749 research outputs found

    Karotten von der Saat bis zum Teller - Einfluss von Sorte Standort, Jahr und Anbauweise auf den Mineralstoffgehalt

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    Wie wertvoll sind Karotten fĂŒr unsere ErnĂ€hrung? Die Fachwelt ist sich einig, dass der tĂ€gliche Konsum von FrĂŒchten und GemĂŒse erhöht werden soll. Es gibt jedoch Presseberichte, die den ernĂ€hrungsphysiologischen Wert von heutigem GemĂŒse hinterfragen. Die Rolle der Karotte als Mineralstoffquelle wird durchleuchtet

    Quantitative and qualitative biogenic silicon analyses combining modern microscopical and spectroscopical methods

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    Numerous organisms comprising pro- and eukaryotes are evolutionarily adapted to synthesize siliceous structures (biosilicification). In terrestrial biogeosystems biogenic silicon (BSi) accumulation of phytogenic (BSi synthesized by plants), protistic (diatoms and testate amoeba), microbial (bacteria and fungi) and zoogenic (sponges) origin results in formation of corresponding BSi pools. Accumulation and recycling of BSi in terrestrial ecosystems influence fluxes of dissolved Si from the continents to the oceans, thus act as a filter in the global Si cycle. Although the biogenic control mechanism especially of phytogenic Si pools (phytoliths) has been generally recognized since decades quantitative information on other terrestrial BSi pools is rare. Additionally, information on physicochemical properties of the various siliceous structures are needed to better understand their dissolution kinetics. We used modern microscopical (laser scanning microscopy, LSM; Scanning electron microscopy with coupled energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, SEM-EDX) and spectroscopical (micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, micro-FTIR) methods for quantitative and qualitative analyses of BSi structures. LSM was used to measure volumes and surface areas of BSi structures and corresponding surface-area-to-volume ratios (A:V ratios) were calculated as an indicator for the resistibility of these siliceous structures against dissolution. Volume measurements were also used for the quantification of BSi pools by multiplication of corresponding volumes with BSi density. SEM-EDX analyses provided information on the elemental composition of different BSi structures and with the help of micro-FTIR we were able to gain specific information about chemical bonding and molecular structures of BSi. These information will help us to understand in detail dissolution kinetics of various siliceous structures, thus their role in Si cycling

    Cut it out: Out-of-plane stresses in cell sheet folding of Volvox embryos

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    The folding of cellular monolayers pervades embryonic development and disease. It results from stresses out of the plane of the tissue, often caused by cell shape changes including cell wedging via apical constriction. These local cellular changes need not however be compatible with the global shape of the tissue. Such geometric incompatibilities lead to residual stresses that have out-of-plane components in curved tissues, but the mechanics and function of these out-of-plane stresses are poorly understood, perhaps because their quantification has proved challenging. Here, we overcome this difficulty by combining laser ablation experiments and a mechanical model to reveal that such out-of-plane residual stresses exist and also persist during the inversion of the spherical embryos of the green alga Volvox. We show how to quantify the mechanical properties of the curved tissue from its unfurling on ablation, and reproduce the tissue shape sequence at different developmental timepoints quantitatively by our mechanical model. Strikingly, this reveals not only clear mechanical signatures of out-of-plane stresses associated with cell shape changes away from those regions where cell wedging bends the tissue, but also indicates an adaptive response of the tissue to these stresses. Our results thus suggest that cell sheet folding is guided mechanically not only by cell wedging, but also by out-of-plane stresses from these additional cell shape changes.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; Supporting Information: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral Orbits and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of Boolean Functions with respect to the {I,H,N}^n Transform

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    We enumerate the inequivalent self-dual additive codes over GF(4) of blocklength n, thereby extending the sequence A090899 in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences from n = 9 to n = 12. These codes have a well-known interpretation as quantum codes. They can also be represented by graphs, where a simple graph operation generates the orbits of equivalent codes. We highlight the regularity and structure of some graphs that correspond to codes with high distance. The codes can also be interpreted as quadratic Boolean functions, where inequivalence takes on a spectral meaning. In this context we define PAR_IHN, peak-to-average power ratio with respect to the {I,H,N}^n transform set. We prove that PAR_IHN of a Boolean function is equivalent to the the size of the maximum independent set over the associated orbit of graphs. Finally we propose a construction technique to generate Boolean functions with low PAR_IHN and algebraic degree higher than 2.Comment: Presented at Sequences and Their Applications, SETA'04, Seoul, South Korea, October 2004. 17 pages, 10 figure

