1,086 research outputs found
Detecting Multiple Communities Using Quantum Annealing on the D-Wave System
A very important problem in combinatorial optimization is partitioning a
network into communities of densely connected nodes; where the connectivity
between nodes inside a particular community is large compared to the
connectivity between nodes belonging to different ones. This problem is known
as community detection, and has become very important in various fields of
science including chemistry, biology and social sciences. The problem of
community detection is a twofold problem that consists of determining the
number of communities and, at the same time, finding those communities. This
drastically increases the solution space for heuristics to work on, compared to
traditional graph partitioning problems. In many of the scientific domains in
which graphs are used, there is the need to have the ability to partition a
graph into communities with the ``highest quality'' possible since the presence
of even small isolated communities can become crucial to explain a particular
phenomenon. We have explored community detection using the power of quantum
annealers, and in particular the D-Wave 2X and 2000Q machines. It turns out
that the problem of detecting at most two communities naturally fits into the
architecture of a quantum annealer with almost no need of reformulation. This
paper addresses a systematic study of detecting two or more communities in a
network using a quantum annealer
Weak Kaon Production off the Nucleon
The weak kaon production off the nucleon induced by neutrinos is studied at
the low and intermediate energies of interest for some ongoing and future
neutrino oscillation experiments. This process is also potentially important
for the analysis of proton decay experiments. We develop a microscopical model
based on the SU(3) chiral Lagrangians. The basic parameters of the model are
fpi, the pion decay constant, Cabibbo's angle, the proton and neutron magnetic
moments and the axial vector coupling constants for the baryons octet, D and F,
that are obtained from the analysis of the semileptonic decays of neutron and
hyperons. The studied mechanisms are the main source of kaon production for
neutrino energies up to 1.2 to 1.5 GeV for the various channels and the cross
sections are large enough to be amenable to be measured by experiments such as
Minerva and T2K
Antineutrino induced antikaon production off the nucleon
The charged current antikaon production off nucleons induced by antineutrinos
is studied at low and intermediate energies. We extend here our previous
calculation on kaon production induced by neutrinos. We have developed a
microscopic model that starts from the SU(3) chiral Lagrangians and includes
background terms and the resonant mechanisms associated to the lowest lying
resonance in the channel, namely, the Sigma*(1385). Our results could be of
interest for the background estimation of various neutrino oscillation
experiments like MiniBooNE and SuperK. They can also be helpful for the planned
antineutrino experiments like MINERvA, NOvA and T2K phase II and for beta-beam
experiments with antineutrino energies around 1 GeV.Comment: 15 pages and 6 figures. This version matches accepted version for
publication in Physical Review
Coherent control of a flux qubit by phase-shifted resonant microwave pulses
The quantum state of a flux qubit was successfully pulse-controlled by using
a resonant microwave. We observed Ramsey fringes by applying a pair of
phase-shifted pi/2 microwave pulses without introducing detuning. With this
method, the qubit state can be rotated on an arbitrary axis in the x-y plane of
the Bloch sphere in a rotating frame. We obtained a qubit signal from a
coherent oscillation with an angular velocity of up to 2pi*11.4 Grad/s. In
combination with Rabi pulses, this method enables us to achieve full control of
single qubit operation. It also offers the possibility of orders of magnitude
increases in the speed of the arbitrary unitary gate operation.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure
Testing whether muon neutrino flavor mixing is maximal
The small difference between the survival probabilities of muon neutrino and
antineutrino beams, traveling through earth matter in a long baseline
experiment such as MINOS, is shown to be an important measure of any possible
deviation from maximality in the flavor mixing of those states.Comment: Some revision has been made in the experimental discussions with two
new figures replacing the old ones and a clarification of the accuracy of the
perturbative result has been included. This version will be published in
Physical Review Letters. Title changed as asked by the editors of Physical
Review Letter
Neutrino Mixing and Quark-Lepton Complementarity
As a result of identification of the solution to the solar neutrino problem,
a rather precise relation theta_{sun} + theta_C = pi/4 between the leptonic 1-2
mixing angle theta_{sun} and the Cabibbo angle has emerged. It would mean that
the lepton and the quark mixing angles add up to the maximal, suggesting a deep
structure by which quarks and leptons are interrelated. We refer the relation
``quark-lepton complementarity'' (QLC) in this paper. We formulate general
conditions under which the QLC relation is realized. We then present several
scenarios which lead to the relation and elaborate on phenomenological
consequences which can be tested by the future experiments. We also discuss
implications of the QLC relation for the quark-lepton symmetry and the
mechanism of neutrino mass generation.Comment: 22 pages, version to be published in Phys. Rev.
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