222 research outputs found

    Population studies on Phytophthora infestans on potatoes and tomatoes in southern Germany

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    Fifty-seven isolates of Phytophthora infestans from blighted potato foliage were collected in 1995 in southern Germany and analysed for mating type and sensitivity to metalaxyl. Fifty-six of them were characterised as A1 and one as A2 mating types. Resistance to metalaxyl was observed frequently: 53 isolates were resistant, three were partially sensitive, and one was sensitive. In a subsequent field study in 1999, 84 isolates collected from blighted potato and tomato foliage were analysed for mating type. Seventy-two were characterised as A1 and twelve as A2 mating types. The response of 76 isolates to metalaxyl and to propamocarb was tested. The majority (42) of the 76 isolates was classified as resistant to metalaxyl; 31 were partially sensitive and only three isolates were sensitive. The results with propamocarb were less discrete; 10 isolates were classified as resistant and three were clearly sensitive. AFLP fingerprinting was used to examine the genetic structure of the southern German P. infestans population collected in 1999 and indicated that the tested population can be sub-divided into a tomato group, a potato group and a mixed group containing isolates collected from both crops. The presence of Ia and IIa mitochondrial DNA haplotypes indicates that the German P. infestans isolates belong to the new pathogen population that has also been reported in neighbouring regions of Europe. The present study indicates that at the beginning of the season only a few genotypes were present, and the population became genetically more variable at the end of the growing season

    Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen im psychiatrischen Maßregelvollzug: Ergeben sich Konsequenzen für die Allgemeinpsychiatrie?

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    Zusammenfassung: Es wurde eine Erhebung zu soziodemographischen, kriminologischen und psychiatrischen Merkmalen der 2007 gemäß §63 StGB und §126a StPO in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern untergebrachten Patienten mit Erkrankungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis durchgeführt. Dabei konnten Daten zu allen im Untersuchungszeitraum untergebrachten 45Probanden erhoben werden. Diese stellen einen Anteil von 22% an der Gesamtzahl der 202 im Erhebungszeitraum untergebrachten Patienten. Dieser Wert liegt deutlich unter den Daten westlicher und auch eher städtisch geprägter Bundesländer. Ähnlich wie in anderen Untersuchungen aus Deutschland und Österreich zeigt sich eine hohe Rate von Vorbehandlungen in der Allgemeinpsychiatrie. Es bleibt eine wichtige Aufgabe, adäquate Interventionsstrategien für fremdaggressive Patienten mit kombinierten psychischen Störungen (z.B. Schizophrenie und Sucht), strafrechtlicher Vorgeschichte und fehlenden sozialen Perspektiven zu entwickel

    Schwere Lithiumintoxikationen bei normalen Serumspiegeln

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    Anliegen Unser Ziel ist es, Faktoren zu identifizieren, die das Risiko einer Lithiumintoxikation trotz normaler Serumspiegel erhöhen. Methode Wir beschreiben zwei eigene Fälle und bewerten diese im Kontext der Literatur. Ergebnisse Alter, Begleiterkrankungen und psychopharmakologische Komedikation erhöhen das Risiko einer Lithiumintoxikation bei normalen Serumspiegeln. Diskussion Bei älteren, multimorbiden Patienten sollte eine engmaschige klinische Kontrolle inklusive Spiegelbestimmung und EEG erfolgen, bei klinischen Anzeichen der Intoxikation sollte auch bei unauffälligen Spiegeln ein Absetzen erwogen werden

    Letter to the EditorA clinical lesson: Glioblastoma multiforme masquerading as depression in a chronic alcoholic

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    Aims: To highlight the need to consider other medical conditions when the presentation initially appears to be alcohol-related. Method: We report the case of a 34-year-old male alcoholic, who presented with clinical depression and later a delirious state, and was subsequently diagnosed to have a right frontal glioblastoma multiforme. Conclusions: Psychiatric patients, especially alcoholics, may present with physical and neurological symptoms in the emergency department, which are linked by the examiner to the toxic effects of alcohol. However, consideration should be given to the possibility that the symptoms are due to other severe medical condition

    The depth of sewage filters and the degree of purification

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    "Bulletins of the state Water survey": 1 leaf at end.At head of title: State of Illinois. Department of registration and education. Division of the state Water survey. A.M. Buswell, chief...Bibliography: p. 78-80.Enumeration continues from preceding title