291 research outputs found

    Vegetation Changes Ten Years after Catclaw Mimosa ( \u3cem\u3e Mimosa laxiflora \u3c/em\u3e ) Control with Tebuthiuron in a Short Grass Prairie at Northern Sonora, Mexico

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    Catclaw mimosa (Mimosa laxiflora) is a native, perennial half-size brush, which invades short grass prairie and competes with desirable species for water, nutrients and light interferes with cattle grazing and reduces range productivity. Tebuthiuron [1-(5-tert-Butyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-1,3-dimethylurea; chemical formula C9H16N4OS] is a granular herbicide used to control invasive shrubby species on rangelands with sustainable forage responses (McGinty et al., 2009). Research trials conducted in the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts show that tebuthiuron at rates of 0.5 to 1.5 kg a.i./ha effectively controlled most shrubby species and significant increase forage in the Matorral area in Mexico and USA. Local information regarding catclaw mimosa control and forage production increases sustain after bush control in the short grass prairies does not exist. This study was conducted to evaluate vegetation changes after the application of tebuthiuron at rates of 0 and 1.5 kg a.i./ha to control high infestations of catclaw mimosa in the short grass prairies

    Effectiveness of Tronador to Control Brittlebush in Buffelgrass Pastures at Central Sonora, México

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    Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) is an introduced species which is planted in low productive semi-arid rangelands in northern Mexico to increase productivity and ranchers profit. Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) is a native half size shrub of low forage value that invades buffelgrass stands. Buffelgrass pastures lose productivity as brittlebush densities increase. Once brittlebush infestations occur plant densities do not decline unless brush control practices are applied. Mechanical treatments are mainly used when grass seeding is needed. Prescribed burning and manual control as well as granular herbicides have resulted on good plant control. Most liquid herbicides are either not as effective for plant control or not economically feasibles. Tronador is a new released herbicide but no data is available for its use. This study was conducted to evaluate several doses of Tronador to control brittlebush infestations and measure buffelgrass forage responses

    \u3cem\u3eAcacia cochliacantha\u3c/em\u3e Control in Buffel Grass Pastures at Alamos, Sonora, Mexico

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    Chirahui (Acacia cochliacantha) is an aggressive tall-shrub which invades buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) in the short jungle area of Southern Sonora, Mexico. As brush invasion takes over the pastures buffelgrass forage production declines and spiny brush species interferes with cattle grazing (Martin et al., 1995). Manual brush control practices are common in the area but are normally ineffective because plants re-sprout back and reinvade pastures. Tordon 101 herbicide (64.0 g a.i./l Picloram + 240.0 g a.i/l 2,4-D) has been widely used for brush control in northern Mexico but it is expensive and is planned to go out of the market soon. Prado herbicide (621.3 g a.i./kg. Amynopyralid + 94.5 g a.i./kg. Metsulfuron metil) is a new and economic product released from Dow Agrosciences in Mexico but no local data is available for its use. This study was conducted in summer of 2011 to evaluate the efficiency of Prado herbicide and manual control by machete to reduce chirahui populations

    Leaf Blast \u3cem\u3e Pyricularia grisea \u3c/em\u3e Effects on Buffelgrass Forage and Seed Production in Northwestern Mexico

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    Common buffelgrass Cenchrus ciliaris (T-4464) is an introduced species intensively planted in Mexico to increase productivity on rangelands. Studies have shown that the species produces 5 to 10 times more forage as compared to native species on rangelands (Martin et al., 1995). Previous studies in the Gulf of Mexico have shown that the fungus Pyricularia grisea causes a disease in buffelgrass known as leaf blight and induce serious damage to the plant affecting forage production and nutritive quality (Ocumpaugh and Rodríguez, 1998; González, 2002). Injuries begin in the inferior leafs as small dark stains that later are converted in injuries bronze color of round and elliptic form, necrotic, with dark red margins and with a chlorotic yellow halo (Rodriguez et al., 1999). A high humidity and temperature condition in the Pacific Northwest during the last years is believed to be creating ideal conditions for Pyricularia which is suspected to affect buffelgrass. Currently, no data are available in this region to confirm fungus presence and its impact on forage and seed productivity on buffelgrass pastures. The study was conducted at north central Sonora, Mexico to: a) evaluate the incidence and damage intensity of Pyricularia grisea in buffelgrass pastures and b) to determine its impact on forage and seed production

    Capítulo 32.El impacto de la intervención psicodeportiva en un grupo de gimnasia: Estudio de caso

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    La gimnasia aeróbica, es una disciplina como las otras modalidades de gimnasia que son realmente demandantes y en su aprendizaje que necesitan desarrollar al igual que de forma física las habilidades psicológicas que le permitan un optimo rendimiento ya que el tiempo de ejecución es muy corto y necesitan estar totalmente sumergidos en su actividad, porque intervienen diferentes factores distractores para la ejecución de su rutina. La intervención psicológica que se realiza en forma planificada y organizada, debe ser flexible y dar respuestas a las diferentes situaciones que se presentan de manera inesperada, en este proceso se observo como de manera indirecta los aspectos económicos afectan el pensamiento precompetitivo que se trabaja en un proceso psicológico, y que es urgente trabajar en el mantenimiento de pensamientos positivos y transformar la adversidad en una área de oportunidad que permita el crecimiento personal y deportivo de las atletas en cualquier situación.Los mismos atletas en la medida que avanzan en su carrera deportiva se van dando cuenta de la importancia del psicólogo deportivo y buscan de manera personal el acompañamiento psicológico que le permita desarrollar su potencial e incrementar sus habilidades psicológicas, comprometiéndose al máximo con el proceso terapéutico, mostrando una actitud positiva y tomando conciencia de la importancia de aprender nuevas técnicas y estrategias que le permitan rendir mejor en su deporte

