1,749 research outputs found

    Otoritas Wahyu dan Kreativitas Akal dalam Penetapan Hukum Islam (Tinjauan Epistemologis terhadap Hukum Islam)

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    Penelitian ini bet'tujuan menelaah adanya kreativitas akal dalam penetapan hukum Islam yang bersumber dati ototitas wahyu Tuhan, baik yang langsung teredaksikan dalam AI-Quran, maupun dalam Hadits Nabi. Penelitian berangkat dari permasalahan bahwa hukum Islam bersumbet· dati wahyu Tuhan yang sifatnya mutlak. Di sisi lain produk hukum tersebut dipemntukkan bagi manusia dengan segenap kemampuan akalnya. Maka, bagaimana keduanya dikompromikan. Hipotesisnya adalah bahwa hukum Islam sebenarnya mempakan sistem ilmu yang bersumber datiototitas wahyu, namun demikian kreativitas akal mengambil peran interpretasi dan rekonstmksi dalam pembakuannya.Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara menempatkan hukum Islam sebagai objek yang ditelaah, dan epistemologi atau filsafat pengetahuan menjadi sudut pandangnya. Dalam proses analisis ini unsur metodis penelitian filsafat seperti diskriptif, analisis, dan sintesis dipergunakan.Istimbath hukum Islam pada hakikatnya adalah proses pemahaman akal terhadap firman Tuhan. Sebagai sebuah ciptaan Tuhan, hukum Islam memuat ptinsipptinsip atura'n yang sifatnya tetap dan abadi, namun pengakuan terhadap eksistensi akal menjamin pelaksanaannya bersifat fleksibel. Pada wilayah inilah fiqh dipahami sebagai wujud upaya ilmiah manusia untuk mengkaji dan menyusun ptinsip-prinsip Tuhan itu ke dalam sistem hukum yang manusiawi. Kreativitas akal (ar-rayu) dipergunakanansebagai sumber pengetahuan hukum Islam ketiga setelah sumber utamasecara hatfiah tidak memuat ketentuan hukum yang diperlukan. Ar-ra'yu dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui hukum yang tersirat di Balik suatu redaksi AI-Quran yang memerlukan pengkajian lebih, mendalam. Latar belakang dari diakuinya peranan akal ini adalah Kenyataan berkembangnya kehidupan masyarakat yang diikuti oleh berbagai permasalahan hidup yang tidak ditemui jawabannya secara halfiah dalam AI-Quran maupun AI-Hadits

    A space-time pseudospectral discretization method for solving diffusion optimal control problems with two-sided fractional derivatives

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    We propose a direct numerical method for the solution of an optimal control problem governed by a two-side space-fractional diffusion equation. The presented method contains two main steps. In the first step, the space variable is discretized by using the Jacobi-Gauss pseudospectral discretization and, in this way, the original problem is transformed into a classical integer-order optimal control problem. The main challenge, which we faced in this step, is to derive the left and right fractional differentiation matrices. In this respect, novel techniques for derivation of these matrices are presented. In the second step, the Legendre-Gauss-Radau pseudospectral method is employed. With these two steps, the original problem is converted into a convex quadratic optimization problem, which can be solved efficiently by available methods. Our approach can be easily implemented and extended to cover fractional optimal control problems with state constraints. Five test examples are provided to demonstrate the efficiency and validity of the presented method. The results show that our method reaches the solutions with good accuracy and a low CPU time.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is with 'Journal of Vibration and Control', available from [http://journals.sagepub.com/home/jvc]. Submitted 02-June-2018; Revised 03-Sept-2018; Accepted 12-Oct-201

    Penerapan Akuntansi Pertanggung Jawaban sebagai Alat Penilaian Kinerja (Studi di Bagian Produksi PT. Pal Surabaya-Divisi Kapal Perang)

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    Each company founded by one or a group of people basically aims to improve customer satisfaction. If customers feel satisfied, then the profit can be obtained automatically. To achieve this goal, management must make decisions quickly and appropriately. This situation requires top management to delegate authority along with a control system, supervision and performance assessment manager underneath. This can be achieved by applying the accounting liability.Battleship Division PT. PAL, the author has not seen the application of accounting responsibilities. Therefore, the authors try to discuss and interpret existing data on the production by comparing the realization of financing and budget irregularities known to have occurred. Through the accountability report of the Outfitting Department, Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Production Support, management can measure the effective and efficient production costs in the company. Thus, the company will have no difficulty in determining which of many costs that would affect the decision-making and increase overall company performance