386 research outputs found

    Comics in the Design Studio. On the use of graphic narrative as a tool to represent, narrate, and rethink architectural space

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    This chapter looks at several works produced by architects and students in order to discuss and illustrate some uses of the comics medium as a tool both to visualise and explain, to develop stories and discourses, and start morphogenetic processes that lead to novel architectural form, or even rethink architectural space.unfunde

    Professional practices, training, and funding mechanisms: A survey of pediatric primary care psychologists

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    The integration of mental health services in primary care settings has expanded rapidly in recent years with psychologists being at the forefront of efforts to promote healthy behaviors, reduce disease, and care for behavioral, emotional, and developmental needs to promote overall health and well-being for children and families (Asarnow, Kolko, Miranda,&Kazak, 2017; Stancin& Perrin, 2014). While there are many psychologists working in pediatric primary care (PPC), little is known about the specific activities that these psychologists engage in, the training they receive, or funding mechanisms that support their work. This study sought to address this gap in the literature through a survey of psychologists working in PPC. An anonymous online survey was disseminated to members of professional organizations and listservs who were identified as having interest in PPC. Psychologists (N-65) currently practicing in PPC completed the survey by reporting on clinical roles and practices, professional training, practice settings, and funding supports in PPC settings. Results indicate that psychologists assume a number of roles in PPC including providing individual and family therapy, conducting screenings for child mental health concerns, and providing consultation to medical colleagues. Many psychologists also provide supervision and offer educational opportunities for those in related fields, such as medicine and social work. Engagement in research activities was identified as a secondary activity. It was reported that a number of clinical activities were not billed for on a regular basis. Additional areas of research will be discussed along with implications for clinical services in PPC.. © 2017 American Psychological Association

    Amperometric separation-free immunosensor for real-time environmental monitoring

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    Immunoanalytical techniques have found widespread use due to the characteristics of specificity and wide applicability for many analytes, from large polymer antigens, to simple haptens, and even single atoms. Electrochemical sensors offer benefits of technical simplicity, speed and convenience via direct transduction to electronic equipment. Together, these two systems offer the possibility of a convenient, ubiquitous assay technique with high selectivity. However, they are still not widely used, mainly due to the complexity of the associated immunoassay methodologies. A separation-free immunoanalytical technique is described here, which has allowed for the analysis of atrazine in real time and in both quasi-equilibrium and stirred batch configurations. It illustrated that determinations as low as 0.13 muM (28 ppb) could be made using equilibrium incubation with an analytical range of 0.1-10 muM. Measurements could be made between 1 and 10 mM within several minutes using a real-time, stirred batch method. This system offers the potential for fast, simple, cost-effective biosensors for the analysis of many substances of environmental, biomedical and pharmaceutical concern. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Doxycycline Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections

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    Bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been increasing over the past 2 decades in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. With the widespread use of early human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment, which virtually eliminates transmission risk, and the availability of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, there have been attitudinal changes regarding HIV infection with resultant increases in sexual contact and declines in condom use. Doxycycline is used for primary prophylaxis in a number of infectious diseases. We conducted a state-of-the-art review to examine the current state of research, knowledge gaps, and challenges around the use of doxycycline prophylaxis to prevent syphilis and other STIs. International academic and government experts met in March 2019 to frame the initial inquiry, which was supplemented by focused literature searches. Two small short-term randomized controlled trials examining doxycycline prophylaxis found high efficacy. Five additional clinical studies are underway or in development. Studies differed in design, population, outcomes, and safety measures. Doxycycline prophylaxis for bacterial STIs shows promise. Better and more robust data are needed on efficacy; target population; community acceptability; behavioral risk compensation; doxycycline dose, regimen, and formulation; long-term safety; antimicrobial resistance; cost-effectiveness; and risk–benefit

    Clinical Evaluation of Niflumic Acid (Squibb) in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    The effect of 750 mg of niflumic acid per day administered orally was studied in 15 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis in a double-blind crossover trial. The patients were followed over a two-week period with three assessments of joint pain and tenderness, duration and severity of morning stiffness, digital joint circumference, grip strength and radioactive pertechnetate (99m Tc) knee and wrist joint uptakes. The results show that niflumic acid was more effective in relieving pain than placebo. Anti-inflammatory effects could not be demonstrated

    Quality target negotiation in health care : evidence from the English NHS

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    We examine how public sector third-party purchasers and hospitals negotiate quality targets when a fixed proportion of hospital revenue is required to be linked to quality. We develop a bargaining model linking the number of quality targets to purchaser and hospital characteristics. Using data extracted from 153 contracts for acute hospital services in England in 2010/11, we find that the number of quality targets is associated with the purchaser’s population health and its budget, the hospital type, whether the purchaser delegated negotiation to an agency, and the quality targets imposed by the supervising regional health authority

