2,767 research outputs found

    Änderung des Stärke- und Zuckergehaltes der Rebe während der Ruheperiode.

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    Die Veränderungen des Stärke- und Zuckergehaltes wurden von im Freiland und von in einer Eisgrube bei + 4 °C überwinterten Reben in den Jahren 1957/58 und 1959 untersucht. Hierbei wurde während der Winterruhe 1957/58 das 10. und 25. Internodium der Sorte Riparia portalis und 1959 das 20. Internodium von R. portalis und Teleki 5 C (V. berlandieri x V. riparia) analysiert. Nur im 2. Versuchsjahr wurde eine Variation der Überwinterungsart der Rebtriebe durchgeführt. Die aus der Literatur bekannte Stärke ↔ Zucker-Umwandlung, die durch ein Stärkemaximum im Herbst und im Frühjahr charakterisiert ist, ließ sich unter unseren klimatischen Bedingungen bestätigen.Die Veränderung des Gesamtkohlenhydratgehaltes der Reben läßt erkennen, daß eine zeitweilige Hemicellulose <-> Zucker-Umwandlung erfolgt.Das Stärkemaximum im Frühjahr tritt bei beiden Sorten und auch nach Überwinterung im Einschlag auf. Doch wird der Zeitpunkt von der Art der Überwinterung und der Beginn der Zucker <-> Stärke-Umwandlung von der Sorte bestimmt.Bei den im Freiland überwinterten Reben setzt gleichzeitig mit einer intensiven Wasseraufnahme eine apikale Zuckertranslokation ein und danach eine sehr rasche Abnahme des Gesamtkohlenhydratgehaltes (Abb. 2a und b). Dieser Vorgang der Translokation trat bei den in einer Eisgrube lagernden Reben nicht auf. Auch war bei diesen die nach Erreichen eines Maximums einsetzende Abnahme sehr zögernd.Ein Vergleich beider Versuchsjahre führt zu der Feststellung, daß die Ruheperiode der Rebe auf Grund des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels in zwei Phasen aufzugliedern ist: In der ersten, der endogenen Ruhephase, ist die Richtung der Stärke <->Zucker-Umwandlung temperaturunabhängig und irreversibel. In der zweiten, der „erzwungenen" Nachruhe aber, also nach dem Stärkeminimum und dem Zuckermaximum, bestimmen Temperaturgrenzwerte die Richtung der nun reversiblen Zucker <-> Stärke-Umwandlung (0° <Zucker -> Stärke; - 3° > Stärke -> Zucker). Die rasche Abnahme der Gesamtkohlenhydrate während der energieverbrauchenden Vorgänge im Frühjahr ist auf eine Verringerung des Stärkegehaltes zurückzuführen, während der Zuckergehalt kaum verändert wird. Daraus ergibt sich, daß die Stärke das S u b s t r a t  d e r  A t m u n g i s t.  Da über zwei Jahre, bei zwei Unterlagssorten und unter zwei verschiedenen Überwinterungs bedingungen die Kohlenhydratänderungen analog verliefen, ziehen wir d i e  S c h l u ß f o 1 g e r u n g ,  d a ß  d i e s e  V o r g ä n g e  e i n e n  e n d o g e n e n  C h a r a k t e r  h a b e n

    Pilot Study: What Measures Predict First Time Pass Rate on the National Physical Therapy Examination?

