1,381 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a manufacturing task support system using the Task Technology Fit Model

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    This paper presents an exploratory study of a Task Support System (TSS) supporting manufacturing task operations. The study investigated the degree to which a TSS, in use in a company, actually supports the task of the shop floor personnel. The approach has been to adopt the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) instrument to measure the degree of fitness between the TSS and the associated task. The analysis gives an indication of the state of the TSS and the potential improvements that can be made. The study also shows that the instrument can be used as a foundation for the development of a hypermedia TSS and a benchmarking tool for a TSS

    Design and development of a water vapor electrolysis unit

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    Design and development of water vapor electrolysis unit for oxygen productio

    Igneous Rock Associations 5. Oceanic Island Volcanism II: Mantle Processes

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    Oceanic island basalts (OIBs) have been central to understanding evolution o fthe Earth and mantle because their isolated positions in ocean basins limit the potential for magma contamination by continental crust. Melting processes (e.g., percentage melting) affect OIB chemistry but isotopic and trace-element ratios provide information on mantle-source compositions. They indicate that OIB mantle sources represent mixtures between mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle and four other mantle components: EM1 (enriched mantle 1), EM2, HIMU (High U/Pb = Hi µ) and FOZO (FOcal ZOne). Mass-balance and noble-gas arguments indicate that most of the mantle is depleted but He and Ne isotopes, and convergence of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic arrays suggest that FOZO is a somewhat primitive (unmelted) component common to all oceanic basalt sources. The other components contain "materials" such as basaltic ocean floor (HIMU), pelagic sediments (EM1), oceanic plateaus (EM1), subcontinental lithosphere (EM1, EM2), terrigenous sediments or subducted continental crust (EM2), which have been recycled by subduction processes, and mixed back into the depleted mantle. How these components cycle through the mantle is debated but heterogeneities occur on all length-scales. One school argues that oceanic islands develop above mantle plume convection cells that deliver recycled components and FOZO (lower mantle?) for mixing with depleted upper mantle. Others contend that propagating cracks in the lithosphere create oceanic islands, that plumes do not exist, that the upper and lower mantle are isolated and depleted, and that MORB and OIB form from the same upper-mantle reservoir. Small-scale melting allows OIB to sample local, low-melting-point heterogeneities that are averaged-out by the large-scale melting that forms MORB. These radically different views of mantle structure and composition indicate that OIB will continue to be a focal point in studies of Earth's evolution. SUMMAIRE L'étude des basaltes d'îles océaniques (BÎOs, ou OIBs en anglais) s'est avéré essentielle pour la compréhension de l'évolution de la Terre et de son manteau, et cela, de par l'isolement de ces îles dans les bassins océaniques, ce qui limite les possibilités de contamination par des matériaux de la croûte continentale. Les mécanismes de fusion (le pour-centage de fusion par ex.) délimitent la composition chimique des BÎOs, mais les ratios isotopiques et des éléments traces permettent d'obtenir des indications sur la composition des sources mantelliques. Ils indiquent que les sources mantelliques des BÎOs sont des mélanges de basaltes de dorsales océaniques (BDOs ou MORBs en anglais) de quatre autres composantes du manteau, soit des EM1 (enriched mantle), EM2, HIMU (ratio élevé de U/Pb= Hi µ), et FOZO (FOcal ZOne). Les études des bilans massiques et des gaz nobles indiquent que la plus grande partie du manteau a subit un appauvrissement, mais les isotopes He et Ne, ainsi que la convergence des ensembles isotopiques Sr-Nd-Pb portent à penser que la composante FOZO serait de composition à peu près primitive (n'aurait pas subit de fusion) qui serait commune à toutes les sources de basaltes océaniques. Les autres composantes renferment des" matériaux " issus de plancher océanique basaltique (HIMU), de sédiments pélagiques (EM1), de plateaux océaniques (EM1), de lithosphère souscontinentale (EM1 et EM2), de sédiments terrigènes ou de croûtes continentales enfouies (EM2) et qui ont été recyclés par des mécanismes de subduction et réinjecté dans les matériaux appauvris du manteau. La façon dont ces composantes sont recyclées dans le manteau fait l'objet de discussions serrées et on observe la présence d'hétérogénéité à toute échelle. Une des écoles de pensée soutient que les îles océaniques se forment au-dessus de cellules de convection de panaches mantelliques qui apportent des composantes recyclées et de la FOZO (manteau inférieur?) et les mélangent avec les couches supérieures appauvries du manteau. D'autres croient plutôt que ce sont des fissures de la croûte qui permettent la formation des îles océaniques, qu'il n'y pas de panaches, que les couches inférieures et supérieures du manteau sont isolées et appauvries et que les BÎO et les BDO sont formés à partir des matériaux des même couches supérieures. Les BÎO seraient le reflet de fusions d'hétérogénéités locales à faibles températures de fusion, alors que les BDO seraient le résultat de fusions à grande échelle expliquant une composition correspondant à la moyenne de toutes les hétérogénéités. L'existence de points de vue si radicalement opposés sur la structure et la composition du manteau démontrent que les BÎOs seront encore l'objet d'études sur l'évolution de la Terre

