164 research outputs found

    Territorial aspects of migration processes in Russia

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    This article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of migration of population. Particular features of international and interregional migration flows in Russia are revealed on the basis of the analysis of statistics on migration. Three model configurations of migration flows are singled out: counter, outgoing and incoming migration flows. Particular attention is given to the study of migration in Volga federal district. The structure of international and interregional migration in Volga federal district is examined. It was observed that in international migration incoming migration flows predominate, whereas in interregional migration all three model configurations of migration flows are present

    Search for potential gastric cancer markers using miRNA databases and gene expression analysis

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to identify genes that are differentially expressed in gastric tumors and to analyze the association of their expression level with tumor clinicopathologic features. Methods: In the present research, we used bioinformatic-driven search to identify miRNA that are down-regulated in gastric tumors and to find their potential targets. Then, the expression levels of some of the target mRNAs were investigated using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Results: As a result of the bioinformatics analysis, fifteen genes were found to be potentially differentially expressed between the tumors and normal gastric tissue. Five of them were chosen for the further analysis (WNT4, FGF12, EFEMP1, CTGF, and HSPG2) due to their important role in cell proliferation and differentiation. Expression levels of these genes were evaluated in our collection of frozen tissue samples of gastric tumor and paired normal stomach epithelia. Increased FGF12 expression was observed in diffuse type of gastric cancer while WNT4 mRNA was found to be down-regulated in intestinal type of gastric cancer. Besides, CTGF gene overexpression was revealed in diffuse type of stomach cancer in comparison with that in intestinal type. Up-regulation of CTGF was also associated with lymph node metastasis. Conclusions: The findings show its expedient to perform further investigations in order to clarify diagnostic and prognostic value of CTGF, FGF12, and WNT4’s in stomach cancer as well as the role of these genes in carcinogenesis

    Peculiarities of Organization and Conduct of Cambridge YLE Exam (As Exemplified in Listening Part)

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    Целью данного исследования является изучение отношения студентки бакалавриата направления 45.03.01 «Филология» Ивановского государственного университета к важности осведомленности об организации и проведении части Listening кембриджского экзамена уровня YLE (Young Learners). Для достижения поставленной цели был проведен анализ нескольких экзаменационных вариантов. Подобный анализ показал важность грамотной подготовки к экзамену с помощью использования качественно подобранных материалов.The purpose of this research is to study the attitude of undergraduate student of the "Philology" of Ivanovo State University to the importance of awareness about the organization and conduct of the Listening part of Cambridge YLE exam. To achieve this goal an analysis of several examination variants was carried out. This analysis showed the importance of appropriate preparation for the exam with the help of carefully chosen materials

    Lessons from the Whole Exome Sequencing Effort in Populations of Russia and Tajikistan

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.In contrast with the traditional methods applied to assessment of population diversity, high-throughput sequencing technologies have a wider application in clinical practice with greater potential to find novel disease-causing variants for multifactorial disorders. Widely used test panels may not meet their goal to diagnose the patient’s condition with a full reliability since this method often does not take into account the population frequencies of analyzed genetic markers. Here, we analyzed 57 male individuals of five ethnic groups from Russia and Tajikistan using the whole exome sequencing technique (Ion AmpliSeq Exome), which resulted in detecting more than 299,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms. Samples formed clusters on the PCA plot according to the geographical location of the corresponding populations. Thereby, the methodology of whole-exome sequencing, in general, and the Ion AmpliSeq Exome panel, in particular, could be positively applied for the purposes of population genetics and for detection of the novel clinically relevant variants

    Designing technology of English language teaching content based on international component

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. This paper aims to develop designing technology of English language teaching content for students at higher education institution in the context of education internationalization. It highlighted the analytical, pre-designing, designing and correction-implementation stages as well as their successive phases to achieve a specific goal, i.e. English language teaching content designing in terms of international component. The materials of this paper are of practical value for teachers of foreign languages in the selecting and structuring the language teaching content in the context of education internationalization

