20,346 research outputs found

    Counting (3+1) - Avoiding permutations

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    A poset is {\it (\3+\1)-free} if it contains no induced subposet isomorphic to the disjoint union of a 3-element chain and a 1-element chain. These posets are of interest because of their connection with interval orders and their appearance in the (\3+\1)-free Conjecture of Stanley and Stembridge. The dimension 2 posets PP are exactly the ones which have an associated permutation π\pi where iji\prec j in PP if and only if i<ji<j as integers and ii comes before jj in the one-line notation of π\pi. So we say that a permutation π\pi is {\it (\3+\1)-free} or {\it (\3+\1)-avoiding} if its poset is (\3+\1)-free. This is equivalent to π\pi avoiding the permutations 2341 and 4123 in the language of pattern avoidance. We give a complete structural characterization of such permutations. This permits us to find their generating function.Comment: 17 page

    Some implications of changing the tax basis for pension funds

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    Governments in many developed economies provide private pension plans with significant taxation incentives. However, as many retirement income systems are now being reviewed due to demographic, social and economic pressures, these taxation arrangements are also under scrutiny. This paper discusses some of the implications of the differences between the traditional taxation treatment adopted by most OECD nations and that adopted by Australia, where there is a tax on contributions, a tax on investment earnings and a tax on benefits. The results show that there are significant differences in the net value of the benefits received by individuals and the taxation revenue received by the government. On the other hand, it is shown that there is remarkably little to distinguish between the two tax structures in terms of summary measures of lifetime income, although the form in which the benefit is taken in retirement is significant in influencing intragenerational equity.

    Many-Impurity Effects in Fourier Transform Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy (FTSTS) is a useful technique for extracting details of the momentum-resolved electronic band structure from inhomogeneities in the local density of states due to disorder-related quasiparticle scattering. To a large extent, current understanding of FTSTS is based on models of Friedel oscillations near isolated impurities. Here, a framework for understanding many-impurity effects is developed based on a systematic treatment of the variance Delta rho^2(q,omega) of the Fourier transformed local density of states rho(q,\omega). One important consequence of this work is a demonstration that the poor signal-to-noise ratio inherent in rho(q,omega) due to randomness in impurity positions can be eliminated by configuration averaging Delta rho^2(q,omega). Furthermore, we develop a diagrammatic perturbation theory for Delta rho^2(q,omega) and show that an important bulk quantity, the mean-free-path, can be extracted from FTSTS experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. A version of the paper with high resolution, colour figures is available at http://www.trentu.ca/physics/batkinson/FTSTS.ps.gz minor revisions in response to refree report + figure 5 is modifie

    Convergence of expansions in Schr\"odinger and Dirac eigenfunctions, with an application to the R-matrix theory

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    Expansion of a wave function in a basis of eigenfunctions of a differential eigenvalue problem lies at the heart of the R-matrix methods for both the Schr\"odinger and Dirac particles. A central issue that should be carefully analyzed when functional series are applied is their convergence. In the present paper, we study the properties of the eigenfunction expansions appearing in nonrelativistic and relativistic RR-matrix theories. In particular, we confirm the findings of Rosenthal [J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 13, 491 (1987)] and Szmytkowski and Hinze [J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29, 761 (1996); J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29, 6125 (1996)] that in the most popular formulation of the R-matrix theory for Dirac particles, the functional series fails to converge to a claimed limit.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 21 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum Separability and Entanglement Detection via Entanglement-Witness Search and Global Optimization

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    We focus on determining the separability of an unknown bipartite quantum state ρ\rho by invoking a sufficiently large subset of all possible entanglement witnesses given the expected value of each element of a set of mutually orthogonal observables. We review the concept of an entanglement witness from the geometrical point of view and use this geometry to show that the set of separable states is not a polytope and to characterize the class of entanglement witnesses (observables) that detect entangled states on opposite sides of the set of separable states. All this serves to motivate a classical algorithm which, given the expected values of a subset of an orthogonal basis of observables of an otherwise unknown quantum state, searches for an entanglement witness in the span of the subset of observables. The idea of such an algorithm, which is an efficient reduction of the quantum separability problem to a global optimization problem, was introduced in PRA 70 060303(R), where it was shown to be an improvement on the naive approach for the quantum separability problem (exhaustive search for a decomposition of the given state into a convex combination of separable states). The last section of the paper discusses in more generality such algorithms, which, in our case, assume a subroutine that computes the global maximum of a real function of several variables. Despite this, we anticipate that such algorithms will perform sufficiently well on small instances that they will render a feasible test for separability in some cases of interest (e.g. in 3-by-3 dimensional systems)

    Low temperature magnetization and the excitation spectrum of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings

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    Accurate results are obtained for the low temperature magnetization versus magnetic field of Heisenberg spin rings consisting of an even number N of intrinsic spins s = 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/2, 3, 7/2 with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange by employing a numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo method. A straightforward analysis of this data, in particular the values of the level-crossing fields, provides accurate results for the lowest energy eigenvalue E(N,S,s) for each value of the total spin quantum number S. In particular, the results are substantially more accurate than those provided by the rotational band approximation. For s <= 5/2, data are presented for all even N <= 20, which are particularly relevant for experiments on finite magnetic rings. Furthermore, we find that for s > 1 the dependence of E(N,S,s) on s can be described by a scaling relation, and this relation is shown to hold well for ring sizes up to N = 80 for all intrinsic spins in the range 3/2 <= s <= 7/2. Considering ring sizes in the interval 8 <= N <= 50, we find that the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state approaches zero proportional to 1/N^a, where a = 0.76 for s = 3/2 and a = 0.84 for s = 5/2. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our present results for E(N,S,s) by examining the Fe12 ring-type magnetic molecule, leading to a new, more accurate estimate of the exchange constant for this system than has been obtained heretofore.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B, 10 pages, 10 figure

    On the Bethe Ansatz for the Jaynes-Cummings-Gaudin model

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    We investigate the quantum Jaynes-Cummings model - a particular case of the Gaudin model with one of the spins being infinite. Starting from the Bethe equations we derive Baxter's equation and from it a closed set of equations for the eigenvalues of the commuting Hamiltonians. A scalar product in the separated variables representation is found for which the commuting Hamiltonians are Hermitian. In the semi classical limit the Bethe roots accumulate on very specific curves in the complex plane. We give the equation of these curves. They build up a system of cuts modeling the spectral curve as a two sheeted cover of the complex plane. Finally, we extend some of these results to the XXX Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 16 page

    Rapidly-converging methods for the location of quantum critical points from finite-size data

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    We analyze in detail, beyond the usual scaling hypothesis, the finite-size convergence of static quantities toward the thermodynamic limit. In this way we are able to obtain sequences of pseudo-critical points which display a faster convergence rate as compared to currently used methods. The approaches are valid in any spatial dimension and for any value of the dynamic exponent. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods both analytically on the basis of the one dimensional XY model, and numerically considering c = 1 transitions occurring in non integrable spin models. In particular, we show that these general methods are able to locate precisely the onset of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition making only use of ground-state properties on relatively small systems.Comment: 9 pages, 2 EPS figures, RevTeX style. Updated to published versio