    Steam storage systems for flexible biomass CHP plants - Evaluation and initial model based calculation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Within the present study a novel concept for the demand-oriented power generation of a solid-biomass fueled combined heat and power (CHP) plant is investigated. The integration of a steam storage system into the plants process enables a decoupling of the steam (boiler) and the power generation (steam turbine). By buffering the steam, the power output of the turbine can be adjusted without changing the rated thermal capacity of the plant. Various available storage systems are selected and comparatively evaluated applying the adapted analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The technology assessment revealed that the combination of a steam accumulator and solid concrete storage represents the best suiting option. An initial model based simulation study is performed to identify the fundamental behaviour of this system, integrated in a biomass CHP plant. The operation principle is has proved their technical feasibility and seems to be applicable at a commercial scale. According to the modelling results flexible short term power generation in a time range of up to fifteen minutes is applicable. A load-range of almost the plants rated capacity can be achieved

    Resource Accounting in Factories and the Energy-Water Nexus

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link. open access articleA manufacturing system comprises production processes and building services, both of which are supplied by different energy carriers as well as raw materials and water. These resources interact according to complex relationships and are converted into products for sale and waste flows. Holistic resource accounting allows the analyst to consider the dynamic relationships between these components, including the strong interdependence between energy and water, which has been called the energy-water nexus. Exergy analysis is a method that accounts for mass and both the quantity and quality of energy, while allowing analysis on a common basis and for this reason it is used increasingly to analyse resource consumption in manufacturing systems; however it has rarely been used to consider water flows alongside energy and material flows. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation of modeling water flows in terms of exergy in the context of sustainable manufacturing. Using this technique in combination with previously developed exergy based methods; the result is a truly holistic resource accounting method for factories based on exergy analysis that incorporates water flows. The method is illustrated using a case study of a food factory in which a 4.1% reduction in resource use is shown to be possible by employing anaerobic digester in an effluent water treatment process. The benefits of this technology option would have been underestimated compared to the benefits of waste heat capture if an analysis based on mass and energy balances alone had been used. The scientific value of this paper is the demonstration of the relatively high exergy content of effluent flows, which should therefore be regarded as potentially valuable resources. The analytical method presented is therefore of value to a wide range of industries beyond the food industry

    Design, development, and fabrication of a water electrolysis system for a 90-day manned test Final report

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    Design, fabrication, and testing of circulating electrolyte type water electrolysis system for automatic control of spacecraft total pressure and oxygen partial pressur

    The development of a non-cryogenic nitrogen/oxygen supply system

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    A hydrazine/water electrolysis process system module design was fabricated and tested to demonstrate component and module performance. This module is capable of providing both the metabolic oxygen for crew needs and the oxygen and nitrogen for spacecraft leak makeup. The component designs evolved through previous R and D efforts, and were fabricated and tested individually and then were assembled into a complete module which was successfully tested for 1000 hours to demonstrate integration of the individual components. A survey was made of hydrazine sensor technology and a cell math model was derived

    Condition-specific outcome measures for low back pain: Part I: Validation

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    A literature review of the nine most widely used, condition-specific, self-administered assessment questionnaires for low back pain has been undertaken. General and historic aspects, reliability, responsiveness and minimum clinically important difference, external validity, floor and ceiling effects and available languages were analysed for the nine most-used outcome tools. When considering which condition-specific measure to employ, the present overview on assessment tools should provide the necessary information to define the technical aspects of the nine questionnaires. These criteria, however, are only part of the consideration. In part II the construction of these scales in relationship to the measurement domains will be evaluate
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