472 research outputs found

    More transition amplitudes on the Riemann sphere

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    We consider a conformal field theory for bosons on the Riemann sphere. Correlation functions are defined as singular limits of functional integrals. The main result is that these amplitudes define transition amplitudes, that is multilinear Hilbert-Schmidt functionals on a fixed Hilbert space.Comment: 20 page

    Scattering of massive Dirac fields on the Schwarzschild black hole spacetime

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    With a generally covariant equation of Dirac fields outside a black hole, we develop a scattering theory for massive Dirac fields. The existence of modified wave operators at infinity is shown by implementing a time-dependent logarithmic phase shift from the free dynamics to offset a long-range mass term. The phase shift we obtain is a matrix operator due to the existence of both positive and negative energy wave components.Comment: LaTex, 17 page

    The microlocal spectrum condition and Wick polynomials of free fields on curved spacetimes

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    Quantum fields propagating on a curved spacetime are investigated in terms of microlocal analysis. We discuss a condition on the wave front set for the corresponding n-point distributions, called ``microlocal spectrum condition'' (μ\muSC). On Minkowski space, this condition is satisfied as a consequence of the usual spectrum condition. Based on Radzikowski's determination of the wave front set of the two-point function of a free scalar field, satisfying the Hadamard condition in the Kay and Wald sense, we construct in the second part of this paper all Wick polynomials including the energy-momentum tensor for this field as operator valued distributions on the manifold and prove that they satisfy our microlocal spectrum condition.Comment: 21 pages, AMS-LaTeX, 2 figures appended as Postscript file

    La vitalidad administrativa

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    AdS/CFT correspondence in the Euclidean context

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    We study two possible prescriptions for AdS/CFT correspondence by means of functional integrals. The considerations are non-perturbative and reveal certain divergencies which turn out to be harmless, in the sense that reflection-positivity and conformal invariance are not destroyed.Comment: 20 pages, references and two remarks adde

    Time-Translation Invariance of Scattering Maps and Blue-Shift Instabilities on Kerr Black Hole Spacetimes

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    In this paper, we provide an elementary, unified treatment of two distinct blue-shift instabilities for the scalar wave equation on a fixed Kerr black hole background: the celebrated blue-shift at the Cauchy horizon (familiar from the strong cosmic censorship conjecture) and the time-reversed red-shift at the event horizon (relevant in classical scattering theory). Our first theorem concerns the latter and constructs solutions to the wave equation on Kerr spacetimes such that the radiation field along the future event horizon vanishes and the radiation field along future null infinity decays at an arbitrarily fast polynomial rate, yet, the local energy of the solution is infinite near any point on the future event horizon. Our second theorem constructs solutions to the wave equation on rotating Kerr spacetimes such that the radiation field along the past event horizon (extended into the black hole) vanishes and the radiation field along past null infinity decays at an arbitrarily fast polynomial rate, yet, the local energy of the solution is infinite near any point on the Cauchy horizon. The results make essential use of the scattering theory developed in [M. Dafermos, I. Rodnianski and Y. Shlapentokh-Rothman, A scattering theory for the wave equation on Kerr black hole exteriors, preprint (2014) available at \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.8379}] and exploit directly the time-translation invariance of the scattering map and the non-triviality of the transmission map.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Multiparticle Schrodinger operators with point interactions in the plane

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    We study a system of N bosons in the plane interacting with delta function potentials. After a coupling constant renormalization we show that the Hamiltonian defines a self-adjoint operator and obtain a lower bound for the energy. The same results hold if one includes a regular inter-particle potential.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Algebraic approach to quantum field theory on non-globally-hyperbolic spacetimes

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    The mathematical formalism for linear quantum field theory on curved spacetime depends in an essential way on the assumption of global hyperbolicity. Physically, what lie at the foundation of any formalism for quantization in curved spacetime are the canonical commutation relations, imposed on the field operators evaluated at a global Cauchy surface. In the algebraic formulation of linear quantum field theory, the canonical commutation relations are restated in terms of a well-defined symplectic structure on the space of smooth solutions, and the local field algebra is constructed as the Weyl algebra associated to this symplectic vector space. When spacetime is not globally hyperbolic, e.g. when it contains naked singularities or closed timelike curves, a global Cauchy surface does not exist, and there is no obvious way to formulate the canonical commutation relations, hence no obvious way to construct the field algebra. In a paper submitted elsewhere, we report on a generalization of the algebraic framework for quantum field theory to arbitrary topological spaces which do not necessarily have a spacetime metric defined on them at the outset. Taking this generalization as a starting point, in this paper we give a prescription for constructing the field algebra of a (massless or massive) Klein-Gordon field on an arbitrary background spacetime. When spacetime is globally hyperbolic, the theory defined by our construction coincides with the ordinary Klein-Gordon field theory on aComment: 21 pages, UCSBTH-92-4

    Local covariant quantum field theory over spectral geometries

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    A framework which combines ideas from Connes' noncommutative geometry, or spectral geometry, with recent ideas on generally covariant quantum field theory, is proposed in the present work. A certain type of spectral geometries modelling (possibly noncommutative) globally hyperbolic spacetimes is introduced in terms of so-called globally hyperbolic spectral triples. The concept is further generalized to a category of globally hyperbolic spectral geometries whose morphisms describe the generalization of isometric embeddings. Then a local generally covariant quantum field theory is introduced as a covariant functor between such a category of globally hyperbolic spectral geometries and the category of involutive algebras (or *-algebras). Thus, a local covariant quantum field theory over spectral geometries assigns quantum fields not just to a single noncommutative geometry (or noncommutative spacetime), but simultaneously to ``all'' spectral geometries, while respecting the covariance principle demanding that quantum field theories over isomorphic spectral geometries should also be isomorphic. It is suggested that in a quantum theory of gravity a particular class of globally hyperbolic spectral geometries is selected through a dynamical coupling of geometry and matter compatible with the covariance principle.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure