17 research outputs found

    Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil pada Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus sp) terhadap Biofortifikasi Unsur Hara Kalsium (Ca) dan Besi (Fe) dengan Sistem Hidroponik DFT (Deep Flow Technique)

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    Hasmeda M, Sari IY, Munandar M, Ammar M, Gustiar F. 2021. Growth response and yield of spinach (Amaranthus sp) on biofortification of calsium (Ca) and iron (Fe) with DFT (Deep Flow Technique) system. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 721-733. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).This research was conducted to know the dose of calcium (Ca) and Ferro (Fe) which were the best factor in the increase of plant nutrient which did not disturb the growth and production of Amaranthus sp. by using hydroponic DFT (Deep Flow Technique). This research was conducted at Hydroponic laboratory Agronomy study program Faculty of Agriculture Sriwijaya University which was conducted from November 2020 until April 2021. This research used Amaranthus seed brand “Panah Merah”. The Randomized Block Design with 8 treatments and three replications were used. They were: CFo = AB, C1=200 ppm, C2=400 ppm C3-600 ppm, F1=5 ppm, F2=7.5 ppm and F3=10 ppm. Diversity Analysis used ANOVA and BNT 5%. Parameters being observed were plant height (cm), Number of leaves, leaves greenest level, leaf area (cm2), root volume (ml3), fresh plant weight (g), dry plant weight (g), Calcium concentration (Ca) and Fe concentration in leaves. Research results showed that the increases of Ca and Fe concentration occurred along with the increase of hydroponic solution. The increase of Ca 600 ppm did not inhibit plant growth and the increase of Fe 5 ppm was the maximum concentration which not inhibit the growth of Amaranthus and gave good impacts and optimal plant growth

    Produksi Benih Uji Pertumbuhan dan Daya Hasil beberapa Aksesi Jagung Bersari Bebas Unsri J1-J8 pada Lahan Kering Sub-Optimal

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    Halimi ES, Hasmeda M, Amelia P, Dewa TPA, Pranjaya I. 2020.  Seed production growth and yield evaluation several open-pollinated maize accessions of unsri j1-j8 at sub-optimal dry land. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang  20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Effort to develop open pollinated varieties of maize should be put into a priority to give more benefit to the farmers.  Production of their seeds are also important, since Maize can only be commercially grown from the seeds.  This research was carried out in two-seasons, to produce seeds in 2017/2018  and then planted them for evaluation in 2018/2019 for evaluation.  Research utilized eight Maize accessions called as Unsri-J1 to J8. Research to produce seeds was done by using ear to row method in 3 replication-plots, each consisted of  10 rows with planting distance 75cm x 25 cm.   Research to evaluate growth and yield were done in the field, incorporation with local farmers.  Analysis data were done by using  a randomized block design in nested scheme consisted of 5 plot-samples as blocks. Result of this research indicated that seed production of  Unsri-J1 to J8 in sub-optimal dry land could be done, especially for the Unsri-J1 and J3 accessions that beside showed consintency in growth, also were  able to produce 6.4 and 5.5 ton dry seeds/ha.   Their growth evaluation also showed greater posture and having earlier period of  anthesis, while their yield evaluations, in general, were about equivalent, even more for Unsri-J1 tended to have higher yield than control variety

    Pengaruh Pemupukan terhadap Perubahan Morfofisiologi Dua Varietas Padi pada Kondisi Cekaman Rendaman

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    Submergence tolerance is plant adaptation to anaerobic or hypoxia condition without significant damage. Changes in morphophysiological characters of rice plant are often related to the plant adaptation to submergence stress. Fertilization might affect plant morphophysiological changes under submergence stress. The objective of this research was to study the effect of rice varieties and fertilizer application on the growth and morphophysiological changes under submergence stress. The experiment was arranged in factorial completely randomized block design with six replications. The first factor was rice varieties consisted of Inpara 5 (V1) and IR64 (V2), while the second factor was fertilizer application consisted of without fertilization (P0) and with fertilizer application (P1). Submergence stress was applied on 28 days old seedlings for 7 days. The results showed that fertilizer application increased aerenchyma formation and plant N content of both IR64 and Inpara 5 varietes. Inpara 5 variety had higher relative chlorophyll content, relative carbohydrate content, and relative plant dry weight thant IR64 variety at 7 days after submergence stress

