13 research outputs found

    Why is water so important for your health?

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    Nowadays a healthy lifestyle is very popular. Everyone should take care of his health because human well-being, good mood and even the longevity of our life depends on the state of our health. As we all know a human body consists of 60-70% of water, 24-34% of organic matter and 6% of inorganic substances on the average. Each of us consumes a large amount of liquid every day namely tea, coffee, milk, various juices, etc. but not pure water unfortunately. As a result our body becomes dehydrated and we feel worse and gain weight. There is a special formula which can help us to use enough water every day

    Актуальні питання перекладу юридичних документів Європейського союзу

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    Гладченко А. М. Актуальні питання перекладу юридичних документів Європейського союзу / А. М. Гладченко // Теоретичні та практичні проблеми забезпечення сталого розвитку державності та права : матер. міжнар. наук. конф. (Одеса, 30 листопада 2012 р.) Т.1 / відп. за випуск д.ю.н., проф. В. М. Дрьомін ; Націон. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 688-690

    The advantages and disadvantages of the transition to green transport in ukraine from the point of view of organisation and economy

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    Air pollution from the point of view of chemical hazards to human takes the first place. According to scientific research, the contribution of air pollution is from 80 to 90% of the total carcinogenic and non- carcinogenic risk which is associated with the influence of the pollution of other contaminants in the environment. Transport consumes a huge amount of energetic natural resources. A third of all oil produced in the world is spent to ensure the work of transport and automobile transport is the most energy intensive if compared with all other kinds of transport

    The advantages and disadvantages of the transition to green transport in ukraine from the point of view of organisation and economy

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    Air pollution from the point of view of chemical hazards to human takes the first place. According to scientific research, the contribution of air pollution is from 80 to 90% of the total carcinogenic and non- carcinogenic risk which is associated with the influence of the pollution of other contaminants in the environment. Transport consumes a huge amount of energetic natural resources. A third of all oil produced in the world is spent to ensure the work of transport and automobile transport is the most energy intensive if compared with all other kinds of transport

    Assessing the effects of publication requirements for professorship on research performance and publishing behaviour of Ukrainian academics

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    This article aims to explore the effects of Ukrainian policy reform, introducing Scopus and WoS publication requirements for professorship, on the publication behaviour and research performance of professors. Our analysis reveals a better scientific profile, at the time of promotion, of those who obtained professorship after the reform as compared to those who obtained it before. Also, we observe a bandwagon effect since the research performance gap between the two observed cohorts decreased after the introduction of the publication requirements. The statistical difference in differences tests revealed that in general, the incentive to produce more indexed publications worked. Nevertheless, it did not always led to higher research performance. Evidently, in several cases, the increase in research output was obtained at the expense of research impact. The effects of the reform could be far greater if combined with initiatives aimed at assessing Ukrainian professor performance regularly and extending the requirements and assessment to the impact of research

    Some aspects of the consolidated financial statements

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    У статті розкрито сутність поняття консолідованої фінансової звітності згідно з міжнародними та національними стандартами. Визначено основні принципи та аспекти складання консолідованої фінансової звітності. Систематизовано процедури консолідації звітності та визначено послідовність їх виконання. The article reveals the essence of the concept of consolidated financial statements in accordance with international and national standards. Defined the main principles and aspects of the consolidated financial statements. Systematized the procedures of consolidation reporting and defined the sequence of execution


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    EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH DIURETIC PROPERTIES OF NEW 7-METHYL-N-BENZYL-8-SUBSTITUTED THEOPHYLLINE.Matviychuk O.P., Gladchenko O.M., Matviychuk A.V., Ivanchenko D.G.National University of PharmacyZaporozhye State Medical UniversityIntroduction.  Diuretics are widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases caused by a variety of diseases, in which the need to use these drugs. In many cases there is a clinical need to increase urine output for excretion of fluid, reducing its content in tissues and serous cavities. Especially great role of diuretic drugs in the treatment of patients with chronic congestive heart failure. Thanks to properties diuretics cause increased excretion of sodium and water from the body is given a real opportunity to actively influence the fluid and electrolyte disturbances in these patients.The use of diuretic agents (hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, etacrynic acid, etc.) are often accompanied by side effects, which primarily relate to fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism, phosphate, creatinine and uric acid.The search for new medicines that improve the functional activity of the kidneys, is one of the urgent problems of modern experimental pharmacology. Synthesis of modified analogs of biologically active substances of natural origin is a priority for research to address this issue.Given this, it was interesting to conduct forecasting of possible types of pharmacological activity of derivatives 7,8-disubstituted theophylline using the «PASS» (Predectum of Activity Spectra for Substances: Complex & Training), whose work is based on an analysis of dependencies "structure - activity".The results of the computer forecast derivative 7-p-metylbenzyl-8-substituted theophylline showed a high likelihood of these types of compounds of pharmacological activity, diuretical, spasmolytical, psycho-stimulant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.Investigation methods. To solve the tasks as object of study was first taken 20 compounds synthesized derivatives of 7-n-metylbenzyl-8-substituted theophylline. The influence of new derivatives of p-20 metylbenzyl-8-substituted theophylline on renal function was performed on white male rats weighing 140-190 g Ye.B.Berhina method [1; 5].  Animals in the experiment were in individual metabolic cages adapted to collect urine. Number of animals in the group amounted to 5. Investigated derivatives intragastric administered at a dose of 1/100 of LD50. After 30 minutes, the rats were injected with tap water at the rate of 3 ml per100 g body weight. Urine recorded 2 hours to 4 hours. As a comparison drug used hydrochlorothiazide (hypothiazid) production «Sanofi Aventis»,France.Results and discussion.  Study diuretic activity 7-p-metylbenzyl-8-substituted theophylline showed that these compounds affect renal function. Most of the studied derivatives showed diuretic activity, which used to range from 23.2% to 153.7%. Marked diuretic effect compound found 14 - 7 p-metylbenzyl-8-p-bromobenzylidenhidrazynoteofilin which stimulates excretory renal function in rats and increases urine 4 hours of observation at 153.7% (p <0.01).Thus, our experimental studies demonstrate the effectiveness of computer prediction. The results forecast for the derivatives of 7-n-metylbenzyl-8-substituted theophylline, envisaged a high probability vasodilatation (peripheral) and diuretic activities that were specifically synthesized to produce the intended biological activity that was confirmed by our experiments.Conclusions. Investigated derivatives of 7-n-metylbenzyl-8-substituted theophylline affect renal excretory function that confirms your computer forecast. The most severe action has diuretic compound 14 - 7- p-metylbenzyl-8-p-bromobenzylidenhydrasinotheophylline which revealed a strong diuretic activity that exceeds the effect hypothiazid 2 times. 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