350 research outputs found

    HTR2C Gene Variant and Salivary Cortisol Levels after Endurance Physical Activity: A Pilot Study

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    Introduction: The 5-hydroxytryptamine 2C receptor (HTR2C) rs6318 polymorphism has been associated with increased sensitivity to stress. This study investigated whether the rs6318 genotype modified the cortisol response to endurance physical activity. Methods: The HTR2C SNP was genotyped in a population of agonistic cyclists, and salivary cortisol levels were measured before and after an endurance competition. Results and Conclusion: Salivary cortisol levels increased after the competition (from 20.72 ± 12.36 ng/mL to 33.80 ± 21.53 ng/mL; p = 3.189 × 10-5). rs6318 C carriers displayed higher baseline cortisol levels compared to G carriers (26.60 ± 9.35 ng/mL vs. 19.50 ± 12.63 ng/mL; p = 0.04). Baseline cortisol levels were able to predict the cortisol response to exercise (β = -0.846; p = 1.2 × 10-5). Although regression analysis did not identify an association between HTR2C genotype and change in cortisol levels, a secondary analysis in which the population was classified by median cortisol changes suggested that they might be weakly associated, thus warranting further investigation

    A superoxide dismutase biosensor for measuring the antioxidant capacity of blueberry based integrators

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    The antioxidant capacity of capsules containing blueberry based products which are included among the group of integrators owing to their antioxidant capacity and produced by various films was investigated. The results of the investigation are compared to rank these products in order to their antioxidant capacity. In order to measure antioxidant capacity, our laboratory has recently developed a special electrochemical method based on a superoxide dismutase (SOD) biosensor to determine the superoxide radical. The results obtained by applying the SOD biosensor method to various blueberry based integrators were compared with the results obtained with the spectrophotometric (FRAP) method based on N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylendiamine (DMPD-FeCl3) and with those obtained also using the ORAC fluorimetric (TRAP) method. One of the more interesting aspect of the article is the good agreement it evidences of the results of the three methods for measuring antioxidant capacity. The three methods differ among themselves: an Electron Transfer (ET) method, a Hydrogen Atom Trasnfer Metod (HAT) and an electrochemical based biosensor method of the Morning Superoxide Radical (MSR) type. It is also shown how the antioxidant capacity of the fresh vegetable is in any case always greater then of any food supplement obtained from the same type of vegetable

    Assessing the vulnerability of buildings to tsunami in Sydney

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    Australia is vulnerable to the impacts of tsunamis and exposure along the SE coast of New South Wales is especially high. Significantly, this is the same area reported to have been affected by repeated large magnitude tsunamis during the Holocene. Efforts are under way to complete probabilistic risk assessments for the region but local government planners and emergency risk managers need information now about building vulnerability in order to develop appropriate risk management strategies. We use the newly revised PTVA-3 Model (Dall'Osso et al., 2009) to assess the relative vulnerability of buildings to damage from a "worst case tsunami" defined by our latest understanding of regional risk – something never before undertaken in Australia. We present selected results from an investigation of building vulnerability within the local government area of Manly – an iconic coastal area of Sydney. We show that a significant proportion of buildings (in particular, residential structures) are classified as having "High" and "Very High" Relative Vulnerability Index scores. Furthermore, other important buildings (e.g., schools, nursing homes and transport structures) are also vulnerable to damage. Our results have serious implications for immediate emergency risk management, longer-term land-use zoning and development, and building design and construction standards. Based on the work undertaken here, we recommend further detailed assessment of the vulnerability of coastal buildings in at risk areas, development of appropriate risk management strategies and a detailed program of community engagement to increase overall resilience

    Biological age and diet: Measuring the impact of lifestyle on a 6CpG-epigenetic clock

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    BACKGROUND: Changes in DNA methylation along the life have been documented, and environmental exposures (including diet, physical activity and smoking) can accelerate or decelerate this process. The epigenetic clock estimates the biological age of an individual measuring methylation patterns in specific areas of its genome. Recently, a new epigenetic clock based on 6 CpGs has been proposed, with high potential to become an easy accessible tool able to measure the epigenetic age (EA) of an individual. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to validate the 6 CpG epigenetic clock comparing it with other biomarkers of aging such as telomere length (TL) and methylation in the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE-1). The impact of life-style associated factors on these molecular marks has been evaluated. METHODS: 200 healthy participants having extreme dietary patterns (healthy vs western diet) were selected. Dietary intakes, body composition, physical activity level and smoking has been assessed. DNA extracted from whole blood was used to measure the 6CpG-EA, TL and LINE-1 methylation levels. RESULTS: 6CpG-EA was positively correlated with chronological age (r = 0.591; p = 7.2*10 - 20) and negatively with TL (r = –0.150; p = 0.040) and LINE-1 methylation (r = –0.240; p = 0.001). Despite no significant associations were detected with the overall diet quality (HEI), 6CpG-EA was correlated with dietary intakes of nutrients involved in the one-carbon (1 C) metabolism, especially in the western diet group. CONCLUSION: These results support the 6CpG epigenetic clock as an easy accessible tool to estimate biological age, in accordance with other molecular markers of aging, and suggest that EA can be modulated by micronutrients involved in the 1 C metabolism

    Can Early Life Exposure to Permethrin lead to intergenerational effects?