    On Exceptional Vertex Operator (Super) Algebras

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    We consider exceptional vertex operator algebras and vertex operator superalgebras with the property that particular Casimir vectors constructed from the primary vectors of lowest conformal weight are Virasoro descendents of the vacuum. We show that the genus one partition function and characters for simple ordinary modules must satisfy modular linear differential equations. We show the rationality of the central charge and module lowest weights, modularity of solutions, the dimension of each graded space is a rational function of the central charge and that the lowest weight primaries generate the algebra. We also discuss conditions on the reducibility of the lowest weight primary vectors as a module for the automorphism group. Finally we analyse solutions for exceptional vertex operator algebras with primary vectors of lowest weight up to 9 and for vertex operator superalgebras with primary vectors of lowest weight up to 17/2. Most solutions can be identified with simple ordinary modules for known algebras but there are also four conjectured algebras generated by weight two primaries and three conjectured extremal vertex operator algebras generated by primaries of weight 3, 4 and 6 respectively.Comment: 37 page

    Karotten von der Saat bis zum Teller - Einfluss von Sorte, Standort, Jahr, Anbauweise und Lagerung auf den Carotingehalt

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    Karotten sind ergiebige Quellen an a- und ß-Carotin und weiterer sekundĂ€rer Pflanzenstoffe (SPS). Es ist bekannt, dass viele SPS auch fĂŒr Geschmack, Aroma und Farbe eine Rolle spielen. Der Einfluss von Vorernte- und Nacherntefaktoren auf den Gehalt an SPS gewinnt deshalb zunehmend an Bedeutung. FĂŒr die Entwicklung eines QualitĂ€tssicherungskonzepts sind die Kenntnisse ĂŒber die Auswirkung dieser Faktoren unumgĂ€nglich

    Effective relational dynamics

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    We provide a synopsis of an effective approach to the problem of time in the semiclassical regime. The essential features of this new approach to evaluating relational quantum dynamics in constrained systems are illustrated by means of a simple toy model.Comment: 4 pages, based on a talk given at Loops '11 in Madrid, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Effective approach to the problem of time: general features and examples

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    The effective approach to quantum dynamics allows a reformulation of the Dirac quantization procedure for constrained systems in terms of an infinite-dimensional constrained system of classical type. For semiclassical approximations, the quantum constrained system can be truncated to finite size and solved by the reduced phase space or gauge-fixing methods. In particular, the classical feasibility of local internal times is directly generalized to quantum systems, overcoming the main difficulties associated with the general problem of time in the semiclassical realm. The key features of local internal times and the procedure of patching global solutions using overlapping intervals of local internal times are described and illustrated by two quantum mechanical examples. Relational evolution in a given choice of internal time is most conveniently described and interpreted in a corresponding choice of gauge at the effective level and changing the internal clock is, therefore, essentially achieved by a gauge transformation. This article complements the conceptual discussion in arXiv:1009.5953.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures; v2: streamlined discussions, more compact manuscrip

    Spinning around or stagnation - what do osteoblasts and chondroblasts really like?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The influcence of cytomechanical forces in cellular migration, proliferation and differentation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is still poorly understood in detail.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human MSCs were isolated and cultivated onto the surface of a 3 × 3 mm porcine collagen I/III carrier. After incubation, cell cultures were transfered to the different cutures systems: regular static tissue flasks (group I), spinner flasks (group II) and rotating wall vessels (group III). Following standard protocols cells were stimulated lineage specific towards the osteogenic and chondrogenic lines. To evaluate the effects of applied cytomechanical forces towards cellular differentiation distinct parameters were measured (morphology, antigen and antigen expression) after a total cultivation period of 21 days in vitro.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Depending on the cultivation technique we found significant differences in both gen and protein expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cytomechanical forces with rotational components strongly influence the osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation.</p
