55 research outputs found

    Comparison of conventional and Alltech beef PN finishing programs: performance and

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    The objective of this study was to compare the feedlot and carcass performance of the PN Beef Program in relation to a conventional feedlot diet when both diets are combined with or without exogenous growth promotants

    Cattle handling technique can induce fatigued cattle syndrome in cattle not fed a beta adrenergic agonist

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    Citation: Frese, D. A., Reinhardt, C. D., Bartle, S. J., Rethorst, D. N., Hutcheson, J. P., Nichols, W. T., . . . Thomson, D. U. (2016). Cattle handling technique can induce fatigued cattle syndrome in cattle not fed a beta adrenergic agonist. Journal of Animal Science, 94(2), 581-591. doi:10.2527/jas2015-9824Angus crossbred steers (n = 40; 563 +/- 44 kg) were used to examine the effects of handling method and fat thickness on the blood chemistry and physiology of market steers. Steers were blocked by backfat (BF) thickness and were randomly assigned to treatment groups: low-stress handling (LSH) and aggressive handling (AH). Cattle were then ran-domly assigned to one of 5 blocks containing 4 steers from the LSH and AH treatments. Steers in the LSH treatment were walked and AH cattle were run through a course of 1,540 m. Blood samples were obtained via jugular venipuncture before handling (BASE), at 770 m (LAP1), at 1,540 m (LAP2), and at1 h (1H) and 2 h (2H) after finishing the course. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma lactate (LAC), creatinine kinase (CK), base excess (BE), blood pH (pH), serum cortisol (CORT) concentrations, and venous carbon dioxide (PvCO2) and oxygen (PvO2) pressures. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and rectal temperature (TEMP) were measured at the same intervals. Cattle in the AH treatment had greater (P 0.14). Blood pH in AH cattle was decreased compared with that in LSH cattle (P 0.13) at BASE, 1H, or 2H. Heart rate and TEMP were increased in AH cattle compared to LSH (P > 0.01). Serum cortisol was increased (P < 0.05) in AH compared to that in LSH cattle at LAP1 (87.5 vs. 58.9 nmol/ L), LAP2 (144.4 vs. 93.1 nmol/ L), and 1H (113.5 vs. 53.1 nmol/ L). Although RR was not differ-ent between LSH and AH, PvCO2 was decreased in AH compared to that in LSH (P < 0.05) at LAP2 (30.6 vs. 39.3 mmHg) and PvO2 was increased at LAP1 (42.7 vs. 33.5 mmHg) and at LAP2 (51.5 vs. 36.6 mmHg). Lactate was increased in AH cattle in the thicker BF group at 1H (P < 0.05), and blood pH was decreased at LAP1, LAP2, and 1H (P < 0.05) compared to the thinner BF cohorts. Four AH steers became exhausted (EXH) and did not complete the course. Increased CK, decreased PvCO2, and muscle tremors occurred in EXH steers compared to non-exhausted AH cohorts. Results of this study show that AH causes physiologic and blood chemistry changes in steers, which can be potentially detrimental to cattle, emphasizing the need for lowstress handling practices

    Effect of increasing initial implant dosage on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of long-fed steer and heifer calves1,2

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    Three experiments evaluated initial implant strategies for finishing cattle. In Exp. 1, heifers (n = 1,405; initial BW = 282 kg) were given (1) Revalor-IH followed by Revalor-200 (REV-IH/200), (2) Revalor-H followed by Revalor-200 (REV-H/200), or (3) Revalor-200 followed by Revalor-200 (REV-200/200). Intake, ADG, and G:F were not affected (P ≥ 0.14) by implant strategies, nor were HCW and LM area (P ≥ 0.16). Percent USDA Choice was greater (P \u3c 0.01) for Rev-IH/200 compared with Rev-H/200 and Rev-200/200. Experiment 2 used steers (n = 1,858; initial BW = 250 kg) given (1) Revalor-IS reimplanted with Revalor-200 (Rev-IS/200), (2) Revalor-XS followed by Revalor-IS (Rev-XS/IS), (3) Revalor-XS followed by Revalor-S (Rev-XS/S), or (4) Revalor-XS followed by Revalor-200 (Rev-XS/200). Implanting strategies did not affect (P ≥ 0.32) DMI or G:F. Carcass traits were not different (P ≥ 0.18) among treatments, except steers implanted with Rev-XS/200 had greater (P \u3c 0.01) LM area. In Exp. 3, steers (n = 1,408; initial BW = 305 kg) were given (1) Rev-IS/200, (2) Rev-200/200, or (3) Rev-XS/200. Gain and G:F did not differ (P ≥ 0.36) among the 3 implant strategies, nor did HCW or marbling score (P ≥ 0.15). Steers given Rev-XS/200 had greater (P \u3c 0.01) LM area and decreased (P ≤ 0.05) 12th-rib fat and YG compared with Rev-200/200 and Rev-IS/200. Using Rev-200/200 and Rev-XS/200 increased (P = 0.03) USDA Select compared with Rev-IS/200. Using greater-initial-dose implant strategies may not affect ADG or G:F but appears to increase leanness

