43 research outputs found

    The very long-term risk and predictors of recurrent ischaemic events after a stroke at a young age: The FUTURE study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients who suffer a stroke at a young age, remain at a substantial risk of developing recurrent vascular events and information on very long-term prognosis and its risk factors is indispensable. Our aim is to investigate this very long-term risk and associated risk factors up to 35 years after stroke. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Prospective cohort study among 656 patients with a first-ever ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic stroke (TIA), aged 18-50, who visited our hospital (1980-2010). Outcomes assessed at follow-up (2014-2015) included TIA or ischaemic stroke and other arterial events, whichever occurred first. Kaplan-Meier analysis quantified cumulative risks. A prediction model was constructed to assess risk factors independently associated with any ischaemic event using Cox proportional hazard analyses followed by bootstrap validation procedure to avoid overestimation. RESULTS: Mean follow-up was 12.4 (SD 8.2) years (8105 person-years). Twenty-five years cumulative risk was 45.4% (95%CI: 39.4-51.5) for any ischaemic event, 30.1% (95%CI: 24.8-35.4) for cerebral ischaemia and 27.0% (95%CI: 21.1-33.0) for other arterial events. Risk factors retained in the prediction model were smoking (HR 1.35, 95%CI: 1.04-1.74), poor kidney function (HR 2.10, 95%CI: 1.32-3.35), history of peripheral arterial disease (HR 2.10, 95%CI: 1.08-3.76) and cardiac disease (HR 1.84, 95%CI: 1.06-3.18) (C-statistic 0.59 (95%CI: 0.55-0.64)). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Young stroke patients remain at a substantial risk for recurrent events; almost 1 of 2 develops a recurrent ischaemic event and 1 of 3 develops a recurrent stroke or TIA during 25 years of follow-up. Risk factors independently associated with recurrent events were poor kidney function, smoking, history of peripheral arterial disease and cardiac disease.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Frank-Erik de Leeuw received research support from the ‘‘Dutch Epilepsy Fund’’ (grant number 2010-18), ‘Dutch Heart Foundation’ (clinical established investigator grant, grant number 2014-T060) and ‘‘The Dutch Organisation for Health Research and Development’’ (VIDI innovational grant, ZonMw, grant number 016-126-351). Loes Rutten- Jacobs was supported by a British Heart Foundation Immediate Research Fellowship (FS/15/61/31626) (www. bhf.org.uk).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via https://doi.org/10.1177/239698731667344

    Risk factors and prognosis of young stroke. The FUTURE study: A prospective cohort study. Study rationale and protocol

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    Contains fulltext : 98322.pdf (postprint version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Young stroke can have devastating consequences with respect to quality of life, the ability to work, plan or run a family, and participate in social life. Better insight into risk factors and the long-term prognosis is extremely important, especially in young stroke patients with a life expectancy of decades. To date, detailed information on risk factors and the long-term prognosis in young stroke patients, and more specific risk of mortality or recurrent vascular events, remains scarce. METHODS/DESIGN: The FUTURE study is a prospective cohort study on risk factors and prognosis of young ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke among 1006 patients, aged 18-50 years, included in our study database between 1-1-1980 and 1-11-2010. Follow-up visits at our research centre take place from the end of 2009 until the end of 2011. Control subjects will be recruited among the patients' spouses, relatives or social environment. Information on mortality and incident vascular events will be retrieved via structured questionnaires. In addition, participants are invited to the research centre to undergo an extensive sub study including MRI. DISCUSSION: The FUTURE study has the potential to make an important contribution to increase the knowledge on risk factors and long-term prognosis in young stroke patients. Our study differs from previous studies by having a maximal follow-up of more than 30 years, including not only TIA and ischemic stroke but also hemorrhagic stroke, the addition of healthy controls and prospectively collect data during an extensive follow-up visit. Completion of the FUTURE study may provide better information for treating physicians and patients with respect to the prognosis of young stroke.8 p

    Pregnancy and ischemic stroke : A practical guide to management

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    Purpose of review Ischemic stroke during pregnancy or the puerperium is a devastating disease during a crucial period in life and warrants a specific approach. To date, current practice is mainly based on expert opinion because of a lack of randomized controlled trials and high-quality observational studies. The present review is intended as a practical guide to (acute) management of ischemic stroke during pregnancy and puerperium. Recent findings Recent findings showed that the incidence of stroke during pregnancy is rising. In 2014, the first guideline for the prevention of stroke in women was released, however on many (pregnancy) related topics the evidence was too scarce to make clear evidence-based recommendations. Summary The risk of ischemic stroke is elevated especially from the third trimester until 6 weeks postpartum. MRI is the most accurate and well tolerated diagnostic option but low-dose CT-head is a valid alternative. Reperfusion therapies should not be withheld from a pregnant woman with moderate-To-severe stroke when benefits outweigh the risk. Aspirin up to 150 mg daily is considered well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation period. Multidisciplinary care is essential when counseling these women in the acute and later stages

    Biologisch en verbinding : kwaliteiten van de biologische land- en tuinbouw die de sector geschikt maken voor verbinding

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    Dit project had als doel te onderzoeken wat de specifieke kenmerken, de sterke punten, van het biologische bedrijf en de biologische ondernemer zijn waardoor deze bedrijven verbindingen met de maatschappij kunnen aangaan. Kennis over deze sterke punten kan door biologische ondernemers worden ingezet bij het zoeken naar of versterken van die verbinding. Het onderzoek had als onderliggend doel inzicht te krijgen in verbinding en manieren waarop biologische ondernemers de verbinding met burgers aan kunnen gaan. Focus van het onderzoek lag echter op de vraag wat de sterke punten van de biologische landbouw zijn, met het oog op het aangaan van de verbinding tussen landbouw en maatschappij. Tenslotte had het onderzoek als doel duidelijk te maken wat voor ondernemers de voordelen kunnen zijn van het leggen van verbinding, en hier enige handvatten voor aan te leveren

    Eindrapportage FAB2 2008-2011 : functionele agro biodiversiteit

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    In het door LTO Noord, ZLTO en LLTB geïnitieerde project Functionele Agrobiodiversiteit (FAB2) is de afgelopen jaren ervaring opgedaan met het slim benutten van levende organismen om tot duurzame landbouw te komen. Deze aanpak vraagt om een aantal aanpassingen in de bedrijfsvoering en het landschap, zodat deze organismen kunnen overleven en hun nuttige werk kunnen doen. Het nut van akkerranden hiervoor is aangetoond. In FAB2 is verkend of er slim gebruik kan worden gemaakt van landschapselementen door aanpassing van het beheer. Ook is gezocht naar eenvoudige methoden (scouting) om te bepalen of de natuur voldoende in staat is om het (luizen)probleem op te lossen. Tot slot werd gezocht naar strategieën voor het duurzaam gebruik van de bodem, zoals niet-kerende grondbewerking