    Profitability of Early Weaning of Beef Cows at Northern Sonora, Mexico: A Rancher Experience

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    Amount and distribution of precipitation is normally inadequate and uncertain in arid and semiarid Sonoran Desert rangelands. Low precipitation reduces forage quality and quantity and it can negatively influence livestock yield reducing milk production and calf gains. Early removal of the calf from its dam reduces forage needs of the cow-calf enterprise and has been found to improve body weight gain and pregnancy rates in the cow herd (Mulliniks et al., 2013). Additionally, weaning calves early can result in improved animal performance by increasing pregnancy rates, cow body condition scores and increased steer carcass quality while reducing forage needs of the cow-calf enterprise. Under normal conditions, a cow must yield a calf every year to be economically profitable so care should be taken in animal and range management to accomplish these goals. Blanco et al., (2009), reported that income received for early weaned calves may be greater than traditionally weaned calves. Previous studies in Mexico have shown that early weaning is a practical tool for calf production; however, local information regarding performance of cows following early weaning does not exist. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of early and normal weaning of calves on cows performance, percent pregnancy, calving interval and total profitability


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    La obesidad en alumnos adolescentes es el resultado de cambios en los hábitos alimenticios en donde predomina la comida rápida y alimentos chatarra, y en el estilo de vida, falta de ejercicio o sedentarismo, y trae como consecuencia un incremento importante de diabetes tipo 2 en esta población en la Frontera de MéxicoEstados Unidos. Se estudió a 415 alumnos de 3 escuelas secundarias; se contó con la autorización firmada de los padres y autoridades escolares, se respetó el anonimato y la participación voluntaria y se derivó a tratamiento médico a población detectada con riesgo. Se determinó glucosa según DIABETIMSS, ÍMC, entre otras, el análisis se hizo con SPSS 17.0. Resultados; edad ± 14 años, AFD diabetes 64 %, acantosis nigricans 7.47 %, consumo alimentos chatarra 26.5 %, sobrepeso-obesidad 35.4 %, riesgo para desarrollo de DM; mujer (OR 3.8, IC 1.85-7.77). Discusión; La población adolescente escolarizada presenta de forma alarmante problemas con sobre peso y obesidad lo que implica un riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la prevalencia encontrada fue de 9.6%, por lo que a temprana edad es fundamental promover la educación en salud sobre estilos de vida saludables. Abstarct Obesity in adolescent students is the result of changes in eating habits in a predominantly fast food and junk food, and lack of exercise or sedentary lifestyle, and results in a significant increase in type 2 diabetes in this population at the Border Mexico-United States. We studied 415 students in three high schools, we had the authorization signed by parents and school authorities respected the anonymity and voluntary participation and led to medical treatment for people at risk detected. Glucose was determined according DIABETIMSS, BMI, among others; the analysis was done with SPSS 17.0. Results: age ± 14 years, family history of diabetes 64%, 7.47% acanthosis nigricans, junk food consumption 26.5%, 35.4% overweight, obesity, risk for development of DM; women (OR 3.8, CI 1.85-7.77). Discussion, The adolescent population presents an alarming overweight and obesity which is a risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, the prevalence was 9.6%, so it is essential to promote health education on healthy lifestyles early. Palabras Clave: Obesidad, Adolescente, Diabetes.

    Prevalence of obesity in the infantile population of a rural zone

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    Introducción: Se ha realizado un estudio sobre obesidad infantil debido al incremento del sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y adolescentes, constituyendo un problema de salud que hemos querido valorar y cuantificar en Atención Primaria, para delimitar su impacto y comenzar a tomar medidas preventivas para su control. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal basado en niños de 6 a 11 años de una población rural de la provincia de Almería. Resultados: Se desprende del mismo, que los escolares de 6 a 11 años de edad estudiados, el 12,10% sufría obesidad y un 29,30% tenía sobrepeso, con una prevalencia en conjunto de obesidad y sobrepeso del 41,40%. Conclusión: Los resultados nos alertan sobre el problema de salud en los niños, conservándose con alta frecuencia el sobrepeso y la obesidad en la edad adulta y la patología asociada.Introduction: A study has been realized on infantile obesity due to the increase of the overweight and the obesity in children and teenagers, constituting a problem of health that we have wanted to value and to quantify in Primary care, to delimit his impact and to begin to take preventive measurements for control. Material and methods: Transverse study based on children from 6 to 11 years of a rural population of the province of Almeria. Results: It parts with the same one, that the students from 6 to 11 studied years of age, 12,10 % was suffering obesity and 29,30 % it had overweight, with a prevalence as a whole of obesity and overweight of 41,40 %. Conclusion: The results alert us on the problem of health in the children, remaining with high frequency the overweight and the obesity in the adult age and the associate pathology

    Wavelength-tunable picosecond pulses from a passively mode-locked figure-eight Erbium-doped fiber laser with a Sagnac fiber filter

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    We experimentally demonstrated a wavelength-tunable passively mode-locked Erbium-doped figure-eight fiber laser. Wide tunability is achieved using a high-birefringence (hi-bi) fiber Sagnac loop. The filter transmission function is controlled by selecting the hi-bi fiber loop length. The output pulses are wavelength tunable over a range from 1525 nm to 1555 nm. The FWHM of the autocorrelation trace is about 3.1 ps and the pulse spectrum has a FWHM of 1.5 nm. The pulse temporal and spectral widths remain constant over the tunable range