1,857 research outputs found

    On the possibilities of large-scale radio and fiber optics detectors in cosmic rays

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    Different variants of radio and fiber optics detectors for registration of super high energy cascades in the atmosphere and in dense media are discussed. Particularly the possibilities for investigation of quasi horizontal cosmic ray showers (CRS) and simulated muons from these CRS with the help of radio detectors and fiber optics detectors located on the ice surface are considered

    Imaging the charge transport in arrays of CdSe nanocrystals

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    A novel method to image charge is used to measure the diffusion coefficient of electrons in films of CdSe nanocrystals at room temperature. This method makes possible the study of charge transport in films exhibiting high resistances or very small diffusion coefficients.Comment: 4 pages, 4 jpg figure


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    Temperature Dependence of Exciton Diffusion in Conjugated Polymers

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    The temperature dependence of the exciton dynamics in a conjugated polymer is studied using time-resolved spectroscopy. Photoluminescence decays were measured in heterostructured samples containing a sharp polymer-fullerene interface, which acts as an exciton quenching wall. Using a 1D diffusion model, the exciton diffusion length and diffusion coefficient were extracted in the temperature range of 4-293 K. The exciton dynamics reveal two temperature regimes: in the range of 4-150 K, the exciton diffusion length (coefficient) of ~3 nm (~1.5 × 10-4 cm2/s) is nearly temperature independent. Increasing the temperature up to 293 K leads to a gradual growth up to 4.5 nm (~3.2 × 10-4 cm2/s). This demonstrates that exciton diffusion in conjugated polymers is governed by two processes: an initial downhill migration toward lower energy states in the inhomogenously broadened density of states, followed by temperature activated hopping. The latter process is switched off below 150 K.

    Vacuum energy sequestering and graviton loops

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    We recently formulated a local mechanism of vacuum energy sequester. This mechanism automatically removes all matter loop contributions to vacuum energy from the stress energy tensor which sources the curvature. Here we adapt the local vacuum energy sequestering mechanism to also cancel all the vacuum energy loops involving virtual gravitons, in addition to the vacuum energy generated by matter fields alone

    Field of homogeneous Plane in Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We study quantum electrodynamics coupled to the matter field on singular background, which we call defect. For defect on the infinite plane we calculated the fermion propagator and mean electromagnetic field. We show that at large distances from the defect plane, the electromagnetic field is constant what is in agreement with the classical results. The quantum corrections determining the field near the plane are calculated in the leading order of perturbation theory.Comment: 16 page

    Casimir type effects for scalar fields interacting with material slabs

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    We study the field theoretical model of a scalar field in presence of spacial inhomogeneities in form of one and two finite width mirrors (material slabs). The interaction of the scalar field with the defect is described with position-dependent mass term. For the single layer system we develop a rigorous calculation method and derive explicitly the propagator of the theory, S-matrix elements and the Casimir self-energy of the slab. Detailed investigation of particular limits of self-energy is presented, and connection to know cases is discussed. The calculation method is found applicable to the two mirrors case as well. By means of it we derive the corresponding Casimir energy and analyze it. For particular values of the parameters of the model the obtained results recover the Lifshitz formula. We also propose a procedure to obtain unambiguously the finite Casimir \textit{self}-energy of a single slab without reference to any renormalizations. We hope that our approach can be applied to calculation of Casimir self-energies in other demanded cases (such as dielectric ball, etc.)Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, published version, significant changes in Section 4.

    Parity violating cylindrical shell in the framework of QED

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    We present calculations of Casimir energy (CE) in a system of quantized electromagnetic (EM) field interacting with an infinite circular cylindrical shell (which we call `the defect'). Interaction is described in the only QFT-consistent way by Chern-Simon action concentrated on the defect, with a single coupling constant aa. For regularization of UV divergencies of the theory we use % physically motivated Pauli-Villars regularization of the free EM action. The divergencies are extracted as a polynomial in regularization mass MM, and they renormalize classical part of the surface action. We reveal the dependence of CE on the coupling constant aa. Corresponding Casimir force is attractive for all values of aa. For a→∞a\to\infty we reproduce the known results for CE for perfectly conducting cylindrical shell first obtained by DeRaad and Milton.Comment: Typos corrected. Some references adde

    An Arbitrary Two-qubit Computation In 23 Elementary Gates

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    Quantum circuits currently constitute a dominant model for quantum computation. Our work addresses the problem of constructing quantum circuits to implement an arbitrary given quantum computation, in the special case of two qubits. We pursue circuits without ancilla qubits and as small a number of elementary quantum gates as possible. Our lower bound for worst-case optimal two-qubit circuits calls for at least 17 gates: 15 one-qubit rotations and 2 CNOTs. To this end, we constructively prove a worst-case upper bound of 23 elementary gates, of which at most 4 (CNOT) entail multi-qubit interactions. Our analysis shows that synthesis algorithms suggested in previous work, although more general, entail much larger quantum circuits than ours in the special case of two qubits. One such algorithm has a worst case of 61 gates of which 18 may be CNOTs. Our techniques rely on the KAK decomposition from Lie theory as well as the polar and spectral (symmetric Shur) matrix decompositions from numerical analysis and operator theory. They are related to the canonical decomposition of a two-qubit gate with respect to the ``magic basis'' of phase-shifted Bell states, published previously. We further extend this decomposition in terms of elementary gates for quantum computation.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Version 2 gives correct credits for the GQC "quantum compiler". Version 3 adds justification for our choice of elementary gates and adds a comparison with classical library-less logic synthesis. It adds acknowledgements and a new reference, adds full details about the 8-gate decomposition of topC-V and stealthily fixes several minor inaccuracies. NOTE: Using a new technique, we recently improved the lower bound to 18 gates and (tada!) found a circuit decomposition that requires 18 gates or less. This work will appear as a separate manuscrip
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