    PERSPECTIVEs on supervised exercise programs in people with metastatic breast cancer- a qualitative study in four European countries

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    PURPOSE: Supervised exercise is a potentially promising supportive care intervention for people with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), but research on the patients' perspective is limited. The aim of the current focus group study was to gain an in-depth understanding of MBC patients' perceived barriers, facilitators, and preferences for supervised exercise programs. METHODS: Eleven online focus groups with, in total, 44 MBC patients were conducted in four European countries (Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden). Main topics of the semi-structured discussions covered attitudes towards participation in supervised exercise programs, perceived facilitators, experienced barriers, and exercise preferences. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, translated into English, and coded based on a preliminary coding framework, supplemented by themes emerging during the sessions. The codes were subsequently examined for interrelations and re-organized into overarching clusters. RESULTS: Participants had positive attitudes towards exercise, but experienced physical limitations and insecurities that inhibited their participation. They expressed a strong desire for exercise tailored to their needs, and supervision by an exercise professional. Participants also highlighted the social nature of group training as an important facilitator. They had no clear preference for exercise type, but rather favored a mixture of different activities. Flexible training modules were considered helpful to increase exercise program adherence. CONCLUSIONS: MBC patients were generally interested in supervised exercise programs. They preferred group exercise that facilitates social interaction, but also expressed a need for individualized exercise programs. This suggests the relevance to develop flexible exercise programs that are adjusted to the individual's needs, abilities, and preferences

    Effect of the Programmed Nutrition Beef Program on moisture retention of cooked ground beef patties and enhanced strip loins

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    This study evaluated the influence of the Programmed Nutrition Beef Program and exogenous growth promotants (ExGP) on water holding capacity characteristics of enhanced beef strip loins. Sixty, frozen strip loins, arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement with dietary program serving as the first factor and use of ExGP as the second factor, were thawed, injected with an enhancement solution, and stored for 7 days. Loins from ExGP cattle possessed the ability to bind more (P 0.10) before injection, but increased post-injection and after storage (P 0.10). The Programmed Nutrition Beef Program and use of ExGPs minimally impacted water holding capacity of enhanced frozen/thawed beef strip loins

    Perspectives of patients with metastatic breast cancer on physical exercise programs: results from a survey in five European countries

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    Background: To successfully implement exercise programs for patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), services and patient education should consider patients’ knowledge, preferences, values, and goals. Hence, gaining insight into their perspectives on exercise and exercise programming is important. Method: In this cross-sectional survey, we recruited patients with MBC from the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Sweden. We collected data on patients’ knowledge and skills about exercise and outcome expectations. We identified barriers to and facilitators of participation in exercise programs, and patients’ preferences for program content and modes of exercise delivery. Results: A total of 420 patients participated in the survey. Respondents were, on average, 56.5 years old (SD 10.8) and 70% had bone metastases. Sixty-eight percent reported sufficient skills to engage in aerobic exercise, but only 35% did so for resistance exercise. Respondents expected exercise to have multiple physical benefits, but a few patients expected exercise to worsen their pain (5%). Not having access to an exercise program for cancer patients (27%), feeling too tired (23%), and/or weak (23%) were the most often reported barriers. Facilitators for exercising regularly were previous positive physical (72%) and emotional (68%) experiences with exercising, and receiving personalized advice from a physiotherapist or sport/fitness instructor (62%). Patients were most interested in walking and preferred exercising at a public gym, although there were differences by country. Fifty-seven percent did not know whether their insurance company reimburses exercise programs and only 9% would be willing to pay more than €50 per month to participate. Conclusion: A large percentage of patients with MBC lack the skills to engage in regular exercise as recommended by exercise guidelines for people with cancer. Patients may benefit from personalized advice and appropriate training facilities to overcome barriers. When implementing exercise interventions, attention should be given to reimbursement and the relatively low willingness-to-pay

    Effects of Concentrate Level and Pen Configuration on Performance of Boer Crossbred Goat Kids

