38 research outputs found

    "Russıan world". Indıgenous culture in the idıoms and obsolete words

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    The article is built on the dominant concept of the russian-slavic civilization, which is the "russian world" in the unity of its original culture and languag

    Novel miR390-Dependent Transacting siRNA Precursors in Plants Revealed by a PCR-Based Experimental Approach and Database Analysis

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    TAS loci in plant genomes encode transacting small interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) that regulate expression of a number of genes. The function of TAS3 precursor in Arabidopsis thaliana is controlled by two miR390 target sites flanking two ta-siARF sequences targeting mRNAs of ARF transcription factors. Cleavage of the 3′-miR390-site initiates ta-siRNAs biogenesis. Here we describe the new method for identification of plant ta-siRNA precursors based on PCR with oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers mimicking miR390. The method was found to be efficient for dicotiledonous plants, cycads, and mosses. Based on sequences of amplified loci and a database analysis, a novel type of miR390-dependent TAS sequences was identified in dicots. These TAS loci are characterized by a smaller distance between miR390 sites compared to TAS3, a single copy of ta-siARF, and a sequence conservation pattern pointing to the possibility that processing of novel TAS-like locus is initiated by cleavage of the 5′-terminal miR390 target site

    Morphological justification of organ-preserving methods of surgical treatment of patients with liver echinococcosis

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    The purpose of the research is the study of the morphological structure of echinococcal cysts to assess the possibility of using organ-preserving methods of surgical treatment.Materials and methods. A clinical, instrumental, and morphological fundamental study was performed in the Surgical Clinic of the Botkin Hospital when radiation and morphological data in addition to clinical data were studied for 28 patients who underwent surgical treatment for liver echinococcosis. Excised gross specimens were examined to study the capsule structure, and the penetration of germinal elements of the cysts through membranes of the parasite (64 successively excised primary operated echinococcal cysts).Results and discussion. The fibrous capsule of the echinococcal cyst is a good barrier against Protoscolexes penetrating into the liver tissue. None of the 64 specimens studied in detail was found to have germinal elements of any echinococcal cyst penetrating through its fibrous capsule. The morphological justification of organ-preserving methods in the treatment of patients with liver echinococcosis allows a conclusion that these interventions are safe and radical


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    Background. Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is a rare neoplasm, accounting for only 1–2 % of all pancreatic neoplasms and having a tendency to affect mainly young women.Material and methods. We report a case of a solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas in a 28-year-old man treated with laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in Moscow Botkin Hospital.Results. The tumor was discovered incidentally by routine survey ultrasound or computed tomography of the abdomen. The patient underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. The immunohistochemical study showed a pronounced positive nuclear staining for β-catenin and progesterone and a negative staining for chromogranin A and synaptophysin, thus confirming the presence of solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas.Conclusion. In case of pancreatic tumor, even in male patients, a solid pseudopapillary tumor must be considered in the differential diagnosis. Surgical strategies should be based on the location, size of the tumor and the involvement of adjacent organs, because R0-resection with a solid pseudopapillary tumor leads to a good 5-year survival.Введение. Солидно-псевдопапиллярная опухоль поджелудочной железы – довольно редкое новообразование, которое составляет менее 2 % от всех злокачественных опухолей поджелудочной железы, и встречается чаще всего у молодых женщин.Материал и методы. На базе Городской клинической больницы им. С.П. Боткина г. Москвы выполнено хирургическое лечение солидно-псевдопапиллярной опухоли тела и хвоста поджелудочной железы у мужчины 28 лет.Результаты. Объемное поражение поджелудочной железы было выявлено при плановом обследовании. Учитывая размер опухоли и солидный её характер, выполнена лапароскопическая дистальная резекция поджелудочной железы со спленэктомией. При иммуногистохимическом исследовании отмечена выраженная положительная ядерная реакция с β-катенином и прогестероном и отрицательная реакция с хромогранином А и синаптофизином, что позволило сделать вывод о наличии у пациента солидно-псевдопапиллярной опухоли поджелудочной железы.Выводы. При опухолевом поражении поджелудочной железы даже у лиц мужского пола в дифференциальном диагнозе обязательно должна рассматриваться солидно-псевдопапиллярная опухоль. Хирургические стратегии следует выбирать в зависимости от расположения и размера опухоли и вовлеченности смежных органов, поскольку R0-резекция при солидно-псевдопапиллярной опухоли приводит к хорошей 5-летней выживаемости

    Spectacular enhancement of the thermal and photochemical stability of mapbi3 perovskite films using functionalized tetraazaadamantane as a molecular modifier

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    Perovskite solar cells represent a highly promising third-generation photovoltaic tech-nology. However, their practical implementation is hindered by low device operational stability, mostly related to facile degradation of the absorber materials under exposure to light and elevated temperatures. Improving the intrinsic stability of complex lead halides is a big scientific challenge, which might be addressed using various “molecular modifiers”. These modifiers are usually rep-resented by some additives undergoing strong interactions with the perovskite absorber material, resulting in enhanced solar cell efficiency and/or operational stability. Herein, we present a deriva-tive of 1,4,6,10-tetraazaadamantane, NAdCl, as a promising molecular modifier for lead halide perovskites. NAdCl spectacularly improved both the thermal and photochemical stability of methy-lammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3 ) films and, most importantly, prevented the formation of metallic lead Pb0 as a photolysis product. NAdCl improves the electronic quality of perovskite films by healing the traps for charge carriers. Furthermore, it strongly interacts with the perovskite framework and most likely stabilizes undercoordinated Pb2+ ions, which are responsible for Pb0 formation under light exposure. The obtained results feature 1,4,6,10-tetraazaadamantane derivatives as highly promising molecular modifiers that might help to improve the operational lifetime of perovskite solar cells and facilitate the practical implementation of this photovoltaic technology. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (project No. 19-73-30020). The XPS measurements were supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (project FEUZ-2020-0060), Theme ‘Electron’, no. AAAA-A18-118020190098-5 and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 21-52-52002)