    Keragaman Morfofisiologi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Di Lahan Gambut / Morphophysiology Performances of Oil Palm on Peat Land

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    Tanaman kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) sebagian besar ditanam di lahan gambut. Tujuan penelitian mengevaluasi morfo-fisiologi pertumbuhan dan hasil berdasarkan keragaan tanaman kelapa sawit varietas SJ2 umur 6 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan, pada lahan gambut dengan kedalaman antara 2,5 sampai 4 meter, hemiks dan in land pada Mei 2012 sampai Januari tahun 2013. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, satu perlakuan. Perlakuannya adalah ketegakan tanaman kelapa sawit var. SJ2 umur 6 tahun berdasarkan nilai 0 sudut yang terbentuk antara batang dengan permukaan gambut, dengan ulangan sebanyak 2 kali. Perlakuan perbedaan kenampakan tegak batang, yaitu: tegak (900 ), agak miring (600 ≤ sudut < 900 ), sangat miring (450 ≤ sudut < 6 0 ), dan roboh (00 ). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tanaman dengan keragaan tegak dan agak miring memiliki anak daun sempit, pelepah pendek dan sedikit dengan ILD rendah 2,53 dan 2,73, serta densitas populasi akar primer tinggi. Tanaman yang sangat miring dan rebah memiliki anak daun luas; ILD tinggi 6,15 dan 4,33; densitas luas area permukaan akar sekunder dan bobot kering populasi akar tinggi, tetapi densitas populasi akar primer rendah. Tanaman dengan keragaan yang tegak lebih mempunyai kualitas pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi dibanding yang sangat miring maupun rebah, dengan konsentrasi Al daun 105,05 ppm maupun rasio N : P daun 13,95 yang rendah. Hasil TBS tertinggi 2,43 kg/tanaman/panen di tahun pertama pada tanaman dengan keragaan tegak

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus sp) pada Berbagai Komposisi Nutrisi Alternatif Pengganti AB Mix dengan Sistem Hidroponik Deep Flow Technique

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    Gustiar F, Munandar M, Aprilia NR, Hasmeda M, Amar M, Arsi A. 2021. Growth and Yield of Spinach (Amaranthus sp) in various compositions of Alternative Nutrients to replace AB Mix with Hydroponic System.  In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang  20 Oktober 2021. pp. 931-940 . Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI). The high cost of AB Mix hydroponic nutrients, so there is a need for alternative growth nutrients that are cheaper and easily available. Aim of this research was to determine the hydroponic nutrition substitute for AB mix for the growth of spinach (Amaranthus sp). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with four hydroponic nutrition treatments with different ingredients. The treatments given were AB mix fertilizer, NPK-based nutrition, single fertilizer-based nutrition, and organic nutrients. hydroponic nutrient constituents are calculated based on the needs of leaf vegetable plants. Needs Parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of leaves, leaf greenery level, leaf area (cm2), root volume (ml3), plant fresh weight (g), plant dry weight (g), and nitrogen concentration (N) at leaf. Based on the observation of growth parameters, AB mix nutrition treatment showed the best results. However, the fresh weight parameter of the single fertilizer-based nutrient treatment showed results that were not significantly different from the ABmix treatment. In addition to providing the highest yield, the lowest cost requirement is 1 liter of concentrate at a cost of 44,302 IDR so that single fertilizer-based hydroponic nutrients can be recommended as an alternative to AB Mix nutrition

    Priming Benih Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) dengan Zn untuk Meningkatkan Vigor Bibit pada Cekaman Terendam

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    Seed priming has been widely used to improve seedling vigor of several crops such as corn, wheat, and rice. Seed priming with zinc to increase seedling tolerance on submergence stress had never been evaluated. The objective of this research was to identify agronomical and physiological characteristics of several rice genotypes during seedling stage at submergence stress following zinc priming treatment. This research used factorial randomized block design with three replications. The first factor was rice genotypes and second factor was zinc solution of ZnSO4.7H2O. Seeds were soaked with Zn solution at different concentrations namely 0, 2.5, dan 5.0 mM respectively for 24 hours. After that the seeds were germinated on soil media in side the plastic box. Fourteen days-old seedling were submerged in water for 5 days and then return to normal condition for recovery. Parameters being observed included seedling dry weight, shoot carbohydrate, and leaves chlorophyl which were measured after 10 days of recovery. Seedling height was measured once a week from 2nd to 4th week. Results showed that intolerant genotypes to submergence stress grew faster but seedling dry weight, shoot carbohydrate and leaves chlorophyll content were lower compared to those tolerant genotypes. Local and national varieties which were not tolerant to submergence stress could be improved by priming treatment with 5.0mM zinc

