301 research outputs found

    Nonlinear coupling of continuous variables at the single quantum level

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    We experimentally investigate nonlinear couplings between vibrational modes of strings of cold ions stored in linear ion traps. The nonlinearity is caused by the ions' Coulomb interaction and gives rise to a Kerr-type interaction Hamiltonian H = n_r*n_s, where n_r,n_s are phonon number operators of two interacting vibrational modes. We precisely measure the resulting oscillation frequency shift and observe a collapse and revival of the contrast in a Ramsey experiment. Implications for ion trap experiments aiming at high-fidelity quantum gate operations are discussed

    Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Controllable Many-Body Quantum Systems

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    We establish a novel approach to probing spatially resolved multi-time correlation functions of interacting many-body systems, with scalable experimental overhead. Specifically, designing nonlinear measurement protocols for multidimensional spectra in a chain of trapped ions with single-site addressability enables us, e.g., to distinguish coherent from incoherent transport processes, to quantify potential anharmonicities, and to identify decoherence-free subspaces.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Innovating a new knowledge base for water justice studies:hydrosocial, sociohydrology, and beyond

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    Creating a new knowledge base that centers water justice (Zwarteveen and Boelens, 2014; Sultana, 2018; Wölfle-Hazard, 2022) in hydrosocial and sociohydrology studies involves a broader discussion about why justice matters, how to work toward this goal, and what the implications for research praxis are. The articles in this Research Topic approach different angles of water justice: as law (Fernández and Alba), a social movement (Dame et al.), practice (Pool et al.; Reeves and Bonney), cases of injustice (Caretta et al.), and theory (Krueger and Alba). From this Research Topic, we find that the interrelated concepts of naturecultures and care can be mobilized to create fruitful collaborations between critical social scientists and sociohydrologists

    Depth-dependent critical behavior in V2H

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    Using X-ray diffuse scattering, we investigate the critical behavior of an order-disorder phase transition in a defective "skin-layer" of V2H. In the skin-layer, there exist walls of dislocation lines oriented normal to the surface. The density of dislocation lines within a wall decreases continuously with depth. We find that, because of this inhomogeneous distribution of defects, the transition effectively occurs at a depth-dependent local critical temperature. A depth-dependent scaling law is proposed to describe the corresponding critical ordering behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A 4-unit-cell superstructure in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.92 superconductor

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    Using high-energy diffraction we show that a 4-unit-cell superstructure, q0=(1/4,0,0), along the shorter Cu-Cu bonds coexists with superconductivity in optimally doped YBCO. A complex set of anisotropic atomic displacements on neighboring CuO chain planes, BaO planes, and CuO2 planes, respectively, correlated over ~3-6 unit cells gives rise to diffuse superlattice peaks. Our observations are consistent with the presence of Ortho-IV nanodomains containing these displacements.Comment: Corrected typo in abstrac

    Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity

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    We propose a feasible scheme for generation of strongly non-Gaussian states using the cross-Kerr nonlinearity. The resultant states are highly non-classical states of electromagnetic field and exhibit negativity of their Wigner function, sub-Poissonian photon statistics, and amplitude squeezing. Furthermore, the Wigner function has a distinctly pronounced ``banana'' or ``crescent'' shape specific for the Kerr-type interactions, which so far was not demonstrated experimentally. We show that creating and detecting such states should be possible with the present technology using electromagnetically induced transparency in a four-level atomic system in N-configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure