36 research outputs found

    [Die behandlung von akuten eitrigen infektionen an der Abteilung fur maxillofaziale chirurgie des allgeimeinen krankenhauses in Osijek]

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    Na odjelu za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju Opće bolnice u Osijeku, od njegovog osnivanja, tj. u razdoblju od 15 mjeseci, liječen je 91 pacijent od akutne gnojne infekcije predjela lica i čeljusti. U tom materijalu dentogene infekcije sa 8 2% zauzimaju dominantno mjesto, dok sve ostale zajedno iznose svega 1 8%. Kao uzročnici nastanka dentogenih infekcija bili su zubi, bez pulpe zaostali korjenovi zuba, dentitio difficilis , zagnojene dentogene ciste i inficirane ekstrakcijske rane. Ostali uzroci gnojnih infekcija tog područja bili su furunkuli usana i obraza, sialolitijaza, kronični egzacerbirani sijalolitisi, inficirani tumori i infekcije poslije davanja injekcije za anesteziju. Kod 31 pacijenta liječenje je bilo samo konzervativno, a kod 60 bolesnika primjenjenje i kirurški tretman. Isključivo konzervativna terapija primjenjivana je samo kod lakših gnojnih infiltrata i tamo gdje su upalne promjene u toku terapije pokazivale znakove regresije, sve do nestanka gnojnog procesa. Kirurška intervencija vršena je u prvom redu kod izražene kolikvacije i kod infiltrata , koji su usprkos adekvatnoj konzervativnoj te ra p iji jasno pokazivali znakove širenja i pogoršanja općeg stanja pacijenta. Autori posebno izlažu svoj stav prema po jedinim grupama akutne gnojne infekcije toga područja, koji su u referatu i tablički prikazani. U ovoj seriji liječenih oci akutne gnojne infekcije maksilofacijalnog predjela nije bilo niti jednog smrtnog ishoda. U vijek se nastojalo definitivno ukloniti uzrok akutne gnojne infekcije, a ako to nije bilo indicirano to je bilo izvršeno kasnije.Ninety-one patients with acute suppurative infection of the facial and maxillary bones have been treated at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the General Hospital in Osijek since the establishment of the Department, i. e. a period of 15 months. In the material investigated dentogenic irifections hold a dominant place with 82 %, while ali the other infections together account for the remaining 18 %. The cause o f dentogenic infections were traced back to pulpless teeth, residue roots,dentitio difficilis , suppurative odontogenic cysts and infected extraction wounds. The other suppurative infections of this region were abscesses o f the lip and the jaw, sialolithiasis, chronic exacerbated sialotithiasis, infected tumors and cases of infection resulting from injection of anaestehics. Only conservative treatment was in 31 patients, while in 60 patients surgical treatment was applied as well. Exclusive conservative therapy was applied in cases of mild suppurations only, and in cases where the inflammatory canges showed signs of regression in the course of the treatment. This treatm ent was applied until the suppurations diasppeared. Surgical treatment was applied in cases with marked colliquation and in inf iltrate s where, in spite of adequate conservative therapy, clear signs of spreading and deterioration of the general condition of the patient were noticed. In the paper a special review is given by the authors of their attitude towards individual groups of acute suppurative infection of that region and relevant tables are given. The authors did not have a single lethal case in this series of patients treated for acute suppurative infection of the maxillofacial region. The aim was to remove the cause of the acute suppurations definitively. If in the course of the treatment this was not possible it was done at a later stage.An 91 behandelten Patienten mit akuten eitrigen Infektionen im Kiefer-Gesichtsbereich, nehmen dentogene Infektionen mit 82% eine dom inante Stellung, ein, wahrend alle ubrigen Ursachen insgesamt 18% betragen. Als Ursache der dentogenen Infektion konnen pulpalose Zahne, Wurzelreste, erschwerter Zahndurchbruch, vereiterte dentogene Zysten und in fizierte Extraktionsw unden, angefuhrt werden. Auserdem kommen noch Lippen- und Gesichtsfurunkel, Sialolithiasis, in fizierte Geschv/ulste, und Infektionen nach Injektionsanaesthesie in Betracht. 31 Patienten konnten konservativ behandelt, die ubrigen 60 mussten chirurgisch angegangen werden. Ausschliesslich konservativ wurde nur bei leichteren eitrigen Infiltraten und bei entzundlichen Veranderungen mit regressiver Tendenz, vorgegangen. Cirurgische Interventionen wurden vor allem bei ausgesprochener Koliquation und bei Infiltraten mit deutlicher Tendenz zur Ausbreitung und Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustandes, durchge fuhrt. Alle Gruppen der akuten eitrigen Infektionen sind tabellarisch dargestellt und die Stellungnahme der Autoren zu diesen Gruppen vorgebracht. Kein Todesfall konnte in diesen Serien verzeichnet werden. Es wurde immer getrachtet die Ursache der Infektion definitiv zu beseitigen, falls dieses im Laufe der Behandlung nicht ratsam war, wurde es spater durchge fuhrt

