531 research outputs found

    Performance of a Spectrally Encoded Multi-carrier Phase Shift Keying Communications System in a Frequency-Selective, Slowly-Fading Multipath Channel

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    This research examines the performance of a spectrally encoded, multi-carrier, phase shift keying communications system in a frequency-selective, slowly-fading multipath channel. The specific communications system modeled is the transform domain communication system (TDCS) originally researched as an interference avoidance technique. Previous TDCS research assumed an additive white Gaussian noise channel, which is not representative of a realistic environment. This thesis presents overviews of previous TDCS research, the multipath fading channel, and the RAKE receiver. Analysis and Matlab simulations compare the performance of spectrally encoded and un-encoded signals through a multipath fading channel using an L-diversity TDCS RAKE receiver. Encoded signals take on the spectral shape of the multipath fading channel transfer function. Un-encoded signals have a flat magnitude spectrum. The research also evaluates the interference rejection capability of spectrally encoded signals in a multipath channel. Research results indicate for diversities ranging between 2 and 50, spectrally encoded signals need 1.0 to 2.75dB less transmitted normalized bit energy to noise power spectral density ratios to achieve the same probability of bit error as un-encoded signals. Results also demonstrate that spectrally encoded TDCS signals retain the interference rejection capability

    First Order Actions and Duality

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    We consider some aspects of classical S-duality transformations in first order actions taken into account the general covariance of the Dirac algorithm and the transformation properties of the Dirac bracket. By classical S-Duality transformations we mean a field redefinition that interchanges the equations of motion and its associated Bianchi identities. By working from a first order variational principle and performing the corresponding Dirac analysis we find that the standard electro-magnetic duality can be reformulated as a canonical local transformation. The reduction from this phase space to the original phase space variables coincides with the well known result about duality as a canonical non local transformation. We have also applied our ideas to the bosonic string. These Dualities are not canonical transformations for the Dirac bracket and relate actions with different kinetic terms in the reduced space.Comment: accepted for publication in IJMP

    La proyección térmica en la obtención de recubrimientos biocompatibles ventajas de la proyección térmica por alta velocidad (HVOF) sobre la proyección térmica por plasma atmosférico (APS)

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    Aunque el uso de biomateriales se remonta a la antigüedad, no fue hasta el siglo XX cuando se empezaron a utilizar los materiales biocerámicos en aplicaciones ortopédicas y dentales debido a las similitudes con los componentes que se encuentran en los tejidos duros. Pese a que estudios clínicos han demostrado la evidencia de osteointegración de la hidroxiapatita (HAp) su uso se ha limitado a aquellas aplicaciones que no soporten grandes cargas debido su carácter rígido y frágil. Una solución fue recubrir metales de manera que se aunaron las propiedades bioactivas que presenta la hidroxiapatita y las buenas propiedades mecánicas que ofrecen los metales, evitando los problemas de fragilidad de un implante totalmente cerámico. El recubrimiento de un metal con HAp es un proceso complejo y de él depende, en gran parte, el éxito clínico del implante. La proyección por plasma atmosférico (APS), aunque se trata de la técnica más utilizada por la industria, presenta el inconveniente de degradar térmicamente las partículas de HAp generando una fase amorfa y otras fases de fosfato de calcio que pueden ser resorbidas por el cuerpo degradando rápidamente el recubrimiento y comprometer el implante. La proyección térmica por alta velocidad (HVOF) se presenta en este trabajo como una alternativa para obtener recubrimientos de gran calidad conservando las mismas ventajas que APS

    Microbiota composition of the dorsal patch of reproductive male Leptonycteris yerbabuenae.

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    Bacteria and other types of microbes interact with their hosts in several ways, including metabolic pathways, development, and complex behavioral processes such as mate recognition. During the mating season, adult males of the lesser long-nosed agave pollinator bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) develop a structure called the dorsal patch, which is located in the interscapular region and may play a role in kin recognition and mate selection. Using high-throughput sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we identified a total of 2,847 microbial phylotypes in the dorsal patches of eleven specimens. Twenty-six phylotypes were shared among all the patches, accounting for 30 to 75% of their relative abundance. These shared bacteria are distributed among 13 families, 10 orders, 6 classes and 3 phyla. Two of these common bacterial components of the dorsal patch are Lactococcus and Streptococcus. Some of them-Helcococcus, Aggregatibacter, Enterococcus, and Corynebacteriaceae-include bacteria with pathogenic potential. Half of the shared phylotypes belong to Gallicola, Anaerococcus, Peptoniphilus, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and Peptostreptococcus and specialize in fatty acid production through fermentative processes. This work lays the basis for future symbiotic microbe studies focused on communication and reproduction strategies in wildlife

    Systematic XAS study on the reduction and uptake of Tc by magnetite and mackinawite

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    The mechanisms for the reduction and uptake of Tc by magnetite (Fe3O4) and mackinawite (FeS) are investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS), in combination with thermodynamic calculations of the Tc/Fe systems and accurate characterization of the solution properties (pHm, pe, [Tc]). Batch sorption experiments were performed under strictly anoxic conditions using freshly prepared magnetite and mackinawite in 0.1 M NaCl solutions with varying initial Tc(VII) concentrations (2 × 10−5 and 2 × 10−4 M) and Tc loadings (400–900 ppm). XANES confirms the complete reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(IV) in all investigated systems, as predicted from experimental (pHm + pe) measurements and thermodynamic calculations. Two Tc endmember species are identified by EXAFS in the magnetite system, Tc substituting for Fe in the magnetite structure and Tc–Tc dimers sorbed to the magnetite {111} faces through a triple bond. The sorption endmember is favoured at higher [Tc], whereas incorporation prevails at low [Tc] and less alkaline pH conditions. The key role of pH in the uptake mechanism is interpreted in terms of magnetite solubility, with higher [Fe] and greater recrystallization rates occurring at lower pH values. A TcSx-like phase is predominant in all investigated mackinawite systems, although the contribution of up to 20% of TcO2·xH2O(s) (likely as surface precipitate) is observed for the highest investigated loadings (900 ppm). These results provide key inputs for an accurate mechanistic interpretation of the Tc uptake by magnetite and mackinawite, so far controversially discussed in the literature, and represent a highly relevant contribution to the investigation of Tc retention processes in the context of nuclear waste disposal

    Analysis of Implementation Methodologies of Deadbeat Direct-Torque and Flux Control (DB-DTFC) for IPMSMs in Stationary and Rotatory Reference Frames

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    Deadbeat-control is a well-established control technique that uses the inverse machine model to determine the voltage commands required to achieve the desired torque and flux commands. Its classic implementation requires solving a quadratic equation with an extensive number of terms. Moreover, it can be only solved in the dq-reference frame. In this paper, two novel implementations are presented. The first methodology, in the dq-reference frame, reduces the algorithm's complexity and computation time. Moreover, it is immune to estimation errors of the permanent magnet flux. A second methodology based on the flux vector orientation is also presented. As opposed to the classic implementation, the proposed method does not require solving a quadratic equation; this reduces its complexity and computation time. Furthermore, the proposed methodology can be solved both in the dq and aß frames since it relies only on the stator flux's magnitude and angle. Up to date and to the best of the author's knowledge, DB-DTFC in the stationary frame has not been presented before for salient machines. DB-DTFC in the stationary frame reduces the reliance on the position observer and facilitates the implementation of overmodulation techniques and six-step operation. The proposed methodology can operate in the MTPF line without any adjustments and it shows an adequate dynamic performance. Simulation and experimental results validate the methodologies. Caveats regarding their implementation are also discussed