    Peningkatan Toleransi Rendaman Padi Lokal Rawa Lebak dengan Introgresi Gen Sub1

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    One of efforts to increase rice production at swamp area which is frequently flooded is the use of submergence tolerant rice varieties. The objectives of this research was to improve plant tolerance after submergence stress for 14 days in BC1F1 of crosses between local superior varieties and Sub1 gen donor (FR13A). The studies were carried out in two stages: 1) Crossing local superior varieties, i.e., Pegagan (Pgn), Siam (Sm), Payak Selimbuk (Pys), dan Pelita Rampak (Plr) to submergence tolerant variety FR13A; and 2) submergence tolerance evaluation of the progeny. The first study was conducted at green house of Graduate Study Sriwijaya University, Palembang. The second study was carried out at field experiment of Central Research and Development of Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources in Bogor. All studies were conducted from March 2011 until March 2013. The first study was the introgression of Sub1 gene into local genotypes Payak Selimbuk, Pegagan, Siam and Pelita Rampak from FR13A. The second study was evaluation of BC1F1 plant performance after submergence treatment for 14 days. The results showed that introgression of Sub1 gene into local varieties improved submergence tolerance as indicated by higher percentage of survived plants, lower decrease of plant dry weight, and lower decrease of grain weight per panicle compared to parents

    Fertilization Strategy to Increase Rice Growth and Production Under Two Flooding Condition on Two Lowland Swamp Types

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    Flood is general phenomenon found in most areas of Indonesia. This can obstruct rice crop cultivation on lowland swamp areas. Fertilization strategy is one of the efforts to increase rice crop growth and production on flooded condition. The objective of this research was to determine the best fertilization strategy on vegetative stage related to rice crop growth and production under flooded condition at two types of lowland swamp. The experimental design used in this research was split-plot design with three replications. The main plot was fertilization treatment consisting of P1 = base fertilization, P2 = fertilization before flooded, P3 = fertilization after flooded and P4 = fertilization before and after flooded. The subplot was rice variety which consisted of V1 = Inpara 3, V2 = Inpara 5, V3 = IR 64 and V4 = Ciherang. The results showed that fertilization strategy was capable of increasing rice crop growth and production under flooded condition at two types of lowland swamp. Rice variety Inpara 5 added with fertilizer before flooded on shallow-backswamp and fertilizer addition before and after flooded on middle-backswamp was the best treatment that had produced rice yield with magnitude of 4.48 and 3.43 ton per hectare, respectively

    Pengaruh Panjang Hari, Asam Indol Asetat, dan Fosfor terhadap Tanaman Kedelai dan Kualitas Benih dalam Penyimpanan

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of photoperiod, indole acetic acid (IAA), and phosphorus on soybean plant growth and seed quality during storage. The trial was carried out at Sebapo Experimental Station, Jambi, Center for Post Harvest Research and Development, The Ministry of Agriculture and Center for Forest Research and Development, The Ministry of Forestry, Bogor from November 2009 until June 2010. Split-split plot design was used consisted of three factors, i.e. photoperiods (12 and 14 hours 54 minutes) as the main plot, concentrations of IAA (0, 75, and 150 ppm) as subplot, and dosages of phosphorus (0, 60, and 120 kg P2O5 ha-1) as subplot. The result showed that photoperiod, IAA, and phosphorus application had significantly improved production and seed quality. The path analysis showed that the weight of 1,000 seeds affected other variables. The seed protein content has the largest path coefficient compared to other variables. The treatment of mother plant with 14 hours 54 minutes photoperiod combined with IAA of 150 ppm and P2O5 of 120 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest seed quality during 90 days of storage in room temperature