    On unitarizability in the case of classical p-adic groups

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    In the introduction of this paper we discuss a possible approach to the unitarizability problem for classical p-adic groups. In this paper we give some very limited support that such approach is not without chance. In a forthcoming paper we shall give additional evidence in generalized cuspidal rank (up to) three.Comment: This paper is a merged and revised version of ealier preprints arXiv:1701.07658 and arXiv:1701.07662. The paper is going to appear in the Proceedings of the Simons Symposium on Geometric Aspects of the Trace Formul

    ESCIMO.spread (v2) : parameterization of a spreadsheet-based energy balance snow model for inside-canopy conditions

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    This article describes the extension of the ESCIMO.spread spreadsheet-based point energy balance snow model by (i) an advanced approach for precipitation phase detection, (ii) a method for cold content and liquid water storage consideration and (iii) a canopy sub-model that allows the quantification of canopy effects on the meteorological conditions inside the forest as well as the simulation of snow accumulation and ablation inside a forest stand. To provide the data for model application and evaluation, innovative low-cost snow monitoring systems (SnoMoS) have been utilized that allow the collection of important meteorological and snow information inside and outside the canopy. The model performance with respect to both, the modification of meteorological conditions as well as the subsequent calculation of the snow cover evolution, are evaluated using inside- and outside-canopy observations of meteorological variables and snow cover evolution as provided by a pair of SnoMoS for a site in the Black Forest mountain range (southwestern Germany). The validation results for the simulated snow water equivalent with Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency values of 0.81 and 0.71 and root mean square errors of 8.26 and 18.07 mm indicate a good overall model performance inside and outside the forest canopy, respectively. The newly developed version of the model referred to as ESCIMO.spread (v2) is provided free of charge together with 1 year of sample data including the meteorological data and snow observations used in this study

    Rückschau auf die traumatologische Kasuistik der abteilung für maxillofaziale Chirurgie des allgemeinen Krankenhauses in Osijek, von seiner gründung am 1. VIII 1968. Bis heute.

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    Porast povreda u maksilofacijalnoj regiji uopće, kao i sve češća pojava teških povreda ovoga područja, mogu se notirati i u našoj kazuistici. Kao što se to iz statistike vidi, tijekom naše dosadašnje djelatnosti, tj. u roku od posljednjih 15 mjeseci, bilo je 411 povreda, od čega 273 samo mekih tkiva lica, a 138 fraktura i to 128 zatvorenih i 10 otvorenih. Kod maksilofacijalnih povreda kombiniranih s povredama na drugim lokalizacijama tijela, vršene su konzultacije sa odnosnim specijalistima i prema potrebi se primjenjivala timska obrada, a tretiranje se obavljalo prema redu hitnosti. Vanjske rane, rane u usnoj šupljini, kao i raznovrsni prijelomi kosti facijalnog dijela glave tretirani su u zato određenom roku i po principu i tehnici opisanima u suvremenoj literaturi. Rane mekih tkiva dobro su zarašćivale, a kod svih dosad dovršenih tretmana frakture kosti lica došlo je u određenom roku i do konsolidacije i naknadne zadovoljavajuće funkcije odnosnih organa, osim u dva slučaja teških povreda vatrenim oružjem, s kontinuitetnim defektom kosti mandibule, koji su još u tretiranju. U četiri su slučaja bili potrebni rekonstruktivni operativni zahvati, koji su već dijelom u toku, a kod svih povreda izvršena je, poslije skidanja imobilizacijskih naprava, prema potrebi, kompletna sanacija zuba, s punom definitivnom protetskom nadoknadom.The general upward trend in injuries of the maxillofacia region in general, and the steadily growing number of serious injuries of this region has been noted in our casuistics too. Statistics show that in the course of our activity in this newly established Department, i.e. within the last 15 months 411 injuries were registered. Of these 273 were of the soft tissue of the face alone and 138 were fractures. Hundred and twenty-eight fractures were of the closed type and 10 were compound fractures. In maxillofacial injuries combined with injuries of other sites in the body consultations were undertaken with the responsible specialists and where necessary team-work was applied. Treatment was carried out according to the order of urgency. External wounds, wounds in the oral cavity and various fractures of the bones of the facial part of the head were therefore treated urgently and following the principles and technique described in contemporary literature. The wounds of the soft tissue healed well and in all so far treated fractures of the facial bones consolidation occurred within the normal period. Subsequent satisfactory functions of the organs concerned was also achieved with the exception of two cases of very serious injuries inflicted by fire arms with continuous defect of the mandibullar bone. These patients are undergoing special treatment. In four cases reconstructive operative interventions were necessary. These patients are partly undergoing treatment. After removal of the immobilization devices in all of these injuries complete repair of the teeth was undertaken with full definitive prosthetic replacement.Die Zunahme von Verletzungen in der maxillofazialen Region und die immer grössere Zahl von Schwerverletzten dieses Gebietes, geht auch aus unserer Kasuistik hervor. Im Laufe unserer Tätigkeit hatten wir 411 Verletzungen, darunter 273 nur der Gesichts-Weich-teile und 138 Kieferbrüche, wovon 128 geschlossene und 10 offene.Falls diese Verletzungen mit Traumen anderer Körperteile verbunden waren, wurden entsprechende Fachärzte zu Rate gezogen, und nach Bedarf die Behandlung als Teamerbeit durchgeführt. Äussere Wunden, Wunden in der Mundhöhle, als auch verschiedene Knochenbrüche des fazialen Gebietes, wurden nach den herschenden Prinzipien und Technik behandelt. Weichteilwunden heilten gut aus; sämtliche Kieferbrüche sind in der vorgesehenen Frist ausgeheilt, so dass die Funktion zufriedenstellend war. In vier Fällen waren wiederherstellende operative Eingriffe notwendig. Bei allen wurde, nach der Abnahme der Schienen, je nach Bedarf, die prothetische Versorgung durchgeführt