    Shotgun metagenomic data on the human stool samples to characterize shifts of the gut microbial profile after the Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy

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    © 2017 The Authors The shotgun sequencing data presented in this report are related to the research article named “Gut microbiome shotgun sequencing in assessment of microbial community changes associated with H. pylori eradication therapy” (Khusnutdinova et al., 2016) [1]. Typically, the H. pylori eradication protocol includes a prolonged two-week use of the broad-spectrum antibiotics. The presented data on the whole-genome sequencing of the total DNA from stool samples of patients before the start of the eradication, immediately after eradication and several weeks after the end of treatment could help to profile the gut microbiota both taxonomically and functionally. The presented data together with those described in Glushchenko et al. (2017) [2] allow researchers to characterize the metagenomic profiles in which the use of antibiotics could result in dramatic changes in the intestinal microbiota composition. We perform 15 gut metagenomes from 5 patients with H. pylori infection, obtained through the shotgun sequencing on the SOLiD 5500 W platform. Raw reads are deposited in the ENA under project ID PRJEB21338

    Cytokine profile in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of different severity

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    Analysis of cytokine profile markers in conjunction with the clinical manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can provide valuable information about the pathogenetic manifestations of the disease, and therefore, in the future, determine drugs that affect the cytokine storm and have an anti-inflammatory effect.Aim. To identify correlations between the parameters of the developed cytokine profile and the clinical course in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of different severity.Material and methods. The study included 70 hospitalized patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, with a mean age of 58 [50;69] years, including 40 men (57%) and 30 women (43%). The average lung involvement according to computed tomography (CT) at admission was CT-2 [1;3]. Peripheral venous blood was taken at admission, which averaged 7 [6; 8] days from the symptom onset. Standard biochemical parameters were studied, as well as 47 cytokines and chemokines using the Multiplex system (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany).Results. Correlations was found between the lung involvement degree and the level of IL-8 (r=0,31, p<0,05), IL-15 (r=0,35, p<0,05), IL-18 (r=0,31, p<0,05), MCP-1 (r=0,36, p<0,05), MIG (r=0,50, p<0,05), TNF-α (r=0,41, p<0,05). An inverse correlation was also found in the level of blood oxygen saturation with the same indicators as follows: IL-8 (r=-0,27, p<0,05), IL-15 (r=-0,34, p<0,05), IL-18 (r=-0,31, p<0,05), MCP-1 (r=-0,40, p<0,05), MIG (r=-0,56, p<0,05), TNF-α (r=-0,45, p<0,05). IL-6 levels were significantly elevated in patients with severe COVID-19 (CT3, CT4), while no increase in IL-6 was observed in patients with moderate disease (CT1, CT2). It is noteworthy that in patients with diabetes, the highest values of IL-12, IL-9 were recorded.Conclusion. Hyperinflammatory syndrome in severe COVID-19 is manifested by high levels of IL-6, MIG, MDC, MCP-1, M-CSF, TNF-α, β, IL-8, IL-18, IL-15. With the CT-1 and CT-2, an increase in only the level of IL-18, IL-8 is noted. The identified patterns prove and make it possible to explain a number of systemic inflammatory changes that occur with COVID-19

    Assessing natural herd immunity to tick-borne encephalitis in Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