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    One hundred eighty-one Boer-sired goat kids from dams of predominantly Spanish breeding (17.6 ± 2.34 kg initial BW; 177 wethers, 4 doelings) were used to determine optimum inclusion level of concentrate in diets fed to goats in confinement. Effects of elevated loafing areas on performance were also examined. Goats were blocked by weight (2 blocks per treatment) and randomly assigned to 1 of 12 outdoor pens (4.3 m2; 15 to 16 head/pen) with concrete floors. Pens of goats were randomly assigned, within block, to 1 of 6 treatments. A 2 × 3 factorial arrangement was used with factors consisting of pen configuration, defined as the presence or absence of a concrete structure (45 cm high, 75 cm wide, and 150 cm long) in the center of the pen, and level of concentrate in the diet (50, 70, or 90%). Goats were fed diets ad libitum twice daily for 126 d. Dry matter intake decreased linearly (P \u3c 0.01) and gain efficiency increased linearly (P = 0.03) as the proportion of concentrate in the diet increased. Average daily gain (P \u3c 0.01) and final BW (P = 0.02) responded quadratically to concentrate level, and were greatest for goats fed 70% concentrate. Presence of an elevated loafing area in the pen tended to decrease DMI (P = 0.09). Increasing the level of concentrate in the diet generally improved performance of Boer-crossbred goat kids fed in confinement

    Maintenance of spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadal men with hCG alone.

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    OBJECTIVE: It is generally accepted that both gonadotropins LH and FSH are necessary for initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis. We investigated the relative importance of FSH for the maintenance of spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic men. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 13 patients with gonadotropin deficiency due to idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH), Kallmann syndrome or pituitary insufficiency were analyzed retrospectively. They had been treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) (n=1) or human chorionic gonadotropin/human menopausal gonadotropin (hCG/hMG) (n=12) for induction of spermatogenesis. After successful induction of spermatogenesis they were treated with hCG alone for maintenance of secondary sex characteristics and in order to check whether sperm production could be maintained by hCG alone. Serum LH, FSH and testosterone levels, semen parameters and testicular Volume were determined every three to six Months. RESULTS: After spermatogenesis had been successfully induced by treatment with GnRH or hCG/hMG, hCG treatment alone continued for 3-24 Months. After 12 Months under hCG alone, sperm counts decreased gradually but remained present in all patients except one who became azoospermic. Testicular Volume decreased only slightly and reached 87% of the Volume achieved with hCG/hMG. During treatment with hCG alone, FSH and LH levels were suppressed to below the detection limit of the assay. CONCLUSION: Once spermatogenesis is induced in patients with secondary hypogonadism by GnRH or hCG/hMG treatment, it can be maintained in most of the patients qualitatively by hCG alone, in the absence of FSH, for extended periods. However, the decreasing sperm counts indicate that FSH is essential for maintenance of quantitatively normal spermatogenesis

    Comparison of conventional and Alltech Beef PN finishing programs: meat color characteristics

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    To maximize efficiency and profit when producing beef, American producers currently employ a multitude of production programs that use feed additives such as Rumensin or Tylan (Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN) and growth promotants such as implants and Optaflexx (Elanco Animal Health). Rumensin and Tylan fed in combination can improve average daily gain and feed efficiency, and utilizing growth promotants enhances feed efficiency, average daily gain, hot carcass weight, and yield grades of carcasses. Although these products improve production efficiency, they can affect meat quality characteristics such as retail shelf life, necessitating better understanding of how management decisions in the feedlot can affect retail display. The Alltech PN Beef Program (Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY) consists of two products that are designed to replace components of a conventional feedlot diet. The PN Beef Receiver is intended to be fed during the step-up period of feeding, whereas PN Beef Finisher is intended to be fed during the remainder of finishing period. Because both products are new feed alternatives, the objective of this study was to compare the effects of the Alltech PN Feed Program to a conventional diet on fresh meat retail shelf life color when both diets were fed with or without implants and Optaflexx

    Comparison of conventional and Alltech Beef PN finishing programs: meat water-holding capacity and tenderness

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    Tenderness, juiciness, and flavor play important roles in a satisfactory beef eating experience. All three factors can be affected by management decisions made by producers during the production of beef. Beef producers currently use a multitude of production programs that utilize feed additives such as Rumensin or Tylan (Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN), and growth promotants such as implants and Optaflexx (Elanco Animal Health). Rumensin and Tylan are fed in combination to improve feedlot performance, whereas growth promotants improve feed efficiency, average daily gain, hot carcass weight, and yield grades of carcasses. Although the use of feed additives and growth promotants improves production efficiency, they can affect meat characteristics such as tenderness and water-holding capacity. The Alltech PN Beef Program (Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY) consists of two products that are designed to replace components of the conventional feedlot diet. The PN Beef Receiver is intended to be fed during the step-up period of feeding, whereas PN Beef Finisher is intended to be fed during the remainder of finishing period. Because both products are new feed alternatives, the objective of this study was to compare the fresh cooked meat quality of the Alltech PN Beef Program to a conventional feedlot diet when both diets are combined with or without growth promotants
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