26 research outputs found

    The genus Mesiotelus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Liocranidae) in Turkey

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    Two spider species of the liocranid genus Mesiotelus Simon, 1897 new to the fauna of Turkey are recorded on the basis of female specimens: M. caucasicus Zamani et Marusik, 2021 from Hakkari Province in the Eastern Anatolia and M. deltshevi Naumova, 2020 from Diyarbakır Province in the Southeast Anatolia. The characteristic features are illustarted. In addition, M. scopensis Drensky, 1935 and M. tenuissimus (L. Koch, 1866), two other species found in Turkey, are illustrated. The distribution records of all of these species in Turkey are mapped. With these new records, the number of species belonging to the family Liocranidae in Turkey has increased to 18

    Cambios en la composición química y microbiológica de dos variedades de aceituna durante la fermentación

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    In this study, the changes in chemical and microbiological composition of two olive varieties, Edincik and Gemlik, have been examined during fermentation at industrial scale. Prior to processing, the olives have been thoroughly characterized chemically and microbiologically. Then, the nature of the fermentation process has been investigated during the 9 months of fermentation period by taking samples at certain intervals. The most important characteristics of the two varieties before processing were determined as follows: Edincik variety was found to have relatively higher reducing sugar (5.94%) and moisture (59.53%) contents than that of Gemlik variety (4.45% reducing sugar and 43.18% moisture). Polyphenol concentrations of two varieties were 2.50% and 2.40%, respectively. During fermentation, reducing sugar and polyphenols contents were decreased gradually in the fruit, while other constituents were slightly changed or remained almost unchanged. While reducing sugar decreased to the values of 0.98% and 0.65%, free acidity in brine increased to 0.41% and 0.35%, pH value of brine were 4.4 and 4.9 and salt content in fruit were reached to the final values of 7.4% and 6.9% for Edincik and Gemlik varieties, respectively. Microflora of the raw samples was consisted of various bacteria mainly, lactobacilli, Gram-negative, anaerobic sulfide producing, coliform bacteria and yeasts. During the fermentation of both varieties, yeasts were dominated starting from the 40th days of fermentation.En este estudio, se han examinado los cambios en la composición química y microbiológica de dos variedades de aceituna, Edincik y Gemlik, durante la fermentación a escala industrial. Las aceitunas se caracterizaron química y microbiológicamente antes del tratamiento. Posteriormente, la naturaleza del proceso se investigó durante ios nueve meses del periodo de fermentación tomando muestras cada ciertos intervalos. Se determinaron las características más importantes de las dos variedades antes del tratamiento: la variedad Edincik tuvo un mayor contenido relativo en azúcares reductores (5.94%) y humedad (59.53%) que la variedad Gemlik (4.45% azúcares reductores y 43,18% humedad). Las concentraciones de polifenoles de las dos variedades fueron 2.50% y 2.40% respectivamente. Durante la fermentación, los contenidos en azúcares reductores y polifenoles disminuyeron gradualmente en el fruto, mientras que otros constituyentes cambiaron ligeramente o permanecieron casi inalterados. En la salmuera los azúcares reductores disminuyeron hasta valores de 0.98% y 0.65%, aumentando la acidez libre hasta 0.41 % y 0.35%, con unos valores de pH de 4.4 y 4.9, alcanzando el contenido en sal en el fruto valores finales de 7.4% y 6.9% para las variedades Edincik y Gemlik respectivamente. La microflora de las muestras originales estuvo constituida por bacterias, principalmente del tipo: lactobacitos, Gram-negativo, anaerobios productores de sulfuro, bacterias coliformes y hongos. Durante la fermentación de ambas variedades, los hongos fueron controlados a los 40 días de fermentación

    Changes in chemical and microbiological composition of two varieties of olive during fermentation