    Морфологическое обоснование органосохраняющих способов хирургического лечения пациентов с эхинококковым поражением печени

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    The purpose of the research is the study of the morphological structure of echinococcal cysts to assess the possibility of using organ-preserving methods of surgical treatment.Materials and methods. A clinical, instrumental, and morphological fundamental study was performed in the Surgical Clinic of the Botkin Hospital when radiation and morphological data in addition to clinical data were studied for 28 patients who underwent surgical treatment for liver echinococcosis. Excised gross specimens were examined to study the capsule structure, and the penetration of germinal elements of the cysts through membranes of the parasite (64 successively excised primary operated echinococcal cysts).Results and discussion. The fibrous capsule of the echinococcal cyst is a good barrier against Protoscolexes penetrating into the liver tissue. None of the 64 specimens studied in detail was found to have germinal elements of any echinococcal cyst penetrating through its fibrous capsule. The morphological justification of organ-preserving methods in the treatment of patients with liver echinococcosis allows a conclusion that these interventions are safe and radical.Цель исследований – изучение морфологического строения эхинококковых кист для оценки возможности применения органосберегающих способов хирургического лечения.Материалы и методы. В хирургической клинике Боткинской больницы проведено клинико-инструментально-морфологическое фундаментальное исследование, когда помимо клинических были изучены лучевые и морфологические данные 28 пациентов, которым проведено хирургическое лечение эхинококкоза печени. Были исследованы удаленные макропрепараты с целью изучения структуры капсулы, особенностей проникновения зародышевых элементов кист через оболочки паразита (64 последовательно удаленных первично оперированных эхинококковых кист).Результаты и обсуждение. Фиброзная капсула эхинококковой кисты является хорошим барьером от проникновения протосколексов в ткань печени. Ни в одном из 64 детально изученных препаратов не было выявлено проникновения зародышевых элементов эхинококковой кисты через её фиброзную капсулу. Проведенное морфологическое обоснование применения органосберегающих технологий при лечении пациентов с эхинококкозом печени позволяет сделать заключение о безопасности и радикальности этих вмешательств

    Representing school discourse stimuli

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    Discourse study in contemporary science is characterized by various approaches, whose integrative feature is the fact that this theoretical phenomenon is considered as a communicative activity and is caused by anthropocentric factors of speech generation. The representation of school discourse stimuli allows simulating the speech portrait of participants in educational activities. School discourse is a complex communicative phenomenon created by the subjects of the school educational process. It reflects the totality of accepted values and behavioral stereotypes in a particular socio-cultural space. The work aims to investigate the stimuli of school discourse. This work was conducted employing methods, such as 1) the free associative experiment; 2) quantitative analysis, which allowed identifying the actualization of the incentive perception based on quantitative data; and 3) discursive and conceptual analysis, which involved the identification of concepts, simulating them based on the conceptual totality of the means of their lexical representation in the usage. In the course of conducted study, about 600 native speakers of the Russian language were interviewed, and 9,440 associations were obtained for the school discourse stimuli. In the language consciousness of schoolchildren and teachers, associations for the “Family” stimulus were dominant, and the associative field of this stimulus was represented most broadly. The smallest number of associations was noted with regard to the “Evil” stimulus. The frequency of associations in the stimuli “Good”, “Happiness”, “Love”, “Friendship”, “Joy”, and “Labor” was approximately the same. The representation of school discourse stimuli reflects the value system, worldviews, moods, and assessments of recipients. Such a study was conducted for the first time


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    Background. Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is a rare neoplasm, accounting for only 1–2 % of all pancreatic neoplasms and having a tendency to affect mainly young women.Material and methods. We report a case of a solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas in a 28-year-old man treated with laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in Moscow Botkin Hospital.Results. The tumor was discovered incidentally by routine survey ultrasound or computed tomography of the abdomen. The patient underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. The immunohistochemical study showed a pronounced positive nuclear staining for β-catenin and progesterone and a negative staining for chromogranin A and synaptophysin, thus confirming the presence of solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas.Conclusion. In case of pancreatic tumor, even in male patients, a solid pseudopapillary tumor must be considered in the differential diagnosis. Surgical strategies should be based on the location, size of the tumor and the involvement of adjacent organs, because R0-resection with a solid pseudopapillary tumor leads to a good 5-year survival

    Analiz narusheniy balansa vodnykh sektorov organizma pri ostrom infarkte miokarda metodom bioimpedansometrii

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    The article presented result of studies, which determined significance of total body bioimpedance spectroscopy analysis in evaluation of functional class of chronic heart failure. The opportunity of diagnostics of the latent and initial phenomena of hyperhydration of tissues is shown according to measurement of an impedance of various regions which clinically are not revealed