    Decreases in markers of monocyte/macrophage activation after hepatitis C eradication in HIV/hepatitis C virus coinfected women

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    Objective:Eradication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in HIV disease decreases liver and non-liver-related morbidity and mortality. Elevated markers of monocyte/macrophage activation (soluble CD163 and sCD14) are associated with excess non-AIDS morbidity and mortality in HIV. We examined the effect of HCV eradication on these markers in relation to change in hepatic fibrosis.Design:A nested substudy within a longitudinal observational cohortMethods:We studied 126 HIV/HCV-coinfected women successfully treated for HCV, with undetectable HCV RNA at least 12 weeks after therapy completion. sCD163 and sCD14 were measured in serum collected before and after HCV eradication. Results were correlated with changes in markers of hepatic fibrosis.Results:Mean age of participants was 56.3 years, mean CD4+cell count was 615, and 72% had suppressed HIV RNA. After treatment, sCD163 and sCD14 levels significantly decreased from pre-treatment levels in unadjusted analyses. After adjusting for age, race, hepatic fibrosis status, baseline HCV RNA, CD4 count and HIV RNA status, cigarette smoking, and alcohol use, the decreases in sCD163 and sCD14 remained significant. Decrease in pre-treatment to post-treatment sCD163 were significantly positively correlated with changes in FIB-4 (r = 0.250, P = 0.005) and APRI (r = 0.262, P = 0.003); similarly decrease in sCD14 was significantly positively correlated with changes in FIB-4 (r = 0.333, P = 0.0001) and APRI (r = 0.457, P < 0.0001).Conclusion:HCV eradication is associated with significant reductions in monocyte/macrophage activation markers that correlate with reductions in markers of hepatic fibrosis. These findings support broad access to and early initiation of HCV treatment in order to decrease immune activation and improve health in HIV-infected persons

    Expression of endogenous putative TSH binding protein in orbit

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    Thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAB) cause Graves’ disease and contribute to Graves’ Orbitopathy (GO) pathogenesis. We hypothesise that the presence of TSH binding proteins (truncated TSHR variants (TSHRv)) and/or nonclassical ligands such as thyrostimulin (α2β5) might provide a mechanism to protect against or exacerbate GO. We analysed primary human orbital preadipocyte-fibroblasts (OF) from GO patients and people free of GO (non-GO). Transcript (QPCR) and protein (western blot) expression levels of TSHRv were measured through an adipogenesis differentiation process. Cyclic-AMP production by TSHR activation was studied using luciferase-reporter and RIA assays. After differentiation, TSHRv levels in OF from GO were significantly higher than non-GO (p = 0.039), and confirmed in ex vivo analysis of orbital adipose samples. TSHRv western blot revealed a positive signal at 46 kDa in cell lysates and culture media (CM) from non-GO and GO-OF. Cyclic-AMP decreased from basal levels when OF were stimulated with TSH or Monoclonal TSAB (M22) before differentiation protocol, but increased in differentiated cells, and was inversely correlated with the TSHRv:TSHR ratio (Spearman correlation: TSH r = −0.55, p = 0.23, M22 r = 0.87, p = 0.03). In the bioassay, TSH/M22 induced luciferase-light was lower in CM from differentiated GO-OF than non-GO, suggesting that secreted TSHRv had neutralised their effects. α2 transcripts were present but reduced during adipogenesis (p < 0.005) with no difference observed between non-GO and GO. β5 transcripts were at the limit of detection. Our work demonstrated that TSHRv transcripts are expressed as protein, are more abundant in GO than non-GO OF and have the capacity to regulate signalling via the TSHR

    Common Sense Recommendations for the Application of Tax Law to Digital Assets

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    In response to the Joint Committee on Taxation’s July 2023 request for comments on application of various Internal Revenue Code sections on digital assets, we propose a consistent set of rules to apply current law to digital assets. We highlight that the underlying economics and characteristics of transactions should be the primary concern for the application of rules and the valuation of digital assets. We believe any digital asset rules should (1) treat classes of digital assets with unique characteristics differently based on their economics, (2) minimize incentives for users to engage in tax-motivated structuring of transactions, and (3) allow the Internal Revenue Service authority to react to and regulate new classes of digital assets as they are created. We do not believe that the unique features of digital assets are a challenge to applying current law or warrant special tax preferred treatment
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