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    Background: Research investigating predictors of success on licensure examination is useful for admission criteria as well as targeted intervention for identified at risk students in physical therapy programs. Predictors of success on the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) have been explored but results are no longer current. This study assessed predictive variables including admission data, performance in identified key courses, and academic/clinical difficulty for Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) cohorts at Mount St Joseph University. Objective: Determine variables predicting success on the National Physical Therapy Examination. Design: A retrospective correlational study was done. Methods: Retrospective data of Mount St Joseph University Doctor of Physical Therapy cohorts that matriculated between 2006 and 2011 was collected and de-identified. Data variables included admissions data, identified key course grades, evidence of academic difficulties, seven performance indicators from the Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) during the final internship, and professional Grade Point Average (pGPA). Descriptive statistics, correlational matrix, factor analysis, and multiple regression were used to analyze relationships between and among independent variables to the dependent variable of National Physical Therapy Examination success. Results: Factor analysis revealed four factor categories of independent variables: Clinical Performance Instrument criteria, Doctor of Physical Therapy Academic Performance, Admissions Requirements, and Academic/Clinical Difficulty. Multiple regression identified academic performance within the Doctor of Physical Therapy program (foundational course grades and Grade Point Average) and verbal/quantitative Graduate Examination Record (v/qGRE) scores to be the greatest predictor of first time and ultimate pass rate on the National Physical Therapy Examination. Conclusion: Predictors of success on the National Physical Therapy Examination are essential for DPT programs to consider when making policies regarding admissions, academic standards, and early testing of the National Physical Therapy Examination. Additionally this information can assist Doctor of Physical Therapy programs in identifying at risk students and aiding them in seeking support services to assist their success

    Qualidade de cocção de grãos de arroz translúcidos e gessados.

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    objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento de cocção dos grãos de arroz translúcidos e gessados e seus aspectos de qualidade

    Características físicas dos grãos de arroz translúcidos e gessados.

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar as características de transparência, brancura e grau de polimento dos grãos de arroz translúcidos e gessados

    Porous N- and S-doped carbon-carbon composite electrodes by soft-templating for redox flow batteries

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    Highly porous carbon–carbon composite electrodes for the implementation in redox flow battery systems have been synthesized by a novel soft-templating approach. A PAN-based carbon felt was embedded into a solution containing a phenolic resin, a nitrogen source (pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde) and a sulfur source (2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde), as well as a triblock copolymer (Pluronic® F-127) acting as the structure-directing agent. By this strategy, highly porous carbon phase co-doped with nitrogen and sulfur was obtained inside the macroporous carbon felt. For the investigation of electrode structure and porosity X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and nitrogen sorption (BET) were used. The electrochemical performance of the carbon felts was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The N- and S-doped carbon electrodes show promising activity for the positive side reaction and could be seen as a significant advance in the design of carbon felt electrodes for use in redox flow batteries

    Qualidade industrial dos grãos de arroz de populações promissoras quanto à resistência ao estresse hídrico, cultivadas em épocas distintas.

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    O objetivo deste estudo, que ainda está em fase de avaliação, foi de avaliar se há diferença na renda e rendimento de inteiros de uma população de arroz de terras altas, selecionada por conter materiais genéticos promissores quanto à produção em períodos secos ou com água limitante

    Desenvolvimento de um ceifador enleirador de plantas de feijoeiro.

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    Este trabalho teve o objetivo de desenvolver um ceifador enleirador de plantas de feijoeiro simplificado, de pequeno porte para ser acionado por um trator médio e com capacidade de ceifar as plantas rente ao solo.CONAFE

    Efeito do tempo e condições de encharcamento sobre a estabilidade do farelo de arroz parboilizado.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tempo e da temperatura da água de encharcamento sobre a degradação hidrolítica e peroxidação do farelo de arroz na parboilização

    Estudo de métodos para a análise simultanea de antioxidantes por HPLC.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi o de aprimorar os métodos analíticos usados para quantificar os homólogos de vitamina E e γ-orizanol para amostras de arroz integral e branco polido e, desta maneira, fornecer ferramenta para estudos sobre os efeitos genéticos, ambientais, processamentos de pós-colheita, armazenamento e cocção, sobre os níveis destes compostos fitoquímicos

    Rendimento industrial e composição centesimal de cultivares de arroz vermelho, integral e semipolido.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o rendimento industrial e a composição centesimal cultivares de arroz vermelho, integral e semi-polido. As amostras foram oriundas da EMBRAPA Meio Norte, sendo as cultivares Caqui e Vermelho, tradicionais da região, e a MNA901 oriunda do programa de Melhoramento Genético desta Unidade. O arroz foi avaliado na forma integral e semi-polido, procurando-se obter visualmente o mesmo grau de processamento de uma amostra comercial