29 research outputs found

    X-ray reprocessing in accreting pulsar GX 301-2 observed with Insight-HXMT

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    We investigate the absorption and emission features in observations of GX 301-2 detected with Insight-HXMT/LE in 2017-2019. At different orbital phases, we found prominent Fe Kalpha, Kbeta and Ni Kalpha lines, as well as Compton shoulders and Fe K-shell absorption edges. These features are due to the X-ray reprocessing caused by the interaction between the radiation from the source and surrounding accretion material. According to the ratio of iron lines Kalpha and Kbeta, we infer the accretion material is in a low ionisation state. We find an orbital-dependent local absorption column density, which has a large value and strong variability around the periastron. We explain its variability as a result of inhomogeneities of the accretion environment and/or instabilities of accretion processes. In addition, the variable local column density is correlated with the equivalent width of the iron Kalpha lines throughout the orbit, which suggests that the accretion material near the neutron star is spherically distributed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Choosing the Initial State for Online Replanning

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    The need to replan arises in many applications. However, in the context of planning as heuristic search, it raises an annoying problem: if the previous plan is still executing, what should the new plan search take as its initial state? If it were possible to accurately predict how long replanning would take, it would be easy to find the appropriate state at which control will transfer from the previous plan to the new one. But as planning problems can vary enormously in their difficulty, this prediction can be difficult. Many current systems merely use a manually chosen constant duration. In this paper, we show how such ad hoc solutions can be avoided by integrating the choice of the appropriate initial state into the search process itself. The search is initialized with multiple candidate initial states and a time-aware evaluation function is used to prefer plans whose total goal achievement time is minimal. Experimental results show that this approach yields better behavior than either guessing a constant or trying to predict replanning time in advance. By making replanning more effective and easier to implement, this work aids in creating planning systems that can better handle the inevitable exigencies of real-world execution

    Acting in the Context of Feature Films

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    Acting is an ancient art form that has existed since time immemorial. Acting as a creative activity is one of several types of performing arts, and they all have three common phases of development; training/preparation, rehearsal/practice and performance. In addition, any study of the performing arts must take into account the reality that a performer is always embedded in the contextual environment and participates in one or more of the three phases of development. Acting in modern cinema remains an activity that involves instantaneous interaction with others, while maintaining the ability to draw from personal past experiences and imaginations about oneself, others and/or the environment. The purpose of this study was to identify the features of acting in cinema and to identify the difference with the work in the theatrical environment. The main methods of this study were analysis and comparison. Although theatrical and cinematographic traditions represent stylistic and aesthetic differences, the actor's training and the concepts of the play are more similar than contradictory. What crosses time, culture and the environment is the need to train the actor