437 research outputs found

    The Perils of Strong Copyright: The American Library Association and Free Culture

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    The American Library Association has been involved in an ongoing public relations campaign in order to attempt to convince the academic publishing world that the Open Access model is the correct one for academe. However, they have not followed suit with their own publications. This paper is an exploration of this duality, set in a framework of the history of copyright and the Open Access and Free Culture movement. The history of copyright in the United States is presented with special emphasis to its relationship with libraries, and the philosophy of the Free Culture movement is examined in the same light. Specific ALA publications' copyright policies are noted, and compared/contrasted with the public positions that the ALA has taken on Open Access

    Activation of p44/42 MAPK plays a role in the TBT-induced loss of human natural killer (NK) cell function

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    Natural killer (NK) cells destroy (lyse) tumor cells, virally infected cells, and antibody-coated cells. Previous studies indicated that exposure to the environmental contaminant tributyltin (TBT) decreases the lytic function of NK cells and activates mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), including p44/42 (Aluoch and Whalen Toxicology 209:263–277, 2005). If activation of p44/42 is required for TBT-induced decreases of lytic function, then activation of p44/42 to similar extents by pharmacological agents such as phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) should mimic to some extent changes induced in NK cells with TBT exposures. NK cells were exposed to PMA concentrations between 0.25 and 10 nM for 10 min, 1 h, and 6 h before determining the lytic function (51Cr release assay) and phosphorylation state of MAPKs (Western blot). A 1-h exposure of NK cells to 5 nM PMA resulted in a loss of lytic function of 47%. Western blot analysis showed that a 1-h exposure to 5 nM PMA caused a sixfold increase in phospho-p44/42 levels. Previous studies showed a fivefold increase in phospho-p44/42 in response to a 1-h exposure to 300 nM TBT. Exposure to 300 nM TBT caused about a 40% decrease in lytic function. This study supports the hypothesis that p44/42 activation (as seen with TBT exposures) can cause a loss of NK-cell lytic function

    Physician and nurse acceptance of technicians to screen for geriatric syndromes in the emergency department

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate emergency medicine physician and nurse acceptance of nonnurse, nonphysician screening for geriatric syndromes. Methods: This was a single-center emergency department (ED) survey of physicians and nurses after an 8-month project. Geriatric technicians were paid medical student research assistants evaluating consenting ED patients older than 65 years for cognitive dysfunction, fall risk, or functional decline. The primary objective of this anonymous survey was to evaluate ED nurse and physician perceptions about the geriatric screener feasibility and barriers to implementation. In addition, as a secondary objective, respondents reported ongoing geriatric screening efforts independent of the research screeners. Results: The survey was completed by 72% of physicians and 33% of nurses. Most nurses and physicians identified geriatric technicians as beneficial to patients without impeding ED throughput. Fewer than 25% of physicians routinely screen for any geriatric syndromes. Nurses evaluated for fall risk significantly more often than physicians, but no other significant differences were noted in ongoing screening efforts. Conclusion: Dedicated geriatric technicians are perceived by nurses and physicians as beneficial to patients with the potential to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes. Most nurses and physicians are not currently screening for any geriatric syndromes. [West J Emerg Med. 2011;12(4):489–495.]</p

    Molecular correlates of axonal and synaptic pathology in mouse models of Batten disease

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    Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs; Batten disease) are collectively the most frequent autosomal-recessive neurodegenerative disease of childhood, but the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Several lines of evidence have highlighted the important role that non-somatic compartments of neurons (axons and synapses) play in the instigation and progression of NCL pathogenesis. Here, we report a progressive breakdown of axons and synapses in the brains of two different mouse models of NCL: Ppt1−/− model of infantile NCL and Cln6nclf model of variant late-infantile NCL. Synaptic pathology was evident in the thalamus and cortex of these mice, but occurred much earlier within the thalamus. Quantitative comparisons of expression levels for a subset of proteins previously implicated in regulation of axonal and synaptic vulnerability revealed changes in proteins involved with synaptic function/stability and cell-cycle regulation in both strains of NCL mice. Protein expression changes were present at pre/early-symptomatic stages, occurring in advance of morphologically detectable synaptic or axonal pathology and again displayed regional selectivity, occurring first within the thalamus and only later in the cortex. Although significant differences in individual protein expression profiles existed between the two NCL models studied, 2 of the 15 proteins examined (VDAC1 and Pttg1) displayed robust and significant changes at pre/early-symptomatic time-points in both models. Our study demonstrates that synapses and axons are important early pathological targets in the NCLs and has identified two proteins, VDAC1 and Pttg1, with the potential for use as in vivo biomarkers of pre/early-symptomatic axonal and synaptic vulnerability in the NCLs

    Familial congenital cyanosis caused by Hb-MYantai(α-76 GAC → TAC, Asp → Tyr)

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    Methemoglobin (Hb-M) is a rare hemoglobinopathy in China. We hereby report on a family living in Yantai, East China, with congenital cyanosis due to Hb-M mutation. The proband, a 65-year-old female, presented 63% oxygen saturation. Both Hb-M concentration and arterial oxygen saturation remained unchanged, even following intravenous treatment with methylene blue. There was also no change in blood-color (chocolate-brown) after adding 0.1% KCN. A fast-moving band (Hb-X) in hemolysates was found by cellulose acetate electrophoresis, the Hb-X/Hb-A ratio exceeding 10%. GT transition at 131nt of exon 2, although present in one of the α2 -globin alleles, was not found in α1 -globin alleles as a whole. This mutation leads to the aspartic acid to tyrosine substitution (Asp76Tyr). In this family, the novel mutation in the α2 -globin gene resulted in a rare form of congenital cyanosis due to Hb-M. This hemoglobin was named Hb-M Yantai

    Registration of ‘LCS Compass’ Wheat

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    ‘LCS Compass’ (Reg. No. CV-1149, PI 675458), a hard red winter (HRW) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), was developed and tested as VA10HRW-13 and co-released by the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station and Limagrain Cereal Seeds, LLC, in 2015. LCS Compass was derived from the cross ‘Vision 20’ /‘Stanof’ using a modified bulk breeding method. LCS Compass is a widely adapted, high-yielding, awned, semidwarf (Rht1) HRW wheat with early to medium maturity and resistance or moderate resistance to diseases prevalent in the mid-Atlantic and Great Plains regions of the United States. In the 2013 Uniform Bread Wheat Trial conducted over 18 locations in eastern states, LCS Compass produced an average grain yield of 4609 kg ha−1 that was similar to ‘Vision 30’ (4697 kg ha−1). In the northern Great Plains, the average grain yield of LCS Compass (4015 kg ha−1) over 44 locations in 2013 was similar to ‘Jerry’ (4013 kg ha−1). In the South Dakota crop zone 3 variety test, LCS Compass had a 3-yr (2015–2017) yield average of 5575 kg ha−1 and was one of highest-yielding cultivars among the 19 cultivars tested over the 3-yr period. LCS Compass has good end-use quality in both the eastern and Great Plains regions of the United States