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    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a natural focal viral neuroinfection vastly spread in the mid-latitude climate zone of theEurasia. Lethal cases and disability related to TBE determine its high epidemiological significance as well as underlie undiminished attention to prevent it in endemic territories. At the same time, TBE epidemiologic features significantly differ in various geographic areas. Importantly, Republic Sakha (Yakutia) is not among TBE endemic areas in theRussian Federation. However, in the last decade an increased incidence of ixodic tick bites was registered in the Republic Sakha. A pattern of pathogen-specific population immunity is one of the most valuable criteria for assessing magnitude of epidemic process in TBE foci. Hence, our study was aimed at assessing natural herd immunity TBEV in Republic Sakha associated with elevated incidence of tick bite visits. Here, we analyzed the data regarding the rate of tick attacks in the period of 2001–2007 in Republic Sakha. Residents and individuals unvaccinated against TBEV in the city ofYakutskas well as various administrative regions were examined to record the peak incidence of tick attacks. It was found that a range of the administrative regions recording with registered of ixodic tick attacks and elevated incidence of tick bites was expanded. Moreover, the top incidence of tick bites was annually recorded in the south regions of the republic Aldanian, Neryungri, Olyekminsk, Leninsk, Khangalassky districts, city ofYakutskand its suburbs. Furthermore, TBEV-specific immunoglobulins were detected in 5.7±0.68% of the residents examined suggesting about contacts with the pathogen. In addition, the peak count of seropositive people (8.9±1.85%) was identified in Namsky district located in the central part of the republic. Overall, detection rate of TBEV-specific antibodies among general adult population (6.9±0.95%) was significantly higher compared to those observed in children (3.9±0.89%, р < 0.05). no significant differences in urban (5.8±1.12%) vs. rural population (5.63±0.84%) was found

    Associations of clinical features of functional bowel disorders with gut microbiota characteristics in adolescents: A pilot study

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    Background. Obesity is a multifactorial disease that is one of the important public health problems in the 21st century. Functional bowel disorders in obese children and adolescents are one of the most common pathologies of the digestive tract. The aim: to characterize the bacteriological composition of the colon microbiota in obese adolescents and identify its associations with the clinical manifestations of functional bowel disorders.Materials and methods. The study included 20 adolescents aged 11–17 years. Stool consistency was assessed using the Bristol Stool Scale. The study of biological material was carried out using standard bacteriological methods. To assess the strength of the relationship between the nominal variables, Cramer’s V test was used.Results. It has been shown that in adolescents with obesity and functional bowel disorders, there is a decrease in the number of representatives of bifidoflora, an increase in the microbial density of Escherichia coli with altered enzymatic properties and an excessive growth of potentially pathogenic enterobacteria. In obese adolescents with functional bowel disorders, abdominal pain associated with the act of defecation is associated with the presence of enterobacteria and E. coli with altered enzymatic properties. Rare bowel movements are associated with an increased abundance of Enterococcus spp. and the presence of opportunistic Enterobacteriaceae microorganisms. Frequent bowel movements are associated with the presence of E. coli with altered enzymatic properties and Clostridium spp. In the presence of loose stool, Clostridium spp. is present; unstable stool (alternation of hard and liquid stools in one patient) is associated with a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and E. coli with normal enzymatic properties, the appearance of E. coli with altered enzymatic properties, opportunistic microorganisms of Enterobacteriaceae family and Clostridium spp. Conclusion. The relationship between the clinical symptoms of functional bowel disorders and changes in the composition of the gut microbiota in obese adolescents may be a justification for conducting in-depth studies aimed at finding early predictors of functional bowel diseases associated with obesity in the adult cohort

    Food behavior as a factor of health

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    One of the theoretical foundations for improving student health is the correct nutritional behavior of a person and the right attitude to physical education. The physiological parameters of eating behavior are determined by the body's need for consumption and digestion of food, the state of homeostasis, which maintains the stability of its functional systems, including the digestive system. The psychological parameters of eating behavior are determined by the personal attitude to eating and its methods. Analysis of risk factors for the development of metabolic syndrome in students helps to include such innovative methods in the learning process at the university as ecologization of students' knowledge, increasing the actualization of physical education among students.Одной из теоретических основ улучшения здоровья студентов является правильное пищевое поведение человека и правильное отношение к физическому воспитанию. Физиологические параметры пищевого поведения определяются потребностью организма в потреблении и переваривании пищи и определяют нутритивный статус человека. Психологические параметры пищевого поведения определяются личным отношением к еде и её потреблению. Анализ факторов риска развития метаболического синдрома у студентов помогает включать такие инновационные методы в процесс обучения в ВУЗе, как экологизация знаний студентов, повышение актуализации физической культуры среди студентов