56 research outputs found

    Explicit characterization of the identity configuration in an Abelian Sandpile Model

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    Since the work of Creutz, identifying the group identities for the Abelian Sandpile Model (ASM) on a given lattice is a puzzling issue: on rectangular portions of Z^2 complex quasi-self-similar structures arise. We study the ASM on the square lattice, in different geometries, and a variant with directed edges. Cylinders, through their extra symmetry, allow an easy determination of the identity, which is a homogeneous function. The directed variant on square geometry shows a remarkable exact structure, asymptotically self-similar.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Grassmann Integral Representation for Spanning Hyperforests

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    Given a hypergraph G, we introduce a Grassmann algebra over the vertex set, and show that a class of Grassmann integrals permits an expansion in terms of spanning hyperforests. Special cases provide the generating functions for rooted and unrooted spanning (hyper)forests and spanning (hyper)trees. All these results are generalizations of Kirchhoff's matrix-tree theorem. Furthermore, we show that the class of integrals describing unrooted spanning (hyper)forests is induced by a theory with an underlying OSP(1|2) supersymmetry.Comment: 50 pages, it uses some latex macros. Accepted for publication on J. Phys.

    Random Assignment Problems on 2d Manifolds

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    We consider the assignment problem between two sets of N random points on a smooth, two-dimensional manifold Ω of unit area. It is known that the average cost scales as EΩ(N) ∼ 1 / 2 πln N with a correction that is at most of order lnNlnlnN. In this paper, we show that, within the linearization approximation of the field-theoretical formulation of the problem, the first Ω -dependent correction is on the constant term, and can be exactly computed from the spectrum of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on Ω. We perform the explicit calculation of this constant for various families of surfaces, and compare our predictions with extensive numerics

    Some geometric critical exponents for percolation and the random-cluster model

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    We introduce several infinite families of new critical exponents for the random-cluster model and present scaling arguments relating them to the k-arm exponents. We then present Monte Carlo simulations confirming these predictions. These new exponents provide a convenient way to determine k-arm exponents from Monte Carlo simulations. An understanding of these exponents also leads to a radically improved implementation of the Sweeny Monte Carlo algorithm. In addition, our Monte Carlo data allow us to conjecture an exact expression for the shortest-path fractal dimension d_min in two dimensions: d_min = (g+2)(g+18)/(32g) where g is the Coulomb-gas coupling, related to the cluster fugacity q via q = 2 + 2 cos(g\pi/2) with 2 \le g \le 4.Comment: LaTeX2e/Revtex4. Version 2 is completely rewritten to make the exposition more reader-friendly; it consists of a 4-page main paper (including 3 figures) and a 2-page EPAPS appendix (given as a single Postscript file). To appear in Phys Rev

    Multiple and inverse topplings in the Abelian Sandpile Model

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    The Abelian Sandpile Model is a cellular automaton whose discrete dynamics reaches an out-of-equilibrium steady state resembling avalanches in piles of sand. The fundamental moves defining the dynamics are encoded by the toppling rules. The transition monoid corresponding to this dynamics in the set of stable configurations is abelian, a property which seems at the basis of our understanding of the model. By including also antitoppling rules, we introduce and investigate a larger monoid, which is not abelian anymore. We prove a number of algebraic properties of this monoid, and describe their practical implications on the emerging structures of the model.Comment: 22 pages, proceedings of the SigmaPhi2011 Conferenc

    Spanning Forests on Random Planar Lattices

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    The generating function for spanning forests on a lattice is related to the q-state Potts model in a certain q -> 0 limit, and extends the analogous notion for spanning trees, or dense self-avoiding branched polymers. Recent works have found a combinatorial perturbative equivalence also with the (quadratic action) O(n) model in the limit n -> -1, the expansion parameter t counting the number of components in the forest. We give a random-matrix formulation of this model on the ensemble of degree-k random planar lattices. For k = 3, a correspondence is found with the Kostov solution of the loop-gas problem, which arise as a reformulation of the (logarithmic action) O(n) model, at n = -2. Then, we show how to perform an expansion around the t = 0 theory. In the thermodynamic limit, at any order in t we have a finite sum of finite-dimensional Cauchy integrals. The leading contribution comes from a peculiar class of terms, for which a resummation can be performed exactly.Comment: 43 pages, Dedicated to Edouard Brezin and Giorgio Parisi, on the occasion of their special birthda
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