121 research outputs found

    Novi podaci o rasprostranjenosti riba Phoxinellus alepidotus (Heckel, 1843) i Aulopyge huegelii (Heckel, 1841)

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    This paper presents recent found localities for species Phoxinellus alepidotus (Heckel, 1843) and Aulopyge huegelii (Heckel, 1841) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Found localities are at the highest altitude ever detected and the locality for the species A. huegelii Hec. is the first ever for the Black Sea basin. The species P. alepidotus Hec. and A. huegelii Hec. were probably unintentionally introduced to the Šatorsko Lake during the 1970s and 1980s while other species of trout were being introduced.U radu se navode nedavno otkriveni lokaliteti za vrste Phoxinellus alepidotus (Heckel, 1843) i Aulopyge huegelii (Heckel, 1841) u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ti lokaliteti nalaze se na najvećoj nadmorskoj visini dosada, a lokalitet za A. huegelii je prvi za crnomorsko slivno područje. Vrste P. alepidotus Hec. i A. huegelii Hec. vjerojatno su slučajno unesene u Šatorsko jezero tijekom sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina 20. st., za vrijeme unošenja drugih vrsta pastrva

    Fractional diffusion-wave equation with concentrated capacity and its finite difference approximation

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    Дифузионо-таласна једначина разломљеног реда по веременској променљивој добија се из класичне дифузионе или таласне једначине заменом првог, односно другог извода по временској променљивој изводом разломљеног реда...The time fractional diusion-wave equation can be obtained from the classical diffusion or wave equation by replacing the rst or second order time derivative, respectively, by a fractional derivative of order 0 < 2. In particular, depending on the value of the parameter , we distinguish subdiusion (0 < < 1), normal diusion ( = 1), superdiusion (1 < < 2) and ballistic motion ( = 2). Fractional derivatives are non-local operators, which makes it dicult to construct ecient numerical method. The subject of this dissertation is the time fractional diusion-wave equation with coecient which contains a singular distribution, primarily Dirac distribution, and its approximation by nite dierences. Initial-boundary value problems of this type are usually called interface problems. Solutions of such problems have discontinuities or non-smoothness across the interface, i.e. on support of Dirac distribution, making it dicult to establish convergence of the nite dierence schemes using the classical Taylor's expansion. The existence of generalized solutions of this initial-boundary value problem has been proved. Some nite dierence schemes approximating the problem are proposed and their stability and estimates for the rate of convergence compatible with the smoothness of the solution are obtained. The theoretical results are conrmed by numerical examples

    Ethnic identity of Roma in the process of transition in Montenegro

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    Предмет истраживања ове дисертације је утврђивање начина на који је преструктуирање социјалног, економског и политичког система у црногорском друштву утицало на (ре)конструкцију етничког идентитета Рома у Црној Гори. Праћењем социјалних и економских процеса кроз које су прошли припадници ромских заједница, задатак је установити колико су на њих утицале промене у црногорском макросистему од почетка транзиције, а колико пре ње. Посебан акценат је стављен на испитивање механизама и инструмената којим се служе институције како би интегрисале Роме у црногорско друштво. Тачније, циљ је утврдити колике и које су промене код ромских група за време транзиције, интезивираним ангажовањем и директним деловањем, изазвали људи од одређених моћи из „већинске“ и једног дела ромске заједнице, а колико су други фактори, односно недириговани спољни утицаји, реконструисали идентитете црногорских Рома. Као крајњи резултат, потребно је добити одговор на питање: Да ли се приликом унутрашњих модификација социокултурног система смањила етничка и социјална дистанца између Рома и осталог црногорског становништва, као и дистанца између две различите ромске групе у Црној Гори? Основни теоријски приступ је конструкционизам, а главне методе, анализа дискурса и анализа наратива. Сва грађа изнета у раду је резултат теренских истраживања која су спровођена у различитим временским размацима, у периоду од 2010. до 2019. године, у Подгорици, Никшићу, Бијелом Пољу, Беранама, Херцег Новом и Бару. На основу полуструктуираних упитника интервјуисано је 50 припадника две ромске групе у Црној Гори, од чега је са десет породица поновљен интервју, како због дужине трајања истраживања, тако и због мерења промена које су се у међувремену десиле. Поред дубинских интервјуа, вршена је опсервација са делимичним и потпуним учествовањем, као и анализа медијских садржаја, стратешких докумената и програма који се баве побољшањем социјалног и економског положаја Рома и смањењем етничке дистанце.The aim of the research in this thesis is to determine the manner in which the restructuring of social, economic and political system in Montenegrin society influenced the (rе) construction of ethnic identity of Roma in Montenegro. The goal is to determine how much the members of the Roma community were affected by the changes in the Montenegrin macro-system since the start of transition and prior to that by monitoring social and economic processes they experienced. A special emphasis is put on examination of mechanisms and instruments used by the institutions in order to integrate Roma population into Montenegrin society. More specifically, the goal is to determine the scope and type of changes in Roma groups during transition which were caused by the intense engagement and direct actions of individuals with certain authority from the “majority“ population and a part of the Roma community, and to conclude how much the other factors, i.e. the non-instructed external influences, took part in reconstructing the identity of Montenegrin Roma. The final result should provide an answer to the following question: has ethnic and social distance between Roma and other Montenegrin population and the distance between the two Roma groups in Montenegro themselves decreased due to internal modifications of sociocultural system? General theoretical approach is constructionism, and the main methods are discourse analysis and narrative analysis. All the material presented in the thesis is the result of field surveys conducted in the period between 2010 and 2019 in Podgorica, Nikšić, Bijelo Polje, Berane, Herceg Novi and Bar. Fifty members of the two Roma groups in Montenegro were interviewed by semi-structured interviews, out of which the interviews with ten families were repeated due to the length of the research and in order to measure the changes that have occurred in the meantime. Along with the in-depth interviews, observations with partial and full-time involvement were conducted, as well as the analyses of the media content, strategic documents and programmes aimed at improving social and economic status of Roma and decreasing the ethnic distance

