188 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK KPR syariah merupakan produk pembiayaan perbankan yang berlandaskan prinsip syariah dan ditujukan untuk pembelian rumah atau hunian. Sebelum melakukan pembelian rumah, konsumen umumnya akan mencari informasi mengenai rumah yang diinginkan, menilai, membandingkan. Pada tahap-tahap kegiatan tersebut, persepsi dan sikap turut terlibat yang pada akhirnya akan menentukan suatu keputusan untuk membeli atau tidak. Kepuasan akan dicapai apabila rumah yang dibeli sesuai keinginan dan harapannya. Sebaliknya apabila rumah yang dibeli tidak sesuai dengan keinginan dan harapannya akan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan secara empiris, pengaruh fasilitas, kondisi fisik, lokasi, pelayanan, dan harga terhadap kepuasan konsumen program KPR syariah di Cluster Mata Air Bandar Lampung. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 47 warga perumahan cluster Mata Air di Bandar Lampung. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Metode analisis pada penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah program SPSS Versi 20. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa fasilitas, kondisi fisik, lokasi, pelayanan, dan harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen program KPR syariah di Cluster Mata Air Bandar Lampung. Selanjutnya dalam pengadaan setiap perumahan syariah pihak pengembang hendaknya betul-betul teliti dalam memenuhi aspek fasilitas, kondisi fisik, lokasi, pelayanan dan harga terutama mengacu kepada Al Quran dan Hadist. Kata kunci: Kepuasan Konsumen, Fasilitas, Kondisi Fisik, Lokasi, Pelayanan, dan Harga ABSTRACT Mortgage loan syariah bank funding is a product based on the syariah principle and intended to buy a house or habitation. Prior to the purchase of the house, consumers general to seek information concerning the desired, judge, comparing. In phases as these activities, the perceptions and attitudes of closely involved which in turn will determine a decision to buy or not. Satisfaction to be reached so house bought on demand and hopefully. But when house purchased not desire and hope to create dissatisfaction . This study aims to to prove empirically, influence, facilities physical condition, the, service, and price to consumer satisfaction on syariah housing program in Mata Air clusters bandar lampung. The sample used in this research was 47 residents housing Mata Air clusters in bandar lampung. The data used was the primary data of data collection using a questionnaire. The method of analysis in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis used in this research program is spss 20. version. The result of this research prove that the facilities, physical condition, the location, service, and the prices have had a significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction syariah mortgage loan program in Mata Air Cluster Bandar Lampung. Next in the procurement of every syariah housing the developer should be are minutely in fulfilling the aspect of facilities, the physical condition, the location, service and the price of especially in reference to the quran and hadist. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Facilities, Physical Condition, Location, Services and Pric

    Penerimaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat yang Baru Menjadi Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD)

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    This study aims to analyze the acceptance of public service agency (BLUD) accounting information system at BLUD health center in Boyolali, Center Java. TAM model is used in this study with behavioral theory perspective that used to for examine information technology adopted process. The samples used in this research is accounting and financial staffs at BLUD health center in Java that using BLUD accounting information system that developed by PT. Syncore Indonesia. Data obtained from questionnaires distributed be procesed using partial least square (PLS).The result of this research indicated 8 of 11 hipotheses are accepted. Where the result of this research showed relationship between users abilities and skills (UAS) toward percieved ease of use (PEOU), accounting information system (SIA) toward percieved usefulness (PU), percieved ease of use (PEOU) toward percieved usefulness (PU), percieved ease of use (PEOU) and percieved usefulness (PU) toward attitude toward using (ATU), percieved usefulness (PU) and attitude toward using (ATU) toward behavioral intention to use (BITU), and behavioral intention to use (BITU) toward actual system USAge (ASU) are positif significant

    Modal Intelektual dan Kinerja Maqashid Syariah Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of Islamic banking-intellectual capital (ib-vaic) covered; capital employed, human capital, and structural capital, toward maqashid shariah performance in Islamic Banking in Indonesia. This study used all (44 banks) Islamic banking that listing in Bank Indonesia (Central Bank of Indonesia) and Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority). Data analysis used SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) with multiple regression method. The results reveal that Islamic banking-human capital have positive influence on maqashid shariah performance. However, Islamic banking-capital employed and structural capital do not have influence on maqashid shariah performance

    Orbitally induced hierarchy of exchange interactions in zigzag antiferromagnetic state of honeycomb silver delafossite Ag3Co2SbO6

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    We report the revised crystal structure, static and dynamic magnetic properties of quasi-two dimensional honeycomb-lattice silver delafossite Ag3Co2SbO6. The magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data are consistent with the onset of antiferromagnetic long range order at low temperatures with N\'eel temperature TN ~ 21.2 K. In addition, the magnetization curves revealed a field-induced (spin-flop type) transition below TN in moderate magnetic fields. The GGA+U calculations show the importance of the orbital degrees of freedom, which maintain a hierarchy of exchange interaction in the system. The strongest antiferromagnetic exchange coupling was found in the shortest Co-Co pairs and is due to direct and superexchange interactions between the half-filled xz+yz orbitals pointing directly to each other. The other four out of six nearest neighbor exchanges within the cobalt hexagon are suppressed, since for these bonds active half-filled orbitals turned out to be parallel and do not overlap. The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra reveal a Gaussian shape line attributed to Co2+ ion in octahedral coordination with average effective g-factor g=2.3+/-0.1 at room temperature and shows strong divergence of ESR parameters below 120 K, which imply an extended region of short-range correlations. Based on the results of magnetic and thermodynamic studies in applied fields, we propose the magnetic phase diagram for the new honeycomb-lattice delafossite

    An influence of the SS316L powder particle shape to the densification of metal injection moulding (MIM) compact

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    Metal injection molding (MIM) has acquired increasing importance as a production technique for small, complex stainless steel components [1, 2]. Sintering is critical for determining the final quality of the parts produced by MIM. Because high sintered density is imperative for good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, achieving full or near-full density has been a major objective of sintering [3]. Therefore, most research on 316L stainless steel sintering to date has focused on the sintering behavior of the molded parts especially for gas-atomised powder in argon environment [3-6]. An understanding of the factors influencing densification of stainless steels is important as over 50% of the injection molded and sintered components are made from stainless steel compositions [7]. In a metal injection molding (MIM) process, gas-atomised powder is generally used due to their high packing density and associated feedstock rheology. The sintered components exhibit mechanical and corrosion properties similar or superior to that of wrought material. Water-atomised powders in MIM can be economical and have an improvement in shape retention during debinding and sintering. However, their use comes with a penalty of lower powder loading and sintered density, with a corresponding degradation in the mechanical and corrosion properties. Studies reveal that injection molded and sintered components using water-atomised 316L stainless steel powders have a residual porosity of 3–5% for similar particle characteristics and sintering conditions as that of gas-atomised powders [5]. This article investigates a densification of SS316L gas and wateratomised compact sintered in high vacuum environment at temperature ranging from 1340 to 1400 °C