49 research outputs found

    The Features of Acute Brucellosis in Azerbaijan Republic

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    It is well known, that the injury of organs and systems and also immunological rates considerably determine clinical course and the result of brucellosis. In the article are presented the results of examination of 120 patients with acute brucellosis. The control group included 30 practically healthy persons. Groups were representative by the age and sex. The diagnosis of brucellosis was set on the base of complaints, anamnesis, epidemiological and clinical data and the results of serological examination of the blood. All patients also underwent the fixation of interleukin -6, іinterleukin-4 and TLR-2 in the blood serum. The detailed epidemiological, clinical and immunological characteristic of patients with brucellosis was presented. Among examined persons prevailed men, persons of young able-bodied persons and rural dwellers. It was revealed, that the dominating way of transmission was the contact one. The highest level of infection was fixed among the workers of farm enterprises and veterinarians. The season features were also revealed, the highest level of morbidity was in summer-autumn period. The main clinical features were: fever, arthralgia, risen disposition to perspire, hepatosplenomegaly. It was revealed, that the level of pro-inflammatory interleukins considerably prevailed over the level of anti-inflammatory ones. Despite the high sensitivity of PCR diagnostics, the positive results in our research were received only in one third of patients

    Il-4 Polymorphism in Patients with Acute Brucellosis in the Republic of Azerbaijan

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    Currently, there are isolated data on the relationship between IL-4 polymorphism (C-589T) and susceptibility to brucellosis. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine the frequency of polymorphism of IL-4 (C-589T) in patients with acute brucellosis.Materials and methods: the article presents the results of surveys of 120 patients with acute brucellosis. The control group consisted of 30 practically healthy persons. The diagnosis of brucellosis was based on complaints, anamnesis, epidemiological and clinical data, and the results of a specific study. The definition of the polymorphism of IL-4 (C-589T) was performed for all patients in the main and control group. A detailed description of patients with brucellosis is presented. Among the observed prevailed men and young people of working age.Results: A mild degree was established in 74 (61.66 %) patients, while severe - only in 11 (9.17 %) patients. It was determined that the genotype CT (65.83 %) was significantly more common among patients with brucellosis than in the control group, where the frequency of this genotype was only 16.66 %. While the CC genotype was 3.2 times more common among healthy individuals than among patients in the main group (76.67 % versus 24.17 %), it was found that the CC genotype of the IL-4 gene was 13 times more common in patients for acute brucellosis with mild progress than with severe.Conclusions: The genotype IL-4 (C-589T) SS is significantly associated with the mild course of brucellosis

    On the direct limit from pseudo-Jacobi polynomials to Hermite polynomials

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    In this short communication, we present a new limit relation that reduces pseudo-Jacobi polynomials directly to Hermite polynomials. The proof of this limit relation is based upon 2F1-type hypergeometric transformation formulas, which are applicable to even and odd polynomials separately. This limit opens the way to studying new exactly solvable harmonic oscillator models in quantum mechanics in terms of pseudo-Jacobi polynomials


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    Recent studies show that one of the most important issues of static optimization of structurally complex non-stationary technological processes is the development of appropriate methods for problem decomposition. The issue of optimization of non-stationary alkylation processes and ways to solve the problems arising in this regard has been investigated in this paper. It is known that there are several ways to increase the economic efficiency of control systems for petrochemical technological processes. It includes checking of instruments and regulators, identify improvements in the control and monitor of performance, etc. One of the main ways to increase the efficiency of control systems for technological processes which depend on current conditions is to develop models and algorithms that allow control these processes in more optimal modes compared to current ones. In this regard, the presented article is relevant as it is dedicated to the development of optimal control algorithms for multistage petrochemical technological processes consisting of series-connected non-stationary technological devices

    The Relativistic Linear Singular Oscillator

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    Exactly-solvable model of the linear singular oscillator in the relativistic configurational space is considered. We have found wavefunctions and energy spectrum for the model under study. It is shown that they have correct non-relativistic limits.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures in eps format, IOP style LaTeX file (revised taking into account referees suggestions

    Investigations of the Influence of Chlorine Contained Aromatic and Maleimide Compounds on the Structure of the Vulcanizates Net on the Base of Polyblend and the Creation Technology of Heat and Radiation Durable Materials

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    Abstract The structural parameters (mоlеculаr mаss, plasticity, number оf chains' nеt and cross-linked molecules) of thermal vulcanizers on the basis of butadiene-nitrile rubber and polyvinyl chloride blends were studied by viscosity and sоl-gеl аnаlуsis methods. Аn alteration оf polаr groups content (-С≡N, С=О, С-Сl) and unsaturation оf thermal and thermal irradiated vulcanizers were investigated. According to alterations of residual deformation's accumulation, relaxation of tension and equilibrium modulus in air and in fuel, the properties оf elastomers were established at temperature (373-473K) and radiation (1000-2000 kGy) aging

    A new approach to assess and predict the functional roles of proteins across all known structures

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    The three dimensional atomic structures of proteins provide information regarding their function; and codified relationships between structure and function enable the assessment of function from structure. In the current study, a new data mining tool was implemented that checks current gene ontology (GO) annotations and predicts new ones across all the protein structures available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The tool overcomes some of the challenges of utilizing large amounts of protein annotation and measurement information to form correspondences between protein structure and function. Protein attributes were extracted from the Structural Biology Knowledgebase and open source biological databases. Based on the presence or absence of a given set of attributes, a given protein’s functional annotations were inferred. The results show that attributes derived from the three dimensional structures of proteins enhanced predictions over that using attributes only derived from primary amino acid sequence. Some predictions reflected known but not completely documented GO annotations. For example, predictions for the GO term for copper ion binding reflected used information a copper ion was known to interact with the protein based on information in a ligand interaction database. Other predictions were novel and require further experimental validation. These include predictions for proteins labeled as unknown function in the PDB. Two examples are a role in the regulation of transcription for the protein AF1396 from Archaeoglobus fulgidus and a role in RNA metabolism for the protein psuG from Thermotoga maritima