    European stone fruit Yellows phytoplasma in Japanese plum and Myrobalan plum in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Stone fruits from commercial as well as abandoned orchards were evaluated for European Stone Fruit Yellows phytoplasma (ESFY) presence during 2004-2007 years. Orchards were monitored in western and southern districts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the first survey conducted in period of 2004 till 2005 the causal agent of ESFY was identified on peach (Prunus persica) and apricot (Prunus armeniaca) plants in both surveyed districts. During 2007, a new survey was performed and samples were taken from symptomatic and symptomless plants of European plum (Prunus domestica), Japanese plum (Prunus salicina), Myrobalan plum (Prunus cerasifera) and cherry (Prunus avium). Samples were analyzed using real-time PCR and nested PCR approaches. In this extended survey, the presence of ESFY phytoplasma was additionally identified in Japanese plum and myrobalan plum trees.Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina, myrobalan plum, Japanese plum, phytoplasma, ESFY, PC

    Uticaj kadmijuma na klijanje semena i rast pšenice

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    In this study, the effect of Cd on the germination, growth of seedlings and composition of plants deriving from contaminated grains, grown in the field, was examined. Wheat grains were soaked in Cd-containing solutions: 0 (control, deionized water), 10-5 , 10-4 , 10-3 , and 10-2 M CdCl 2 during 24h. One portion of grains was used to test germination and seedling growth, while the other was sown in the field. The concentration of Cd in the grains almost linearly increased with the increase in the applied concentrations of Cd, which reduced the germination and energy of germination and increased the proportion of atypical seedlings. Larger concentrations of Cd significantly impaired the growth of seedlings (length of the shoots and roots, dry matter mass). In the grains of the field-grown plants the concentrations of N, P, and K were not affected by Cd, but their concentrations in the straw declined (especially of N). These results suggest that the emergence and development of plants on the soil polluted by Cd are likely to be significantly limited and yield reduced.Kadmijum (Cd) je potencijalni zagađivač sredine živih organizama i pri većim koncentracijama odlikuje se jakim fitotoksičnim dejstvom. U radu je u laboratorijskim uslovima proučeno dejstvo različitih koncentracija kadmijuma na klijanje i rast mladih biljaka pšenice, a u poljskim uslovima njegov uticaj na koncentraciju mineralnih materija u zrnu i slami u fazi pune zrelosti biljaka, koje su potekle od zrna tretiranog kadmijumom. S povećanjem koncentracije kadmijuma u fazi bubrenja semena skoro se linerano povećala njegova koncentracija u semenu. Utvrđeno je da veće koncentracije kadmijuma značajno smanjuje klijanje i energiju klijanja semena, a povećavaju učešće atipičnih klijanaca i neproklijalog semena. Veće koncentracije kadmijuma značajno su smanjile rast mladih biljaka kao i masu njihove suve materije. Rast nadzemnog dela i korena smanjen je u većoj meri od mase suve materije, na osnovu čega se može zaključiti da je kadmijum u većoj meri uticao na faktore rasta nego na stvaranje suve mase. Najveća primenjena koncentracija kadmijuma smanjila je hidratisanost 68 nadzemnog dela mladih biljaka. Bubrenje semena u prisustvu različitih koncentracije kadmijuma nije uticalo na koncentraciju azota, fosfora i kalijuma u zrnu, a smanjilo je njihovo prisustvo u slami, naročito azota na kraju vegetacije. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju nalaze ranijih istraživanja kod drugih biljnih vrsta na osnovu kojih su fiziološki i biohemijski procesi klijanja semena značajno inhibirani u prisustvu većih koncentracija kadmijuma. Na osnovu navedenog može se predvideti da će na zemljištu zagađenom kadmijumom nicanje useva i rast mladih biljaka pšenice biti ograničeno, što će se nepovoljno odraziti na prinos useva