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    Pesticides are largely used in agriculture against pests and consequently are present in fruits and vegetables. The wide presence of pesticide residues in breast milk underline the risk for the population, focalizing the long-term consequence of early life pyrethroid exposure. The significant presence of pyrethroid metabolites in the urine of population over the world confirms that their presence in food is a global problem. It has been demonstrated that there is a correlation between the environmental exposure to pesticides and the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Neonatal exposure to Permethrin (PERM), a member of the family of synthetic pyrethroids, can induce neurodegeneration (i.e. Parkinson’s –like disease) and it can cause some alterations in striatum of rats, involving both genetic and epigenetic pathways. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the rat offspring (F1 generation) exposed to a low dose of PERM from postnatal day 6 to 21, presents alterations in Nurr1 gene expression as previously observed in early life permethrin treated male rats. Moreover, global DNA methylation was analyzed in untreated early life exposed mothers and offspring (F1 generation). Methods Through Nurr1gene expression analysis and global DNA methylation assessment in both PERM-treated parents and their untreated offspring, we investigated on the prospective intergenerational effect of this pesticide. Results 33% of progeny presents the same Nurr1 alteration as rats exposed to permethrin in early life. A decrease in global genome-wide DNA methylation was measured in mothers exposed in early life to permethrin as well as in their offspring, whereas untreated rats have a hypermethylated genomic DNA. Conclutions Intergenerational PERM-induced damage on progenies has been identified for the first time. On the light of these results, pesticide residues in the food could represent a risk factor for the health of children especially in early life when the brain is still in the developing phase. Further studies are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms associated with the damage

    Effect of permethrin plus antioxidants on locomotor activity and striatum in adolescent rats

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    Pyrethroids are important insecticides used largely because of their high activity as an insecticide and their low mammalian toxicity. Some studies have demonstrated that these products show neurotoxic effects on the mammalian central nervous system. The aim of the present study was to investigate the propensity of permethrin to induce oxidative stress in adolescent rats and its possible attenuation by Vitamin E alone or + Coenzyme Q10. Data indicated that adolescent rats exposed to permethrin exhibited alteration in the locomotor activity and plasma membrane fluidity of striatum. Vitamin E +Q10 and Vitamin E alone supplementation reversed the negative effect on central nervous system. Permethrin alteration of striatum plasma membrane fluidity was restored by Vitamin E +Q10. Data obtained from red blood cells showed that permethrin did not induce any modification of plasma membrane fluidity in adolescent rats, whereas antioxidants supplementation induced pro-oxidant effect. In summary some differences between antioxidant treatments were observed at striatum level: Coenzyme Q10 + Vitamin E maintains plasma membrane fluidity, while Vitamin E is more effective to preserve GSH level

    Effects of essential oils from Cymbopogon spp. and Cinnamomum verum on biofilm and virulence properties of Escherichia coli O157:H7

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    Every year, the pharmaceutical and food industries produce over 1000 tons of essential oils (EOs) exploitable in different fields as the development of eco-friendly and safe antimicrobial inhibitors. In this work we investigated the potential of some EOs, namely Cinnamomum verum, Cymbopogon martini, Cymbopogoncitratus and Cymbopogon flexuosus, on the growth, biofilm formation and gene expression in four strains of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7. All EOs were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The antimicrobial activity was performed by using dilutions of EOs ranging from 0.001 to 1.2% (v/v). Subinhibitory doses were used for biofilm inhibition assay. The expression profiles were obtained by RT-PCR. E. coli O157:H7 virulence was evaluated in vivo in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. All EOs showed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 0.0075 to 0.3% (v/v). Cinnamomum verum bark EO had the best activity (MIC of 0.0075% (v/v) in all strains) while the C. verum leaf EO had an intermediate efficacy with MIC of 0.175% (v/v) in almost all strains. The Cymbopogon spp. showed the more variable MICs (ranging from 0.075 to 0.3% (v/v)) depending on the strain used. Transcriptional analysis showed that C. martini EO repressed several genes involved in biofilm formation, virulence, zinc homeostasis and encoding some membrane proteins. All EOs affected zinc homeostasis, reducing ykgM and zinT expression, and reduced the ability of E. coli O157:H7 to infect the nematode C. elegans. In conclusion, we demonstrated that these EOs, affecting E. coli O157:H7 infectivity, have a great potential to be used against infections caused by microorganisms

    An Overview of Gut Microbiota and Colon Diseases with a Focus on Adenomatous Colon Polyps

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    It is known and accepted that the gut microbiota composition of an organism has an impact on its health. Many studies deal with this topic, the majority discussing gastrointestinal health. Adenomatous colon polyps have a high prevalence as colon cancer precursors, but in many cases, they are hard to diagnose in their early stages. Gut microbiota composition correlated with the presence of adenomatous colon polyps may be a noninvasive and efficient tool for diagnosis with a high impact on human wellbeing and favorable health care costs. This review is meant to analyze the gut microbiota correlated with the presence of adenomatous colon polyps as the first step for early diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment

    Effect of Nedocromil Sodium on Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Plasma Membrane

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    The effect of nedocromil sodium on the plasma membrane fluidity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) was investigated by measuring steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of 1-[4-trimethylammonium-phenyl]-6-phenyl- 1,3,5-hexatriene (TMA-DPH) incorporated in the membrane. Our results show that nedocromil sodium 300 μM significantly decreased membrane fluidity of PMNs. The decrease in membrane fluidity of PMNs induced by fMLP was abolished in the presence of nedocromil sodium. These data suggest that nedocromil sodium interferes with the plasma membranes of PMNs and modulates their activities
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