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    In this study, the changes in chemical and microbiological composition of two olive varieties, Edincik and Gemlik, have been examined during fermentation at industrial scale. Prior to processing, the olives have been thoroughly characterized chemically and microbiologically. Then, the nature of the fermentation process has been investigated during the 9 months of fermentation period by taking samples at certain intervals. The most important characteristics of the two varieties before processing were determined as follows: Edincik variety was found to have relatively higher reducing sugar (5.94%) and moisture (59.53%) contents than that of Gemlik variety (4.45% reducing sugar and 43.18% moisture). Polyphenol concentrations of two varieties were 2.50% and 2.40%, respectively. During fermentation, reducing sugar and polyphenols contents were decreased gradually in the fruit, while other constituents were slightly changed or remained almost unchanged. While reducing sugar decreased to the values of 0.98% and 0.65%, free acidity in brine increased to 0.41% and 0.35%, pH value of brine were 4.4 and 4.9 and salt content in fruit were reached to the final values of 7.4% and 6.9% for Edincik and Gemlik varieties, respectively. Microflora of the raw samples was consisted of various bacteria mainly, lactobacilli, Gram-negative, anaerobic sulfide producing, coliform bacteria and yeasts. During the fermentation of both varieties, yeasts were dominated starting from the 40th days of fermentation.En este estudio, se han examinado los cambios en la composición química y microbiológica de dos variedades de aceituna, Edincik y Gemlik, durante la fermentación a escala industrial. Las aceitunas se caracterizaron química y microbiológicamente antes del tratamiento. Posteriormente, la naturaleza del proceso se investigó durante ios nueve meses del periodo de fermentación tomando muestras cada ciertos intervalos. Se determinaron las características más importantes de las dos variedades antes del tratamiento: la variedad Edincik tuvo un mayor contenido relativo en azúcares reductores (5.94%) y humedad (59.53%) que la variedad Gemlik (4.45% azúcares reductores y 43,18% humedad). Las concentraciones de polifenoles de las dos variedades fueron 2.50% y 2.40% respectivamente. Durante la fermentación, los contenidos en azúcares reductores y polifenoles disminuyeron gradualmente en el fruto, mientras que otros constituyentes cambiaron ligeramente o permanecieron casi inalterados. En la salmuera los azúcares reductores disminuyeron hasta valores de 0.98% y 0.65%, aumentando la acidez libre hasta 0.41 % y 0.35%, con unos valores de pH de 4.4 y 4.9, alcanzando el contenido en sal en el fruto valores finales de 7.4% y 6.9% para las variedades Edincik y Gemlik respectivamente. La microflora de las muestras originales estuvo constituida por bacterias, principalmente del tipo: lactobacitos, Gram-negativo, anaerobios productores de sulfuro, bacterias coliformes y hongos. Durante la fermentación de ambas variedades, los hongos fueron controlados a los 40 días de fermentación

    Mesiotelus tenuissimus

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    Mesiotelus tenuissimus (L. Koch, 1866) (Figs 17–21, 22) Mikhailov, Fet, 1986: 173, fig. 1; Kovblyuk et al., 2008: 19, figs 6–12; Bosmans et al., 2009: 35, figs 24–28; Bosmans, El-Hennawy, 2018: 101, figs 1, 2; El-Hennawy, 2022 a: 418, figs 2–5. Material. 1 ♀, Turkey, Kırıkkale Prov., Yahşihan District, 39°53 ʹ 13 ʺ N / 33°27 ʹ 00 ʺ E, 856 m, 5.02.2018 (T. Danışman). Brief description of studied specimen. Total length 5.1. Carapace length 1.9, width 1.6. Abdomen length 3.2, width 1.8. Ocular area length 0.55. Chelicera length 0.9, width 0.45. Sternum length 1.2, width 1 Leg formula IV, I, II, III. Legs: leg I 7.2 (2, 0.9, 1.9, 1.5, 0.9), leg II 6.3 (1.8, 0.7, 1.7, 1.3, 0.8), leg III 5.9 (1.6, 0.6, 1.4, 1.5, 0.8), leg IV 8.7 (2.3, 0.8, 2.2, 2.5, 0.9). Carapace light yellow, covered with small dark colour hairs and edges dark (Fig. 19). Clypeus narrow and dark yellow (Fig. 21). Chelicerae long, yellow, dorsally with long dark setae (Fig. 21). Sternum light yellow, without setae. Labium and maxillae dark yellow. Abdomen grayish, densely covered with long hairs, with white patterned (Fig. 20). Legs yellow, covered with light hairs (Fig. 19). Epigyne. Lateral margins of fovea horizontal, margins form an angle of approximately 180° between each other. Spermathecae separated from each other by their diameter. Anterior hood (i.e. anterior pocket) prominent, its width about half of interspermathecal space (Figs 17, 18). Distribution. North Africa,Europe, Turkey (Anatolia), Turkmenistan [World Spider Catalog, 2022].Published as part of Coşar, İ., Danışman, T. & Erdek, M., 2023, The genus Mesiotelus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Liocranidae) in Turkey, pp. 9-13 in Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 19 (1) on page 12, DOI: 10.23885/181433262023191-913, http://zenodo.org/record/814594