    Dietary conjugated linoleic acid influences the content of stearinic acid in porcine adipose tissue

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    The present study was conducted in order to determine the effects of supplementation of a growing-finishing pig diet with 0.5% conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on production characteristics and slaughter traits. Ninety-seven female Swedish Landrace pigs were used. The control group of animals was fed a regular diet (n = 49), while the experimental group of animals (n = 48) received a diet where part of the soybean oil was substituted with commercially enriched CLA oil (containing at least 56% of CLA isomers, 28% cis-9, trans-11 and 28% trans-10, cis-12). The experiment lasted 44 days; porkers were fed from an initial weight of 66.0 up until a final weight of 103.5 kg. Feed conversion ratio, carcass and ham weight, percentage of lean meat and subcutaneous fat tissue as well as intramuscular fat were recorded. The fatty acid content of ham intramuscular fat tissue was determined by HPLC. No statistically significant influence of CLA was observed, either on carcass and ham weight, or on fat percentage in subcutaneous and intramuscular tissue. Dietary CLA enrichment proved to increase the content of stearinic acid in intramuscular fat tissue, 17.29 13.26 % in experimental and 15.87 33.71 % in control group of pigs (P < 0.01). The obtained production results show no statistically significant changes in main production traits between the two groups of animals. The observed difference in the content of stearinic acid (P < 0.01) implies firmer fat tissue, which has a practical value in pig bacon fattening

    Uloga pH vrednosti u muškom i ženskom reproduktivnom traktu svinja

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    For a long time, in practice, and science, has been known that pH values of sperm and vagina are important for successful fertilization. In this investigation this fact was confirmed, and the goal was to investigate the role of pH values through whole reproductive tract of male and female individuals: testis, rete testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, Cowper's gland, vesicula seminalis, prostata, corpus cavernosus, corpus spongiosus, epitel tissue of penis tube, sperm, vagina, uterus, horn of uterus, oviduct, fimbrie ovarica, ovarium, follicular fluid. Measurement was performed in reproductive active males as well as before and after ovulation in females. Porcine reproductive tracts (per 15 female and male individuals) were collected from institute's slaughterhouse, immediately post mortem dissected, homogenised and pH values were measured (according to method Rede&Rahelić (1969)). Ovarium and follicular liquid have the highest pH values (7,4) in females, but a small peak in preovulatory oviduct is also present and corresponded to pH of sperm of reproductive fully active male individuals (pH=app.7,2). After fertilization pH in surrounding of zygot (through depolarisation of its membrane) in oviduct, and zygot which then has external decreased pH value moves to less pH values regions by the same principle, that means to uterus, (pH between 7,2 (horn) and 7,07(cervix)) in postovulatory female reproductive tract, where nidation of blastocyst occurs. This investigation could help to elucidate knowledge about reproductive physiology in vivo, giving importance to role of pH values along reproductive tract of male and female individuals.U praksi i nauci je odavno poznato da je pH vrednost sperme i vagine od značaja za uspešnu oplodnju. U ovom istraživanju je to potvrđeno, a cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uloga pH vrednosti duž celog polnog trakta mužjaka i ženki svinja: od testisa, epididimisa ductus deferens, Kauperove žlezde, semene kesice, prostate, corpus cavernosus i corpus spongiosus penisa, epitelnog tkiva cevi penisa, sperme vagine, materice, rogova materice, jajovoda, fimbrie ovarica, jajnika, do folikularne tečnosti jajnika. Merenje je izvršeno kod polno aktivnih mužjaka i ženki (pre- i postovulatorno). Polni trakt svinja (po 15 ženskih i muških jedinki) je uzet iz eksperimentalne klanice instituta, odmah post mortem izvršena je disekcija, homogenizacija čvrstih tkiva i merene su pH vrednosti (prema metodi Rede i Rahelić (1969)). Jajnik i folikularna tečnost jajnika imale su najvišu pH vrednost od 7,4, dok je mali ali značajan porast pH vrednosti u preovulatornom jajniku odgovarao pH vrednosti sperme polno aktivnih mužjaka (pH oko7,2). Nakon oplodnje u okolini zigota (putem depolarizacije membrane) u jajovodu se snižava pH vrednost, što ostaje za dalja istraživanja, i zigot koji tada ima spoljašnju smanjenu pH, kreće se, potpomognut pokretima trepljastog epitela, ka regionu niže pH vrednosti, odnosno materici (u rasponu pH od 7,2 u rogu materice do 7, 07 u cerviksu) u postovulatornom polnom traktu ženki i u materici se odvija nidacija odnosno ugnježđivanje blastule ukoliko je oplodnja uspešna. Ova istraživanja bi mogla da rasvetle znanja o polnoj fiziologiji in vivo, dajući značaj pH vrednostima duž polnog trakta muških i ženskih jedinki