    Neurorehabilitation in Stroke Patients

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    The importance of snowmelt spatiotemporal variability for isotope-based hydrograph separation in a high-elevation catchment

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    Seasonal snow cover is an important temporary water storage in high-elevation regions. Especially in remote areas, the available data are often insufficient to accurately quantify snowmelt contributions to streamflow. The limited knowledge about the spatiotemporal variability of the snowmelt isotopic composition, as well as pronounced spatial variation in snowmelt rates, leads to high uncertainties in applying the isotope-based hydrograph separation method. The stable isotopic signatures of snowmelt water samples collected during two spring 2014 snowmelt events at a north- and a south-facing slope were volume weighted with snowmelt rates derived from a distributed physics-based snow model in order to transfer the measured plot-scale isotopic composition of snowmelt to the catchment scale. The observed 18O values and modeled snowmelt rates showed distinct inter- and intra-event variations, as well as marked differences between north- and south-facing slopes. Accounting for these differences, two-component isotopic hydrograph separation revealed snowmelt contributions to streamflow of 35+/-3 and 75+/-14% for the early and peak melt season, respectively. These values differed from those determined by formerly used weighting methods (e.g., using observed plot-scale melt rates) or considering either the north- or south-facing slope by up to 5 and 15%, respectively.(VLID)3024679Version of recor

    ESCIMO.spread (v2): parameterization of a spreadsheet-based energy balance snow model for inside-canopy conditions

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    This article describes the extension of the ESCIMO.spread spreadsheet-based point energy balance snow model by (i) an advanced approach for precipitation phase detection, (ii) a method for cold content and liquid water storage consideration and (iii) a canopy sub-model that allows the quantification of canopy effects on the meteorological conditions inside the forest as well as the simulation of snow accumulation and ablation inside a forest stand. To provide the data for model application and evaluation, innovative low-cost snow monitoring systems (SnoMoS) have been utilized that allow the collection of important meteorological and snow information inside and outside the canopy. The model performance with respect to both, the modification of meteorological conditions as well as the subsequent calculation of the snow cover evolution, are evaluated using inside- and outside-canopy observations of meteorological variables and snow cover evolution as provided by a pair of SnoMoS for a site in the Black Forest mountain range (southwestern Germany). The validation results for the simulated snow water equivalent with Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency values of 0.81 and 0.71 and root mean square errors of 8.26 and 18.07 mm indicate a good overall model performance inside and outside the forest canopy, respectively. The newly developed version of the model referred to as ESCIMO.spread (v2) is provided free of charge together with 1 year of sample data including the meteorological data and snow observations used in this study