270 research outputs found

    Személyre szabott kezelés szinkrón, nyirokcsomó-pozitív petefészek- és vastagbéldaganatban

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    Absztrakt A 71 éves nőbetegnél jobb alhasi fájdalom és láz miatt sürgősségi laparotomiára került sor. Makroszkóposan duplex coecum és colon transversum, továbbá szigma/bal petefészek daganatának gyanúja merült fel. A szövettani vizsgálat szinkrón bal petefészek- (papillaris adenocarcinoma) és colon transversum (tubularis adenocarcinoma) daganatot mutatott. Mind a két primer daganat a regionális nyirokcsomóikba adott áttétet, továbbá a petefészek-daganat infiltrálta a szigmabelet és távoli áttétet képzett a coecum területére. Immunhisztokémiával a nyirokcsomóáttétek egyértelműen elkülöníthetők voltak: petefészek-eredetű CK7-pozitív, coloneredetű CK20- és CEA-pozitív. A szikrón primer daganatokat kombinált kemoterápiával kezeltük (FOLFOX-4 és heti paclitaxel). A kombinált kezelést a beteg jól tolerálta. A ritka eset hangsúlyozza annak jelentőségét, hogy a többszörös primer daganatok egyénre szabott kemoterápiás sémával kezelhetők jó hatásfokkal és enyhe mellékhatásokkal. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(23), 939–943

    Bilan de la recherche agricole et agroalimentaire au Sénégal

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to infections:a tertiary care experience

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    Background: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis is an uncommon complication of various conditions. It is characterized by immune dysregulation and massive cytokine release causing multiorgan dysfunction. It is classified as primary and secondary to various etiologies like infections, malignancies and autoimmune disease. As it has high mortality, clinician awareness is important for early diagnosis and improved outcome. Aim of the study was to study the etiologies, clinical manifestations, complications and laboratory features in patients diagnosed with infection associated hemophagocytic syndrome (IAHS).Methods: We have done retrospective analysis of all cases diagnosed to have Infection Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome (IAHS) between March 2012 to November 2015 in a 1000 bedded tertiary care hospital in south India.Results: Total five cases detected. Most of the cases are related to tropical infections (80%). All of them presented with fever, cytopenias and organomegaly. Ferritin and Triglycerides were elevated in all patients. Bone marrow hemophagocytosis was observed in 80% of cases. Diagnostic protocol of HLH 2004 was followed. Only 20% survival observed.Conclusions: IAHS is a rare fulminant complication associated with diagnostic and therapeutic challenges because of overlapping clinical features with sepsis. Increased physician awareness, early diagnosis and therapeutic interventions may improve survival

    Caractérisation des sables et morphologie du fond du lac du barrage hydroélectrique de Taabo (Côte d\'Ivoire)

