243 research outputs found

    The gene map of the rabbit III. α and β casein gene synteny

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    Adapting Writing Center Pedagogy for Composition Classrooms: A Metacognitive Approach

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)While a writing center tutor may view her role as a coach, a commentator, and a counselor, the tutor actually serves as scaffolding, a temporary, supportive replacement of the processes more experienced writers can manage alone without a tutor, namely, the metacognitive processes of self-assessing, self-monitoring, and self-motivating. Metacognition then becomes the essential factor in adapting writing center practices into the composition classroom. By re-conceptualizing the three roles of a writing center tutor and re-visioning the classroom into a more “pure” learning space, tutor-teachers improve students’ writing skills, increase their engagement, and redirect students’ focus toward the writing process rather than the grade. To demonstrate the efficacy of this adapted writing center approach in the composition classroom, I created an authentic, challenging project in which the pre-project activities, task design, work process, and reflection assignment enact my proposed theory. By adopting this approach, tutor-teachers ultimately empower students and design compositional tasks that act as a catalyst for transforming the way students understand themselves as writers and as students

    The gene map of the rabbit. III. α and β casein gene synteny

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    We are developing the gene map of the rabbit using DNA probes which allow us to investigate non-expressed genes. We have characterized an α and β casein gene synteny have found that neither the α and β casein genes nor the whey acidic protein gene have a syntenic relationship with the other chromosome markers already investigated in our laboratory. Moreover, with the β casein probe we have detected a simple allelic Eco RI restriction-site polymorphism.Nous développons la carte génique du lapin en utilisant des sondes d’ADN cloné qui, par hybridation moléculaire, permettent de caractériser les gènes indépendamment de leur expression. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons mis en évidence une synténie entre les gènes de la caséine α et de la caséine β. Aucune relation de synténie n’a été observée entre les gènes des caséines α et β, ou le gène de la protéine acide du lactosérum et les autres marqueurs chromosomiques déjà étudiés au laboratoire. Les résultats obtenus avec la sonde caséine β montrent un polymorphisme au locus de ce gène sous la dépendance d’un couple d’allèles

    Localization of leucocyte interferon gene in the q2.5 region of pig chromosomel by in situ hybridization

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    Using in situ hybridization and the random primer method to label the probe, we reduced the region of localization of leukocyte interferon gene on pig chromosome 1 from (q2.2 - q2.7) to q2.5.L’utilisation en hybridation in situ de la sonde correspondant au gène de l’interféron α, marquée par le système d’amorces oligonucléotidiques, a permis de réduire la zone de localisation de ce gène sur le chromosome 1 du porc de la région q2.2 - > q2.7 à la région q2.5

    Localisation des gènes MPI, PKM2, NP sur le chromosome 3 du porc (Sus scrofa L.) et analyse cytogénétique d'une lignée de hamster chinois issue de la DON (wg3h)

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    L’analyse par électrophorèse de clones cellulaires hybrides interspécifiques porc-hamster chinois nous a permis de démontrer que les gènes MPI, PKM2, NP sont synténiques chez le porc (GELLIN et al., 1981). Le sous-clonage d’un de ces hybrides, l’analyse de l’expression de ces gènes dans les sous-clones et l’analyse simultanée de leur caryotype permet de localiser MPI, PKM2, NP sur le chromosome 3 du porc. Cette étude nécessite une connaissance précise du caryotype de la lignée permanente de hamster chinois utilisée (wg3h).The MPI, PKM2 and NP genes were shown to be syntenic in pigs after electrophoretic analysis of interspecific pig chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids (GELLIN et at., 1981). The expression of these genes was studied, together with karyotyping in subclones of one such parental hybrid clone derived from the permanent Chinese (hamster line wg3). Since the karyotype of this line is well understood, we were able to assign the genes MPI, PKM2 and NP to pig chromosome 3

    On 3D inelastic analysis methods for hot section components

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    Accomplishments are described for the 2-year program, to develop advanced 3-D inelastic structural stress analysis methods and solution strategies for more accurate and cost effective analysis of combustors, turbine blades and vanes. The approach was to develop a matrix of formulation elements and constitutive models. Three constitutive models were developed in conjunction with optimized iterating techniques, accelerators, and convergence criteria within a framework of dynamic time incrementing. Three formulations models were developed; an eight-noded mid-surface shell element, a nine-noded mid-surface shell element and a twenty-noded isoparametric solid element. A separate computer program was developed for each combination of constitutive model-formulation model. Each program provides a functional stand alone capability for performing cyclic nonlinear structural analysis. In addition, the analysis capabilities incorporated into each program can be abstracted in subroutine form for incorporation into other codes or to form new combinations
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