    Mesiotelus caucasicus Zamani et Marusik 2021

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    Mesiotelus caucasicus Zamani et Marusik, 2021 (Figs 1–5, 22) Zamani, Marusik, 2021: 560, figs 3, 4A–G, 5A–E. Material. 1 ♀, Turkey, Hakkari Prov., Bağışlı Village, 37°43 ʹ 48 ʺ N / 44°02 ʹ 53 ʺ E, 2022 m, pitfall trap, 4.06– 26.09.2020 (M. Erdek). Brief description of studied specimen. Total length 4.1. Carapace length 1.8, width 1.7. Abdomen length 2.3, width 1.4. Ocular area length 0.45. Chelicera length 1, width 0.95. Sternum length 0.8, width 0.4. Leg formula IV, I, II, III. Legs: leg I 6.5 (1.8, 0.7, 1.8, 1.3, 0.9), leg II 5.95 (1.65, 0.7, 1.55, 1.25, 0.8), leg III 5.4 (1.45, 0.6, 1.4, 1.3, 0.65), leg IV 7.8 (2.1, 0.7, 2., 2.1, 0.9). Carapace light yellow, darker anteriorly (Fig. 1). Clypeus narrow, dark yellow. Chelicerae long, light brown, with intense hairs near teeth (Fig. 3). Sternum light yellow, labium and maxillae light brown. Abdomen light yellowish-brown densely covered with long hairs (Fig. 2). Legs light yellow and covered with long thick black hairs (Fig. 1). Epigyne. Lateral margins of fovea straight, margins form an angle of approximately 60° between each other. Spermathecae almost contiguose. Anterior hood (i.e. anterior pocket) prominent, its width approximately twice the interspermathecal distance (Figs 4, 5). Distribution. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran [World Spider Catalog, 2022], Turkey.Published as part of Coşar, İ., Danışman, T. & Erdek, M., 2023, The genus Mesiotelus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Liocranidae) in Turkey, pp. 9-13 in Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 19 (1) on pages 9-10, DOI: 10.23885/181433262023191-913, http://zenodo.org/record/814594

    Mesiotelus scopensis Drensky 1935

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    <i>Mesiotelus scopensis</i> Drensky, 1935 <p>(Figs 12–16, 22)</p> <p> Elverici et al., 2013: 306, figs 6–11; Naumova, 2020:4, figs 4, 5; Zamani, Marusik, 2021: 560, fig. 5F–G; Zarikian et al., 2022: 109, fig. 5, as <i>Mesiotelus</i> cf. <i>scopensis</i>.</p> <p> <b>Material.</b> 1 <i>♀</i>, Turkey, Kahramanmaraş Prov., Onikişubat Distr., 37°51 <i>ʹ</i> 40 <i>ʺ</i> N / 36°38 <i>ʹ</i> 27 <i>ʺ</i> E, 900 m, 2.10.2020 (İ. Coşar, T. Danışman); 2 <i>♀</i>, Turkey, Kahramanmaraş Prov., Onikişubat Distr., 37°54 <i>ʹ</i> 28 <i>ʺ</i> N / 36°35 <i>ʹ</i> 47 <i>ʺ</i> E, 1083 m, 24.10.2020 (İ. Coşar, T. Danışman).</p> <p> <b>Brief redescription based on studied specimens.</b> Total length 5.3. Carapace length 2.1, width 1.7. Abdomen length 3.2, width 1.8. Ocular area length 0.55. Chelicera length 1, width 0.5. Sternum length 1.2, width 1 Leg formula IV, I, II, III. Legs: leg I 7.5 (2.1, 0.9, 2, 1.5, 1), leg II 6.4 (1.8, 0.8, 1.7, 1.3, 0.8), leg III 6 (1.6, 0.7, 1.4, 1.5, 0.8), leg IV 8.8 (2.3, 0.9, 2.2, 2.4, 1).</p> <p>Carapace light yellow, covered with small black hairs (Fig. 13). Clypeus narrow and light brown (Fig. 14). Chelicerae long, yellowish-brown, dorsally with long dark setae (Fig. 14). Sternum light yellow, without setae (Fig. 13). Labium and maxillae yellow (Fig. 13). Abdomen blackish, densely covered with long hairs (Fig. 13), ventrally light yellow and covered with small black hairs (Fig. 13). Legs light yellow and covered with light hairs (Figs 12, 13).</p> <p>Epigyne. Lateral margins of fovea concave, margins form an angle of approximately 70° between each other. Spermathecae separated by about half their diameter. Anterior hood (i.e. anterior pocket) prominent, about as wide as the interspermathecal distance (Figs 15, 16).</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Iran (?) [World Spider Catalog, 2022].</p>Published as part of <i>Coşar, İ., Danışman, T. & Erdek, M., 2023, The genus Mesiotelus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Liocranidae) in Turkey, pp. 9-13 in Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 19 (1)</i> on pages 11-12, DOI: 10.23885/181433262023191-913, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/8145941">http://zenodo.org/record/8145941</a&gt

