations to the pure Coulombian system. In the classical study we find that, depending on the value, the phase flow shows four different regimes made up of vibrational and rotational trajectories, which are connected, respectively with the degenerate energy levels of double symmetry, and with the non-degenerate energy levels. The transit from one regime to another takes place by means of three oyster bifurcations. The semiclassical results are in good agreement with the results of the quantum mechanical calculations within the first-order perturbation theory. Moreover, we find that the evolution of the quantum/semiclassical energy spectrum can be explained by means of a classical description

    Stability of the permanent rotations of an asymmetric gyrostat in a uniform Newtonian field

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    The stability of the permanent rotations of a heavy gyrostat is analyzed by means of the Energy-Casimir method. Sufficient and necessary conditions are established for some of the permanent rotations. The geometry of the gyrostat and the value of the gyrostatic moment are relevant in order to get stable permanent rotations. Moreover, the necessary conditions are also sufficient, for some configurations of the gyrostat

    Stability Conditions for Permanent Rotations of a Heavy Gyrostat with Two Constant Rotors

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    In this paper, we consider the motion of an asymmetric heavy gyrostat, when its center of mass lies along one of the principal axes of inertia. We determine the possible permanent rotations and, by means of the Energy-Casimir method, we give sufficient stability conditions. We prove that there exist permanent stable rotations when the gyrostat is oriented in any direction of the space, by the action of two spinning rotors, one of them aligned along the principal axis, where the center of mass lies. We also derive necessary stability conditions that, in some cases, are the same as the sufficient ones

    Photoassisted sequential resonant tunneling through superlattices

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    We have analyzed theoretically the photoassisted tunneling current through a superlattice in the presence of an AC potential. For that purpose we have developed a new model to calculate the sequential resonant currrent trhough a superlattice based in the TRansfer Hamiltonian Method. The tunneling current presents new features due to new effective tunneling chanels coming from the photoside bands induced by the AC field. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with the available experimental evidence.Comment: Revtex 3.0 4 pages, 4 figures uuencoded compressed tar-fil

    Synchronized Orbits and Oscillations for Free Altitude Control

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    Sub-linear radiation power dependence of photo-excited resistance oscillations in two-dimensional electron systems

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    We find that the amplitude of the RxxR_{xx} radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations in GaAs/AlGaAs system grows nonlinearly as APαA \propto P^{\alpha} where AA is the amplitude and the exponent α<1\alpha < 1. %, with α1/2\alpha \rightarrow 1/2 in %the low temperature limit. This striking result can be explained with the radiation-driven electron orbits model, which suggests that the amplitude of resistance oscillations depends linearly on the radiation electric field, and therefore on the square root of the power, PP. We also study how this sub-linear power law varies with lattice temperature and radiation frequency.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent resonant tunneling in ac fields

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    We have analyzed the tunneling transmission probability and electronic current density through resonant heterostructures in the presence of an external electromagnetic field. In this work, we compare two different models for a double barrier : In the first case the effect of the external field is taken into account by spatially dependent AC voltages and in the second one the electromagnetic field is described in terms of a photon field that irradiates homogeneously the whole sample. While in the first description the tunneling takes place mainly through photo sidebands in the case of homogeneous illumination the main effective tunneling channels correspond to the coupling between different electronic states due to photon absorption and emission. The difference of tunneling mechanisms between these configurations is strongly reflected in the transmission and current density which present very different features in both cases. In order to analyze these effects we have obtained, within the Transfer Hamiltonian framework, a general expression for the transition probability for coherent resonant tunneling in terms of the Green's function of the system.Comment: 16 pages,Figures available upon request,to appear in Phys.Rev B (15 April 1996

    Truncation method for Green's functions in time-dependent fields

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    We investigate the influence of a time dependent, homogeneous electric field on scattering properties of non-interacting electrons in an arbitrary static potential. We develop a method to calculate the (Keldysh) Green's function in two complementary approaches. Starting from a plane wave basis, a formally exact solution is given in terms of the inverse of a matrix containing infinitely many 'photoblocks' which can be evaluated approximately by truncation. In the exact eigenstate basis of the scattering potential, we obtain a version of the Floquet state theory in the Green's functions language. The formalism is checked for cases such as a simple model of a double barrier in a strong electric field. Furthermore, an exact relation between the inelastic scattering rate due to the microwave and the AC conductivity of the system is derived which in particular holds near or at a metal-insulator transition in disordered systems.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B., 21 pages, 3 figures (ps-files

    Current Switch by Coherent Trapping of Electrons in Quantum Dots

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    We propose a new transport mechanism through tunnel-coupled quantum dots based on the coherent population trapping effect. Coupling to an excited level by the coherent radiation of two microwaves can lead to an extremely narrow current antiresonance. The effect can be used to determine interdot dephasing rates and is a mechanism for a very sensitive, optically controlled current switch.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Coherent and sequential photoassisted tunneling through a semiconductor double barrier structure

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    We have studied the problem of coherent and sequential tunneling through a double barrier structure, assisted by light considered to be present All over the structure, i,e emitter, well and collector as in the experimental evidence. By means of a canonical transformation and in the framework of the time dependent perturbation theory, we have calculated the transmission coefficient and the electronic resonant current. Our calculations have been compared with experimental results turning out to be in good agreement. Also the effect on the coherent tunneling of a magnetic field parallel to the current in the presence of light, has been considered.Comment: Revtex3.0, 8figures uuencoded compressed tar-fil