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    Une analyse sĂ©dimentologique et minĂ©ralogique rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un cycle hydrologique entre octobre 2004 et aoĂ»t 2005 a permis d\'Ă©valuer les charges solides en suspension et de caractĂ©riser les sĂ©diments du lac du barrage de Taabo. La concentration moyenne en matières en suspension (12 mg.L-1) et la turbiditĂ© moyenne (20 NTU) montrent que les eaux du lac sont relativement peu chargĂ©es. Ces charges en suspension sont composĂ©es d\'une fraction inorganique et d\'une fraction organique. Les sables qui composent les sĂ©diments de ce lac sont majoritairement moyens Ă  grossiers et mĂ©diocrement classĂ©s avec une moyenne granulomĂ©trique de 451,48 μm et un indice de classement moyen de 1,13. Les vases et les sables fins occupent les zones profondes du lac et les zones envahies par les vĂ©gĂ©taux aquatiques. Les sables moyens sont localisĂ©s aux voisinages des berges tandis que les sables grossiers sont situĂ©s aux voisinages des Ă®les et de la digue. Le cortège minĂ©ralogique des sĂ©diments est caractĂ©risĂ© de minĂ©raux lourds (l\'amphibole, la tourmaline, le diopside et l\'Ă©pidote) et de minĂ©raux lĂ©gers (le quartz et les feldspaths). Par ailleurs, cette Ă©tude a permis de rĂ©aliser la première carte bathymĂ©trique du lac de Taabo 26 ans après sa mise en eau.A sedimentological and mineralogical study carried out on a hydrological cycle from October 2004 to August 2005 has permitted to assess the solid suspended matters and to characterize the sediments of the Taabo dam lake. The average of suspended matters concentration (12 mg.L -1) and the average of turbidity (20 NTU) reveal that the lake is relatively little loaded with suspended matters. These suspended matters are compound of an inorganic fraction and an organic fraction. Sands size in the sediments of this lake are from middle to coarse and badly classified. The grain size average is 451,48 μm; the standard deviation average is 1,13. Muds and fine sands are found in the deeper zones of the lake and also in the zones invaded by the aquatic plants. Middle sands are located near banks while coarse sands are located aside the islands and the dam. The minerals found in the sediments are characterized by heavy minerals (the amphibole, tourmaline, diopside and epidote) and light minerals (quartz and feldspars). Elsewhere, this study has permitted to carry out the first bathymetric Map of this lake 26 years after its setting in water. Keywords: keywordBarrage, lac, granulomĂ©trie, minĂ©ralogie, bathymĂ©trie, Taabo./Dam, lake, grain size, mineralogy, bathymetry, Taabo.Sciences & Nature Vol. 4 (1) 2007: pp. 93-10

    A signal sequence suppressor mutant that stabilizes an assembled state of the twin arginine translocase

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    The twin-arginine protein translocation (Tat) system mediates transport of folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts. The Tat system of Escherichia coli is made up of TatA, TatB and TatC components. TatBC comprise the substrate receptor complex, and active Tat translocases are formed by the substrate-induced association of TatA oligomers with this receptor. Proteins are targeted to TatBC by signal peptides containing an essential pair of arginine residues. We isolated substitutions, locating to the transmembrane helix of TatB that restored transport activity to Tat signal peptides with inactivating twin arginine substitutions. A subset of these variants also suppressed inactivating substitutions in the signal peptide binding site on TatC. The suppressors did not function by restoring detectable signal peptide binding to the TatBC complex. Instead, site specific crosslinking experiments indicate that the suppressor substitutions induce conformational change in the complex and movement of the TatB subunit. The TatB F13Y substitution was associated with the strongest suppressing activity, even allowing transport of a Tat substrate lacking a signal peptide. In vivo analysis using a TatA-YFP fusion showed that the TatB F13Y substitution resulted in signal peptide independent assembly of the Tat translocase. We conclude that Tat signal peptides play roles in substrate targeting and in triggering assembly of the active translocase

    Neutrons describe ectoine effects on water H-bonding and hydration around a soluble protein and a cell membrane

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    Understanding adaptation to extreme environments remains a challenge of high biotechnological potential for fundamental molecular biology. The cytosol of many microorganisms, isolated from saline environments, reversibly accumulates molar concentrations of the osmolyte ectoine to counterbalance fluctuating external salt concentrations. Although they have been studied extensively by thermodynamic and spectroscopic methods, direct experimental structural data have, so far, been lacking on ectoine-water-protein interactions. In this paper, in vivo deuterium labeling, small angle neutron scattering, neutron membrane diffraction and inelastic scattering are combined with neutron liquids diffraction to characterize the extreme ectoine-containing solvent and its effects on purple membrane of H. salinarum and E. coli maltose binding protein. The data reveal that ectoine is excluded from the hydration layer at the membrane surface and does not affect membrane molecular dynamics, and prove a previous hypothesis that ectoine is excluded from a monolayer of dense hydration water around the soluble protein. Neutron liquids diffraction to atomic resolution shows how ectoine enhances the remarkable properties of H-bonds in water-properties that are essential for the proper organization, stabilization and dynamics of biological structures
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