    Mesiotelus deltshevi Naumova 2020

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    Mesiotelus deltshevi Naumova, 2020 (Figs 6–11, 22) Naumova, 2020: 4, figs 2, 3. Material. 2 ♀, Turkey, Diyarbakır Prov., Hani District, 38°27 ʹ 25 ʺ N / 40°24 ʹ 39 ʺ E, 1018 m, under stone, 13.06.2018 (T. Danışman). Brief redescription based on studied specimens. Total length 4.6. Carapace length 1.8, width 1.5. Abdomen length 2.8, width 1.8. Ocular area length 0.6. Chelicera length 0.8, width 0.45. Sternum length 1.1, width 1 Leg formula IV, I, II, III. Legs: leg I 6.75 (1.9, 0.7, 1.9, 1.35, 0.9), leg II 5.4 (1.5, 0.65, 1.45, 1.1, 0.7), leg III 5.25 (1.05, 0.6, 1.45, 1.4, 0.75), leg IV 8.4 (2.25, 0.8, 2.15, 2.3, 0.9). Carapace light yellow (Fig. 8). Clypeus narrow, dark yellow (Fig. 11). Chelicerae long, light brown, dorsally with long dark setae (Fig. 11). Sternum light yellow, without setae and edges dark (Fig. 9). Labium and maxillae light yellow (Fig. 9). Abdomen grayish, densely covered with long hairs and pattern with a white stripe (Figs 8, 10), ventrally light yellow (Fig. 9). Legs dark yellow and covered with long light hairs (Figs 8, 9). Epigyne. Lateral margins of fovea straight, margins form an angle of approximately 50° between each other. Spermathecae almost contiguose. Anterior hood (i.e. anterior pocket) indistinct, about as wide as the interspermathecal distance (Figs 10, 11). Distribution. Albania [World Spider Catalog, 2022], Turkey.Published as part of Coşar, İ., Danışman, T. & Erdek, M., 2023, The genus Mesiotelus Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Liocranidae) in Turkey, pp. 9-13 in Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 19 (1) on pages 10-11, DOI: 10.23885/181433262023191-913, http://zenodo.org/record/814594

    Successful Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pancreatitis and Post-Laminectomy Pain

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    Approximately one in five adults in the United States experiences chronic pain. Over the last 50 years, spinal cord stimulation has become increasingly recognized as a minimally invasive, efficacious treatment modality for the management of chronic pain. The authors report a case study of a 46-year-old female in the first documented spinal cord stimulation simultaneously targeting intractable neuropathic and visceral pain caused by post-laminectomy syndrome and chronic pancreatitis, respectively. This case study demonstrates near-total relief of the patient\u27s neuropathic low back/leg pain and visceral epigastric pain, showing evidence of potential clinical usefulness for spinal cord stimulation as a treatment option in patients who present with a combination of visceral and somatic pain symptoms