    The Patient’s and the Therapist’s Evaluation of Complete Denture Therapy

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    A total of 222 patients were studied. In a questionnaire patients graded their complete dentures of different age and quality, depending on the level of satisfaction, using the modified analogue-visual scale from 1 to 5. The dentist assessed the same dentures, as well as the denture bearing area. The patients’ assessments were surprisingly high, the grades were bigger than the therapist’s (p < 0.05), but in disappointed patients the grades were smaller than the therapist’s (p < 0.05). It seems that the dentist is more critical in assessments than the patient. No significant difference existed between chewing and denture stability and between stability and the comfort of wearing lower full denture (p > 0.05). Unstable denture aggravates chewing and causes pain and discomfort on the bearing area. It seems that subjective factors in patients, expectations of the denture or the number of previous dentures play a role in satisfaction, not only the quality of denture bearing area and the quality of a denture

    An Evaluation of the Quality of Tooth Preparation with Intraoral Parallometer-Axisgraph - Pilot Study

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    Measuring of the axial angle in practice shows an average angle of 20 degrees. The result of the high taper angles is a nonsatisfactory resistance form in 22.5% cases. The purpose was to examine the efficiency of the Jonjić oral parallelometer, known as the "AXISGRAPH", with respect to basic ergonomic rules, leading to savings in working energy and time and an increase in the quality of the preparation. METHODS: On the basis of clinical cases models were made of the upper and of the lower jaw of acrylic resin. The practitioner, who has 10 years experience, initially prepared each model set in a KAWO-EWL model, conventionally using freehand preparation, and then with an Axisgraph. Both models were in the same condition. Comparison was made between the time required for preparation, working energy used, and the quality of the preparation. The quality of the preparation was determined using the axial angle of the prepared tooth, measured by the method described in Jonjic\u27s dissertation. RESULTS: The freehand preparation took 80 minutes while preparation with the Axisgraph took 50 minutes. The average angle in freehand preparation was 15.03 degrees while, (the average angle of preparation was 10.4 degrees) using Axisgraph, and in 30 minutes less time than the freehand preparation. CONCLUSION: Preparation with the Axisgraph significantly saves time on preparation and allows better quality for the prepared tooth

    Research correlation vegetation index of corn with speed of movement sensor and elevation of field

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    This paper presents field scouting of corn in order to determine the content of nitrogen in the green parts of the plants. The aim was to measure the vegetative index using two optical sensors by OptRx AGL Technology. The sensors are positioned at a distance of 3.5 m, individually observing five rows of corn. The speed of movement of the tractor and also elevation of field are varied. The measured vegetative index of the plants is correlated, in first, with the speed of the sensor on the platform. The measured vegetative index of the plants is correlated after that with elevation also. Both of that case are shown that the Normalised Difference Red Edge (NDRE) as represent of vegetative index is not correlated with speed and elevation. This Results represented with Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient are statistical signatifical. This conclusions are valid only for short rang of speed and elevation research. Average speed was 6,39 km/hr and rang of elevation was 1.6 m (106.8-108.4 m)