297 research outputs found

    Probation for Women

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    Probation for Women

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    Forecasting is a prediction of a future that got from detailed calculation results systematically based on current data and previous data in the certain period. To do forecasting, a lot of data that used to do a forecasting then our result could be accurate based on forecasting that we have already done. Forecasting of demand is needed by PT XYZ, Forecasting method that used are Exponential Smoothing method with α 0,1, 0,5 and 0,9 and Regression Linier method to predict the number of sales product of wooden box and wooden pallet that would occur in the months to come. The forecasting result with regression linear for six period later sequentially are 274,12; 274,99; 275,85; 276,71; 277,57; and 278,44 with the error level are MAD = 34,74; MSE = 1.637,51 and MAPE = 14,17%. From data processing analysis that already done that the best selected method is exponential smoothing with α 0,9 to forecast demand product of wooden pallet 110 cm x 110 cm. With forecasting result in six period later sequentially are 347,9; 369,7; 391,4; 413,2; 434,9; dan 456,7 with the error level are MAD = 4,14; MSE = 22,63 and MAPE = 1,65%


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    Pembangunan bidang kesehatan menjadi perhatian penting dalam komitmen internasional, yang dituangkan dalam Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Dalam MDGs terdapat tujuan yang terkait langsung dengan bidang kesehatan yaitu menurunkan angka kematian anak dan meningkatkan kesehatan ibu. Program yang telah ditepkan oleh pemerintah adalah program PONEK (Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal Emergensi Komprehensif). Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Implementasi kebijakan PONEK di RSUP.DR.Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar dan mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi penghambat atau kendala dalam kebijakan PONEK di RSUP.DR.Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Informan dari penelitian ini berjumlah 4 orang informan, Teknik atau instrumen adalah wawancara mendalam (indepth interview). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa semua staf pelaksana Ponek sudah mengerti standar yang menjadi indikator pelayanan Ponek, juga para staf pelaksana pelayanan Ponek di rumah sakit Dr.Wahidin Sudirohusodo sudah mengetahui dengan baik siapa yang menjadi sasaran dalam pelaksanaan Ponek, sedangkan sumber daya manusia masih kurang, fasilitasnya sudah tersedia, dan sumber dana sudah terpenuhi dari pusat. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah SDM belum mencukupi,fasilitasnya sudah terpenuhi,dan sumber dananya diatur didalam RBA kemudian diusulkan ke pusat.sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan PONEK yaitu masih kurangnya SDM,dan masih ada tim PONEK yang belum menjalankan tugas sesuai dengan Tupoksi.\ud Kata kunci : Implementasi, Kebijakan, PONE

    Pengembangan Modul Praktikum Kimia Berbasis Problem Based Learning (Pbl) pada Pokok Bahasan Asam Basa untuk Kelas XI Tingkat Sma/ma Sederajat

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    Research development of chemical- learning media module of practical based Problem Based Learning (PBL) was intended to produce a valid practical module acid base by aspects of content, graphics, presentations, and languange. Other than that for know respons teacher and students to learning media of practical module acid base was developed. Research development of media used ADD models haven 3 steps was Analysis, Design, and Development. Result of research development of acid base practical module based Problem Based Learning (PBL) was valids by 3 validator's people and otherwise valid of aspect contents, languanges, presentations, and graphics with an average percentage of 88.47% (category valid). Response was rated by 18 respondens in SMAN 5 and MAN 1 Pekanbaru and declared percentage respons of 87,48% (category strongly agree). This indicates that the learning media in the form of acid-base experiment module based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) declared valid

    Karakteristik Sitiran Artikel Ilmiah Tentang Kajian Minangkabau dalam Jurnal “Suluah” Tahun 2001-2012 Terbitan Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional (Bpsnt) Padang

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    This study aims to describe: (1) writers' quotation in Jurnal “Suluah” published by Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Padang, (2) characteristics of literatures quoted by writers, and (3) authorship pattern. Quotation analysis method is used to study the relation between quoting documents and the documents quoted. The object of this study is the publications in Jurnal Suluah in 2001-2-12.The research finds that: (1) writers' quotation pattern based on article contribution and the number of quotations in articles is 155 articles and 1607 quotations. In average, one article quotes ten documents from various forms of sources. (2) Characteristics of literatures quoted by writers based on genre, year, and age of literatures are as follows: (a) the most contributing document in article writing is book, achieving 1316 quotations; (b) the year span of documents quoted is from 1827 to 2010; and (c) the age of the most cited documents is those published in the last ten years (2001-2010) as much as 35%; (c) the pattern of authorship is that the most cited writer is Koentjaraningrat with 37 citations. The rate of collaborations of the author is very low, because 97% of articles are written by a single author and only 3% are multiple authors

    Pengaruh Konseling Dengan Feeding Rules Terhadap Status Gizi Anak Dengan Kesulitan Makan

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    Latar Belakang: Kesulitan makan merupakan masalah yang sering dijumpai di masyarakat. Kesulitan makan diidentifikasikan ketika anak menolak atau tidak mampu menerima sejumlah asupan makanan. Konseling dengan feeding rulespada orangtua anak merupakan salah satu cara untuk membantu anak dalam mengatasi masalah makannya.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan status gizi anak dengan kesulitan makan pada sebelum dan sesudah konseling dengan feeding rules.Metode: Penelitian dengan studi quasi experiment berupa non equivalent control group design dilakukan pada anak usia 6-24 bulan yang menurut orangtuanya memiliki kesulitan makan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga Juli 2012 di Posyandu Kelurahan Tandang dan Sendangguwo Semarang terhadap 20 anak kelompok perlakuan dan 21 anak kelompok kontrol. Konseling dengan feeding rules diberikan oleh dokter spesialis anak kepada ibu subyek padakelompok perlakuan. Perbandingan ΔWAZ, ΔHAZ, dan ΔWHZ antara kedua kelompok diuji dengan menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan.Hasil: Sebanyak 56.1% subyek adalah anak perempuan, 92,7% anak memiliki masalah makan jenis inappropriate feeding practice. Setelah 3 bulan pengamatan, tidak terdapat peningkatan skor WAZ, HAZ, dan WHZ secara signifikan padakelompok kontrol. Pada kelompok perlakuan terdapat peningkatan skor WAZ (p= 0,058), HAZ (p= 0,018), dan WHZ (p= 0,545), namun hanya skor HAZ yang memiliki nilai signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol.Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan status gizi anak dengan kesulitan makan pada sebelum dan sesudah konseling dengan feeding rules dilihat dari skor HAZ

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Kartu Arisan untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrokarbon di Kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru

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    It has been applied the arisan card active learning strategy to improve students learning achievement on the subject of Hydrocarbons in class X of Senior High School Number 3 Pekanbaru. The research is an experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The samples of this research were the students of class X5 as the experimental class and the students of class X6 as the control class. They were randomly determined after given the tests of normality and homogeneity. Experimental class is a class which was given a treatment by applying active learning strategy of arisan card in learning process. The data were analyzed by using t-test. Based on the result of data analysis, it obtained tcount> ttable, which is 2,85 >1.67. It means that the application of active learning strategy of arisan card can improve student learning achievement on the subject of Hydrocarbons in class X of Senior High School Number 3 Pekanbaru. The improvement category of student achievement at experiment class was high category with normalized N-gain which is 0,81
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